Saturday, May 30, 2009

Fear and Loathing in Alaska.

Nazis, Japs, Charlie, niggers, towel heads, Hadji's, chinks, wetbacks, etc., etc., etc..

The list of people we are given permission to hate and the reasons that it is, or at least was, acceptable could fill thousands of pages.

"We are at war, so go ahead and hate them."

"They do not look like us, so go ahead and hate them."

"They do not speak our language, so go ahead and hate them."

"They do not believe in our God, so go ahead and hate them."

"They do not love like we do, so go ahead and hate them."

It seems that for many people in this world they are just looking for permission to go ahead and hate somebody. "I feel the need to hate, or discriminate against, or revile somebody today. Who am I allowed to victimize?"

But sadly for many of these hate filled people we have moved forward as a society.

You can no longer openly discriminate against African-Americans. Or women. Or the mentally challenged. Or Asians. Or Hispanics. Or even Muslims.

So what is a hate filled person to do? Who is left to discriminate against?


Oh yeah you can still revile, and discriminate against, and hate, fags!

And it is totally fine because permission to hate the gays comes from GOD himself! Wow! Nobody can argue with that, now can they?

Just look it up for yourself. It is right there chapter and verse was that again?

Well there is Genesis 19:1-2, in which Lot offered an angry crowd the sexual use of his two virgin daughters to keep the two angels in his home from being raped.

But anybody who has done time in prison can tell you that rape is not about homosexuality, it is about domination. (And by the way, what kind of bastard would sacrifice his own two daughters to be ravaged by a crowd of angry men to protect ANYBODY? I would have volunteered myself rather than have somebody touch one hair on my daughters head.)

Then there is Judges 19:22-30, which contained this uplifting passage:

22 While they were enjoying themselves, some of the wicked men of the city surrounded the house. Pounding on the door, they shouted to the old man who owned the house, "Bring out the man who came to your house so we can have sex with him."

23 The owner of the house went outside and said to them, "No, my friends, don't be so vile. Since this man is my guest, don't do this disgraceful thing. 24 Look, here is my virgin daughter, and his concubine. I will bring them out to you now, and you can use them and do to them whatever you wish. But to this man, don't do such a disgraceful thing."

25 But the men would not listen to him. So the man took his concubine and sent her outside to them, and they raped her and abused her throughout the night, and at dawn they let her go.

26At daybreak the woman went back to the house where her master was staying, fell down at the door and lay there until daylight.

27 When her master got up in the morning and opened the door of the house and stepped out to continue on his way, there lay his concubine, fallen in the doorway of the house, with her hands on the threshold. 28 He said to her, "Get up; let's go." But there was no answer. Then the man put her on his donkey and set out for home.

29 When he reached home, he took a knife and cut up his concubine, limb by limb, into twelve parts and sent them into all the areas of Israel.

So once again the virgin daughter is offered up to keep men from giving his house guest a good "rogering", but instead they take the concubine, rape her, and leave her immobilized on his doorstep. He then rewards her sacrifice by cutting her up into pieces and scattering her across the dunes. So in this instance, according to the bible, homosexual sex is much worse than rape, murder, and disembowelment. Very interesting priorities here.

There are a few less brutal passages in the bible that address homosexuality as well. Like Leviticus 18:22, Leviticus 20:13 (This one even gives permission to kill teh gay), Romans 1:24-28, Corinthians 6:9-10, Timothy 1:8-11,and Peter 2:6-10. There may be a few more (I am not a biblical scholar), but you get the drift. If you want to believe that homosexuality is bad, and that it is okay to hate them, the bible will give you permission. But not everybody is sure that these passages have been interpreted correctly.

However I would be negligent if I did not point out that ALL of these examples come from the Old Testament.

Today's Christians have ignored many of the more ignorant and punitive rules from the Old Testament. When was the last time anybody was stoned for adultery for instance, or killed for conducting business on the Sabbath, or expect to be killed by God for masturbating?

Nobody seems to care if you wear wool and linen together, or if a woman wears pants instead of a dress, but the rules against this were clearly defined by the Old Testament.

So why pray tell do the Christians, who have clearly shown they are capable of disregarding ignorant rules from thousands of years ago, still cling to this hatred and fear of homosexuality?

I mean why does a church like Westboro even exist in this day and age?

How is it possible for local homophobe Jerry Prevo to put a website like this on the internet using donations from his congregation and suffer hardly any backlash at all? How is that possible in 2009?

Because people fear what they do not understand. That is why.

When there were few blacks in this country that were not slaves, white people feared them. When women wanted to take part in democracy and choices that affected them, men feared them. Now that gays are asking to be treated like everybody else, ignorant people fear them.

And that fear is being fanned by people who stand behind a pulpit and make up falsehoods that their dumb downed congregation gobble up like "truth berries". Never doubting that this "man of God" is telling them the truth. After all he speaks for God.

No he doesn't!

Nor does he speak for Jesus Christ, who said absolutely NOTHING about homosexuality. Not one single word!

