Sunday, May 31, 2009

If Governor Palin would just step out of the way Alaska could be in the forefront of renewable energy creation.

In the last few years Bernie Karl, the owner of Chena Hot Springs Resort, has pioneered technology to generate electricity from hot water.

But Chena Hot Springs is about much more than energy.

Karl uses his resort as a laboratory to grow new ideas.

His latest brainchild is a portable power generator that can be hooked up to an oil or gas well.
The mobile geothermal power plant is basically a power plant on a flat bed truck.

When it's hooked up to an oil well the hot water byproduct can generate enough power for 280 homes.

That's a lot of energy in a state like Texas where there are a lot of oil rigs.

That's why the Department of Energy and several private companies have put about $1.4 million to develop and test the prototype which will be hooked up to an oil well in Florida this fall.

The technology is not limited to oil wells.

Waste heat or geothermal energy can also be used to create hydrogen fuel which Chena Hot Springs plans to use to run its cars soon.

"Any waste heat stream. Go to anybody that's got an engine running, anybody that's manufacturing something. It's got waste heat," Karl said. "You back it up and turn it into electricity."

It's expensive to produce but if the energy is renewable it could pencil out especially for communities in rural Alaska that pay more than $6 a gallon for fuel.

"Hydrogen is just one more tool in your renewable energy tool box," said Karl. "Yet someday hydrogen will be the fuel of the future, you'll see."

Karl says we need two ingredients to find the fuels of the future.

"We have no vision. We have no passion," Karl told a group of state lawmakers who took Chena's energy tour this week.

This is what a TRUE Alaskan can do!

Alaska used to be famous for the tough innovative people who lived up here and the ingenious methods they came up with to battle the cold and get from place to place.

From Cessna planes wings held together with duct tape and the power of prayer, to native Alaskans who set out in a skin covered boat to bring in a bowhead whale to feed their village, Alaskans are the champions when it comes to problem solving.

When the state was devastated by the 1964 earthquake Alaskans did not sit holding their heads in their hands waiting to be rescued by the federal government. No, they started working to save lives and repair the damage almost before the shaking had even stopped. (As a matter of fact my grandmother told me once that some after shocks hit right after she had finally put her living room back together and she said some very unladylike words before setting out to fix it back up again.)

Before we sold out soul to Exxon Oil and British Petroleum Alaskans were some of the most independent, eclectic innovators on the planet. It seems nowadays that those Alaskans are much harder to find. Having been replaced by out of staters who came up here chasing the big money promised by the oil companies.

And that is why I am so stoked to see this article about Bernie Karl. Here is one of the Alaskans of my youth. Here is a man, not only thinking out of the box, but possibly reinventing the damn box!

We need more people of vision like this in Alaska! And we need politicians and investors that will listen to these new ideas and help Alaska to lead the way toward a more energy independent lifestyle. And we need fewer people who are bought and paid for by the big oil companies who refuse to finance or support ANYTHING which might take money out of the pocket of some CEO at Shell Oil.

Just think what Mr. Karl could do with a couple million dollars of that stimulus money. The mind reels.


  1. Anonymous6:49 PM

    Onejrkitty here--still having trouble posting other profile:

    And Palin is the only one out of the 50 states to reject stimulus money for energy and she is likely proud of that fact, counting herself the real "maverick."

    While I hate to complain without making a suggestion as to how a problem can be solved, I am allowing myself to vent for just a bit.

    We have some great bloggers who -- even though all don't wish to share their identity--who stick their heads out of the fox hole on a daily basis. And more than I can say, I thank them for reading books, watching videos and attending events that frankly would get my 65 year old blood pressure just too high for safety. I think this new generation because I am mad as hell that as much as my generation has done, not near enough has changed.

    Ok, here is my grip. Our bloggers are getting a lot of great comments comming in but I wonder how much the commentators are doing beside just typing comments.

    What should they be doing exactly, specifically? 1) I am not sure 2) They shouldn't be asking anyone else to tell them what they should be doing in the first place.

    I don't want to hear so much, "... someone ought to file a complaint about..." as I want to start hearing, " I just filed a complaint about ..."

    I totally understand not wanting to identify one's self online--it can really cramp your ability to freely express, impact employment, affect friendships, etc etc etc.

    HOWEVER, I think it's time commentators start doing a lot more than just commenting.

    I am sure I will think of something to offer as a suggestion and I will post my ideas. But remember, half the pride of being someone who acts rather than "just" commenting is coming to your own ideas about what you can do and what is ok for you to do given your specific situation.

    And before anyone starts attacking, I have filed complaints (Talis), I have filed lawsuits ( 6 yr civil rights commission action involving State of Alaska and Chief Prosecutor of State of Alaska, and continue to be publically confrontational and outspoken IN PERSON.

