Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Palin-bots presssure ADN to stop linking to this blog and others who dare to stand up and question Sarah Palin.

Just an update - a couple of weeks ago, we pointed out that Mark Dent of the Alaska Newsreader, a product of the Anchorage Daily News, was providing links to screwball blogs that espouse loony Trig Truther conspiracy theories and engage in vile personal attacks on the Palin children.

At that time, I put together a complaint to Pat Dougherty, executive editor of the ADN, pointing out the problems at the Newsreader and providing evidence of this behavior for two blogs in particular - "Palingates" and "Immoral Minority". I also pointed out the propensity of the Newsreader to provide links to primarily anti-Palin sites, with little balance in the way of pro-Palin commentary.

I heard back from Mr. Dougherty today - he told me that the complaint had been discussed internally and that he agreed with its substance. So it appears there will be no more ADN link-love for the fringe tinfoil-hat wearers, and hopefully a little more balance at the Newsreader.

It looks like our local liberal blogs have hit a little close to home and Sarah Palin's minions are tired of not having the ability to control the information or the message. So of course it is time to use the favorite fall back of the conservatives, censorship.

I am ashamed of Mr. Dougherty for allowing himself to be bullied (If indeed that is the case, we only have this blurb from this wacko Palin blog to go on so far), but I certainly hope he does not lump all of our local blogs together.

Anderew Halcro, Mudflats, Progressive Alaska, Alaska Real, Celtic Diva, Alaska News, and Shannyn Moore, are very serious and informative blogs that do our state a great service. If Mr. Dougherty wants to demonstrate deference to these conservative bullies then I encourage him to stop linking to THIS site.

Out of all of my fellow bloggers I can more honestly be described as dancing on the fringe. I was the one who kept bringing up "babygate". I am the one who is reading the book "Trailblazer: An Intimate Biography of Sarah Palin", posting portions from the book, and then adding snarky comments. I am the one who constantly refers to Governor Palin as "Caribou Barbie". I admit it I am not exactly a member of the Palin fan club.

So rather than depriving the online ADN readers the opportunity to be exposed to the amazing writing of AKM, or the pithy commentary of Shannyn Moore, or the intellectually powerful in depth reporting of Andrew Halcro, just announce that you are turning away from the more inflammatory blogs for input and cut me loose.

Because let's face it, I am not going to stop doing what I do, regardless of whether I get an ADN link or not. And besides I did not get that much extra traffic from you guys anyhow.

(Oh by the way my title links to the site where this little tidbit originated. If you don't want to increase their traffic don't click it. But if you would like to visit and perhaps leave a comment for them I would not discourage it. After all I am certainly not one to advocate censorship.)


  1. Anonymous6:34 PM

    This is outrageous. Wow. Do you think the ADN is fearful of folding, since so many other newspapers are going under? And is this a defensive posture against financial threats from conservatives who do not want a free, open, fair democracy, nor a healthy "Fourth Estate" in Alaska?

    If you can, Gryphen, please take this as a sign that you Alaskan bloggers are doing something sooo right...It is so right that those in "high places" are threatened (and I don't mean Mt. Redoubt).

  2. Keep doing what you are doing. Keep the faith. We are there with you. The truth will out.

  3. Anonymous6:45 PM

    I have clicked your title and offered up a couple of juicy comments over there! Let's GO!

  4. OMG Gryphen.. I was already feeling ill today... now I am really sick.. I may have to take to my bed for a day or two now...lol

  5. Do you think this may be SarahPac being reactionary to this article on Politico about the so called JournoList which no one has ever heard of? They may just be following the republican paranoid ideation of the day. It is not a good sign for the journalist integrity of the ADN.

  6. Anonymous7:36 PM

    gee, they removed my comments over there, what a shock, a SHOCK I TELL YA!

  7. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Oh, Gryph, I have never in my life been a tin-foil hat-wearer! Ever.

    Until now.

    And I think I have every right as an American citizen to wear my foil hat with pride.

    So you are falling on your own sword for Mudflats, Progressive Alaska, Andrew Halco, Shannyn Moore, and the rest of your illustrious blogger colleagues?

    You are a good man, Gryphen, a good man ...

  8. Anonymous7:50 PM

    this is what happened to a very polite comment I made over there (asked people to read both sides and become better informed and then decide):
    ginnie, March 17, 2009 11:30 PM
    This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. Hey Gryph,
    I am behind you 100%! I read your posts first thing in the morning, and then check in all day. Plz keep the pressure on! We need you in the trenches manning the front lines!

