Thursday, April 30, 2009

I talked to my daughter yesterday.

If you are new to this site you may not know how much I love talking to my 21 year old daughter about everything going on in my life and finding out all of the things going on in hers.

I am not somebody who really enjoys talking on the phone, as a matter of fact I dislike it greatly. However when I talk to my daughter, no matter how mundane the topic, I am never bored or anxious to get off the phone.

And I have not spoken to my angel in almost THREE WEEKS! Do you know how long that it is in daddy/daughter time? Well it is almost THREE WEEKS!

What, can't you people add?

And I had much to share with my one and only child. Oh yes, very much indeed.

She told me about her cool new job, her often complex love life, and when she was finally going to come up and visit her old dad. Then she asked me what was going on in my life.

A few minutes later there was only stunned silence on her end of the phone.

"Dad, that is awesome!" she said. Of course I had to tell her that she could not share, and she told me not to worry. She had many questions, and I tried to answer what I could and cautioned her to remember that things were moving along slowly and I did not know when everything would be available for publication, but I had great hope it would be soon.

The topic then turned to personal issues, movies we had seen, and to teasing each other about things from our past. Afterward I felt completely at peace. Something about sharing your life with somebody who loves you unconditionally brings absolute serenity to your day.

I love you angel, thanks for listening.


  1. What a lucky, lucky girl she is to have a dad like you, Gryphen!

  2. Anonymous5:57 AM

    I know the feeling. Way to go Dad! Makes a fella proud to have great kids

  3. That is so sweet Gryphen. (Meanwhile we might pull our hair out ... but whatever). I have a daughter too (31) who lives far away and calls me almost every day. You can tell me and I can share with her. No? Well, it never hurts to ask. ha.ha. We are patiently waiting. Take care.

  4. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Gryphen... give us a hint to what soon means. Is it days, weeks or months away?

    Is the "iceberg" going to be big enough to end Sarah's dream of higher office?

    I hope it is more than another ethics complaint and ups the ante to indictment level.

    Sarah... your world may be ending soon.

  5. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Gryphen, will you marry me? Oh wait, i'm already married. Darn!

  6. Anonymous7:48 AM

    WTF? This better be more than the MySpace non-stuff on Palin Deception. I have an only child daughter also and understand your closeness, but this dangling tease is not great.

  7. Anonymous8:06 AM

    you just lost me. too many "i've got a really good secret but i can't tell yet" posts to keep my interest.

  8. Anonymous8:38 AM

    In response to posts from Anons@7:48 & 8:06 - that's okay.

    I promise to tell 10 more people whatever you find out, whenever it is, as soon as you are comfortable sharing, Gryphen. That will more than make up for any "impatient reader attrition."

    Thanks for whatever you are doing.

  9. Anonymous10:18 AM

    I'll be honest with you Gryphen, it would have been much better for your readers if we didn't know that you were "sharing" this information with other people such as your daughter and other bloggers. That just makes for annoyance and frustration for your readers who have stuck to the issue and have supportd your quest for a long time now. We deserve answers but instead your teasing blogs have become disappointing and I would suggest that in future that you drop the teasing and "I know something you don't" blogs until you have something that you are comfortable to print. That would save us all from wondering and hoping too much. Is that too much to ask?

  10. Anonymous10:19 AM


  11. Your timing is actually perfect as most of us spend days outdoors now and can't be tied to our computers like we were during the dark cold winter :-)

    Remember those old Heinz ketchup commercials? Anticipation. (not a bad thing!)

  12. womanwithsardinecan11:21 AM

    I rather like the suspense. My life is boring. But please make it a BIG iceberg populated with LARGE polar bears carrying automatic weapons with their sights trained on you know who.

  13. penelope11:22 AM

    My theory: "Tank" and Rex Butler hang out with Levi. Levi spills some secrets. Gryphen talks to "Tank," but to repeat what he hears would be a breach of client/attorney privlege and confidentiality. Not to mention, if Levi is going to write a book, the secrets cannot leak.
    Glad someone has private, damaging info - but I do not expect it to leak here soon. This is not meant to diminish Gryphen's efforts at getting the truth out there - I appreciate it. I just do not think it is reasonable to presume it will be ethical or logical to post it here.

