Friday, April 03, 2009

Now this is interesting.

I got a comment form Mark Dent, the news aggregator from ADN, and he said the following:

I linked to you today. We have no blanket policy prohibiting linking to anonymous blogs. -- Mark Dent, Newsreader (ADN)

I checked, and you can to by clicking the title, and he sure did link to me.

Well that is nice to know and if I had bad information, I apologize.

Perhaps I owe Mark a beer now.


  1. off-topic, levi and fam will be on tyra on monday,

    the heads up was at diva's. they admit they were under a gag order during the vp campaign -which i'm assuming means they're not under one anymore.

    what will we learn when they open their mouths? the teaser says "ms. right wing wanna be" let the teen lovers share a room, and must have known they were having sex. does that sound like something SP's "base" would approve of?

  2. Yes, perhaps you do :)

  3. FEDUP!!!2:19 PM

    How could anyone put them under a gag order? I thought this was only something a judge could do?

  4. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Levi said he would vote for Palin in 2012 if she was the GOP nominee.

    Apparently once you drink the Palin kool-aid, you're hooked for life.

  5. Off-topic... but interesting, nonetheless.
    It seems that Todd Palin's half-sister has been busted for burglary.

    This is a very odd family indeed.

  6. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Upon reading your article about the newspapers not linking to you, I read the top story on the religious conservatives-4-palin website - the author brags about having conveyed concerns to ADN and was summarily agreed with, specifically citing your list of palin-hater blogs - and resulting in the decision to link to AKM and Shannyn Moore, they would not continue to link to The Immoral Minority or like blogs.

    Would be interesting to know mark Dent's response to that homepage article. They pretty much grab credit for getting the newspapers to kowtow to their wishes :)

    Lynn in Australia


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