Thursday, June 25, 2009

Does it seem a little extra sane in Alaska right now? Oh now I get it.

"Okay let me get this straight soldier. Are you saying the best way to take out one of those liberal bloggers is to shoot them in the keyboard or wound them in one of their typing hands? And are you sure this is more effective than sicking the Stapletongue on them?"

Gov. Sarah Palin is visiting U.S. troops in Kosovo. Palin's office had said the governor traveled Wednesday to see Alaska National Guard troops at an undisclosed overseas location (Let's ping her phone and see if it comes back "Argentina", I hear that is where all the cool Governors hang out). On Thursday, her office said she was visiting about 140 aviators with the Guard in Kosovo.

Her spokeswoman, Sharon Leighow, says that for security purposes, the governor's office could not release Palin's destination until it was cleared by the Department of Defense. (Security reasons? Who the hell does Sarah have to fear in Kosovo? The people she needs to worry about are right here in Alaska.)

Leighow says Palin will be on the trip through the weekend. (One can only imagine that the birds will sing more sweetly, the air will smell much fresher, and that Eddie Burke will touch himself while imagining her in a camouflage nightie, during her absence. Have a safe trip Governor, we will be right here anticipating your triumphant return with keyboards at the ready.)


  1. Anonymous10:31 PM

    OT, but, hee hee hee, the Sea 4 Pee-ers is now dissing AKM. You're next, Gryphen. Then there will almost be a team. Geez, they're such a bunch of losers. Do any of those people have real jobs, or are they all on Uncle Sam's dole?

  2. Stephen Colbert accidentally reveals Palin's location on the Colbert Report.


  3. So, it's okay for her to give out the location of where Stephen Colbert was going when he was doing his show in the Middle East, but when it comes to her, well, that's a different story. Hypocrite.

  4. crystalwolf aka caligrl4:07 AM

    OMG! She is just disgusting! You know how they say never point a gun at someone unless your going to use it! Everything's a photo Op for her.
    And she crossed eyed!
    Who's minding Alaska? Or is she running it from her blackberry, gotta collect those per diems, doncha know...UGH!!!!

  5. Anonymous4:54 AM

    Great photo of "Huntress Saint Sarah." That is her image to most of the U.S., for sure. Notice how she can't quite aim.

  6. Does she NEED to do this for morale or to help her claim that she is the commander in chief of something?

    do other governors visit the guard?
    it could be a nice supportive thing, if anyone else did it!

  7. Anonymous5:32 AM

    I don't get it. How long does it take to do one of these trips? 24 to 48 hours? Who would be after her in Kosovo? She is hiding something. Any guess?

  8. Anonymous5:45 AM

    Is Pain(not a spelling error, just prefer this for all the pain she randomly inflicts on others)still the governor of Alaska?

    Did she forget the part about working for the people and the state of Alaska, not to mention being transparent and accountable to them?

    Wandering around Texas, and who knows where else, then off to Kosovo--of course, at an undisclosed location.

    Is the Lieutenant Governor in charge now until she returns? Or will she just be the Blackberry Governor, being the control freak she is?

  9. You mentioned the security thing.. when she was in New York doing the parade, I noticed that too. She had all kinds of security walking the parade route with her. If you look at the video of her you can see them behind her with their little ear pieces and I wondered then, what the hell does she think she is so important she has to have such high security around her. Just strange to me.

  10. crystalwolf aka caligrl6:31 AM

    Annette: re GINO security. Its all part of her "wannabe" POTUS Derangement syndrome! At Auburn did you see her pageant walk down the faux parade with Dud? That was practice for when her and the dud REALLY become "first family"(In her dreams) Just like PO and Michelle walked down the parade, she must too.
    I wonder if they allow pageant walking in Jail? I wonder if she can finish her book in Jail???
    I wonder if megamouth will protect her in jail?

  11. Anonymous6:41 AM

    FWIW, I think they were referring to the security needs of the US Military, not to the Queen's personal security.