Let's face it, the reason that there is so much hate directed at the gay community is because of the permission given by so called "Christian" ministers and priests, to vilify and discriminate against them. They have used their position of trust to inflict their own hate filled agenda on the people who look to them for salvation.

And that is a sin written down on the stone tablets of Moses himself. Perhaps you remember it? 'You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.' You see "using the Lord's name in vain" is not about saying a simple swear word. It is about misrepresenting the word of God and pursuing your own agenda while using him as cover. THAT is what is meant by using his name in vain.

So the next time you sit in your church and the man standing before you tells you that your God wants you to hate or discriminate against anybody, you stand up and tell him that he does not speak for YOUR God and that YOUR God is a god of love and compassion, and storm out.

If enough people were to do this, than maybe the REAL Christians can wrest control of their church back from these people who have hijacked it for their own hateful purposes.

And if you are living in Anchorage you can tell our assembly members for yourself on June 9th how you feel about this segment of our population continuing to be discriminated against. You can bet I and my fellow progressive bloggers will be there and we invite you to join us.

It is time to wrest control of our city from the hate-mongers and work to protect ALL of our precious citizens.


  1. Anonymous9:39 AM

    You forget how evil Lot's Daughters were. After all, after they escape from Sodom, they get Lot drunk and both have sex with him.

    They were soooo evil, but it's OK for Lot, since he was drunk. He still is the good graces of God.

    There is a charing verse in Mattew where Jesus forbids everyone from praying in public. What preacher ever mentions, or obeys, that one?

  2. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Still whining about fags, huh? People do still "openly discriminate" against women and minorities, and handicapped people. Fags do not have it that bad. They are overreacting. You are a racist. You are part of the fag nazi rights movement. You are NO progressive. progressives go forward, not backwards. Progressives do not go backwards by trying to start a race war everytime fags don't get their way. Fags are not being shot at and beaten by the police and angry mobs everyday. They are not getting their homes fire-bombed everyday. Their biggest problem is being called names everyday. Sticks and stones. And other groups are tired of being compared to fags! Fags are exploiting others to push their agenda. White fags were not segregated during segregation. As long as they were white, and kept their sexual oreintation a secret, they were fine. Fags are bigots. They are no different from anyone else. I am sick of them acting like they genetically superior to everyone else. There are people who have it worse than they do. Fags just have the biggest mouths. These other groups of people can't help what they are. THEY really were born that way! You don't squat! Fuck you And fuck fags, too!

  3. I would like to thank Jerry Prevo for visiting the Immoral Minority and I hope he comes back soon.

    Well as soon as he clean up his language a little anyway.

  4. crystalwolf aka caligrl12:16 PM

    Anon@10:47 Got Hate?I bet you go to church all the time...don't you?

  5. Anonymous1:06 PM

    To be fair to religion, the Westboro "Church" is nothing of the sort. It's a bunch of agitators and lawyers who go out and deliberately provoke people in hopes of getting a chance to sue.

    They have sued many, many cities and states for denying them their rights to assemble and protest, or for not protecting them from the people who they taunt.

    Demonstrating on the gay issue is just a tool for them. They've also protested at funerals of soldiers who died in Iraq, Jews, LDS, atheists, and the Chinese. Any major news event, and they show up with the most outrageous signs they can think up.

  6. Anonymous1:09 PM

    You are too easy. Way too gullible. So much easier than I thought it would be. My boss will be pleased.

  7. lisabeth1:18 PM

    After reading Anon 10:47's post of hate, I thought wow, what a piece of crap person. Then I realized, he must be one miserable unhappy person to talk about ANY fellow human beings that way. I almost feel sorry for him (almost). Most men who are that hateful towards gays, usually are latent homosexuals but just won't admit it. If they are lucky, they get help and some day come out and lead full lives. It is never too late. Or they live their life in denial full of misery and anger, and direct their hate towards gays. I think this guy has chosen the latter. Pretty sad. You have to be a very mentally disturbed person to write about a group of people the way he just did.

    Also anon, you are quite wrong about the abuse many gay people suffer. I am not gay, but I have gay friends, male and female. And most of them have experienced physical and emotional abuse. You shouldn't judge others until you walk in their shoes. And by the tone of your message and the degree of your anger (it is WAY out of proportion to reality), I think you need to get some psychotherapy.......and deal with your denial of your real feelings. Or you will die one bitter, anger, ugly and mean old bastard.

  8. gryphen, i think you are over-indulging westboro by calling them a "church" at all. a more accurate name would be the fred phelps-family cult.

    afterall, they have no formal affiliation with any other recognized church, are granted the legal status of a non-profit corporation, and have basically no members not directly related to phelps by blood or marriage. there are only about 70 people in the cult.

    weirdly, nearly all of this family practice law when not out picketing things (but who hires them?) except for those who, like fred himself, have been both disbarred and banned outright from the federal and state court systems for "failing to respect the ethics of the legal profession."

    no one really knows why they exist. but at this point several conservatives have suggested phelps is really a deep deep-cover liberal! their reasoning is "his sign says "god hates fags (or hindus, or sweden, or america)," but the message he sends the world is "fundamentalist christians are psychopaths" so that means he's on the liberal's side!"

    are they right? i personally suspect this is the story of a man with mental illness and his dominated, brainwashed family.

