Monday, July 20, 2009

Blackjack! Sorry I got carried away at the news of the 21st ethics complaint filed against Sarah Palin.

To acting Attorney General Daniel Sullivan:Please consider this ethics complaint charging Governor Sarah Palin for violations of the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act. The charges are that she hasn’t claimed all gifts received in a timely manner, if at all.

You know I am betting that Andree McLeod NEVER gets invited to a Palin family barbecue for as long as she lives.

But we are still cool, right Sarah?


  1. Anonymous3:46 PM

    I have a question for you, Gryphen, or anyone else in Alaska who might know the answer:

    Suppose that Sarah Palin is found to have committed some ethics violations, such as the one just filed, accepting gifts and not declaring them. WHAT CAN THEY DO TO HER? She's leaving!

    The IRS might be interested in gifts that were not declared as income. But, regarding some of the other complaints-- using a personal Blackberry to hid goverment business from the open records act-- what will they do, take away her Blackberry?

    Seriously, are there any serious consequences for Sarah with these various ethics complaints? Or is it like school and it will end up on her public record?? OOOoooooo, scary!

  2. Well, personally, I don't know what the consequences would be to Sarah. Having watched her since last September, I hope it makes her perfectly miserable. One more nail in the coffin...

  3. There are civil fines and penalties that can be assessed. But in Alaska, I don't know. This could also be campaign violations which McCain would have to pay or the RNC. I thought I read that McCain already stiffed her on other bills.

  4. The Ethics Act is exceedingly and simply clear in that officials MUST claim gifts within 30 days of receipt.
    Palin; by her own admission, has violated this act.
    If nothing else, she would be hard pressed to refute these charges and it will definitely tarnish her reputation (what little left she has, anyway).
    I don't know how she can even think that it is considered received when she opens it and not when she receives it. Again, she is trying to bend the law in her favor.
    I hope that the IRS goes after her ass on this. You see, if I won money, I would have to report it in that years taxes and NOT when I spend it.

  5. She's already miserable. She's been whining on Twitter nonstop ever since the complaint was announced.

  6. Last night she tweeted about not wasting time whining and complaining. Now look at her. A concerned family member should drive her to a mental hospital for evaluation STAT!

  7. Anonymous7:37 PM

    You're so witty, Gryphen. Thanks!!! LOL

  8. Anonymous7:43 PM

    Gryphen, Rumor Central has been removed from Alaska Report? Know anything?

  9. Anonymous9:40 PM

    Rumor central was just that... a rumor

    And spreading rumors without a source to back them up is just wrong and malicious

  10. Anonymous10:00 PM

    Palin, by her own admission has boxes of mail & gifts dating back 6 or more months. By LAW she must report them within 30 days of receipt or she is in violation. Well, Palin has changed the rules to suit her own purposes, by stating that she doesn't consider a gift or mail as "received" until she opens it.

    I'm sorry but that isn't the way it works. She and her family both are on record as admitting that she has these items just sitting around. Perhaps she thought she could skirt the law yet again but not opening anything until after she was out of office.

  11. Anonymous10:19 PM

    What does this mean?

    "Thomas Van Flein, Palin's private attorney, says the governor also owes some $500,000 for legal fees associated with ethics complaints. Van Flein says a state official could not use state attorneys for personal defense against abuse-of-power allegations, though the state may reimburse Palin for costs associated with dismissed claims. ..."

  12. Palin, thy name is hypocrite.

  13. Remember when Grandpa Chuck Heath talked about baby gifts?

    “Bristol Palin is expecting her first child, a son, on Dec. 20 — and her grandfather says their family has been receiving support and gifts from all over the world.

    “In Sarah’s mailroom, there’s 87 boxes — big boxes of mail that haven’t even been opened,” Sarah Palin’s father, Chuck Heath, 70, tells the Web site “I’ve been answering letters all day, all week. We figure there’s over a hundred thousand pieces here.”


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It just goes directly to their thighs.