Friday, May 15, 2009

Jon Stewart addresses Obama's decision NOT to release more detainee photos, and John Oliver explains why gay soldiers are expendable.

Apparently showing more pictures of abuse at Abu Ghraib might make our enemies hate us even more for demonstrating that we actually did what they of course already know we did. I guess demonstrating that we are now willing to take responsibility for those abuses will not overcome the potential negative affects it will have on the battle field according to the Obama administration. WTF?

The Daily Show With Jon StewartM - Th 11p / 10c
Moral Kombat
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John Oliver very succinctly explains why soldiers who like other soldiers of the same sex must leave the military. I have to say his argument seems iron clad.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartM - Th 11p / 10c
Dan Choi Is Gay
Daily Show
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Economic CrisisPolitical Humor


  1. Anonymous7:23 AM

    I told my husband this morning that this is the first time I am truly disappointed in an Obama decision, because up until now I feel our President has been treating Americans as adults, providing us with as much information as he can and allowing us to come to our own conclusions.

    I am, of course, willing to give President Obama the benefit of the doubt (I still LOVE saying PRESIDENT Obama), but I believe this decision warrants an e-mail to the White House Web Site. At least Mr. Obama has opened the door to a relationship with his constituents, unlike a certain Governor of Alaska.


  2. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Shut up about the gays already. They don't have it THAT bad. All they care about is getting married and coming out of the closet. A persons's sexual orientation is none of anyone's business, anyway. Why do they feel the need to tell everyone their business? Whiners. When they start getting blown up and stuff, maybe people will think their situation is more urgent.


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