    Louis Theroux, who made a UK TV documentary about them in '07 (The Most Hated Family in America), explained them this way to the BBC:

    "I think that the pastor is not a very nice person. I think he's an angry person who's twisted the Bible and picked and chosen verses that support his anger, that sort of justify his anger, and he's instilled that in his children and they've passed it on to their children.

    I think another part of the answer is that parts of the Christian Bible are pretty weird. There's a lot of weird stuff in there and when you take that and you add this angry, domineering kind of a father figure, which is Gramps, and you add that he has sort of separated them off from other people, other families and driven them to achieve a lot, and he was kind of a charismatic guy, and still is up to a point. He was a very verbal, very persuasive, an extremely compelling speaker. All these things added together combined to make a powerful influence."

  9. oh, i'm sorry my comment was so long (if you accepted it).

    here is the full interview transcript:

  10. Anon @ 10:47:
    Ugh...I bet this is one of those "God Hates Fags" people who protest at military funerals wearing hoods. Hate much? It really is such a waste of time.
    Honestly, why do you care if someone is gay? I'm not gay, and to be honest with you, whether anyone is gay or not has nothing to do with anything...if you spend that much time and energy worrying about someone else's sex life, you've got way too much time on your hands, and way too much inner feelings you need to come to grips with. Most likely you are a self hating homosexual thinks you doth protest too much. Most of the time that's what gives it away, anyone spending that much time hating does so to hide their true feelings. You're exactly the same as priests and ministers giving anti-gay sermons, all the while they are molesting little boys. The Catholic church is full of them.

    Look in the mirror is you who hate...not God, not Jesus, just you

  11. what a sorry excuse for a human being up there, "anonymous". You are a coward.

  12. Anonymous4:48 AM

    Thanks for the post of Louis Theroux's insights into that band of professional haters. Instead of any sort of self-reflection Phelps uses his family to project outward, on to other, what is probably his own self-loathing.

    I also think he is a valuable example of how nutty "christians" can be, given a negative script by their so-called "leaders".

  13. Anonymous6:08 AM

    I live in Denver, and when the Columbine shootings happened, Gov. Bill Owens and others had a gathering close to the school one Sunday afternoon. Amy Grant played her Guitar, and sang, Al and Tipper Gore were there and spoke. There were some clergy that spoke, a Catholic Priest, a protestant minister, and a Rabbi. The crowd that day was in the thousands, I was fortunate enough at one point to see Al and Tipper Gore, and the Secret Service and all. Big stuff for a guy like me who rarely goes out to ballgames, or rub shoulders with "celebrities". The low point though was seeing the hate filled signs carried by the anti gay people at this gathering. As a State, we were really grieving the loss of life, and then to see this was just awful for me.

  14. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Onejrkitty here:

    In the article above this one someone commented that Palin would soon be gone ( if she does not run for governor again) and then something about her perhaps having a radio or talk show and Palin's eventual slide into oblivian ( I am summarizing here, not quoting.)

    As much as I would like to be able to dismiss Palin's future so easily, I think Palin with a radio, or any kind of talk show, could be just as dangerous as Limbaugh or -- given today's murder--as Bill O'Reilly.

    O'Reilly has a brain. He uses it for nil or ill, but he has one. Palin does not. She appeals to a even lower "common demoninator" and it only takes ONE of her extreme base to murder or bomb.

    ANYONE who is allowed to speak publically--and I am talking about ongoing, paid commentators, or nonprofit like Prevo--are in a position to give that nudge that sends that ONE nutcase over the edge.

    Palin had them yelling "kill him" and "Obama is a terrorist" without much work on her part really. IMAGINE WHAT SHE COULD DO WITH HER OWN RADIO OR TV TALK SHOW?

    You know Prevo and Graham would be guests for sure.


    Just finished reading a great book about the unibomber. I had forgotten just how long he operated before he was finally caught. Over a decade. AND THERE WAS JUST HIM-- ONE MAN AND HE DIDNT HAVE PALIN, PREVO AND GRAHAM ( for starters) TALKING TO HIM AS HE LAY AWAKE IN THE DARK TELLING HIM HE WAS RIGHT.

    I don't want to wait till Palin's term is over. She has thrown $500,000 down the toilet, now the $28+ stimulus money-- all while having the nerve to whine about how much state money all those "useless silly" complaints are costing--so just how much more damage is she going to be allowed to inflict as she gets angrier and angrier at ALASKANS for her falling approval/rising disapproval ratings?

    Trust me, she'll do it for spite no matter if it damages her "career" and is against the advice of everone who dares to "advise" her.


    Narcissist self destruct and Palin is in a position to do a LOT more damage to this state before she destroys herself.

  15. Thanks for the great post, Gryphen!

    Guess what? President Obama agrees with us:

    Answer Obama's call - support the equal rights ordinance!


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