Thursday, April 23, 2009

Keith Olbermann calls Sean Hannity's bluff.

The ball is in your court Hannity.

And speaking of balls, let's see if you have any.


  1. good lord - you have to ask if he has any ? ahhhhh no...well he might-get out your magnifying glass - you might see something ?

    Bottem line the GOP and their water carriers do not know WHAT torture is...or so they claim- they think it is like prank...cuz Dick told'em so....

  2. Anonymous6:58 PM

    I, for one, can't wait to see him water-boarded. I want to see it on tape. I would even venture to write he can't train to be water-boarded. I will bet some bucks he can't make it to 15 seconds-if he does I will give money to a country suffering from drought (I will give money to a country suffering from drought if he doesn't,too-promise)
    I think a lot of us would give good money to see Cheney got through it-I'd give money to the International Red Cross for that ( I support them tho so it is not a stretch.)

  3. MadCityKaren7:31 PM

    What does it say when John McCain says waterboarding is torture? (Seems to me that he's one guy who *can* speak authoritatively about what torture is or isn't) ... see the clip on Andrew Sullivan's page here:

    (Sidenote: what's with the bandaid on McCain's forehead?)

    Or Christopher Hitchens from Vanity Fair initially being skeptical until being waterboarded himself? Article here:

    I hadn't seen the clip with Hannity until KO's clip (thanx, Gryphen!), but also don't believe that he had really thought it out either. On the flipside, maybe it's time for Hannity to take one for the team ... and explain first hand that it's definitely beyond "enhanced interrogation".

    I'm really tired of the cavalier attitude that Hannity and his ilk have with the utter disregard for the Geneva Convention (Article 17).

  4. MadCityKaren7:35 PM

    Also, too ... ;)
    Clip on ...

    "Fox anchor Shepard Smith, on a post-broadcast Webcast, lost it when discussing his opposition to waterboarding, etc — bellowing: "We are America!" (slamming the table) "I don't give a rat's ass if it helps. We are AMERICA! We do not f---ing torture!!" "

    Nice that at least one Faux Noise anchor "gets it" about waterboarding as torture ...

  5. Anonymous4:39 AM

    Go Keith! I want to see Rush on a waterboard too - that weak slapping he gave himself to "simulate torture" and ignorant braying needs to have a "reality" moment.

  6. I can't offer as big a donation as Keith did, but I would certainly make a donation and I volunteer to help waterboard Hannity! Let's all show up at his house with cameras ready to roll and call his bluff

  7. SoCalWolfGal1:41 PM

    I'd pay big money to see that little weasel water boarded - but I'm with Anonymous at 4:30 am - I want to the the Rushbag water boarded. Neither one of these bastard have balls enough to do anything but run their big fat mouths!


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