Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Combining all of the stories to explain the disappearance of Mark Sanford it appears that he was hiking naked, while writing a book, in Argentina?

Sanford, in an exclusive interview with The State Media Company, said he decided at the last minute to go to the South American country to recharge after a difficult legislative session in which he battled with lawmakers over how to spend federal stimulus money.

We have had a lot of fun with the disappearance of South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford, but it just turns out that the guy left his wife and kids during Father's Day, and lied to his staff, while he took a little time off to visit South America. IS that so wrong? Oh yeah!

Any bets on just how much more bad news for Sanford's political career is going to come out in the next few weeks?

Update: I missed the Daily Show last night so I did not know they had done this segment. But now that I have seen it this post simply cries out for its inclusion.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Governor Mark Sanford Is Missing
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorJason Jones in Iran


  1. Pipsqueak6:28 AM

    When does Sarah take a similar flight to Argentina? ;-)

    I have a feeling "Argentina is to Sanford" as "iceberg is to Palin."

  2. Emily6:49 AM

    Note that Buenos Aires, Argentina is apparently famous as a center of male prostitution.

  3. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Sanford may be a little quirky, but at least he isnt a nut job like the people who read this blog.

  4. Emily6:57 AM

    By the way, I'm having some problems with the comments pages of this blog-- whenever I try to post a comment, I get an error message and have to resubmit it.

  5. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Don't forget, Sarah Palin is one of his fans! And Twitter buddies.

  6. Gryphen I like your headline better than any I've seen. Makes the most sense (lol)

    Although I have a feeling the true story is that he was in a brothel in Nevada....

  7. Pipsqueak7:06 AM

    @6:53, we who read this blog may be "a little quirky" but at least we know what it means when a male governor mysteriously abandons his state and his family on Father's Day, and lies about where he is....

  8. Ok ... here goes part of what I would like to say - to Anony at 6:53 am: Quirky ... quirky? You call being governor of a state, turning off your cell phones and without telling your wife, children, staff, flying to Argentina to be "exotic" just quirky? And we may be nut jobs here on this blog, but we are not holding a public office, or "not blinking" if asked to run as VPOTUS, and we do know what REAL family values consist of and we do our best to live accordingly! So why don't you go elsewhere, because honestly, by your presence here on this blog, you apparently are a NUT JOB too, also.

  9. womanwithsardinecan7:32 AM

    Sarah is going to have to do something really stupid and dramatic to shove Sanford out of the limelight this week. She's probably been up all night pacing, trying to decide which of her kids to throw under the drama bus.

  10. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Anon @ 6:53AM:

    Don't be so critical of Sarah and her staff!

  11. It's really GREAT to know that the Palin folks read this blog!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Why would they bother? They must be WORRIED.

  12. Anonymous 7:33 and Anonymous 6:53
    If you don't like the truth about about poor ole Sarah, you ought to not be here. You really need to stay with the Pee-Nuts if you want to be spoon fed lies and have your little black hearts warmed.
    I believe that they are waiting for you under the Troll Bridge to Nowhere.

  13. mlaiuppa10:28 AM

    He was in Argentina auditioning for "I'm a politician, get me out of here!"

    He is so not going to be President.

  14. This just in... Sanford now says he's been having an affair with a woman who lives in Argentina. Gee, what a surprise. Another Republican Conservative Hypocrite bites the dust!! Yay!

  15. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Looks like ya'll nailed it - there was an affair going on according to latest news reports.

  16. Another religious rightwing "family values" hypocrite.

    "I have developed a relationship with a dear, dear friend from Argentina. It began very innocently in just a casual e-mail back and forth."

    So that's why he went to Argentina. It would have been funny as hell if the "she" he developed a relationship with via email turned out to be a "he".

  17. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Sanford may be a little quirky, but at least he isnt a nut job like the people who read this blog.
    imagine the above comment coming from a idiot who just read this blog.

    By the way, Sanford is now being investigated for using state money to fund his trip to Argentina to visit his slut. He says he's not guilty but he'll pay the money back anyway. Sound familiar AK. Not guilty but I'll pay you back anyway?

    Badger Bob


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.