Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Shannyn Moore makes Alaskans proud on national television.

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Whoo hoo! There WAS a shout out for Mudflats tonight! Congratulations AKM!

Well Shannyn did an awesome job as usual.

I hesitate to comment on her appearance since I got spanked last week, but she DID look very nice. (BTW I was at Shannyn's house on Saturday and that comment was the topic of conversation between myself, Shannyn, and her boyfriend, Kelly. Kelly was also kind enough to leave a comment that day saying that if anybody should be offended it was him and he certainly was not.)

You know I just noticed that I posted about the lovely Ms. Moore a whopping three times today. Well hell it beats posting about Governor Palin over an over again.


  1. LOVE "The Lyin', The Witch And The Wardrobe"!

    I'll raise a cup of cheer to that witticism, well done Shannyn. Also the new glasses look is perfecto.

  2. Anonymous9:17 PM

    Shannyn is a cutie but those dark frame glasses have got to go.They make her look like she's got a fake nose. They're mesmeric. Love ya Shanny. Please take this as intended.

  3. If you want a fresh post topic, check out Bent Alaska and the big civil rights battle brewing in Anchorage over a non-discrimination proposal.

  4. Though I am NOT old enough to be Shannyn's mother, I just burst with pride for her, and let out a squeak when she mentioned Mudflats. So the silver lining in the massive Cloud o' Palins is that I've gotten to enjoy the hard work, wit, tenacity, and so much more from ALL of you Alaskans. [[[Big hug]]]

    And yes, Gryphen, I think Shannyn is very attractive. She appears glowingly healthy, too, and I hope she is.

  5. crystalwolf aka caligrl3:48 AM

    ♥LUV IT♥
    I love how Shannyn has this secret smile, likes she's ready to burst out laughing when talking about GINO!
    "the queen of Revisionist" lol!
    "guilty in the Branchflower report" Love it!
    Go Shannyn Go!

  6. Anonymous4:29 AM

    Did you see this article?

    It says the Alaska "Attorney Generals Office" approved this book. I thought there wasn't an Attorney General there? There is only the acting one APPOINTED by Palin. Is this ridiculous or what?

    I agree its time for people to start writing to federal offices. People here say they are writing CREW and the FBI but I would add the FEDERAL Attorney General to the list. What a crooked mess it is in Alaska. Does she appoint everyone? No wonder no one will say anything about the truth around babygate. They don't want to lose their jobs.

  7. crystalwolf aka caligrl5:05 AM

    I believe the Federal Attorney General of Alaska is Karen Loeffler, and I can't seem to find out how to contact her? She would not take any BS from GINO!

  8. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Good luck finding her caligirl. Do not give up. You are doing the right thing by reporting her and others need to do the same. I am writing lots of letters today. I am focusing on the corruption in the process around ethics complaints and this particular issue-her book. Plus housegate and religiongate. Babygate is not illegal I don't think unless she is ripping off the insurance system there, which then I would think that would be illegal, right?

  9. Anonymous3:24 AM

    Keith Olbermann can actually respond to all of his 7 viewers by name.


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