Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Eight charged in July Caribou massacre that left over 100 animals dead.

Eight people have been charged with indiscriminately gunning down dozens of caribou on the Arctic tundra near Point Hope last summer, sorting through the carcasses and salvaging only the meat from the most pristine animals, according to documents filed in Kotzebue Monday.

Court records describe an opportunistic hunt, with groups of young adults out collecting bird eggs or hunting over the Fourth of July weekend opening fire with .17- and .243-caliber rifles when crossing paths with animals from the massive Western Arctic Caribou Herd.

More than 100 animals were apparently killed. But Alaska Wildlife Troopers traversing the 40-mile Suicide Trail about 25 miles east of town found 25 distinct kill sites in which the meat from at least 37 caribou had been left to rot, with some calves still trying to suckle milk from the decomposing cows.

Confronted by mounting evidence, many of the suspects eventually opened up to investigators and offered a litany of excuses for the kills and wasted meat, the charges say.

In one case, a hunter dressing his kill nicked the animal's stomach, spilling its contents onto the meat and apparently ruining it in the hunter's view, the charges say. Other hunters killed caribou only to find they had been previously shot, or had lumpy livers, or had been hit in an undesirable location like the back. Sometimes, the hunters simply killed more caribou than they could haul back on their ATVs, which were already loaded up with murre eggs.

None of the excuses was good enough, according to troopers, who at one point called the killings "by far the worst case of blatant waste" they had ever seen.

"Alaska law requires all hunters to salvage the edible meat of the animal and does not allow for hunters to leave edible meat in the field based on speculation that the meat is inedible or ruined," the charges say.

Charged with wanton waste, failure to salvage meat, or both are Point Hope residents Lazarus C. Killigvuk, 25; Randy John Oktollik, 26; Roy Oktollik, 18; Brett Oktollik, 20; Koomalook M. Stone, 18; Chester W. Koonuk, 29; Aqquilluk Hank, 30; and Roy A. Miller, 20.

I posted about this terrible story back in July.

At the time I was convinced that it could not have been Alaskans natives who were responsible for such a horrendous waste of life.

But I was wrong. I guess it is true that people are just people, and there are both good and bad people in every culture or ethnicity.

I feel very badly for the Alaskan native community of Point Hope, but I am especially upset that it looks as if that village tried to cover up the truth when they launched their own investigation.

A very sad day for Alaska indeeed.


  1. Anonymous7:26 AM

    What a heart-breaking picture. I'm so sorry for Alaskan's - that their own youth would be so thoughtless.

    Here in the lower 48, the ages of 18-24 are most likely to be involved in violent acts. Too bad Aqquilluk Hank, 30, did not behave more like a grown-up. These actions do not reflect the traditional reputation of frugal use and respect for life I associate with Native Americans.

  2. Anonymous8:23 AM

    I saw this in the ADN, and it is just awful.
    I am wondering, in Alaska it is ok to shoot female as well as male caribou? Down here during hunting season only Bucks are taken. Also the pic
    of the baby trying to feed is so sad :(
    But what of "All the wolves" around?
    None of the meat was touched by "All those wolves"? Could it be Wolves are not the problem, but people are???
    I agree a very sad day for Alaskans.

  3. Anonymous8:53 AM

    "...with some calves still trying to suckle milk from the decomposing cows."

    Cruelty to animals charges should be filed as well.

  4. what kind of penalties to the charges "wanton waste, failure to salvage meat, or both" carry?

    because they should be severe, like big fines and/or jail time. actually it seems like a bigger charge should be accessed -was this a licensed form of hunting?

    if wolves and bears have to be shot and gassed for "reducing the hunt-able herds" then surely humans who shoot nursing caribou and leave the young to starve -while not even hunting for survival food- should get some kind of significant punishment too?

    and no, i'm NOT suggestion these boys be shot! i'm just suggesting that this case could point out the hypocrisy in the governments plans to "protect" herd size if the charges are mere slaps to the wrist.

  5. Now isn't that precious. a baby caribou trying to suckle milk from the rotting carcass of it's mother. But of course the native people are the stewards of our earth!

