Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Add Clear Channel to the list of media that Sarah Palin hates.

While you might assume Palin would be a better fit for conservative radio than the less partisan world of syndicated broadcast TV, my sources say the country’s biggest radio conglomerate, Clear Channel, has already passed on her.

The main objection to Palin as radio talk-show host is that she would have to hold forth for three hours a day. While some of her recent remarks may indicate a talent for improvisation, anyone who’s listened to Rush Limbaugh or Thom Hartmann or Don Imus or Howard Stern or even Ryan Seacrest knows it’s the rare personality who can blab extemporaneously for 15 hours a week. And relying on callers to get you through won’t help, because as we’ve all experienced, callers-in are usually more embarrassing than compelling.

Inside Radio also gleefully points out the irony of these rumors, since Palin’s disdain for the media is clear. As she admonished reporters in her departure speech: “Quit making things up.”

Can you just imagine what it would be like to hear Sarah Palin ad libbing on the radio for two to three hours, five days a week? It would be like shoving red hot pokers in your ears and slowly twisting them until you passed out from the searing pain.

And what would the callers into a show that featured Sarah Palin be like?

Oh God my mind reels at the very thought!


  1. Speaking of the media: Watch "The Tonight Show" this evening! Conan has Shatner back and he is doing Sarah's TWEETS!

  2. Anonymous8:25 PM

    We all assumed that $arah was walking out on that boring, restrictive governor job for something bigger, more exciting and better paying. So, what's all this talk about not finding a radio program for Sarah? (I bet those speeches were deal-breakers).

    Do we think that she had to leave because of that Alaska Fund rumor? Is something coming over the horizon, rearing its head, causing waves?? Did she leave just to write her book? And, we haven't heard a tweet or seen a new website yet. On the other hand, now that she's out of office and she has to pay for the stuff herself, maybe it's time to cut back a little. Sorry, $arah!

  3. Anonymous8:36 PM

    A radio show would be useful while she is recovering from plastic surgery.

    Mark my words--if she steps out of the limelight for a little while she will return looking very "well rested."

    Yeah, right.

  4. From Huffington Post:
    "What would it cost to buy the support of just about every nationally-syndicated neocon talk show host in America? About $19.5 Billion, which is what Mitt Romney's private equity firm, Bain Capital, and Thomas H. Lee Partners have agreed to pay in a leveraged buyout agreement with Clear Channel Communications, the largest radio station owner in the country."
    Since Romney owns Clear Channel, I suppose he would not agree to Palin having a show there.
    That said, I believe she would be an even BIGGER disaster on radio - he fans need to SEE her - not hear the screechy voice.

  5. Anonymous8:53 PM

    I think she is just tweaking people, floating possibilities. Whatever happened, she is unprepared. She doesn't know what she is doing. I don't miss her tweets at all.

    Today Rueters is saying she is expected at the Reagan Library in Simi Valley
    “Expected guest” may be the operative phrase since Palin’s personal representatives say she “has not confirmed her attendance at any event”
    “No press or other media allowed.”

    Tickets for the gala reportedly were going for $100 per person for members and $150 for invited non-members. Up to 900 people were expected to attend. Sadler said the party is “not a fundraising event” and that proceeds would go to pay for the event itself.


    Perhaps someone beat Levi to the publishers??
    Be sure to click on the link at the bottom of the page "Story Inspiration". Lots of good info!!

  7. pacos_gal9:11 PM

    She doesn't need to cut back at all.

    I spoke with someone I know in publishing and the advance, which has been reported at 4 million, is paid upfront, in cash, at the time of the contract signing.

    Now that she isn't Governor, there is no problem with her spending the money. I'm positive that it would have become an ethics complaint/violation if it was widely known and if she had spent it while governor.

    There is no issue with her spending it now.

    Also, my source said, she will make a lot more than the 10 million in the end, with 2 publications, one for the public, another for the chrisitan readership. Then you have reprints, hardcopy, trader, paperback, and foreign printing rights, all of which she will have royalties, 7 - 10% of the net sales.
    This is a standard contract for this type of writer/subject matter.

    She isn't giving up the AFT and now that she isn't in office, unless the Board brings charges, she can spend that also. Does anyone really think that there will be charges based upon previous examples?

