Thursday, May 07, 2009

The New York Times is less than impressed with Bristol Palin's Abstinence-apalooza tour.

But surely, when it comes to combating teen pregnancy, the Palin family has done enough damage already. What worse message could you send to teenage girls than the one they delivered at the Republican convention: If your handsome but somewhat thuglike boyfriend gets you with child, he will clean up nicely, propose marriage, and show up at an important family event wearing a suit and holding your hand. At which point you will get a standing ovation.

Now a single mom on the outs with the father of her baby, Bristol wants a new kind of happy ending.

“I just want to go out there and promote abstinence and say this is the safest choice,” she said on “Good Morning America.”

“It’s not going to work,” said her ex-boyfriend, Levi Johnston, in a dueling early-morning interview.

If you have ever watched Levi Johnston on TV for two minutes you will appreciate how terrifying it is when he has the most reasonable analysis of a social issue.

Because Bristol’s own philosophy seems, at minimum, tentative, it’s hard to tell whether she believes that cheerleading for abstinence should be coupled with education about birth control methods. She and Levi used condoms, except when they didn’t.

Her mom has said in the past that she opposes “explicit” sex education, which kind of sounds like ... sex education. And while encouraging kids to wait is obviously fine, the evidence is pretty clear that abstinence education is worse than useless. Texas, where virtually all the schools teach abstinence and abstinence alone, is a teen pregnancy disaster zone. “It’s had one of the highest rates for as long as I can remember,” said David Wiley, a professor of health education at Texas State University.

Bristol appeared Wednesday at Event to Prevent, a teen town hall, during which she said very little except to assure her audience that having a baby is no picnic. (“You have so much responsibility. It’s just hard work all the time.”) It’s hard not to suspect that for her, being the anti-pregnancy ambassador is just a good excuse to get out of Wasilla.

You know what I like about this column? The fact that it agreed with much of what I wrote on the topic yesterday. Great minds and all of that.

I think I would take issues with Gail Collins description of Levi Johnston as "thuglike". I prefer to defer to the usual description of Alaska men as "rugged yet lovable".

Another portion of this column that I found particularly interesting is just how anxious the Palin family was to get Bristol out of Alaska and onto the national stage.

“We contacted the governor’s office, and the next thing we knew Todd Palin was on the phone and said Bristol wanted to talk,” Cole said, explaining how his ambassador had been recruited. And indeed, there was Todd, beaming as his beautiful daughter stood in front of about 50 shrieking photographers, smiling a fixed smile.

Those of us who have been paying close attention to the Palin family know full well that this idea did not come from either Todd or Bristol Palin, any more than did the Greta Van Susteren interview. No this has Sarah's fingerprints all over it.

She is pulling the strings and she is the one with the agenda.

Personally I think she is doing damage control for damage that has not yet been inflicted. Which by the way shows some growth on her part, since usually she is only reactive instead of proactive.


  1. How Sarah and/or her "people" thought this was a good idea is beyond me. Bristol's interviews have been ripped to shreds by the national and GOTCHA LIBERAL media. Why does Sarah does this to her family time and time again?

    Bristol came off as a vapid, immature, unitelligent girl who had nothing substantial to say. Why no one asked her if she would remain celibate now until she got married is an injustice!

    Todd please get this girl on the pill...I predict another pregnancy before she turns 21.

  2. "damage that has not yet been inflicted..."

    So, Bristol is pregnant again only this time Levi is not the father???

    Aaargh, Gryphen, stop hinting until we get real close to disclosure time! :)

  3. Anonymous5:02 AM

    I think this behavior is also to counter some recent tabloid articles:

    April 27, 2009 "Globe" - "Sarah Palin's Cruel Revenge on daughter's teen lover" page 17

    May 11, 2009 "National Enquirer" - "Bristol Palin using son to "Blackmail" Baby Daddy" page 24

  4. Anonymous5:23 AM


    Question for you. Do you not find it remarkable how Bristol lost weight so quickly? Remember the pictures you posted of Bristol at the Iron Dog in Feb. 09 looking about 7 months pregnant still? Now her stomach is perfectly flat. Maybe she's been working out with the swimming coach.

    She got rid of all that gutt in 2 months. Young women, especially teenagers, do bounce back rather quickly after birth but in all the pictures we have seen of Bristol (most in 2007- Family portraits)she has had a nice sized gutt but to see it so flat now does intensify the rumor that she could have been pregnant in those pictures. Just strange to me....

  5. Anonymous6:10 AM

    The Palin brand & PR strategy, such as it is, is totally backfiring. Palin's AK numbers are way down and the entire nation thinks the family is in trouble.

