Wednesday, May 13, 2009

It is a big day for my pal Shannyn! Tonight she will be on Countdown with Keith Olbermann!

It is coming on in about seven minutes so I have to make sure that I am watching it.

Wow our Shanny is really getting to be a regular on Countdown.

But when will they give her her own show? Just imagine how many people would tune in to get the Alaskan political news from a REAL Alaskan blogger. I bet it would millions.

Personally I would be glued to my TV.


  1. Anonymous4:08 PM

    "...from a REAL Alaskan blogger." Thanks to KBYR, you can add "AND BROADCASTER!!!"

  2. crystalwolf aka caligrl5:16 PM

    Shannyn was great of course! I missed the mudflats shout out, but will watch again. She really lets those "zinger's" fly, lol! Maybe she will be KO Alaska correspondent??

  3. Go, Shannyn! Go, Keith!!

  4. I missed it the first time, so now I am watching the 10pm repeat, and waiting.

    Shannyn is always excellent when she's on!

  5. Ok, just watched, and clapped out loud---excellent as always! :)


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