Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Oh look another puff piece about Bristol Palin from People magazine! Get your barf bags ready kids!

I am not going to bother cutting and pasting this drivel onto my beautiful blog, but below I will list my responses.

"What in the hell is Eskimo Bingo? And could the Palin family be any more obvious as they pander to the mentally challenged readers of this magazine?"

"Yeah like how much longer we can keep this charade secret."

"A two year business school? So much for raising the bar of education for the Palin family. You know they DO offer correspondence courses for college as well. What else is Bristol going to be able to do while raising her child (or children. I am still checking that out)?"

"Of course there is no nanny. Just like Palin had to get rid of the cook in her mansion in Juneau, you can't have too many outsiders around while you are trying to keep the lid on your secrets."

Okay I am going to have to include this one unbelievable quote:

"If girls realized the consequences of sex, nobody would be having sex," says Bristol, sitting at her parents' lakeside patio table. "Trust me. Nobody."

No Bristol I do NOT trust you in this issue.

There is very little that can curtail the hormones of young men and women, which is why safe sex education is the best way to fight unwanted pregnancies and STD's. Not abstinence!

And by the way has your "handsome little man" and "my guy" suddenly been relegated to a "consequence of sex"? Wow, I would hate to be his mom when he reads about THAT quote as a teenager.


  1. get real7:26 AM

    The Palins are such incredible hypocrites.

    There's Bristol on the cover of these glossy magazines with her sunny smiles and her precious baby like everything is all peaches and rainbows.

    ...then she tells us that LIFE IS HELL if you have a kid. wtf.

  2. Anonymous7:28 AM

    When she says, "I worked two part-time jobs to buy diapers and stuff," what child is she referring to. Those jobs at coffee houses were two years ago.

  3. Anonymous7:58 AM

    I am Alaskan native and grew up in Alaska and never, ever heard of Eskimo bingo!! I say, "WTF", too, also. Her pic on the People magazine does the exact opposite, it screams, look at me!!! You too can have a baby in your teens and be a celebrity. What a joke.

    Also, too, I just have to laugh because she says nothing intelligent at all, has no common sense nor any substance in any of her sentences. Like mother, like daughter. If she gets paid to advocate for abstinance, she'll be paid for being GINOs' daughter, like GINO, there is NOTHING there.

  4. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Oh she was just stock piling those diapers! Ya know, also too, just in case abstinence didn't work.

  5. Anonymous8:15 AM

    I was reading the comments on this subject over at Daily Kos. One theme really struck me. All of these pictures, comments, videos and quotes don't vanish; they will always be there to haunt Bristol's kid(s). In a few short years, Tripp will be at school, out in the world. Don't the Palins ever figure out the consequences-- that the kid(s) may be able to read about themselves in an unflattering way, that unkind children may tease-- this is going to follow those innocent boys for the rest of their lives. Every time that Bristol, Sarah or anyone else utters a public statement, the children are going to have to live with the results of their need for shameless need for publicity. Children should not be publicity props!

  6. This is interesting. Why is Bristol raising both babies?

    Since Levi dropped off the face of the earth about 3 weeks ago, it's all about Bristol and abstinence. Does Levi no longer intend to attempt some contact with his son(s)?

    Someone said on another blog that publicity every day is not always a good thing. In SP and Bristol's case, it appears that Bristol is being used as a built-in nanny as payback. The allPalin allDay channel is going to get very old very quickly.

    When will little Bristol grow up? If you listen to what she says, she's a blithering idiot. Oh yeah, Mama did a good job with this one.

  7. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Why does the cover picture not include her other child?

  8. Anonymous8:43 AM

    I agree with Anon at 7:50 a.m. The "hush-hush" secrecy which surrounds the baby/babies issues only furthers the cult-like qualities which allow the Palins to "thrive."

    The blogs which say it's "off limits" as a topic are behind the times. Bristol is a celebrity now. She is a teen famous for having sex, and famous for talking about having sex. That's what her mother has done to her. She is right up there with Paris Hilton.

  9. Frankly, I keep wishing she'd get pregnant again. Then maybe she'd shut up. Then again, maybe not.

    And why are these Palin women ALWAYS talking about breast pumps? Doesn't that fall into the category of TMI?

  10. Wasilla High is known as a "dropout factory" according to John Hopkins and it lacks in sex ed.

    I doubt they need this ridiculous publicity.
    That is the dumbest cover yet!

  11. Anonymous9:03 AM

    AKA "Rob your neighbor" (funny huh?)