    I am the only person I have seen in Alaska that has an anti-Palin bumper sticker.

    Why is that? Are the progressives here afraid someone will smash their windows, slash their thires, confront them at Costco?

    So far I have only had thumbs up remarks about my sticker tho I do admit to be a little scared when someone behind me, coming off the Glen --been camping :)--pulled up real close to my bumper and took photos during the long red light. Yeah, my license plate was in full view too.

    It's ok though. I live with a Dobermann, and a firearm.

    "The only thing necessary for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing." Martin Luther King

    Time to do more than support our great bloggers whose identies are known to perhaps more of the bad guys than they think.

  2. Anonymous6:51 PM

    Ok, here's a thought.

    Maybe it's time for another rally--a BIG RALLY!


  3. Anonymous8:03 PM

    Off topic, but did anyone else notice a similarity in the "Desparate Housewives" episode where one of the Moms is wearing a fake belly to pretend to be pregnant while her daughter is the one who is actually going to have the baby? wow...

  4. Anonymous9:57 PM

    Now that is pathetic ! Is that where your head is at? DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES?

    Fake belly & possible Sarah/Bristol rip off aside, is THAT all that is hitting home with you?

    I bet my favorite leather purse is older than you are. I know my Tupperware is !


  5. Thanks for posting this article, Gryphen. I just attended a fundraiser event for Gubernatorial candidate Bob Poe and his wife Terzah and I were discussing the geothermal energy being developed at Chena Hot Springs. Don't quote me here, but I'm pretty sure she was saying they had just been there and were talking about developing this type of energy to use in Alaska. I have to say, that both Bob and his wife are impressive people!

    If you haven't heard about Bob Poe yet, and want to know more, go to his website

  6. Anonymous12:33 AM

    Spot on!

    You rock!

    So perhaps a "accept the energy funds" rally is in order?

  7. Anonymous6:09 AM

    Onejrkitty - your actions are commendable and you sound like one ferocious person (I mean that in a good way). Since I'm not in or even near AK there isn't much I can do. I've contributed to Gryphen and will do so again. I believe in supporting those who are in a position to bring this story out into the open where it should be.

    You may have Tupperware older than me (I love that line!) but at the age of 46, I'm encouraged to see this and other increased involvement by citizen activists, particularly in politics. Where this nation was led for the past 8 years and beyond, absolutely calls for it. I don't think sticking our heads in the sand is gonna cut it anymore. And that's a good thing.

    Just my 2cents :)
    Susan in MD

  8. Anonymous6:47 AM

    We have friends whose house blew up one day. They had propane heat before. NOW they use Geothermal to heat and cool the house. No more danger or explosions and clean fuel.

    GREAT source of energy, best when used by large communities because of the initial drilling cost.

  9. crystalwolf aka caligrl7:44 AM

    Gryphen, Great post! Someone recently @ MUDFLATS turned me on to Chena springs and I was so amazed at what he's doing. I have to agree with you on the sellout of BP Exxon and that most of the "old salts" bitching on the ADN are these people who came up to Alaska for easy $. I remember in the 70's down here, it was all go up to Alaska work on the pipeline, come back rich! But some of them stayed, and now get their permanent fund checks, and stick their heads in the sand about GINO to the status quo. "And we need fewer people who are bought and paid for by the big oil companies who refuse to finance or support ANYTHING which might take money out of the pocket of some CEO at Shell Oil." YES! (hey I can cut & paste now again!)
    Kudo's to all the progressive bloggers, You, MUDFLATS,Phil, Shannyn,Diva who are holding GINO's feet to the fire!
    And Thanks for Mr. Karl for his Vision! I was driving by SF city college last week and saw a structure that I thought was going to be another Parking lot, but looked at the sign and its going to be a geothermal power station, I think for the college! Yeah! Think outside the box! Plenty of Geothermal in Alaska just need to have a vision like Mr. Karl and go for it, oh and a Visionary Gov. who will accept energy funds...

  10. onejrkitty, I agree with you totally! I think I have posted about this a few times on Alaska blogs. I don't live there, but if I did, I would try to be more active like Andree McLeod is. She gets shot down, but she does try! I spent much of the past few days writing letters about Sarah Palin to various groups, trying to do my part. I also think the bloggers and commenters (who live in Alaska) could organize more to do something about Gov Palin. Your legislature up there as no spine, sorry.....

    Maybe it is easier said than done, so I don't mean to judge. I just couldn't put up with her as our governor. Where I live, I don't know a damn thing about the governors family or "first man" or her childrens haircuts, etc...She does her job, I don't agree with everything she does AT ALL, but at least she is not in People magazine every other week, and CNN every other day! Palin complains about the media but she also seems to crave their attention.......

