Thursday, April 23, 2009

One pill makes you larger. And one pill makes you small. And the ones that mother gives you. Don't do anything at all.

The Palin administration has released a new attorney general's assessment of whether the state Senate Democrats or Gov. Palin was in the wrong in this month's fight over who should replace Juneau Sen. Kim Elton. Elton resigned in March to work in the Obama administration.

Not surprisingly, the assessment, dated Monday, sides with Palin. In fact, it says Palin's initial appointment of legislative aide Tim Grussendorf is still valid because the Senate Democrats never legally rejected it. (WTF?)

The question turns on whether the Senate Democrats can act on Palin's nomination without public notice and without the public watching.

It all seems kind of academic anyway now, because Palin and the Democrats agreed on Sunday to give the seat to former Juneau mayor Dennis Egan.

I'm sorry WHAT?

So Palin STILL thinks that Grussendorf should be the nominee even though the Democrats voted against him and Dennis Egan has now been confirmed? Did something happen to reality while my internet was down?

Seriously has anybody checked to see if the Governor is getting the proper dosage of medication?

I am quite literally concerned that our Governor may have blown a gasket or something. I have no other explanation for this kind of thinking.

And by the way who are these other people in her "administration" who are going along with this ridiculous logic? Because I would like them to know right now that they are not fucking helping.


  1. All I could think of was, "Professor! We must start up the Wayback Machine!"

    SP can't undo the election and make herself Veep, so...

  2. It's not about Palins medications or lack of them. It is about her self-centered, narcissistic, immaturity which leads her to insist on having her own way no matter what. Most people outgrow this during early childhood, but Palin has never matured to that point.

  3. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Sarah Palin needs some mental health help. It is painfully obvious. When will someone care enough about her to step in and get Palin the help she needs?

  4. Um.....yeah. That *is* wacky, mainly because it serves no purpose. It *only* serves to show that she doesn't know how to work with others, and that a Palin Administration is an amateur administration, regardless of how long a particular butt has occupied a particular seat.

    And, as you said, it implies that she's Bachmann-crazy. I keep waiting for reports of her pulling a Nixon, waking up in the middle of the night to pray to deceased presidents, or whomever a crazy Governor in Alaska would pray to.

    Lyndon LaRouche, maybe.

  5. Anonymous4:24 PM

    Oh, maybe GINO just has to have the last word!

    Or, maybe GINO has to insist she's never wrong! LOL

    Kid stuff!

  6. The department of law in Alaska just kind of makes it up as it goes. They never let little things like facts, logic, reality or evidence get in their way. Who wrote this "assessment", Svobodney? He lives in his own special world.

  7. Marnie5:45 PM

    So now Palin gets to suggest that the appointee that she agreed to should resign, like Begich, so that she gets to pick again?
    Or maybe she hasn't punished Juneau enough? She can keep the seat open and drag the process into court?
    I bet that's where she's going with this.

    Time to call Act Blue and start collecting money for the Alaska Democratic party. Wonder how much Palin can raise for the Dems?

  8. Trying to stuff that balky hoss back into da barn.

  9. lisabeth7:56 PM

    SHE IS BANANAS! I mean it never ends, day after day! Look how mentally disturbed she is! She actually had to go to great lengths to prove she was right. I feel SO sorry for the people who work with her. How can they stand her?? She needs a lot more than medicine! She needs to be brought down and the sooner the better......

  10. Anonymous:

    "Oh, maybe GINO just has to have the last word!

    Or, maybe GINO has to insist she's never wrong! LOL"

    You hit the nail on the head! And the answer is - BOTH!! So very pitiful and I don't mean that in a sympathetic way.

  11. pls stop excusing her as having mental problems

    ??? appointment of legislative aide Tim Grussendorf is still valid ....???

    OK, so did the AG's assessment also say that her agreement with the Dems, means that her offering of Timmy G' is no longer legal/valid, she in fact rejected his appointment by way of accepting Egan as Kims replacement.

    The only thing VALID here is that she is CRAZY!

    ...just to think, three were those who wondered how she ran her family....well welcome to the sad truth...JUST LIKE SHE RUNS HER ADMINISTRATION.

  12. Crazy or stupid? It matters not. When are you all up there in Alaska going to start recall or impeachment proceedings? Save yourselves, please.

  13. Hey everyone, check out the wording in this article at Vanity Fair.

    Note this sentence: Levi Johnston, the father of Sarah Palin’s first acknowledged grandchild, appeared on The Tyra Banks Show two weeks ago to end his silence

    Pretty interesting coming from Vanity Fair, you betcha, don't ya think?

  14. She had to do this so when she runs for (cough, hurl) president, she can say that she was found innocent of any wrongdoing, like with Troopergate.

    She just wanted transparency and to break up the good old boy network of replacing senators, you know, she's a REFORMER.


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