  14. Oh come on everyone...don't you read blogs for entertainment as well as information? Get over it! Besides, in certain circumstances, waiting can be fun!

  15. Patience, grasshoppers.

    Gryphen, I had two boys first and then a girl, and I was so happy to have a daughter that I cried. Thank you for sharing your deep feelings for your daughter.

  16. SoCalWolfGal12:54 PM

    Gryphen, what a beautiful post about your daughter. I always wanted a relationship like that with my father, but it was like Jane Fonda's in On Golden Pond, when sitting at Henry Fonda's bedside she asked, "who are you". My father was strict Southern Baptist, so you can imagine the things that were not allowed to discuss - practically everything!! But, hey maybe I owe it all to my father that I turned out to be a progressive, so it's not all bad.

    I am a patient person, especially when I want something really, really bad. So I will wait until you can share with us "the news".

    BTW, did I miss the PayPal button?

  17. Lisabeth2:02 PM

    You and your daughter are very lucky! Cherish each day! I was a total daddys girl and when I lost my dad awhile back it was devestating. I felt happy for you both reading this.

    I am confused a bit by your posts being kind of new to your blog but now a regular reader! How long do we have to wait approximately to hear this news? Days, weeks or months??Please let us all know at least an approximate:)

  18. FEDUP!!!2:32 PM

    Gryphen, you ol' tease! :P I hope we will soon be privy of your secrets, too, and that they will be GOOD ONES! (Hope they involve GINO, and her abdicating her job officially (IMHO, she has done that when she became the one to be a heart-beat away from the nuclear power button (YIKES!!!), but has not *officially* done so.

    Great that you have such a good relationship with your daughter! Ours is also far away, and the only way to communicate is by phone (or email...).
    Three weeks is a looong, long time, but it happens in our household sometimes, too. :/

  19. Big Fan Rare Poster2:51 PM

    Sounds like your conversation was cathartic. Love your posts. Here's best wishes. I know you will know the right time to tell your story!!

  20. Like I said on Audrey's blog about a month ago...I can wait.

    But I am curious enough to ask you, Gryphen:

    1) Is this something in your personal life?

    2) Is it concerning your blog?

    3) Is it a political topic?

    4) Does it concern ALL of us, or just Alaskans?

    5) Will you answer any of the above questions?


  21. Anonymous4:10 PM

    I'm glad you have these moments of happiness in your life, Gryphen. Love makes everything more bearable.

    I like the anticipation of GINO's next awful mis-step. Her abysmal lack of self-assessment skills and sunny, smiling willingness to lie, blame, whine, and deny reality make for a very interesting journey.

  22. Patience is a virtue, people, so just trust Gryphen for the right timing. I will simply sit here humming the ketchup song for as long as it takes. Thanks Gryphen!

  23. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Teasing us like this shows that you are a person with no conscience. I have a cat just like you.

  24. Ow that stings.

    Okay let em take a moment to address the "teases". I am not actually trying to tease you per se, I am just trying to let you know that I am still working on finding the truth and getting steadily closer.

    I could just not mention anything until I have carte blanche with the information, and can give you the whole enchilada, But right now I am not sure how much longer that will be.

    Trust me, I don't much like teasers either, and if I did not think I was very close to a ginormous story I would not even be bothering.

    So just relax a little and I will give you whatever tidbits I am allowed to share. And then when the iceberg hits you will be among the first to know. I promise.

    And please do not try and guess who I am talking to or what exactly I am about to reveal. My sources also visit this blog and may get nervous.

  25. You are officially my favorite blog. Palins Deceptions used to be, but there it's going in too weird of places to try to figure out who Trig's mama is, and too long inbetween posts. Don't make the same mistake :-). You've never disappointed, and I'm sure it won't be three weeks, like it sometimes is with PD. Still read PD often, and it may be the one to 'break' the babygate... although, you just might give em a run for their money! Don't get me wrong, I think Audrey is doing a great job. I think it's just that... we want MORE, and we want it FASTER! :-)

  26. Who are you? Where am I?

  27. Anonymous2:05 AM

    Ok, dripfeed us then Gryphen!

  28. Irishgirl6:38 AM

    Gryphen, you're the boss...but the suspense is killing me...sez she tearing her hair out!! :)


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