  11. Anonymous8:51 AM


    I believe you are right that the identities of the anonymous bloggers are known to more of the bad guys than they think.

    But I disagree a bit in the fact that without knowing the source, and getting most of our opposing information from the anonymous bloggers, it is a bit difficult to put yoursef on the line especially when the anon bloggers don't either. Only a few have had the courage to put their names to their words. Some of them command respect, some of them don't, the source is a huge factor.

    For all anyone knows an anonymous blogger could be the neighborhood pedophile, or your creepy jobless neighbor, with 15 cats. The source is a huge factor in people putting themselves on the line as well.

    I think their would have to be an effort by the bloggers to put names to words, if you want commenters to take actions based on those words. So I think its a great call to arms, so to speak, but no one is going to do it without an example.

  12. Ditto to Susan in MD's comments, onejrkitty.

    I'm an Oregonian; and we out-of-stater readers/commenters here on Gryphen's blog as well as on Mudflats and Diva's Oasis, etc. can only serve as cheerleaders and occasional contributers of donations (which we all have done at one time or another).

    I dunno; maybe you should collect a list of blogger/commenters' origins so you know better whom to rail at...

    It's up to activist Alaskans to step up and add their voices to those of Gryphen, AKM, Diva, etc. because, as we ALL have found out in the past, Alaska legislators don't listen to anyone with an out-of-state address or phone number.

    Which is understandable -- happily, that eliminates the out-of-stater Palinistas, too.

  13. Anonymous10:56 AM

    I'm tired today, so maybe I am reading some of these comments incorrectly.

    I don't think its fair to slam Alaskans or anon alaskan poster for "not doing enough".

    From what I have seen, they have been doing what they can. Someone awhile back explained why recall was not feasible. For one thing, by the time it came to pass, Palin would already be out of office.

    Many of the commentors have written to the leg...and to anyone else they could think of , includeing Palin.

    They attend events....speak out at them...and I think we are putting far too much pressure on them. If Palin is as vindictive as we are seeing, then perhaps there is also some fear.

    I think shining a huge spotlight on Palin...will go a long way in stopping this disaster in its/her tracks. Just my opinion folks.


  14. Anonymous11:52 AM

    There is A LOT that out of staters can do in addition to giving Gryphen support. You can send letters about Sarah Palin and the things she does to news media, the DNC, the FBI and more. If you look at the Palingates page, she has a list. You can do all of this online and you are making a big difference.

  15. Anonymous12:16 PM


    Anonymous 6:09

    I realize not everyone is in a position to stick their head out of the fox hole as much as I would like to see, and I don't mean to imply that "just" commenting is not a very good thing. Being out of state does put you at a disadvantage so thanks for even caring what is going on here in Alaska.

    I have to admit to some personal bitterness. When I fought my "battles"--and there was more than one,and in more than one area of life, doing what I did was not supported by feminist, by educators, by progressives--tho they certainly are now ! ! ! I was really alone and friends who sympathized and felt some guilt about not doing more always "blamed" it on "thinking of their family" making me feel guilty for even asking for them to show their support publically. I just felt they sent their kids the wrong message i.e. let the other guy take the blows to the head. In otherwords,like Martin Luther King said, "The only thing necessary for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing."

    With Palin, SO many people dislike her that there is a great deal of support for those who stand up and a lot less excuse for them to "just" comment.

    NOT ALL, but too many of these "youngsters" are still waiting for old women like me to keep on taking the head shots. And frankly, my head hurts. It's somebody else's turn now.

    Sometimes you got to "go public" in some form or another.

    Now what really upsets me is that MY TUPPERWARE REALLY IS OLDER THAN YOU ARE ! AND YOU ARE 46 ? NOW I REALLY FEEL OLD :)

    Ok, got to go take my Geritol and some Carter's Little Liver Pills---drugs of choice for my age group.



  16. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Let me (onejrkitty) clarify:


    There are dangerous, "low hanging fruit" (thanks Gryphen for that phrase)types out there who would do harm.

    My intent is to encourage more people to do more than "just" comment-- not that commenting isn't a very good thing to do--and to do more of what ANDEE MCLEOD IS DOING.

    Notice I am not identifying myself, tho many could guess from info I have put out. I ALREADY HAVE A REPUTATION " PERSONA NON GRATA" WITH SEVERAL STATE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES (and the Chief Prosecutor's office) FROM MY PAST "BATTLES."

    Like I have said before, I live with a Dobermann and a firearm so am not too concerned.