    Helicopter hunting for Alaskans instead of wolves anyone? I mean, why would anyone want to kill wolves anyway when we know that they represent the highest of family values in the animal kingdom. The 'entire' animal kingdom which includes all mammals.

    Even Caribou Barbie should know that by now!

  6. Anonymous12:26 PM

    This is heart wrenching indeed. Unfortunately, you are right Gryphen there are bad people in all cultures. Yes, isn't it interesting - no wolves around at all. What is GINO's excuse this time?

  7. I only read this story recently, in the last month or so, but that's what appeared to me, also -- that the villagers tried to cover up for their young hunters.

    I have to wonder why the villagers didn't return to the slaughtered animals and take the allegedly ruined meat back to the village for their dogs, or take the meat to other villages for dog food.

    You'd think wiser heads would have done more than just cover up the crime. Perhaps the elders of the village should be charged with aiding and abetting.

    Don G.? Your sarcasm is off target. Consider this -- those young Natives charged in this crime probably learned their criminal behavior by a few trips to white man's "civilization". Certainly they managed to shame their own culture by what they did.

  8. I read about this several months ago when someone happened to mention it on ADN. I started reading up on Tribal Sovereign Immunity and found some very interesting reading.

    I think these men should be held accountable but I am not sure they will be, this could actually drag out for years. It is a shame that this took place and that the Tribal Leaders took no actions. But I am of course assuming that the Tribal Leaders knew what these men had done after they had committed these offenses.

    I am not so sure they did because I would like to think that the Elders would not have wasted this meat. I get the impression that no one knew about this slaughter but the men that did it for some time.

  9. Kajo, Bullshit! You're making excuses for bad behavior and that's not right regardless of whether they are white or native. This is as bad as Farley Mowatt's, "A Whale for the Killing" and that was white people having fun with animals. Don't try to tell me about natives while you're sitting in G.B. and the closest you have ever been to an indian is when you read about Geronimo in elementary school. And keep in mind that this isn't PD and so far I don't have to be nice to you.

  10. Anonymous3:50 PM

    But Palin is fostering a mindset of blantant waste and disregard for life.

    Gassing wolf cubs in their dens?

    Killing 60% of black bears (plus whatever "collateral deaths" ensue from the snares.)

    It's hard to be outraged at this abuse when it's being fostered by the head of the State of Alaska, Governor Palin.

    I'd say she'd think less about the 'wasted' meat and more about how the kills were wasted on kids when these animals could have been killed by trophy hunting tourist hunters. Or maybe she'd just shake her head that they didn't use planes instead of ATVs.

    Personally, I'd like to see all hunting in Alaska stopped except by native Alaskans for subsistence only. They understand that predators keep the game populations healthy by culling out the sick, the old and the feeble. (Unlike hunters who take out the healthiest adults, thus taking them out of the gene pool.)

  11. Anonymous5:00 PM

    In the villages on the North Slope there's no wildlife for 10 miles, thanks to their snowmachines, ATV's and high-powered rifles. I'm surprised you didn't know about that.

    Anyways, did you see this? http://www.conservatives4palin.com/2009/03/adn-will-cease-linking-to-deranged.html

  12. Anonymous6:41 PM

    anon@5pm:Anyways, did you see this? http://www.conservatives4palin.com/2009/03/adn-will-cease-linking-to-deranged.html
    I saw that...have alittle cheese with that whine....!
    Oh everyone picking on poor GINO!!!
    Please! I thought she was the 'cuda??
    Isn't that the BS name they call GINO?????
    Personally I think they are just jealous b/c their site wasn't listed!!! AssHats4Palin!!!!

  13. Anonymous9:36 PM

    None of you know what you are talking about pertaining to the caribou incident. There is a lot of information that none of you have and even if you did probably wouldn't understand. I know all of the people involved, and none of them were intentionally trying to commit a crime that would possibly cost them a huge fine, jail time and a loss of their freedom to hunt. Five of the eight do not even have a job. They hunt for their families. Judge not least ye be judged.


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