    Also, too... didn't Bristol say in one of her Candies Tour interviews that she would be starting college in a few weeks? How do you know that if you don't know where you are going to go?

  12. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Right about that cook, Gryphen! A cook would notice a change in one's eating habits. But as ol' Meg told it, the cook was fired to save money, so she was transferred to another state position. Hahahahaha... What a joke!

    I am patiently waiting...for someone to stand up, be "bold and courageous"!

  13. Someone I don't even know e-mailed me a very rude (but funny) joke:

    "What does Bristol Palin put behind her ears to make herself more attractive?"

    "Her ankles."

  14. Anonymous9:37 AM

    With all this BS, it will be extra delightful when Bristol gets pregnant again!

  15. I'm confused--I thought they said she was doing correspondence classes and now she says she was running off to classes the first month of her son's life? And if she was attending high school then when did she have time for two part time jobs? Or maybe the question is who is really caring for that baby. I agree that the cover glorifies her situation. What a world we live in...

  16. "Eskimo Bingo" goes like this.

    You have the names of native Eskimo groups on your bingo cards. Palin draws the names and allots funding to each Eskimo community. At the end of each game, the last community name left uncovered spends the winter without heating oil or food.

    Favorite snack during this game: cookies and kool aid.

  17. Ratfish10:15 AM

    Bristol Palin: "If girls realized the consequences of sex, nobody would be having sex."

    Bristol Palin (when asked if having the baby was a mistake): "No, he's a blessing."

    OK Bristol, which way is it?

  18. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Why not take at face value mercede's caption 'me and my new baby brother triggybear' in her myspace photos. So much hyper-analysis and twisting to fit theories; why not just assume mercede knows what 'brother' means? Also explains both her her and Levi's evident closeness and care for Trig, if he is looking at his younger brother.

    'My brother' caption points to Keith Johnston as Trig's father or Sherry Johnston as Trig's mother.

    Cannot assume a Palin is the other parent, even if the baby is in their household, as there may be an extended family member involved and needing cover (an example would be CH and SJ).

    But the simplest explanation is, yes, a Palin household member, with sexually active and sexually mature candidates being Sherry-Track, Sherry-Todd, Keith-Bristol or Keith-Sarah.

    Maybe all that due-date fuzziness and news-witholding was the not uncommon practice of a wife hiding the conception date from her husband Todd. On the other hand, there is bristol's absence, and the fact keith has been scrubbed off the internet and out of the Johnston household, and Sarah's seeming disconnection from Trig in all photos; she also has made several comments about not being sure she could love this child.

    Bristol and Todd have been established as Trig's primary caregivers.

    Keith Johnston seems to have disappeared entirely; the most scrubbed person of all.

    As for the 'mommy-in-law' caption, perhaps mercede didn't know what to call Sarah in this inter-generational inter-family situation
    (understandable). Because 'mommy-in-law' fits only a Track-Mercede parentage, which conflicts with 'my new baby brother'; cannot both be literally true.

  19. She is most certainly her mothers daughter. Matter of fact its almost like sarah is talking and bristol is just moving her lips. neither is a role model for anything.

  20. onejrkitty11:33 AM

    Bristol is doing to Tripp exactly what Palin did to Bristol at the RNC: stating to the national media that Tripp is a "mistake."

    Palin exposed Bristol's pregnancy as a "mistake."

    Bristol CONTINUES to announce to the national media that Tripp is a "mistake."


    The more Bristol opens her mouth, the less benefit of the doubt I can allow her and the more responsible I must hold her for her own thoughtless, egocentric, selfish, cruel remarks that will affect her son.

    She is looking like a P.O.S. rather than a mother.

  21. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Her two part-time jobs are being paid a few hundred thousand dollars to be the spokesmomidiot for Candies and posing for People. Nice "work"

  22. Cathy from Colorado11:40 AM

    If the Palin clan is the new Standard Bearers for the republicans and their "family values" plank, it won't be long before they just fade away. Tabloid sensations are, after all, just momentary blips in time and eventually just fade into oblivion, the sooner the better in this case.

  23. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Instead of two part-time jobs, can't she just work one full time job?

  24. If you read the instructions at this site...

    ...on how to play Eskimo bingo, it makes me wonder if this is how the Palins are distributing those hundreds of thousands of gifts sent to Bristol and Levi last fall and this winter for them and the new baby (TriPP).

