Wednesday, March 25, 2009

President Obama's Second news conference.

I have only recently recovered from my conditioning by the Bush administration to cringe at the very thought of a Presidential news conference. After so many years of seeing one of the most inarticulate men in history fumbling around like a fifth grader trying to talk a bout a topic that he does not understand it is incredibly refreshing to listen to a man with such obvious command of his subject matter.

The President is the very epitome of cool. He clearly and carefully answers the questions posed to him, and does so without resorting to adolescent teasing or sophomoric joke telling. You know like a President is supposed to.

And the one time that somebody tried to stick a pin in the President's cushion of confidence resulted in this exchange.

The only time he seemed irritated came when he was asked why the attorney general of New York, Andrew M. Cuomo, seemed to have more success getting A.I.G. executives to return some bonuses than his own administration. Pressed on why he did not express outrage immediately upon learning of the bonuses, Mr. Obama said sharply, “Well, it took us a couple of days because I like to know what I’m talking about before I speak.”

Now that is the kind of response I have been looking forward to for over eight long years.


  1. I totally agree, Gryphen. Can you imagine President Snow Queen conversing with that hostile pack of media outlets with the same sort of aplomb?

  2. Anonymous7:10 AM

    I must admit those were my thoughts too Gryphen, it is just so nice to have a President that is intelligent and informed. And I thought his comment about his "delayed outrage" was perfect!

  3. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Agreed, you can absolutely see the difference in acting like a professional between Mr. Obama and the last "president". Mr. Obama just shines with confidence and really does know what he's talking about. I wonder if all of his speech was written by someone else or he wrote parts of it too. Nevertheless, that was a pretty interesting and well spoken speech.

    Take care, Jay


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