Thursday, April 09, 2009

Obama administration seems to share the Bush administration's love of secrecy.

One of the things that I promised, repeatedly, was that if this administration did things I did not agree with I would call them out on it.

When I said that I hoped, with all of my heart, that it would only be small things that I disagreed with. Perhaps a cabinet position, or the language used in a speech, or the kind of dog the Obama's got for their kids.

But sadly I am finding the very same things that I despised within the Bush administration occurring in this new, more "liberal" administration.

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Defending wiretapping? Expanding the power of the government to keep it from being sued by the people whose civil rights have been trampled on? This not the change I voted for.

I have listened to Howard Fineman's explanation twice now but it simply does not hold water for me. I voted my heart out so that these policies would be changed, that we our rights would be protected, and that those who disrespected them would be brought to justice.

Clearly that is not going to happen.

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These are not small disappointments in the eyes of the people who voted for Barack Obama.

Defending the claim of "state secrets" is like a slap in the face to all of us who worked so hard to put this administration into place. Promises were made, and now they are being broken.

That is not "change we can believe in". That is the same old broken politic promises that we have all been subjected to time and time again.

America is better than this, and it is time that our leaders understood that.


  1. Anonymous5:57 AM

    I agree, Gryphen, this is not the change I voted for. This is unacceptable and we need to let President Obama and Holden know this.

    Right is Right and Wrong is Wrong. This is too much power for any government. They should not have the right to violate our civil rights without repercussion.

    President Obama better get it together or he will be a one term president. As a black man, he can't make too many mistakes and get away with it. He will be held accountable for everything he does against what he promised. You can bet that. That's something that you can believe in.

    Not being funny here, but I have to speak the truth that I know from my own experiences.

  2. Anonymous6:49 AM

    The first clue came last summer, just after he got the official nomination, when he broke his promise on FISA. The next big disappointment was his appointment of Eric Holder. These together and since mean another SOSO (same old, same old) approach to the change we wanted to believe in.

  3. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Gryphen, I'm glad you posted this. I didn't know if anyone else was as bothered by this as I am. The only thing I can hope is that he has to work with the people in the intell. community and maybe wants to keep them on his side. Still, that's pretty much the same old politics. : (

  4. I'm willing to cut Obama some slack for awhile - let the economy get back on track, health care reform and education reform passed, but then... he MUST hold Bush and Cheney accountable, appt. a special prosecutor or something, and put an end to this kind of secrey and wiretapping stuff.

    I don't have access to the intelligence briefings he has - and I can for now understand why he would want to perhaps keep some things in place until he was sure that he had a handle on terrorists and other threats -- and if everything else goes well (and I am sure it will) I could even cut him some slack until his second term (hopefull!) - once he has his agenda passed and reelected and no longer needs to cave in on some things to the Republicans - but by all means we need to keep the pressure on a bit and let him know that this kind of thing must be stopped and war crimes must be prosecuted

  5. Anonymous8:00 AM

    It's early days yet! We're not even 100 days into the new administration.

    Baby steps folks! I would much rather see him tackle the big stuff -- Iraq/Afghanistan, the economic issues -- and get them under control, so that he is then able to spit in the eye of the GOP.

    I did not (as a formerly registered Repub) vote for Obama so that he could go in and do wholesale changes within his first 3 months in office.

    I voted for him because I believe he is intelligent, thoughtful, methodical & canny as hell. I still have faith that he will get to these and other issues (DADT, health care reform, civil unions for gays, etc) once he's taken care of a few other not-so-small matters.

    By all means, make your voices heard, but the real avenue to effect positive change starts at home: contact your local representative, senators, etc., then go to your congressman/woman, US senator, and the changes will work their way up.

    Here in AK we've ignored all of the bat-shit crazy legislators at our own peril. Look where we are now.

    Let's not be part of the group of people, mostly right-wing haters, piling on to the heap on Obama. We have laughed & joked about the GOP taking shots at each other, watching them implode has been very entertaining, well-earned & a long time in coming. Let's not go there, we must have faith and stick together, think positive and do positive deeds locally to start the changes that we want close to home.

    As Gandhi says, "Be the change that you want to see in the world."


  6. I absolutely agree that ths is still early in the first term, and I agree that we may not know everything that is going on yet.

    But I would also be remiss, and possibly a hypocrite, if I let this kind of thing pass without comment.

    I may not know what is going on behind the scenes, but what is out in front is definitely something we should all keep a critical eye on.

    I still support Obama, and I am struggling to keep my faith, but if we have learned nothing these last eight years we should have learned that our government keeping secrets from American citizens is rarely a good thing.

  7. Anonymous8:32 AM

    I am writing as someone who was definitely wiretapped, as were members of my family, due to ethnic profiling; I have written publicly about this subject in a different medium.

    I agree with SMR's assessment above.

    I am a lot more liberal than Obama, but I knew that a year ago. My views actually match Dennis Kucinich's views 100% or close to it.

    I enthusiastically campaigned and voted for Obama; he is our best hope. We do need to give Pres. Obama TIME to get things in better shape.

    Bush, Cheney & co. systematically destroyed our country in 8 years. It will take years before Obama can undo what has been done. We must remind ourselves of this: remedies take time.

  8. Bones AK8:52 AM

    Boy, I agree with all said by you and the commenters. I am willing to hold of a little while, but I did not agree with Obama's 1st move re: FISA.

    If he (Obama/Holder does not back off, at least some, I will fight just as hard for the next guy or gal.

    I know he wants to keep the intel folks on his side but another approach would be to scratch all the dirty stuff off the top till he gets down to the clean ones and if he can't find any clean ones, rebuild

    If we do not use a "flashlight" We are sure to step in the do-do

  9. Anonymous9:56 AM

    send a message to his email I hear that he actually reads them. if a lot of people send the same message about their concerns, he may listen and take other actions.

  10. Anonymous9:58 AM

    I too would be a hypocrite if I let this pass. Yes there are many huge and important issues but the FISA, rule of law and checking the powers of the executive office in check set the tone at home and abroad.

    It is early I will wait but I am watching. This isssue and his position on it while campaigning convinced me he was the candidate worthy of my vote. I don't want to be wrong.

  11. What you have to remember is that the Bush/Cheney web of illegal rendition, wiretapping,violating prisoners and US citizens' constitutional rights, and torture, was so complex, it will take more than 3 months to unravel! This nightmare invloves other countries, their leaders, CIA operatives, and many, many other issues that have yet to surface.

    It will take a while to even figure out how far reaching this program was and building individual cases, before you can start prosecuting people.

  12. Anonymous3:42 PM

    I know where you're coming from Gryphen. We all agree that these are issues that need to be addressed and that we would like to see them addressed sooner rather than later.

    So, just to clarify: screaming from the sidelines "get this shit taken care of, like yesterday!" is okay. Jumping on top of the pile of Rethuglicans & right-wing nutters that are already piled on top of Obama is not.

    Thanks for giving us this great blog where great minds can think & vent alike (or not). I'm counting on you to be one of my Alaskan lifelines when I blow this popsicle stand in a month.


  13. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Here's a good piece about Obama's long-play:



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