Sunday, June 28, 2009

Now THIS is what I call "iconic".

One of my very good friends thought that I might like a REAL iconic image of Palin.

You know the sad thing is that many of her more rabid followers would probably say "Yeah that's about right."

(My apologies to any REAL Christians who may be offended by this. However it is my firm belief that REAL Christians would NEVER find something like this offensive anyhow.)


  1. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Gryphen, I am a "real Christian," and post as such on your blog periodically.

    I love this. Iconicity rocks! Woo-hoo! :-)

    But it makes me feel sorry for Mary. Is Palin wearing diapers? :-(

  2. Is this pic from the Sarahtology Bible?

  3. That's really clever AND humorous, as in funny.

  4. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Maybe C4P or TeamSarah will use this photo as its new brand image. Those cult dingalings worship her as if she's the second coming. 'Cept she's not. SP is actually the antichrist. And isn't that a "666" I see on her forehead?????

  5. well I worship Mary and this creeps me out!

  6. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Actually, "666" is the area code of her cell phone.

  7. Anonymous5:00 PM

    FYI...Shannyn has an article on HuffPost about Eddie's shirt and Palin's statement. She even has the photo of Palin and Letterman there.

  8. Anonymous @ 3:55 reminded me, on HuffPo under another discussion, someone was saying that Michael Reagan was the best of Reagan's children, "not like Ron Jr. and 666".

    That's just plain nasty in so many ways, both the insult to Patty Reagan Davis, and harkening to Michael Reagan's murderous "solution to the problems in the Middle East" -- he's not the best of anything.

  9. You Betcha!

    I only improvement I can think of is a C-thru blouse, mini skirt w/no panties and dem bright red "do me" pumps!!

    Hell, add all that and I might even try using it for my wallpaper until my wife comes along and smacks me up aside the head!

  10. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Hey the demonic C4P and Team Sarah Satanic cult have their nose so far up "she who can not be joked about" butt that they have invented a new lipstick. (Lipstick on a pig is old news.) Their lipstick is the diarrhea green in color. MMMMMn, MMMMMMn, lip smackin' good.

  11. Maeve7:07 PM

    Now this is desecration!

  12. Anonymous7:08 PM

    now that's true desecration. Palin's side introduced the concept and now is taking over the original depiction of who Sarah Palin craddles in an attempt to distract from the truth.......I would photoshop palin's head into a cobra on the original picture, maybe not, wouldnt want to scare the kid...after all she is his mumm....isn't she?

  13. justafarmer7:29 PM

    I kinda like the iconic photo featuring Brian that AKM took at KBYR Saturday night....

  14. Anonymous7:48 PM

    Palin is definitely the antiChrist. Anyone who thinks God has chosen them to be president is evil. She seems to believe she is above other people cecause of her calling. True Christians who admire humility, kindness, honesty would not respect Palin if they really SAW the truth about Sarah. She is a phony who puts her own ambition above all else. She is a Jezebel.

  15. Anonymous8:11 PM

    Need some assistance from Joe the Plumber!!

    Introducing The Wasillabilly Grifters --

  16. Anonymous8:12 PM

    I think the wrong eye is winking. The rest didn't make much of an impression on me.

  17. The C4P'ers were just elevated into Iconic Status themselves.

    I must confess, I'm not sure who the folks in the field are -- Vengence of the Zombies? Return of the Living Dead?

  18. Hey - Jezebel was a brilliant woman - no comparison!!

  19. Anonymous10:20 PM

    Well if Mary can give birth without sex, then Sara can give birth without pregnancy ......right?

  20. BuffaloGal4:48 AM

    Irony of this picture is that Palin is connected to a church/prayer network that believes the Catholic Mary is evil. I'm sure Sarah wouldn't care for this photo at all!

    Here's a link to some info:

  21. Anonymous3:10 PM

    How dare you make fun of the mother (I think) of a special needs child! This is blasphemy! I am reporting you to the Council of Iconic Images!!

  22. Gryphen.. Real Christians and those who have the truth recognize evil when they see it. I would offer that Sarah is the 'Whore that rides the Beast'

  23. Anonymous5:17 AM

    OK, Im confused! What is the interpretation of a real Christian? I have seen alot of blogs of what "real Christians" should feel, think, do, act like,etc., but yet this whole interpretation from the democratic, socialist, zelots have not given a compelling description of a "Real Christian". I have only read what real Christians should not feel, think, do or act like. Just wondering if any of your readers have the other side of their brain working today? By the way, has anyone read Daniel 7.... I think the "Real Christians" win!!!!


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