Saturday, May 23, 2009

Keith Olbermann's Special Comment from May 21st.

Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy

I am very glad to have Keith weighing in on Dick Cheney's duplicity.

Every time Cheney mentions 9-11 it makes me want to scream. And sometimes I do.

I usually get these Special Comment (which I love) up a little faster, but I have been extremely busy and have had little time to keep up with the blog lately.

However things have loosened up and I should soon have many more hours a day to dig up facts and make posts. Well at least that is my current plan.


  1. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Gryphen, I know how hard it is to maintain a blog. I had one for 7 years. Mine never got that popular. I think at one time I was getting about 1,000 unique hits a day worldwide, and I had a couple of good advertisers. The blog took a lot of effort. In the end, my "other" career and family won out. Other bloggers filled my "niche." Life went on!

    If you need to take breaks or whatever, just do it. Donations given voluntarily to your blog by readers shouldn't allow some of them to treat you like an indentured servant by leaving rude comments behind (like detritus).

  2. crystalwolf aka caligrl6:40 PM

    Cheney is trying to do CYA...a torture leads to his feet and his alone.
    He is vile and evil, reminds me of a Nazi. I hope he is charged and hanged for war crimes.
    Bastard...I don't even have words for him, except that he rots in hell...!

  3. honestyinGov10:11 PM

    I was reading AKM's comments about Eric Boehlerts new book " Bloggers on the Bus". Crooks and Liars has the transcript of a live blo-chat that took place. He answers a LOT of questions and it is very informative. I tried to paste the link...your page won't let me though. Just go to "Crooks & Liars"

  4. Anonymous11:18 PM

    Gryphen, you do what you need to do, when you need to. I appreciate all your hard work and common sense.


  5. Bones AK12:15 AM

    Cheney HAS NO HONOR!
    and he makes my BP go up, Thanks for all your hard work!

  6. Anonymous5:37 AM

    Go Keith Olbermann! I like how he reminds people of the "Mission Accomplished" speech of Bush. No, those asshats that drove our country into the ground should be reminded of it every day, for the rest of their lives.

    Did you see the clip of Olbermann responding to Rush L.'s dare/taunt to not mention him for 30 days? These roaches just can not stand the light of day.

  7. crystalwolf aka caligrl5:40 AM

    I love how KO chew up "Dick" and spits him out...
    AKM has a post up today, apparently "Dick" is writing his memoirs...also, too...
    AKM says "maybe he shares the trick of how to grind up your own DEAD BLACK SOUL, add water and use in a refilable ink cartridge"

    I want to know where the "Lie" section of Barnes & Noble is. I've changed my all fairness to true "Fiction" writers...we should not lump the memiors of Cheney, Palin, Bush in the Fiction area, a new area should be created "LIES"
    Gryphen, I still cannot cut and paste on your comment box :(


    Here is the link to the Crooks and Liars post about the book "Bloggers on the Bus" that I was told could not be cut and pasted.

    It seemed to work fine for me so I am not sure why others had trouble with it.

    Let me know if you still have problems.

  9. Anonymous10:21 AM

    There's an unfortunate meme floating around that everything on the Internet should be free while print publications must charge for their services. I'm not forced to contribute to my local public radio station, but I do it because I believe it's important to have at least one station on the air in my community that is funded more by individual contributions than by mega-corporation dollars. The same applies to the Internet: if we as citizens want to determine what digital content is available to us, we should seriously consider supporting it with our wallets as well as with our keyboards.

    I start my day with your blog, Gryphen, and use your Blogroll as my jumping-off point to all the other political content I read with my morning cup o' joe. Whether or not your detective work succeeds in spilling some Sarah Palin beans isn't nearly as important to me as the entertainment/information value you provide on a regular basis. As soon as I finish typing this comment, I'm going to contribute to your Paypal account, simply because I appreciate your hard work and talent. The series of tubes wouldn't be the same without you!

    Oh yeah, and as for Dick Cheney ... well, like my daughter said last night, she sometimes just thinks the words "President Obama" and finds herself relaxing. I do, too. At least Cheney isn't in office anymore to spread his particular brand of vile wretchedness ... but accountability for his actions as VPOTUS is critical to our health as a nation, and I will be reminding our current President, whom I CAN respect, of that.



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It just goes directly to their thighs.