Monday, June 01, 2009

Here is a statement about the death of Dr. Tiller from Sarah Palin.

"I feel sorrow for the Tiller family. I respect the sanctity of life and the tragedy that took place today in Kansas clearly violates respect for life. This murder also damages the positive message of life, for the unborn, and for those living.

Ask yourself, 'What will those who have not yet decided personally where they stand on this issue take away from today's event in Kansas?' Regardless of my strong objection to Dr. Tiller's abortion practices, violence is never an answer in advancing the pro-life message."

Governor Sarah Palin

No snark from me today.

I think the Governor said the right thing here and I am not going to poke holes in it just the entertainment of myself and my visitors.

I certainly hope that other anti-abortion conservatives follow Sarah Palin's example.

As human beings we should all mourn this sad unnecessary tragedy.

And Sarah Palin demonstrated her humanity today.

Update: Shannyn was not quite as forgiving as I was. And her point is well taken.


  1. CorningNY2:53 PM

    For once, she said the right thing. But I think that's only because this is such a red-hot subject, and she realized that to even come CLOSE to appearing to sympathize with Tiller's murderer would be political suicide. I bet privately, she thinks he got just what he deserved--as in the biblical "eye for an eye."

  2. A dame that knows the ropes isn't likely to get tied up.

  3. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Yes, she said the right things but I bet she did not write this. It was her 'ghost writer'.

  4. I agree with you. She said the right thing. No snark on this one. This is a sad day and should
    NOT have happened. I hope her followers take what she said seriously.

  5. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Appropriate comments from a governor, however, considering the language level it is obvious that she did NOT write this.

  6. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Ok then, leave the snark to the comments.

    Why is Palin palling around with real domestic terrorists who kill real people?

  7. Calls to GINO's office asking "Is this an act of domestic terrorism?" were not returned. Palin also would not call the bombings of abortion clinics acts of domestic terrorism when she was pressed on FOX, in one of the rare interviews she was allowed to do.

  8. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Whoever wrote this demonstrated humanity. SP couldn't put that thought to paper if *her* life depended on it.

  9. Anonymous5:33 PM

    I agree with the point made in the above statement; but I doubt very much Sarah wrote it.

    (Shannyn Moore has a good "contrast these two statements" on her blog.)

  10. Anonymous6:23 PM

    I have to agree that GINO did not write that, however regardless of who did it, there was a little more editorializing than was needed. Sounded like she was more concerned about how it would affect the movement than the fact that a human being lost his life. Snarky? Maybe but JMHO.

  11. Okay. She said it.

    But what makes you think she wrote it? Doesn't sound like Palin at all.

    I notice whoever did write it gave a hat tip to Randall Terry; reaction to murder of more concern than the murder itself.

  12. Anonymous6:40 PM

    This is a sorrowful time and it is kind to give a governor a pass as long as no one is being duped.

  13. crystalwolf aka caligrl7:27 PM

    At palin rallies during the campaign any one who was "for" PO was called a "Baby killer" she did not stop that talk nor did she stop talk of "kill him" or "he's a muslim".
    This guy was a "Freeman" another name for AIP'r.
    Palin was backpedaling just like Bill O and the Operation rescue asshole.
    And she did not write this statement. Maybe the first statement.
    Don't cut her any slack. She is probably giggling her nasty little giggle about Dr. Tillers death. Someone noted...she protested more about Bible boobs being maliciously attacked than a Dr. who was assassinated by a wingnut Pro-hate monger like her.

  14. crystalwolf aka caligrl7:40 PM

    I forgot to add to my post this link:

    GINO's statement is CYA. Just like the idiot of Operation Rescue.
    He just put the info on the web for people to see where Dr. Tiller lived and work, but he's not responsible for anything! (some crazy wingnut is not him!)
    When they charge him, they should also include Bill O, Faux news, GINo, Operation Rescue.

  15. crystalwolf aka caligrl8:03 PM

    Bill O called Dr. Tiller, Dr. "killer"...mailippa posted this at mudflats...
    Stories from sure to have plenty of tissues on hand....

  16. Anonymous8:31 PM

    Whether she wrote it or not, it was released under her office. It displays her classlessness in releasing a statement conveying sympathy to the family with the inclusion of political rhetoric.

    Typical Palin displaying the bottom-feeder she is

  17. Not impressed.
    The words today should be.
    Violence is NEVER the answer. PERIOD.
    The fact that Dr. tiller did perform abortions should never enter the statement.
    He was murdered. End of story. To include anything else is the "but" and appears to justify what was done.
    She herself did not address the words of violence that were evident in her campaign speeches. She condones by her actions.
    She does not consider this terrorism.
    Her actions speak louder then her words.

  18. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Gryphen, I appreciate there was no snark. However, I do take issue with one thing she did. If you compare the "ire' on her statement re: Dr. Tiller, with her absolute venom regarding the terrible treatment received by Carrie Prejean, you will see her priorities as usual are skewed.

    I also do not believe for one second that she wrote it herself.


  19. She has posted again!!! This time to berate Obama for not condemning the shooting of the recruiting officer, at a recruiting office...just like HER SON Track went to once!!

    hate her

  20. onejrkitty12:24 PM

    Tiller died, not Palin or a family member.

    She deserves ALL the usual snark and more because it is SHE who is undervaluing the life taken.

    You have a tender heart Gryphen, but this is not the time to cut Palin some slack. On the contrary, I think we all can "assume" what she is really feeling toward Tiller.

    Palin is evil. You do not cut evil any slack.


    Her inclusion of political rhetoric didn't cut the Tiller family any slack !


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