    "Gee, thanks, Sarah and Todd and Bristol -- you shouldn't have! Oh....YOU didn't buy this? You got it in a UPS shipment from the lower 48? From who? of those silly TeamSarah fans...ha, ha, ha, HA, HA! They're sooooo dumb!"

  25. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Oh sure.... what horrible consequences.... going on national TV, hanging out with Haydon Panitere, having your picture on the cover of a magazine, having this cute baby to cuddle, getting your diploma anyway..... gee, that will convince so many teenage girls to avoid pregnancy.

    If anything, this is going to make the teenage pregnancy numbers go up!!

  26. the problem child1:33 PM

    Bristol forgot the key word: "safe". As in "safe sex". The consequence of which, of course, is fewer pregnancies and STDs and panicked moments when you are overdue for your period.

  27. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Wonder how much People paid for "licensing" the family photos?

    I would say that being a professional unwed teenage mother is proving pretty lucrative for Bristol.

    Plus when young teenage girls are as promiscuous as I understand Bristol was, it is usually because they are insecure and crave attention. So now Bristol is getting all that attention as well.

    I would say that unwed teenager motherhood has provided her with a good gig. The message appears to be that if you are a poor nobody, best not to get knocked up as a teenager, but if you are the daughter of a sexy Bible-thumping governor, the rules are different.

    And perhaps Bristol should educate herself about the concept of birth control. No, you don't even have to go on the pill. There is something called a diaphragm. It has been around for quite a while and actually works. I successfully used it to avoid any unwanted pregnancies.

    Yeah, Bristol, abstinence is best (although it didn't work for you once or twice), but keep that diaphragm in your handbag. And don't forget to use it.

  28. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Two jobs, typing papers, breastfeeding and running to class? 3.497 GPA? Nice. But, gee, it sounds just like the rest of us regular folk...

    I'm not buying it. Something's not truthful here. It's just a little too fantastical for us hockey moms that have walked that walk.

    One thing that's clearly true - she's being provided with housing, vehicles, food, babysitting services and other tangible needs that you have to have to be successful.

    So congratulations, Sarah and Todd, good for you. You didn't leave her to fend for herself.

    It's too bad we can't use her as the poster child and ambassador to show what can be accomplished with social service programs that meet mother/child needs and develop successful effective people. Oh wait. We don't have those programs. Sorry, I was thinking of a Socialist country...

  29. Ratfish2:35 PM

    The pictures of Bristol Palin- including the people cover- send the message to teens: "You can have a beautiful baby and wear a mortarboard too! You can have it all" Hardly an abstinence message.

    The words she utters, however, make me think that she should apply to be a teen ambassador for Planned Parenthood. They could have written her script.

  30. crystalwolf aka caligrl2:42 PM

    What jobs has she had??? Don't you think everyone would know if Bristol had a job?
    "Trust me. Nobody."I think that means, she blew it once and it got "covered" up, and then when she got preg. with Trip, GINO said "you play you pay" and is making her life a living hell. You know she hardly gets to go out and when she does she's shadowed by security or Dud.
    Remember when she said telling her Mom about Trip "was worst than labor" ?
    We might never know if Trip has been quietly adopted by GINO but Wasilla is going to bust open. I'm seeing more and more comments from people who live there and are sick and tired of GINO.
    When she was running for VP right after the KOS article someone wrote the SF chron and said he had a friend in wasilla, and that it was "common knowledge" that it was Bristol preg not Gino. He wasn't talking about Trip either, this was before. I think soon the Truth will come out.
    Whether GINO likes it or not.
    He put it this way "sooner or later, someone is going to want to retire and move from Alaska and a Birth cert. will surface" He wrote these words in SF chron, comments.
    And yes she is going to regret saying these things....But also..too, GINO is going to regret a lot of Lies she said too.

  31. FEDUP!!!4:06 PM

    Two part time jobs? Yeah - in 2007!
    She was working in two coffee places, but, I believe, GINO only showed one on her income statement (seems all family income has to be declared by GINO - she also included Tracks military pay...

    PLEASE, Alaskans: Make this farce stop, and bring GINO and her family of grifters DOWN already!

  32. Gryphen:

    TR Connie over at the Mudflats bestowed a Bella Award on me via W VA
    Fur and Root, and now I've passed it on to you:

    If you're of like mind, pass it on to 15 of your closest blogs. :)

    Here's the rules I'm going by:

    I apologize for posting this here; I didn't see a way of contacting you more directly. Feel free not to post this in the comments section.


