She has been one of the most important progressive voices in Alaska for many years, and yesterday she lost her job.
Local progressive radio station KUDO has decided to rid itself of local talent and focus on national personalities like Rachel Maddow, Ron Reagan, Ed Schultz, etc. Apparently it was a "business decision", and it was a bad one.
In 2008 Nation magazine called CC the "MOST VALUABLE LOCAL MEDIA PERSONALITY". Here is the entire article:
When Sarah Palin stumbled onto the national stage, after her selection as John McCain's running-mate, everyone scrambled to figure out what was up with Alaska's governor. A lot of the lower-48 blogosphere (and the major media that followed its lead) obsessed about Palin's family life. But Anchorage radio host Camille Conte, who is universally known in Alaska as "CC," steered the discussion toward Troopergate--the scandal that proved Palin was not the reformer her supporters claimed but a Cheney-esque abuser of power. CC's daily "Cutting Edge" show on Anchorage's Air America affiliate, News-Talk 1080/KUDO: Alaska's Progressive Voice became required fare for journalists visiting the state--she had better access than anyone else to the key players, who trusted the veteran local host--and CC turned up on radio stations across the U.S. No one else contributed as much to 2008's Palintological studies.
But now her voice is silent.
Perhaps it is time to let everybody know just what an incredible loss that is to our state, to the local political scene, and to progressives everywhere.
CC was the spark that ignited the amazing response from local bloggers, and people around the world, to reach out and help the people of Emmonak. She was the one who called me and passionately spoke about how horrible it was that these people were suffering and that nobody was doing anything about it. I wrote about that conversation and the incredible result here. CC interviewed politicians about the crisis, she interviewed Nick Tucker and other native leaders about the crisis, and she even interviewed a few of our local progressive bloggers about the crisis. Myself included.
In the end there were a lot of kudos directed at the progressive blogger community, but they often forgot about CC's invaluable work and support for the people of Alaska.
But I did not forget.
During this last battle to stop Wayne Anthony Ross from being confirmed for the Attorney General position. Sarah Palin blamed the progressive bloggers for interfering and sabotaging that confirmation. Once again leaving CC out, who was working the story like a dog from the very beginning. She even mentioned that to me when I called in to her show, making a joke about it of course. It did not seem that people realized how important her contribution was to stopping a misogynistic pig like WAR from being our top lawman.
But I realized.
When it came time for Alaskans to form a PAC to help reveal the truth about the Troopergate investigation, CC was one of the brave Alaskans to sign her name to the paperwork, even though it meant revealing both her first and last name to potential detractors. Many people may not know how hard that was for her.
But I know.
You see CC was often the unheralded inspiration for a lot of what I and other of my progressive blogger friends wrote about the important issues facing our state. She is a font of information, and a passionate voice that often inspires us to take on important topics.
We need her. Alaska needs her. And I hope she comes back soon.
I put off writing this yesterday, because I wanted to talk to CC first. I have not been able to reach her thus far, but I want her to know that I am here for her, and I will help her in any way that I can. I know you visit here often Cees, we miss you already, call me.
And by the way KUDO, you are screwed. I only listened to you because CC was on the air. I am done now. It looks like the conservatives own the airwaves, but that is fine because WE own the internet.
Damn, I'm sorry, Gryphen. I remember CC from the Nation article. And believe me, I feel your pain: Dan Snyder, the colossal jerk who owns the Washington Redskins, also owns 1260 AM in Washington, D.C. He dumped ALL Air American programming in favor of all-day financial advice (!!!), so there's NO progressive radio broadcast anywhere in the D.C. metro area, except on satellite radio.
ReplyDeleteI am very sorry to hear this news! I only listened to CC a couple of times...it seems I always missed her show or couldn't get it online, but when I listened it was awesome. I even email her one time and she wrote a very nice email to me. I can't believe how/why they took someone as passionate and articulate and yet E.Smurk stays on the air? Is this political?
ReplyDeleteOh yeah... Alaska Standard...today Rumor Central: Whopper story heading towards the S.S. Palin
An iceberg is heading toward the Palins. Can it be stopped? I don't think so. Will it sink the ship, all signs say yes. Stay tuned...I hope the radio station that has Shannyn, will consider adding CC also. And I can't wait to see ss palin go DOWN!!!!
