Saturday, March 28, 2009

I just don't think the Vatican is ready to fully embrace the idea of birth control yet.


  1. Lovely little photo. On a slightly different papal topic, during his visit to Africa recently, he asked people to pray for those who still believed in witchcraft, so they'd be delivered from their you think he was including our governor and her minister?

    BTW, what does GINO stand for?

  2. GINO=Governor In Name Only.

    A friend of mine came up with it over at Mudflats.

  3. Not AKM by the way.

  4. mlaiuppa11:34 PM

    I guess his holiness isn't familiar with Vasectonomics. That's how Huffpost puts it. As the economy is tanking, sales of all forms of birth control are skyrocketing. Yes, people do get the correlation between standard of living and how many children you have.

    But then the Vatican, like the Republicans, would rather keep their base barefoot, pregnant and ignorant. That way lies plenty of cannon-fodder and sock puppets. You can't think for them and make them dance to your tune if they have a mind of their own. It's much easier to brainwash the uneducated. Just ask Rush, Sean and Bill.

  5. Anonymous10:35 PM

    He arrived at this position after interviewing many many priests who assured him that after bare-backing ever-so-many virgin boys they
    never contracted Aids.


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