Thursday, June 18, 2009

Celtic Diva addresses new information that Sarah Palin does not want to disclose the cost of Arctic Cat gear.

Linda took a lot of flak over this ethics complaint.

She was harassed, pilloried by the Right, and dismissed by many as a crackpot "Palin-hater".

However with these new revelations it seems obvious to me that her complaint not only had merit, but that it scared the Governor much more than she wanted to admit to the media.

Clearly there is something being hidden here, and as citizens of this state we deserve to have the truth revealed.


  1. get real6:14 AM

    Nothing has changed...

    Sarah Palin is a LIAR

    Sarah Palin is a HYPOCRITE

    Sarah Palin is a FRAUD

  2. It is OUTRAGEOUS that Palin is using AGIA as an excuse to bury info about Arctic Cat clothing.
    She has no shame.

  3. Anonymous6:40 AM

    Why care about disclosure if there is no ethics problem?

    Must be BIG ethics problem!
    But would Arctic Cat really say in a contract that Sarah had to wear the gear? Might be a verbal understanding because who would put that in writing?

  4. She IS fraud and so is ADN. All of the comments on this story on their sight that are detrimental to SP have been deleted. I'm done with that rag.

  5. crystalwolf aka caligrl6:47 AM

    ManSour and all the palinbots including JZ have taken up the "Frivolous" ethics mantra! Its either Frivolous this or Bogus that...LOL, can't wait until Frivolous & Bogus turn into "blow up in your face" :)

  6. Anonymous6:57 AM

    How Sarah and Piper received the Arctic Cat clothing is not the main questions.

    Was Sarah or her children directly or indirectly PAID to wear the clothing?

    Was Todd's partner paid because Sarah and Piper wore the clothing?

    Show me the MONEY.... is Sarah's slogan

  7. The GINO is a walking ethics "Don't" picture.

    The only ethical thing to do in this situation is for Todd to pay full price for all of his equipment and gear - AND - for the GINO to refrain from turning herself and her minor children into billboards for a particular brand.

    Clearly the GINO is more interested in all the free swag than ethics in any way, shape, or form.

  8. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Where is the iceberg?

  9. OFF TOPIC...BUT, DID YOU JUST SEE...OLIVE GARDEN JUST PULLED THEIR ADS ON LETTERMAN!! Guess there were lots of calls, e-mails etc. ...Women standing up for other women...too bad you all don't agree with that cause let your hate for one woman over shadow your respect for ALL women.

  10. Ratfish9:47 AM

    I thought the legislature passed ethics laws- not Arctic Cat.

    I thought Sarah Palin said she would be open and transparent- I guess she has just substituted Big Snowmachine for her purported enemy Big Oil.

    And don't be surprised that she (and yes, her daughters) paid $0 for their Arctic Cat clothing. Don't tell Dave Letterman, though.

  11. honestyinGov10:02 AM

    I see that a lot of people seem to comment on the 'original price ' Todd paid for his machines. As I had just posted on Mudflats.. Sarah in that SI article said SHE gets the ' leftovers '... hand me downs. Someone says he gets Two every year for competition. Two machines for 16 years is a LOT of used machines, 'leftovers'.Did he sell these..? Who did he sell them to..? If sold... THAT is income. WAS that amount on the return for that year? (Oops?)
    You need to find and interview some of the people who bought these used 'leftovers'.Every year NEWER lefovers replaced last years leftovers. 32 machines over 16 years amounts to a lot of income. Put on your 'Investigator Hat'.Find someone who bought one of these machines and how much did they pay. The same amount better be on GINO's return for that year.

  12. Into each life a little yellow snow must fall...

  13. Anonymous11:00 AM

    She and Todd knew they had to follow the disclosure laws, even while signing the Artic Cat agreement. They put themselves between the rock and the hard place - violate the disclosure laws or violate the Artic Cat agreement. Hopefully APOC will realize that the Palins need to be held accountable for their bad decisions, rather than feel sorry for them and sweep it under the rug.

  14. sick of it11:51 AM

    As usual, Palin is Bush-like her in narcissistic thinking: Of course Todd should get his free gear, and her family should get all their perks from his "hobby", even though she is now a public servant.

    It never occurs to her that there are some things a person gives up when they are working for "the people". Notice that Michelle Obama does not accept clothing which is offered to her? She does not take clothes from J Crew at a reduced rate just because she is wearing them and is hence giving them free advertising.

    No, she pays for her clothes and wears them because she likes them.

    it's called integrity and character.

    Palin also thinks she shouldn't have to disclose these gifts and benefits. I'm quite sure the folks at Arctic Cat saw a huge upswing in the deal when she got the VP candidacy, and I"m quite sure they made a new offer to her.

    I'm also willing to be the grifter took the new offer.

    And therein lay the problem.

    She is not supposed to be benefiting financially as a public servant in any endeavor which could be a conflict of interest. Advertising for a company is always going to be a conflict of interest for a public servant. How could she NOT get this?

    THe celebs who get swag get it because just having a celeb wearing your stuff is hugely rewarding for branding purposes. Politicians aren't supposed to get swag.

    Because they're supposed to want what is best for the people and not have a hidden agenda.

  15. Bones AK12:33 PM

    It just goes on and on and on

  16. juju:
    Seems to me that YOU have this creepy love obsession with this vile woman. I will NOT stand up for this woman who clearly DOES NOT SUPPORT WOMEN'S RIGHTS!
    BTW, I have also sent an e-mail to Olive Garden. IN SUPPORT OF LETTERMAN. I would think that they could be above getting involved in this woman's lies and politics.
    But, just as they have every right to pull to their ads, I have every right to boycott Olive Garden.

  17. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Um, juju....

  18. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Someone in Alaska should call up Arctic Cat and see if they will disclose Todds discount. If Arctic Cat has no problem with this, then Palin has no argument at all.

  19. crystalwolf aka caligrl2:19 PM

    UH OH! Peeland caught in another LIE!
    JuJU lyin' again just like GINO! No lemonade stand, no olive garden, no hilton hotel. Liars all of them!

  20. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Your sea phoned.
    It wants your pee.

    Why is it that PalinBots can't tell the truth about even the small stuff.

  21. Oops - another lying Palin cult member.

    Where do these people come from? And don't they realize their lies are easily exposed?

    SP is over the top. And soon she's going to be at the bottom, where she belongs. Oops, just looked, she's already there.

    Look JuJu, between you and me - Elmo could draw more than 15 supporters in New York. Get a clue.

  22. Anonymous3:42 PM


    I know the truth is gonna be hard for you all.

  23. CC would have a field day with this one. Its a damn shame KUDO shut down Cutting Edge. And while I am bitching about radio programming, every Saturday I tune in to Shannyn Moore, then follow up with an email to the station demanding "More Shannyn, ditch Burke the jerk and put her on in his timeslot."

  24. Anonymous4:49 PM

    I tried to post earlier that if JuJu was correct and Olive Garden had pulled their ads that they would be sorry. More people support Letterman than Palin on this. Like me, most agreed that the joke was tasteless but he apologized and it should have been dropped at that. But no, the Palins wanted to make a bigger deal out of it and now they look foolish. Olive Garden does not want to alienate people in this weak economy. They have too much competition and Palin and her 15 supporters just won't do it for them.

  25. Anonymous6:30 PM

    I love Elmo.

  26. Olive Garden has not pulled their advertising.

    The contract was up.

    Same with Embassy Suites.

    I guess it's that kind of reasoning that makes 15 protesters and 35 media into "50 people".


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