Same thing happened to our progressive station in Madison, WI a few weeks ago (92.1 the Mike). We lost our local announcers, it's entirely syndicated now.
ReplyDeleteI hate how local radio is losing it's localness :(
Right ON, Gryphen!!! Fabulous tribute.
ReplyDeleteWe really felt the loss when CC left KNBA a few years ago. It was just a blank space in time-something so valuable and strong in our society missing until she powered back up on KUDO.
I seriously have much trouble with no CLOSURE. I'm still stunned that the whole thing just STOPPED at the end of her show. They couldn't give them a week to "wrap up"?
Now we have the ghost of Carrigan on KUDO this morning. Creepy...
I want to know just how politically motivated this might be. And then RAGE.
Thanks for letting us know about CC Gryphen. I too have tried to catch her a couple of time but with the time difference it is hard sometimes, but I know how well respected CC was by you, AKM and Shannyn. Local radio is such an important part of any community and CC certainly served hers well; and I am sure that with her talent and intellect she will find another spot. Was this politically motivated, and did GINO have anything to do with this?
ReplyDeleteI don't even know what to say, except I'm sorry CC's not on anymore! That's just wrong!
ReplyDeleteGryphen, I am really sorry about CC. I hope she finds another way to continue being a voice.
ReplyDeleteOi. Parabéns pelo excelente blog. Gostaria de lhe convidar para visitar meu blog e conhecer alguma coisa sobre o Brasil. Abração
ReplyDeleteCC, you are an inspiration to all of us. Keep on keepin on my friend, scores of us worldwide are hoping you find your way back to the airwaves. I too am done with KUDO. I listened to them exclusively for three years. Your voice and Shannyn's are a beacon of light for so many. Because of you and your steadfast dedication, many Alaskan's have been fed literally and spiritually. I hope you know you are loved and we will wait patiently for you to return to the airwaves. Please don't be gone long...
ReplyDeleteThe spark that ignites passion, the unheralded inspiration, her invaluable work, her progressive fortitude and determination to find the truth... CC is amazing in every way. I hope she returns to radio, but I would be happy to hear her online, in a blog, or podcast. Her voice must be heard, she's too important to our state and to the progressive movement to be silent. She brings hope to so many and shines the light on so many issues. I would be 110% behind any movement to bring her back to the airwaves. Just let us know what we can do!
ReplyDeleteMy life changed today. My routine was to do my stuff I had to do so that I could be home by 3:00 to listen to CC. I am lost. I'll get over it, but CC - if you're reading this - I wonder if you know how much of an impact you have had on the daily lives of people. I hope you come back in some way, as I believe it is your calling. Good luck and thank you so much.
ReplyDeleteGryphen, Wow, thank you so much for your kind words! Very sweet and I appreciate it and you so much. Thanks also to your readers with comments. I've been blessed to have such a fabulous group of progressives to work with and an equally amazing group of listeners who I already miss! Talk to you soon! Peace, CC
ReplyDeleteYou needn't listen to only right wingers on the radio, there is an alternative.
ReplyDeleteKWMD can be heard on 104.5 in Anchorage, 90.7 on the Peninsula, 92.5 in Eagle River and 107.9 in the Valley.
There are alternatives to these corporate hacks.
Gryphen - thanks for your kind words. They echo my heartfelt sentiments. CC, if you're reading this, thank you! I wish you the best! i discovered KUDO about two years ago and your show has been, by far, the highlight of the station. We will miss your passionate voice, but hopefully not for long.
ReplyDeleteI called Mike Robbins today and learned about the sudden change in programming for "economic" reasons. I told him I was turning my dial because this decision to take our local shows off the air is terrible. He apologized and simply said, "...I had no choice..." yeah, right. Well, Mr. Robbins, I also have no choice - my radio is silenced!
To progressives everywhere, don't back down, we will remain united!
CC, I miss you. Your show filled my late afternoon/early evening hours. Get a new slot asap! Before hubby gets used me actually cooking dinner instead of being lost in the intertubes.
ReplyDeletecc will be on kwmd monday at 5p. kwmd originates on 90.7 kasilof/kenai/soldotna and has translators in anchorage on 104.5 (south anchorage), 92.5 (north anchorage/eagle river), and 87.7 (anchorage generally)