    Plus, that's a stock photo, right? It looks familiar. I'm not sure why, as Governor, she needs to hold a gun and have a "gosh I wish I were in the Army instead of Gov 'cause then I could use one of these 'cause they are soooo cooooool" type look on her face.

  12. Anonymous7:13 AM

    OOh, I think you're right about the Stock Photo thing. Way too much meat on her bones. And her hands... those are not the same skeletony ones we've seen over the past few weeks. Her hair is way too healthy in this picture, too.


  13. lisabeth7:18 AM

    Blcch..........she sure is going out of town lately for LONG trips. It is really strange to be running for President 3 1/2 years before an election. Didn't Obama just get started in January?

    I bet she is furious that she is not on CNN every second.There are much bigger stories. No one really cares. And her dumb outrage yesterday did nothing but make more people laugh at her.

    Michael Jackson rules the news today..........I do wish they would talk about Farrah too...... what even is going on in Iran? Its all Michael on CNN

  14. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Since Sarah brings family members along on almost every trip, my question is: Who else went to Kosovo? Todd? Willow? Piper? Trig? Where is the Photo-Op-Family?

    Another question: How many other governors make it a habit to visit their national guard members who are serving abroad? Show of hands please.

  15. Anonymous7:32 AM

    OK, so first they make a big deal out of that she is 'going to visit the troops', and 'they cannot give her itinerary because of security reasons'... and then she shows up IN KOSOVO??? Yup that is the front alright... (is that where Track actually went - not to Iraq, but to cushy Kosovo?)

    Why is she visiting the troops?
    Is she a Senator or Congress person? Is she VP or POTUS?
    Nooo... she is a governor, and one in name only on to of that. How many other governors have gone to visit the troops overseas?

    As a side note: I read somewhere that she was twitting [sic] yesterday about Trig... ANOTHER LIE! SHE DOES NOT CARE ABOUT HIM - HE IS ONLY A PROP FOR HER!

  16. Yes, she left because she is OLD news (old, haggard, loser-type news).

    It's all about Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett and Mark Sanford.

    Security? Who CARES where the biatch is?

  17. The Sea of Pee is flying high, thinking they demolished Linda (when they really helped her fund drive, the idiots). Now they're gunning for AKM and you, too. So be sure to be especially provocative.

    I'll bet Sarah is furious. Going all the way to Kosovo and doing without her pills just to make the news, and Michael Jackson has the bad taste to die and take all her air time.

  18. Anonymous9:17 AM

    I am reminded of former president George H.W.Bush, the first one. Towards the end of his presidency, when he didn't have much going on for him, he went on a gazillion foreign trips, making sure to go to every place had always want to visit. It was on one of those trips when he famously threw up on the Japanese Prime Minister at a State Banquet. Here's hoping that Sarah orders the sushi.

  19. Anonymous9:47 AM

    crystalwolf aka caligrl said...

    OMG! She is just disgusting! You know how they say never point a gun at someone unless your going to use it! Everything's a photo Op for her.
    And she crossed eyed!

    OMG you are such a moron, she is looking through the scope you doofus.

    and all of the people wondering if this is a new photo, its not ... its from her previous trip to Kuwait

    you people are so freaking dumb

    and governor's visit the military all of the time ... especially when it is a unit of THEIR NATIONAL GUARD.

    good grief

  20. Palin lashed back at John Kerry (who made a remark about how he wished that it was Palin that was missing and not Sanford) while giving a speech in Kosovo. Problem is, she plagarized that joke from (wait for it..) DAVID LETTERMAN.
    Doesn't this woman or anyone in her cult have any of their own ideas?
    Why would she even need to say anything political while giving a speech to the troops anyway?

  21. justafarmer10:10 AM

    I think that photo was from her trip to "I can see Iraq from Kuwait"and "I was in Ireland also too" tour a couple years ago. Notice the oh-so-not-fashionable eyeglasses.

  22. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Listen to her speech from Kosovo. Takes a pot shot at "our vice president" who was wearing "a suit and tie" (explaining why she had a tee shirt on) and then a pot shot at John Kerry, apropos of nothing other than responding to Kery's pot shot of her.....isn't it a bit inappropriate to be slamming the vice president when she is overseas w/ troops?