    I just get really upset when people thank McLeod and talk of her bravery, and throw her their support AND THEN IN ANOTHER POST SUGGEST "SOMEBODY OUGHT TO FILE A COMPLAINT ABOUT SUCH AND WHATEVER."


    You are not going to get off easy by saying how much you admire Andee while you sit in your easy chair.

    Admiration "doesn't pay the rent !"

    I know what Andee (and Celtic Diva ) and Shyannan, but especially ANDEE BECAUSE SHE IS DOING THIS BY HERSELF-- is going through.

    Andee McLeod---and our bloggers---need more than moral support, more than good comments. THEY NEED OTHERS TO STAND TALLER, SHOUT LOUDER, YELL MORE OFTEN AND STICK THEIR HEADS OUT OF THE FOXHOLE NO MATTER HOW IT AFFECTS THEIR FAMILY.

    I think our legislators have been cowardly about standing up to Palin because they too are thinking of their jobs, other issues they want to put forward, their families, many "good" considerations.

    BUT WE HIRED THEM TO BE THE ONES TO PUT CHECKS AND BALANCES ON THE EXECUTIVE BRANCE AND THEY ARE FAILING MISERABLY AND FOR THE SAME COWARDLY REASONS AS THOSE WHO FAILED to support me in my "hour(S) of need" and who are not giving nearly enough "live action" to support Andee McLeod.

    Andee is putting in on the line folks.

    More of us need to do the same thing.

    I am holding back a bit now. Like I said, my head hurts. AND it's somebody elses turn now. I live at the poverty line, so cannot help financially, and my blood pressure gets too high when I get pissed off these days.

    I broke a lot of trail.
    Andee is breaking a lot more.
    I want to see more public support for her and I want to see more PEOPLE DO WHAT SHE IS DOING.

    Quit waiting for someone else to do the dirty work and take the risks. Don't wait for me to tell you what you need to be doing. Engage your braing and think of something yourself.

  17. Anonymous1:16 PM


    Let me clarify:


    There are dangerous, "low hanging fruit" (thanks Gryphen for that phrase)types out there who would do harm.

    My intent is to encourage more people to do more than "just" comment-- not that commenting isn't a very good thing to do--and to do more of what ANDEE MCLEOD IS DOING.

    Notice I am not identifying myself, tho many could guess from info I have put out. I ALREADY HAVE A REPUTATION " PERSONA NON GRATA" WITH SEVERAL STATE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES (and the Chief Prosecutor's office) FROM MY PAST "BATTLES."

    Like I have said before, I live with a Dobermann and a firearm so am not too concerned.

    I just get really upset when people thank McLeod and talk of her bravery, and throw her their support AND THEN IN ANOTHER POST SUGGEST "SOMEBODY OUGHT TO FILE A COMPLAINT ABOUT SUCH AND WHATEVER."


    You are not going to get off easy by saying how much you admire Andee while you sit in your easy chair.

    Admiration "doesn't pay the rent !"

    I know what Andee (and Celtic Diva ) and Shyannan, but especially ANDEE BECAUSE SHE IS DOING THIS BY HERSELF-- is going through.

    Andee McLeod---and our bloggers---need more than moral support, more than good comments. THEY NEED OTHERS TO STAND TALLER, SHOUT LOUDER, YELL MORE OFTEN AND STICK THEIR HEADS OUT OF THE FOXHOLE NO MATTER HOW IT AFFECTS THEIR FAMILY.

    I think our legislators have been cowardly about standing up to Palin because they too are thinking of their jobs, other issues they want to put forward, their families, many "good" considerations.

    BUT WE HIRED THEM TO BE THE ONES TO PUT CHECKS AND BALANCES ON THE EXECUTIVE BRANCE AND THEY ARE FAILING MISERABLY AND FOR THE SAME COWARDLY REASONS AS THOSE WHO FAILED to support me in my "hour(S) of need" and who are not giving nearly enough "live action" to support Andee McLeod.

    Andee is putting in on the line folks.

    More of us need to do the same thing.

    I am holding back a bit now. Like I said, my head hurts. AND it's somebody elses turn now. I live at the poverty line, so cannot help financially, and my blood pressure gets too high when I get pissed off these days.

    I broke a lot of trail.
    Andee is breaking a lot more.
    I want to see more public support for her and I want to see more PEOPLE DO WHAT SHE IS DOING.

    Quit waiting for someone else to do the dirty work and take the risks. Don't wait for me to tell you what you need to be doing. Engage your braing and think of something yourself.

  18. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Whew! Lucky for Sarah Palin, not too many of you have the same kind of stainless steel balls that onejrkitty has, including this blogs author.

    Sarah is sittin kinda pretty right now.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.