    Nope, Sarah Palin, private citizen, from the day she left office became a very rich woman.

    It makes you really wonder about those folks who send her 50 or 100 dollars, thinking they are saving her from the big bad liberals. Now that is a joke she can laugh about all the way to the bank. Some may not like to hear that, but facts are facts.

    Do they really think that she can't afford the New York lawyers who have been working for her (nothing to do with Governorship or ethics complaints or the McCain campaign). That guy doesn't come cheap.

    I think it is fine to give to your favorite charity or a political cause you believe in. You have to do your homework though and can't take a politicians word for anything, even if she/he seems like just real people to you. Unless you have millions in your personal account, you aren't in the same league.

  8. Anonymous9:14 PM

    You know, I just don't think she would be very good at answering random questions from her audience.

  9. pacos_gal9:53 PM

    So Romney now owns Rush Limbaugh's contract. $400 million (over) through 2016. Interesting.

  10. Ella has already mentioned Palin's Poetry in Tweet on the The Tonight Show... I've just read on Mudflats that Conan's guest tonight is Rachel Maddow.

    ProChoiceGrandma: Thanks for the link to the book Two Babies. Awesome! At long last SP's lies and deception about Trig's birth are beginning to unravel.

  11. Anonymous1:07 AM

    Re: pacos_gal @ 9:11pm

    I used to work in book publishing for a major NY house, and I've never heard of an advance being paid in full upon signing. Advances are usually split up, whether it's half on signing, half on publication; or 1/3 on signing, 1/3 on submission of the completed manuscript, 1/3 on publication--something like that.

    Also, the subsidiary rights (excerpts, foreign, movie, paperback, etc) are sometimes retained by the publishing house, sometimes by the literary agent. Either way, the exercise of those rights does generate more $.

    Note that royalties from book sales (percentages step up, depending on the volume of books sold) don't kick in until you "earn out" the advance monies paid.

    On the other hand, it has been speculated that Murdoch, who owns HarperCollins and Zondervan (religious imprint), doesn't need/expect the book to sell that well to the general public; conservative and religious groups will buy the books en masse for fund raising or giveaways, thus circumventing campaign donation limits.

    Palin's book deal was allegedly cleared by the Dept of Law prior to her securing it anyway (not that it should have been!), so she apparently was not constrained by her office. What I think was a concern to her, though, was having to divulge the millions that she was being paid. That would have cut into her "poor me, I'm saddled with legal debt" scam.

    Speaking of the AFT, the EBEA (ethics statues) clause about the governor not profiting from her position applies for two years after the governor leaves office. I wouldn't be so sure she'll be free to use that money any time soon.

  12. pacos_gal7:07 AM

    I was very surprised when I was told that the advance would be paid up front. I thought it would have been divided up too. The word used to me is and I quote "disgusting" in relationship to the deal.

    The person I spoke with has been with HarperCollins and holds a high position within the industry. I trust what they told me, but I am only going by what I have been told since I have no direct knowledge.

    There is a chance that I'll hear more tomorrow and can certainly try to get clairification on the upfront vs division of advance. The percentages I spoke of where what was quoted to me. It's very hard to get details. Plus all that is being talked about now is this lawsuit involving the Tolkein Trust and HarperCollins, it's worth so much more than Palin.

    I don't trust the PB to do anything, even if she were to withdrawal the money within 2 years. Does anyone actually believe her that the account hasn't been touched? I don't.

    I think you are absolutely correct about her not wanting to divulge any monies she has received though. It's a good reason to quit the Governors job since disclosure can be such a nasty little issue. Poor me goes by the wayside when you are bringing home the bacon and frying it up in a pan. :)

    Laters all.

  13. Kelly8:42 AM

    Alaskans know Sarah Palin isn't smart enough to host a radio show.

  14. Someone posted the other day about S.P.'s dad comment "Kids are always losing their underwear"

    Without digging too deep.. as he could just be a kind ole grand daddy...

    But just wanted you to know I felt the same creepiness..

    Be random.. you say they are always losing their socks or can't keep track of their shoes.. but when the mind shoots right to the under pants..

    but who knows.. Im just gonna hope he was just spouting something without any meaning to it and leave it at that


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