  23. Anonymous12:32 PM

    this is the same vice president who told a dude in a wheel chair to stand up right?

    biden is the walking example of media bias

  24. Anonymous 9:47am:
    Okay, little Sarah Troll, back under your bridge.
    Does your mommy know that you have wandered off?

  25. Anonymous12:55 PM

    In a comment on her own post attacking the Alaska blogging community, Mansour has this to say: "Soon it will become apparent to these people that attacking her children is not acceptable. Sexist attacks on her are also not acceptable. We are working to establish the boundaries of acceptable discourse."

    Excuse me? THEY will decide what is "acceptable discourse" when talking about Her Holyness? What ever happened to the first amendment, land of the free, and all that? All I've got to say is, Holy Shit. Why isn't THIS making the national news, rather than Sarah's plagiarized (from Letterman, of all people!) joke about Kerry? This really is newsworthy.

  26. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Isn't it kind of weird how GINO goes to HOT Texas and wears long sleeves, but then goes to COOL Kosovo, and wears SHORT sleeves? Notice how she ALWAYSA WEARS short sleeves WHILE AROUND THE TROOPS???

  27. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Just so everyone knows RAM has some serious problems. I won't elaborate but if you do some real digging you'll find out more.

    She (and what woman goes by RAM) has a lot of nerve saying what is acceptable discourse. She is one of the most inappropriate people in existance.

    RAM is quite a bull, ....I mean bully :) (lol) to people who have even slightly different viewpoints.

  28. short sleeves.. kind of trying to play the part
    She does that so well.. cult leader I say
    Not to be weird
    But hello? If she can be everyone's neighbor, wife, mother, lover (heels and crazy over the top lopped on makeup - fantasy look) ..and army person .. I can carry my own bag gosh darn it!

    But from a cosmetic perspective.. the sleeves are a bit long.. they don't show the waddle of the upper arms..
    Where in the heck of time does she find to be a mother to these kids
    I have one.. a teenager.. and work part time.. and I still am not there "enough" .. I am talking emotionally ect
    I still see her reaction to her kids
    Like the Emmonak video of her attempting to be sympathetic to the leader guy
    Backing away the moment he got "deep"
    I can see one of her kids coming up to her with a problem
    And her saying .. "I have scheduled you in for next Tuesday.. we will throw a party! Invite your friends!"
    If she didn't shove Jesus and Family values down your throat I'd give her some credence but she is a joke.. she's gotta blow soon with or without the feds on her tail . Unless she is omnipotent! In that case, God help us all...

  29. Lisabetho1:57 PM

    Well I have been watching CNN all day, pretty nonstop, and there hasn't been ONE mention her highness, queen holy one, symbol of Madonna, Scarah Palin. Not one mention, photo, nothing nada!!!!

    That us what you get when you cry wolf and whine too often. Yesterday in the political ticker people were begging CNN to stop covering Scarah. 98% of the comments were basically telling Scarah to shut up and be more thick skinned or get out of politics! It's true, she is a very reactive person and cannot handle criticism of any kind.

  30. Did you see the video of Scarah talking to the troops? Usual word salad. It's on Huff Post at:

    Of course she had to use the occasion to slap back at John Kerry for his joke. Lotta class.

  31. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Anon said, "Notice how she ALWAYSA WEARS short sleeves WHILE AROUND THE TROOPS???"

    She can't take her drugs through customs. Think about it: what makes you really skinny and cold, makes you talk fast nonsense, and gives you delusions of grandeur?

  32. crystalwolf aka caligrl4:57 PM

    Anon@1:49 Nice try about RAM but no one here really gives a rats ass about her. She is just a anon. mouthpiece. We are not like THEM. We don't CYBERSTALK people and make threats.

  33. Anonymous8:09 PM

    I love the comment "you people are so freaking dumb."

    That comment alone shows how bright the c4 peers are! Hahaha!!!

    DUH what a "freaking imbecile!"


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.