  10. Anonymous8:24 PM

    I love your blog!Your words must be resonating with someone someplace in order for ADN to be so petty-- your readers find you anyway. But, given the times, when your Governor (you can tell I don't live in Alaska)when she calls up People Magazine, ABC news to complain, I don't think that this is a mere coincidence-- the timing is too suspect. So, you have some interesting people out there in your readership, and as your other readers have already advised, "Be Careful Out There!"
    Thanks again for the great writing!

  11. I'm stickin' with you, Gryph! Only a spoiled little prom queen bothers to censor information. Real leaders allow the people to decide for themselves. Tinfoil hats are after all, as I said over on that conservative rag, optional.

    And why is it that Hitler comes up SO much with those conservative assholes?!? Somewhere in the comments some tool wrote something about Hitler's "smear campaign" against his enemies...are they trying to suggest THE HALACUAST WAS A SMEAR CAMPAIGN?!??! Can we PLEASE insist on some historical accuracy among those neocon goons?

    Keep up the work, brotha! You're needed on this side of sanity.

  12. um...I meant "Holocaust"...now who's the tool?...I meant to spell check before I hit send...

    :::bows head sheepishly:::

  13. Anonymous9:00 PM

    This blog is my favorite!!!

  14. Anonymous9:31 PM

    The Immoral Minority is the first thing I read; it is my go to news source. I check this blog before the ADN, NYT, and WP etc. I am a registered republican, and I despise the republican party of today. As a matter of fact, I am planning to switch my party affiliation and never look back. Palin is the most vial creature and I hope to GOD I did not vote for her, the problem is I just don’t remember! All it takes are eyes and ears people. Eyes to see what an immature, hideous serpent she is. Ears to hear what an incompetent, atrocious, hypocritical liar she is! Who in their right mind would allow this train wreck of a person to lead anything but a pack of rocks? Rocks may be giving her too much credit. Disgusting and disgusted….

  15. Anonymous9:39 PM

    Gryphen I saw this on ASSHats4palin!
    One of there trolls crowed on Mudflats how it got ADN to stop linking to blogs especially yours and Regina's...
    When I said that was against free speech it backtracked and lied just like GINO!
    F*ck these people and F*ch GINO excuse my french...

  16. Anonymous9:42 PM

    You keep dancing on the edge G, you dance so well...if our part-time governor can't take the heat, she ought to get out of the kitchen. What a fascist thing to do, trying to censor free speech.

    Anyway, if none of it is true, what are they getting all het up about?

  17. I find the "Conservatives4Palin" blog hilarious. Sarah Palin is considered a national joke. These people will never wake up to that fact. HA! HA! HA!

  18. Anonymous9:53 PM

    An interesting note, of the contributors to the 'Conservatives 4 Palin' blog, of those who give their location in their bios, NONE live in Alaska, at this time...

    So, the ADN is crumbling to pressure from people who don't buy the paper or pay for the ads that go into it...very classy!

  19. Gryphen, I visit daily...your blog is one of my favorite. Everyone knows ADN is bias.

    Keep up the good work...and don't let up!!

  20. Anonymous10:11 PM

    Did it cross Mr. Dougherty's mind that these "anti-Palin" blogs list each other on their blogrolls, so unless all of them are cut off, people will find the unlisted ones, and if people like the unlisted blogs, they will wonder why they aren't listed?

    Come to think of it, the ADN may get as much traffic from the Palin-watch sites as it gives.

    Well, I tip my tinfoil to you, Gryphen. (I ought to go into the tinfoil-hat business and sell them over at Mudflats. I honestly hadn't heard that expression before the strange doings of '08.)

    Keep it up!

  21. Anonymous11:39 PM

    All due respect to you for acknowledging that the action taken by ADN may be your fault. It's surely a healthy mark of the free society in which we live that people of conscience do draw the line at persistent personal attack which goes beyond the bounds of common decency. Few would question your right to disagree, most would question your right to perpetuate, in fact promote, indecent conspiracy in the way you have.

  22. Anonymous12:05 AM

    iac, sorry, but your head is so far up your posterior that you have absolutely no understanding what "indecent conspiracy" and "personal attack" even means.

    Another thing, please read the Constitution of the United States and a few good books that explain what it actually means. You really need to bone up on the basics. Your ignorance shines brightly.

  23. Anonymous12:07 AM

    I wonder if ADN took into account the amount of traffic sent to them from all your lunatic fringe bloggers.

