Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Today was going to be a Limbaugh free day, but then I saw this on the Daily Show and knew I had to share.

The point cannot be made enough that an entire American political party is being led by a drug addled, hate speech giving, shock jock!


  1. That was Have I said lately... I love Jon He is always so on the mark.

    Here ya go.. best thing to come down the pike for a while... Draft Rush for President... This way he has to put his money where his mouth

  2. Rush, the gift that keeps on giving :)

  3. Who else but Rush? I wonder if he'd be Sarah's running mate...

  4. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Annette...unfortunately because of Rush's past drug felonies, I don't think he can run...;)Too bad, huh?

    Anyway, good old Jabba is laughing all the way to the bank with all this press he's getting.

  5. Anonymous2:12 PM

    OOF! I just had lunch! What a photo! I went to bed early last night and missed this---I would have had a nightmare from that picture!

    Rush surely had his 2 cents in, but why anyone would listen to this guy is beyond me. Look at the comments in the link above.

  6. Anonymous2:32 AM

    I just posted this over at Mudflats but thought I might share it with you and your readers Gryphen.

    Dear Rush,
    I’m so sorry that I called you so early this morning. I guess my break-up call was not what you expected but I didn’t mean for you to take it so personally. This is about me also not you.

    What I meant to say is that you are so “special” in that all round special guy kind of way that is also too difficult to define. You just radiate specialness and beside you I look ordinary and dumb. I just cannot compete against the bright, white light of YOUR star and so I must take my leave and find my destiny which is surely behind that next open door. Also. Too.

    Yeah, sometimes I wonder if I am doing the right thing in breaking up the good thing we had going together, also. Everyone knows we Republicans like to say one thing and do another, right? Perhaps one day our newly closed
    doors will fly open and we will walk the same shiny golden path together again, also. I am thinking 2012 will be in our grasp as clearly, also, you and I both know that in reality, you simply want President Obama to fail in this time of economic collapse so that our stars can have the opportunity to gleam in heaven. How can I disagree with that? Until that great year of rapture please accept my sincere apologies, oh great leader of the Republican Party. Also.Too.

    Can’t wait to be on your show soon.


    Sincerely, Sarah

    P.S. Todd and the kids send their respects. Too. Also.


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