  33. Nikki6:27 PM

    It's bad enough that Sarah isn't going away anytime soon, but now apparently Bristol is here to stay as well. I really do not see why she has to be in the spotlight. Like many others have said, her preaching of staying abstinent so they don't end up like her is so ridiculous, it makes my head hurt. Her situation REALLY speaks to the many pregnant teens out there. Getting paid for all this publicity, Bristol? Do you really think that makes you relate to the pregnant teenager whose parents kicked her out of the house and is now living on the streets? Unbelievable.

    And if Tripp does happen to be her second kid, then I would really hate to see teenagers have to take abstinence advice from her.

    How much longer is Sarah the Alaskan governor? I keep praying that Obama does a fantastic job as president and if Sarah is the 2012 candidate, that she gets absolutely crushed in the election. At least by then, no one can say Obama does not have any "executive experience".

  34. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Prediction... By weeks end Gryphen will make some excuse as to why he cannot yet release what he knows

  35. Anonymous11:40 PM

    Anonymous @ 9:13 AM--

    The chef was moved to another job that needed to be filled and then QUIT working for the State and started her own business. Maybe you shouldn't yammer on about things about which you have no clue.

  36. Anonymous3:34 AM

    BP should move out and try all of this stuff ON HER OWN. Walk the walk Bristol or STFU. your life is in no way similar to most girls your age with a baby or 2. Move out, get a job, go to college and do it without having us see your face all over the place.

  37. Sally6:38 AM

    3:34 am

    I couldn't agree more.

  38. sjk from the belly of the plane6:47 AM

    over at c4pee Bristol is just bout to attain sainthood...Its disgusting:

  39. Anonymous9:22 AM

    sjk from the belly of the plane

    What silly cons4pee. While I could see the 'embarrassing, frightening, and life changing experience with the whole world watching you and mocking you.' part. It has changed from poor Bristol to she is a master of her own fate now. As cons4pee are playing a grown ups game it is their right to lose all faith in the decency of their countymen. That's their life.

    As far as Bristol they have said she is 'The future of the Republican Party' as in the 'mother/daughter' photo.
    Also 'Governor Palin's "Strong, Kind-Hearted, Independent" Daughter Appeared on Television Today'

    Bristol has agreed to her public role and they can't put the toothpaste back, they can try. As they say she is a strong independent future of the Republican Party, they should stop whining if they believe their own hype. They are promoting and dealing with a political product that they are creating. If they can't take the heat, get out. The more they yap about 'ankle-biters' the more power they give up to them. They are proud of how they influenced the local Alaskan paper and we know they are acutely aware of what their purpose is. The more they protest, the more irrelevant they look to the public. The Joan of Arc fantasies totally puts them into the silly category. I see their Bristol as martyr saint as good news for reality and truth seekers. What a tragedy for poor Bristol to have to live up to that one.

  40. Anonymous9:26 AM

    I think that the Palins and the Johnstons are trying to cash in before the truth comes out about Sarah not being Trig's mom. Sarah knows that she will not be re-elected for Governor when the truth comes out and she damn well knows that she won't be the GOP candidate for President.

    The Palins know that they can't hide from the truth so meanwhile they are cashing in while they can hence the Johnston's making their rounds (Levi modeling pursuit), Bristol contract with Candies and People shoots and Sarah Palin's public funding and Book deal. It all makes sense to me. It's going to be some mad ass media people when they find out that the Palins have made a damn fool out of them.

  41. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Comparisons of "Joans of Wasilla" (Palin women) to Joan of Arc are so disturbing. Does anyone over at Seaforpeabrains know what happened to Joan of Arc? Maybe they should all read her Wikipedia entry.

  42. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Correction: that wasn't Bristol with Sarah in the 'The future of the Republican Party' photo. It was Willow. Cons4pee are pushing the dynasty gig. They do show some degree of brain activity if they realize Bristol could run off with the roto-rooter snowboardin' dude and they are already preparing for her replacement.

    No strong independent person would talk like Bristol did in her last AP interview and they need to stop their wanking about how the public reacts to moron mouths.

    The Palin/Johnstons are in need of diapers and therefore they can justify having to have millions and millions in bulk book sales. Harper Collins doesn't care about the book sales alone, they can spin another cottage industry off of the spin. People magazine was on HLN (CNN) rationalizing the Bristol bull, they don't care if she makes sense.
    Sensational covers sell. Have the numbers come in on their latest travesty?

    Anonymous 9:22 AM


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