Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Governor Mark Sanford admits to having an affair. Well at least the Argentinian part of this story turned out to be true.

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Okay they cut right to the chase in this video embed, but I watched the press conference while on the elliptical machine at my gym and it took this guy FOREVER to finally tell everybody where he had been and with whom.

At one point I literally yelled at the TV for him to get to the damn point! (I may have to apologize to a few people the next time I go work out.)

So another so called "Family Values" Republican bites the dust. Anybody surprised? Yeah me neither.

Is it wrong that I am jealous of South Carolina right now? Why can't my Governor do something as cut and dried as banging some guy in Tijuana and lying about it? Just think how much simpler it would be to get rid of her.

But if this kind of thing keeps up our Sarah may really BE the only choice the GOP has left to nominate in 2012. Damn it, I need to get busy!


  1. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Or even better, why can't Palinocchio admit her lies and give a heartfelt apology like Sanford is trying to do. I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt on heartfelt.

  2. Anonymous11:21 AM

    The GOP is just sad.

  3. Inquiring minds want to know who (and what gender) this dear dear friend from Argentina is. I don't think it was mentioned in his presser, was it?

  4. Wow, it's like all these GOP'ers go the the same do as I say not as I do school.

    Closet freaks all of them. I'm glad this idiot has bitten the dust.

  5. He said "she" so I am guessing it is either a woman or a post-op transgender.

  6. Is it me, or am I the only one who still has a hard time believing he went to Argentina? The affair part I already had an inkling about, but methinks everything happened closer to home--or at least within the same country.

  7. Palin/Sanford 2012!

    (Between them, they'd spend very little time governing, being out campaigning for re-election and "hiking" respectively.)

  8. Anonymous12:13 PM

    "Is it wrong that I am jealous of South Carolina right now? Why can't my Governor do something as cut and dried as banging some guy in Tijuana and lying about it? Just think how much simpler it would be to get rid of her.

    But if this kind of thing keeps up our Sarah may really BE the only choice the GOP has left to nominate in 2012. Damn it, I need to get busy!"

    This sounds like you are not sure that she will be taken down anymore?

  9. Anonymous12:14 PM

    This was no surprise. Everybody knew that he was somewhere having an affair. What man leaves his wife and kids on Father's Day with his whereabouts unknown? We just didn't know if the affair was with a man or a woman. LOL!

  10. Anonymous12:39 PM

    I am disappointed that there was no naked hiking involved.

  11. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Can I hope that "she" is a fabulous Argentinian drag queen??

  12. OMG could it get any better? What is WITH these elder statesmen christian white guys? The teeny tiny party of the religious right is running rampant with adultery right now.

    Way to go to build the party - Sanford/Palin 2012 - oh please let it happen!!!

    So now we have Gingrich, Sanford, Diaper Dave, Ensign, McCain (with wife #2 before marrying her)..I think we need a complete list. We have Craig but he was for soliciting. Lindsay Graham is almost openly gay - Crist also pretty close to gay (I don't care but the Republicans do).

    OMG we are left with Jindal and Jeb Bush!!!

  13. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Wasn't Palin in Texas last weekend? Maybe it's palin + Sanford. Has she tweeted about it yet? No seriously, I think it's a HE , not a she. Argentina?

  14. crystalwolf aka caligrl5:15 PM

    Where's Sarah???? Who's minding Alaska while she's gone???

  15. Anonymous7:43 PM

    Dang...same ol' same ol'

    I was really hoping for something different this time, like an alien abduction.

    I really feel sorry for the kids.

  16. Anonymous8:30 PM

    Well, it seems Sanford used state dollars to travel to Argentina. And those two other trips to visit his friend as well. Politico is working on the story. Toast.

  17. Anonymous12:58 AM

    Well, after reading mudflats and Alaska Report tonight, I would guess this time that it won't be her personnel board letting her off......but the IRS and maybe the FBI bringing the truth to the surface. If it is embezzlement that will be the end of her and her big dream. Many people have been ruined at her hands. The fall will be much harder than Gov. Sanford.


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