Wednesday, March 18, 2009

ADN writes article about Shannyn Moore's shocking expose on the Pebble Mine initiative. Well good at least they are linking to SOME progressive blogs!

Alaska blogger and Pebble opponent Shannyn Moore two days ago wrote a provocative blog postabout Tim Griffin, an Outside Republican strategist and former DOJ attorney who mentioned to an Arkansas journalist that he worked on the anti-Ballot Measure 4 media campaign last year.

Moore basically traces his past political activities and questions why Griffin would come to Alaska for the “clean water” Measure 4 fight.

She writes:

Wow! So Karl Rove’s right hand man and special assistant to George W. Bush, under Congressional investigation for felony vote caging, got on a plane “over 20 times last year” to work against Ballot Proposition 4, the Clean Water Initiative? That’s a pretty big gun to get on that many flights – even if they were first class seats. Tim Griffin basically spent 40 days from May to August on planes going back and forth between Anchorage and Little Rock!
So what ties does Griffin have to Alaska, Moore asks.

I am so proud of my pal Shannyn that I could burst! This is a very important, and potentially history making story, and SHE is the one that broke it.

I certainly hope that ADN keeps that in mind when they decide whether to link to our blogs or not.

Update: I just talked to Shannyn and she would really like to have people show up to Tanglewood Gold Chalet at 11801 Brayton Drive for a very important town hall meeting on sustainable fisheries and sulfside mines. I am REALLY going to try and make it so I hope to see as many of you there as possible. (Here is the google map link)


  1. Anonymous3:33 PM

    gee, I thought the Palinbots bullied the ADN to stop linking to such blogs! ha ha ha.

  2. I'M SO OFF TOPIC WITH THIS ONE, GRYPHEN!!! Listen you probably already know this and maybe you've mentioned it before but can someone PLEASE tell me WHY it's okay for Palinbots and the freaking stiletto sensation to bitch about the continued OVER exposure (read obsession) with her kids - she and her horny frat boy supporters BITCH TO ADN when TRIG'S BABY PICTURE IS THE SNAP THEY USE TO SOLICITE READERS TO SEND IN PHOTOS OF AK NEWBORNS?!?!? SO really HOW HARD WAS ADN pushed by partisan pressure from Conservatives4BlowingPalin? HOW objective is the ADN anyway? How impartial are they to the story? Sure, they'll throw up a bone and cover Shannyn's story (who could deny her...she's HOT!) but otherwise, they're just the governor's bitch.

    Sorry. I'm cranky and need chocolate.

  3. And it's totally cool for a straight chick to acknowledge another chick's hotness, by the way. :)

  4. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Oh my God Jen, you are correct I believe that the photo on Daily News "submit your baby photo" is of Trig. I just thought it was another Downs' baby as they all look alike but then I looked on Palin Deception baby photos and it is him. Wow, ADN is so far up Barbie's butt that they even use her child or grandchild, whichever it may be, as the poster child for ADN baby photos. "leave my family alone", yea right Sarah.....

  5. Hi Gryphen,

    I don't know if I'm being a bit duh, but I couldn't find an e-mail address for you on your blog.

    I want to run something by you, so could you drop us a line on



    BTW, Shannyn's story is a spine chilling one...

  6. Jen, will you marry me? I've already got one intelligent feisty wife but maybe we could make room for you!

    No seriously Jen, it's time to seeth with anger and express it in public.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.