Thursday, April 30, 2009

Ann Coulter loves Sarah Palin. Title of WORST lesbian porn movie EVER!

Ann Coulter is a horrible little troll that only the most damaged conservatives are still even listening to. But she wrote something ignorant about my Governor so I am honor bound to point out what a moron she is.

Hey it's a calling.

Sarah Palin was arguably the most influential person in 2008, but no one notices because she wasn't influential enough to overcome the deficits of her running mate and win the election.

(Did anybody else just throw up in their mouth a little?)

Until Palin, 45, burst onto the scene, Obama was headed for a Nixon/McGovern landslide. Palin may not have changed the election result, but she killed what otherwise would have been a rout.

(Funny a lot of people, the smart ones, believe that John McCain actually would have done substantially better if he had not trotted Caribou Barbie out onto the stage.)

John McCain was so preposterous a candidate (at least on a Republican ticket) that Palin was responsible for far more votes than the usual vice-presidential candidate. The biggest red flag proving her popularity with normal Americans is that liberals won't shut up about her. Palin is a threat to liberals because she believes in God and country and family — all values liberals pretend to believe in but secretly detest. There's a reason there's no "Stop Olympia Snowe before it's too late!" movement.

(Sarah Palin is not a "threat to liberals", she is threat to the whole freaking country!)

The American voter can be hornswoggled occasionally, but we can generally spot a real American, and that's what Sarah Palin is. (WTF?) She really was a housewife who went into politics because she didn't like the way her taxes were being spent. (Lie.) She really did take on the old-boy network — the oil companies and her own party — and won. (Another lie.) And yes, she really did walk the walk on abortion when she found out she was carrying a Down-syndrome baby. (And yet another lie for today's lying trifecta! Congratulations Ann you are either a complete moron, or almost as big of a liar as Sarah Palin.)

The combination of Palin's attractiveness as a candidate and her ability to expose liberals made her a celebrity among Republicans. The only thing I have against her is that she threatens to surpass me in attracting the left's hatred.

(Don't worry Ms. Coulter we only pity Palin and despise her policies, you we hate.)


  1. Ann Coulter's still around?

  2. Anonymous7:54 PM

    Coulter and Palin are both has-beens. Coulter is only hurting Palin by "defending" her; she is talking about the past--the last election, which reinforces Palin's lack of relevance in the present.

    Coulter and Palin, like Limbaugh, are right-wing entertainers. The difference is that Coulter does TV appearances and stand-up (speaking gigs) already; that is Palin's future, too. EVERYONE thinks she could succeed on TV with a show on Fox.

    But Palin doesn't want to face that yet. She is still pretending to be a politician. And she will take your $$, too, while she pretends! You betcha!

  3. Ann who?

    No really, the Coultergeist can usually be counted on to spew the most controversial babble. If she supports SP, all that really means is SP is totally dead.

    Think about it. In the last 5 years, which Coulter favorite has done anything of significance (objectively speaking)?

  4. After reading the title of this post, I must now gouge out my eyes...

    Thanks Gryph!!!!

  5. Anonymous8:39 PM

    "Palin is a threat to liberals because she believes in God and country and family — all values liberals pretend to believe in but secretly detest." What a stupid thing to say!

    Oh, light blub...I guess Ann had to be nice and sweet and gushy to appease Sarah after saying publicly Bristol should give her baby up for adoption because she was unmarried.

  6. Attention is the new currency and Ms. Coulter is frantically scrounging out a living on it. Credibility and relevance are of no use to her, as she tosses out hail Mary soundbytes to see if she can gain a moment or two of face time of some cable television show.

    Just face it Ms. Coulter - they're just not that into you.

  7. OT but thought you'd like this:

    "An Alaskan Wife"

    Three men married wives from different states.

    The first man married a woman from Michigan . He told her that she was to do the dishes and house cleaning. It took a couple of days, but on the third day, he came home to see a clean house and dishes washed and put away.

    The second man married a woman from Missouri He gave his wife orders that she was to do all the cleaning, dishes and the cooking. The first day he didn't see any results, but the next day he saw it was better. By the third day, he saw his house was clean, the dishes were done and there was a huge dinner on the table.

    The third man married a girl from Alaska He ordered her to keep the house cleaned, dishes washed, lawn mowed, laundry washed, and hot meals on the table for every meal. He said the first day he didn't see anything, the second day he didn't see anything but by the third day, some of the swelling had gone down and he could see a little out of his left eye, and his arm was healed enough that he could fix himself a sandwich and load the dishwasher.

  8. Anonymous5:08 AM

    I know I detest my family AND my country. And if I believed in God, I guess I would detest her too.

    I hate these conservative a-holes.

    We DO detest torture and the past administration that shamed my country and indirectly, me. I do detest people who would limit my right to use IVF to have a family. And I do detest the God of the Faux Christians who apparently believes in torture and the free market.

  9. Dianne.....LOL. I think a lot of us are Alaskan wives. Thanks for the laugh.

  10. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Someone should write a new musical with Coulter, Palin and zombies as characters. It would so be a hit!

    Possible titles: COLD WAR HITS & OTHER 20th CENTURY SONGS

  11. Ann is, predictably, so wrong. Us Libruls LOVE Sara, Rush, and Ann. They and their rabid mouth-breathing followers are responsible for the destruction of the Republican Party, which is now virtually irrelevant. Thank you Sara, Rush and Ann!

  12. > The biggest red flag proving her popularity with normal Americans is that liberals won't shut up about her.

    The best proof that toddlers have that there must be something really great on top of the stove is that the adults keep smacking their hands when they reach for the burner.

    Oddly enough, I think this really *is* what passes for strategy on the other side of the aisle -- do we think it'll make the other guys mad? If so, let's do that, then!

    Kinda like trying to reconcile a guy playing tac-tac-toe with the other guy playing 3D chess: well, yes, both have *squares*.....

  13. I think this is totally amazing & beautifully executed.

  14. Make money from home and live the life you always wanted. Those words sound really good to the ears, but what most men and women fail to understand is the amount of work that goes into running an online business.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.