    I read a variety of AK blogs and there are often links to ADN given.

    I would make that a 2-way street and rather thank giving links to ADN, make mention in your posts and put your quote bits and paraphrase the rest and let people have to search out the story if they want.

    Stop making it easy for your readers to get to ADN and I bet they realize there are far more of "us" than "them" when their traffic plummets!

  24. Anonymous12:09 AM

    ugh. So many typos in my 12:07am comment.

    I also meant to say AK and Palin related blogs, not just AK blogs.

    It is very late here so I plead tired fingers for the typos :(

  25. Anonymous4:09 AM

    The ADN webstire traffic went up because of Sarah Palin, and now will go DOWN because of Sarah Plain. I don't think McClathcy can afford to lose anymore readers online or otherwise.

    Simply put, ADN, align yourself with Palin, and you will lose...didn't McCain prove that to you in Novemboer? She is political poison to anyone who wants to be taken seriously.

    If the ADN chooses to engage in censorship for the likes of an ethically and intellectually challenged scumbag like Palin, they deserve to go bankrupt.

    Gryphen...I love that you are on the fringe...

  26. Nothing in Alaska amazes me anymore. Damn I don't think I can say that anymore either. Well Gryphen I still have my apple picker from yesterday so count me in to help you. They always have said hit dogs will holler. They sure are doing a lot of yelping.

  27. Anonymous5:45 AM

    Hey Gryphen...I think GINO is mad about the Bristol picture. Notice that you and Palingates are named especially since Palingates posted the Bristol picture too. That was probably her head we heard exploding on Monday....Hmmm.


  28. Anonymous6:07 AM

    Re: continuing with Gina M's theory about Palin wanting to punish...The hypocrisy of that is astounding, but Palin as no ideological consistency.

    If Palin wants to protect Bristol, why did she let her daughter become a "celebrity" at the GOP convention in August '08, and on Fox with Greta Van Susteren last month (with the famous "abstinence doesn't work" interview)? Why did Palin call PEOPLE in late Dec. 2008 saying Bristol and Levi were not drop-outs? Who planted the rumors that they'd sold the Tripp baby photos for $300,000 in Dec. '08 to PEOPLE? Why did the Gov's office issue an official statement from Bristol on the perils of teen motherhood in late Dec.? If Palin wants to protect Bristol (or any of the "First Family"), why does she send them "as substitutes" for her at fundraisers and cultural events, e.g. Palin said that Bristol represented her at a mini-golf fundraiser in Juneau this past weekend?

    How can Palin punish ANYONE for discussions of Bristol when she herself has totally promoted Bristol's celebrity for her own political expediency?

  29. The ONLY proof of ADN's change of policy is the rantings of C4P and its acolytes. We know they are wildly misinformed about most matters and will cherrypick, distort and twist facts to suit their reality.

    I suspect that they received a response from ADN. I also suspect they are not telling the whole story or sharing the whole response.

    I suggest Gryphen (or Regina) contacts them to inquire whether this is, in fact, ADN policy. If it is, respectfully request that they publish a notice to that effect. See if they have the balls to do it.

    My word verify is "unpro" ;)

  30. I agree with problem child, check with ADN and find out what is going on.

    Bonefish (proud to be a deranged nutcase.)

  31. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Gryphen, Keep up the great work, if you pissed off the Servants4Palin you must be doing something right IMO! You and Regina Rock as well as all the progressive Alaskan blogs!
    *Jen* I saw your post on C4P YES!
    Rip them a new one, for trying to censor! I think you know good and well that your letter to ADN was an attempt to censor the dissemination of any information that didn't have the AK governor farting rainbows. So you got your way with ADN. Congratulations. You've added your weight and forced another newspaper to bow to partisan ideological peer pressure. That'll do wonders for circulation, dontcha think?
    Way to go! You Rock!!!

  32. crystalwolf aka caligrl: YOU MADE MY DAY!!!! hugging you in my tin foiled mind! :)

  33. Plain and simple - you are doing a lot right when the opposition wants to silence you. Way to go to both of you!!!

  34. Anonymous5:15 PM

    I hate to break this to you, Gryphen...but you are not all that "fringe-y" anymore. More and more people know that Palin is a big fraud with a crumbling facade. Haha. You do a great job with your blog! I love your humorous style. ADN is a pitiful rag of a newspaper if it will take orders from Palin and her insecure control freaks.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.