Monday, April 13, 2009

It looks like Sarah is not the only Palin that cannot take responsibility for their actions.

A Palmer grand jury has indicted Diana Palin on burglary, theft and trespass charges related to three break-ins at a Wasilla home.

Palin, 35, is the half-sister of Todd Palin, Gov. Sarah Palin's husband.

Jailed at Mat-Su Pretrial Facility since Wasilla police arrested her April 2, Palin pleaded not guilty during a brief appearance in Palmer Superior Court this morning.

Police say she broke into a home on West Mill Site Circle owned by Theodore Turcott to steal cash. Turcott told investigators he'd lost nearly $2,600 in two prior burglaries, so when he saw an unfamiliar car pull into his driveway, he waited in a bathroom for Palin and confronted her after she headed straight for a cabinet where he kept his money, according to a police affidavit filed by Officer Jentry Crain. Palin's 4-year-old daughter came into the home as her mother was being detained by Turcott, who was armed, police and prosecutors say.

On April 2, police arrested Palin for that day's break-in and also for a burglary March 31 in which nearly $400 was taken from Turcott's home.

Look this is America and everybody is innocent until proven guilty, but this lady was caught red handed inside this man's house, and her 4 year old told police they had been there before.

I have no idea what kind of problems Diana Palin is going through, but if I were her attorney I would encourage her to plead guilty and take this opportunity to seek psychiatric help or help for whatever chemical dependence she is suffering with and not try to get her off.

Because if this woman, or her attorney, believe it is going to help her even a little bit to be related to the Governor then they have not been paying very close attention.

And she has a four year old baby that she is taking along on these crime sprees. I mean if nothing else somebody from the Office of Children's Services should step in and make sure this little girl is safe, and not returned to this mother until she has served time or gone through a rigorous series of therapy sessions.

Hey and while we are at it, maybe we can convince her to invite her sister-in-law along as well. Because if anybody needs some serious parenting classes it is Sarah Palin.


  1. mlaiuppa4:12 PM

    This is going to get interesting.

    Exactly why this guy's home? *I* don't keep that kind of cash hidden in my home. And how did she know it was in that home in that room in that place? Did she pick a house at random and then spend hours searching it?

    And how stupid to return not once but twice?

    There is a *lot* more to this story than has been reported.

    Bringing her 4 year old? I'll assume she is in her Father's custody and not Child Protective Services. I doubt her daughter's testimony will be allowed against her Mother. But....I guess we'll know what kind of marriage they have. If Dad allows it....there you go. Shortly after the sentencing she'll be served with divorce papers and he'll get full custody. I doubt Palin will fight that.

    If Diana is smart....she'll accept a plea bargain, no matter what it is.

  2. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Terrific post Gryphen!
    The cycle of abuse continues until these people get help.
    The child is in peril.

    Dept of Health & Social Services in Alaska

    Alaska Children’s Services


    Dr. Cathy Baldwin-Johnson
    award winning expert
    1700 East Bogard Road Suite 100
    Wasilla, AK 99654
    (907) 352-6200

    403 S Alaska St Fl 2, Palmer, AK 99645-6339
    Chugiak Children's Services

    The more people who help this child the better chanch she will have. I'm sorry but the father didn't sound too involved with his wife or child either. Child abuse and neglect run in families. I believe I read Diana Palin has a history of abuse.

  3. Emily6:13 PM

    She takes her little child with her on crime sprees? Just like Sarah taking her kids with her to political events, then.


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