    Even the NY Times praises Team Levi! Rex and Tank, excellent work.
    Rex and Tank know how to win a PR battle. Palin does not.

    The "angry pro-birth base" is not large enough to be called a "base" any more. They have evolved into a racist hate group.

    They are the fringe now in America, and they don't like it. Oh sure, they will troll here and there, and make amateurish YouTube clips of Palin shooting at Mitt Romney (and think that helped win Palin some support?). They can watch Glenn Beck and listen to Rush. That will get them nowhere politically (tea-bagging, anyone?).

    Palin & company jumped the shark.

  6. Vacuous, contrived, and hypocritical - Bristol is doing a great job following in her mother's footsteps, but why she deserves to be a spokesperson or role model is beyond me...

    Even her comments about all the "hard work" and "round the clock responsibilities" of motherhood don't ring true. What a horribly mixed message she sends - I hope no teenage girls are listening!

  7. Anon @ 5:23...I was thinking the same thing! I always thought Bristol was more of a fuller figured girl than her mother naturally, because the pictures of her supposedly "pre-TRIPP pregnancy", she looks alot rounder than she does now. But, if you go on the Palin's Deceptions blogs you will se the Bristol My Space 2006-2007 pics which show a very slim girl. Check them out.

    It will be more than a little obvious that Bristol was carrying around extra weight when Sarah was supposedly pregnant with TRIG.

  8. I read on another blog that BP may be PG again....

  9. Re: The Very Fit Flat-Stomached Bristol

    I also was surprised to see the pics on Huffington of her whole body, standing, with a very slim, very flat stomach, and wondered to myself how that comports with the February Iron Dog pics of her looking still a few months pregnant.

    I'm just wondering how someone who still looked five months pregnant in Feb managed to get back to such a slim body.......since she's not gettin hardly any sleep, and makin bottles and changin diapers and cookin and takin out the garbage and did she have the time to do all that excercisin?

    Perhaps I'm just jealous that an 18 yr old bounced back so wonderfully quickly? 'Cause I for sure have neither the energy nor inclination to get my 40-something year old body back in shape after baby #3.

    So, I still don't know what to make of it, except that it all just proves to me that Bristol really doesn't have it all that tough, no matter what she says. And I'd really really like to know if she is "seeing" anyone right now, and if she is abstaining or not. If she's gonna put herself out there as spokesperson, I think she should answer the question.

    And YES gosh darn it YES she looks pregnant in the family photo from Sept of 2007. Look at that body compared with the one from yesterday's photos. Compare her face!

  10. Anonymous7:23 AM

    how much is the NY Times stock worth these days?

    maybe you guys should donate to them instead of the scam artist who runs this blog


  11. Anonymous7:33 AM

    lol...another c4p or team sarah member with a hit and run. Its really all they are capable of..poor dears. you were called yesterday....give your poor head a shake.


  12. crystalwolf aka caligrl7:36 AM

    Anonymous said...
    how much is the NY Times stock worth these days?
    maybe you guys should donate to them instead of the scam artist who runs this blog
    God you are such a phucken idiot???You must be really afraid, huh???I'm glad tho...Gryphen can see your IP number, lol! Chickensh!t.
    anon, sp.
    Idiot, that's your name, IDIOT!

  13. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Folks, I am no longer worried about anything that Seeforpee does. They are just a bunch of angry amateurs--like Palin.

    They don't stand for anything because Sarah Palin doesn't stand for anything. She has total "brand" confusion. She's not a good governor because she never governs. She's not a good mother as her family is in trouble. She's not a good Christian, as at her rallies last year, she let hatred reign.

    And now more Palin confusion: Bristol is for abstinence, except that she's already had at least one child, and was a self-pronounced "slut" at age 16, as she documented for all to see on MySpace. And she refuses to discuss her 'personal life' as part of her abstinence advocacy. What?

    I am a lifelong Christian; my mother comes from ministers on both sides. There is too much hate coming from Palin's politics for it to be called Christian. This is not my mother's Christianity. And it's not mine either.

    So Seaforpee-ers can do illiterate anonymous posts, and make video clips showing Palin shooting Romney. I'm sure they will make more hateful, murderous threats, and perhaps be identified for cyber-bulling or some day, perhaps targeted by

    But as a political organization, Seaforpee is worthless and empty--the same as Palin. They'll take your $$, though. You betcha.

  14. Anonymous 7:59, I appreciated your comment immensely. Since I'm not a Christian, often I wonder how the "Christianity" that SP and others sling around like a Louisville Slugger compares with the religious faith that a lot of very fine people have, and demonstrate in works rather than words. But those were fine words--thank you!

  15. What's up with the Tripp baby? He looks comatose every time he is shown in an interview. It is not normal! I'm beginning to wonder if he is a real baby or what. The same was true with Trig during the pres campaign. Even with all the lights and deafening sounds. What in the hell is going on here?

  16. Anonymous8:55 AM


  17. Anonymous said...
    how much is the NY Times stock worth these days?...another c4pee'r?

  18. Anonymous9:41 AM

    How does SP so thoroughly control EVERYONE in her family? I can't get anyone to do anything consistently. People, including those notoriously independent teenagers, have minds of their own, but not in that family. Are they ... scared...stupid...just as into it as she is? What?

  19. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Regarding Bristol's weight loss...FWIW, I think that Bristol has returned to her normal weight, slender like her father. When you place all the pictures of Bristol and family from December 2006, side by side, looking at the faces of the kids, the age and maturity, Bristol gained weight twice...two pregnancies. Oh, and the picture of Bristol in the green top...has to be in 2007 instead of 2006 as has been reported. Again, the maturity of the Piper would indicate that photo has to be after December 2006.

    So after two pregnancies, this young lady is now a poster child. (Oh, a personal message for Bristol: The truth will set you free!)

    Thanks, Gryphen, for a great blog. And I really enjoyed the science clip!

  20. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Oh...and Anonymous at 7:32---

    You might be able to see a little better if you would just take off those rose-colored glasses!

  21. I suspect Bristol's doing the interviews because the family needs the money to pay off the legal bills, and they forsee a time -- say, 2010-ish -- when the big bucks aren't coming in from politics no more.

  22. I am actually beginning to wonder how the Palins will support themselves after 2010. As the image and approval ratings drop more and more, I'm sure the price tag for an autobiography is also falling. The prospect of higher office is ludicrous, let's face it. I don't see much of a future for Sarah in the media either, once she has exhausted her already threadbare talking points.

    HS educated Todd gave up his well paid job to campaign with his wife, and despite Sarah's belief that anybody can get a job in the oil industry - his position is filled and openings are few and far between. They are supporting a houseful of children and what on the surface looks like a great deal of debt, on Sarah's $125K per year. That's before taxes folks.

    When the donations dry up and the book deal evaporates, what will become of this family? Seriously.

  23. FEDUP!!!11:38 AM

    Interesting that they use THIS picture to announce that Bristol was pregnant:

    Wasn't that the one they said on PD that it was taken in 2006?

  24. Anonymous1:03 PM

    come on you people(?). I suppose everyone of you abstained from premarital sex and have or are raising your children with such wonderful values that they NEVER stray from them. Give me a break. I have a20 year granddaughter who has a 9 month old baby. Do we punish her for the rest of her life because she made a mistake. Mistakes are costly no matter what kind. But if you learn from them they have not been wasted. We have all been born sinners but Praise God for the fact that Jesus died for all of our sins and we are all loved by Him and all of our sins before during and after are forgiven by the ONE that counts...God. So everybody get off your highhorses and get real. Life isn't easy for any of us. Give this poor girl a chance. I give her credit for being truthful and wanting to help other young people. I assume you all have taught your young adults purity and values?????

  25. It was clear to me that Bristol was parroting what Sarah and her keepers had rehearsed her to say. Message to Willow. Go to school, get good grades. lay low, if you have sex use birth control, get into college to get away from them, in the summer work at a lodge where you can live and then keep going to college until you are independent of them. Find an adult like a teacher or counselor you can trust to help guide you.

  26. Anonymous3:46 PM

    This 'Kid" should be home taking care of her baby and going to school.
    And trying to figure out how she is going to support herself and her son, if she will not let the father in the son's life.

    A good role model for abstinence is somebody who has walked the walk. Some one who has had it tough and not sheltered. Let someone else who has had to support themselves and their child, get an education and now has a job tell the story.
    Bristol is a good little republican girl just parroting what she is told to say to other "good girls".
    My google account will not let me sign on!

  27. Greytdog4:20 PM

    Seems the NYC teens weren't impressed with Bristol Palin's message either

  28. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Here are the mistakes of Bristol's that confuse me.

    When Bristol told Greta that abstinence is not realistic in February?

    Or when she said it IS realistic to Matt Lauer?

    Or when Bristol told Matt Lauer she will be an abstinence advocate but not discuss her personal life?

    What do these recent mistakes have to do with God? I ask you as a lifelong Christian.


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