Saturday, July 18, 2009

John Coale, the man behind Palin's Defense Fund, says she only incurred $100,000 from ethics charges. Another Palin lie bites the dust.

One of the main reasons Sarah Palin is stepping down as governor, say associates, is her large, unpaid legal bill. Her successor, Lt. Gov. Sean Parnell, says she is worried about "the cost of all the ethics investigations and the like." But is that really the reason? John Coale, a Washington lawyer who helped Palin set up a legal-defense fund and PAC, tells NEWSWEEK the fund is "well on its way" to paying off $500,000 in legal debt from the campaign and another $100,000 in bills incurred later, leaving questions about how big a part money woes played in her decision to resign.

Well so much for Palin's claim that her legal bills were in excess of $500,000 dollars due to ethics charges. And her ridiculous claim that those costs are the reason for her stepping down are also bullshit because as Coale says her Defense Fund is "well on its way" to paying them off.

So just like Margaret Carlson said on Countdown last week, Sarah Palin has had NO out of pocket expenses due to the ethics charges. NONE!

You know I am beginning to believe that Sarah Palin could not tell the truth if you put a gun to her head.


  1. 500K from the campaign? Hmm, could that be from the ethics complaint she filed against herself to counter the AK Legislature's Troopergate findings?

    How'd she accumulate so large a bill in 2 months - by bribing the Personnel Board?

  2. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Ha! Looks like the ethics complaints have not affected Palin at all. They have only served as an excuse for Palin to unlock her chains to Alaska. Good going idiots. And anyone with half a brain would have to admit that some of those complaints were indeed frivolous. Not all but some were, and now she has the excuse and it is all your fault.

    God I wish you would not have screwed this one up.

    Idiots, every last one of you. I suppose you are still hanging on the hopes of a scandal too.

    You will probably screw that one up too, if its even true at all. Oh yeah, you know the nature of the scandal, but then you have to admit publicly that it was just a rumor. Fail! Stop trying and leave it to the people who know what they are doing.

  3. Anonymous6:17 PM

    speaking of bribing the Persones Board. I think her goodbye tour is her trying to close up all the leaks and paying out to everyone who she owes. Just a thought.

  4. belle6:42 PM

    You would think Coale and Palin could get their stories straight. Maybe she does not return his calls? Her biggest well-heeled supporter (Maleck) complained that his calls were not returned. Palin and her crew really ARE "the gang that couldn't shoot straight."

  5. Lisabeth6:56 PM

    Troopergate was an ethics violation so she might not be lying. Wouldn't she have legal funds with the Branchflower as well as the personnel board investigation?

    It's interesting. Hmmm. It sounds like Coale isn't a big supporter anymore if he's telling stuff to newsweek. Also she was using state money for her own legal fees before the campaign. If the McCain camp put an end to it then they must have thought that was unethical. It is!! If someone filed an ethics complaint, she'd have to pay that back too.

    There is another story in Newsweek I liked by Eleanor Clift. When I read it earlier one of her supporters went crazy and told Eleanor off. People are still talking about the 2 million it cost the state to process the ethics complaints. Sarahbis such a liar!! Yet her supporters like her because they say "she speaks the truth." I don't get it. Can't they see she is a liar? She lies nonstop!

  6. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Whoa Anon get a grip!! You sound like an angry nutcase. Who are you calling idiots? Take a Valium and relax! What is your problem!!

    Plus you haven't been keeping up which makes you sound like an idiot. There are scandals coming out. The truth about Sarah is getting out because of the Alaskan bloggers. Is that who you are mad at? It sounds misdirected to me.

  7. Sarah never said that HER legal expenditures were the reason for stepping down. It was the expenditures to the State of Ak. for the petty complaints. Money that could have been better spent on road, schools, etc. You all just threw everything against a wall, and nothing has stuck.

    Even her ratings were not affected my your petty complaints or her stepping down. And, she got over $200,000 for her Sarahpac the first week after her announcement. So guess we owe you all a big thanks. Keep up the good work. Just like the misinformation on this thread that states the wrong reason she stepped down.

  8. There are bloggers in the lower 48!! Just starting but with a vengence.Keep on blogging it works.

  9. Anonymous7:45 PM

    @juju, are you one of Molly's kids?

  10. get real8:04 PM

    How can you tell when a Pee-bot posts comments?

    When you read it and you throw-up a little in your mouth from the lies and BS.

  11. JuJu said: "It was the expenditures to the State of Ak. for the petty complaints. Money that could have been better spent on road, schools, etc."
    Actually, this has proved to be UNTRUE - the money for the Dept. of Law could NOT be spent to build roads or help schools. Research it and you will see.
    And a plea to my friends here - why attack JuJu? Why the name-calling? I admire her willingness to read this blog, and she gives us an opportunity to help educate her to the facts. I see no reason to stoop to the behavior we see on the pro-Palin sites. I thought we were better than that.

  12. Anonymous8:45 PM

    Juju - If you're going to comment in an effort to support Palin, then at least be current in your information! It's been all over so it's not hard to find: The money "that could have been better spent on roads, schools, etc." was ALREADY ALLOCATED, i.e. the lawyers where already being paid for being..... lawyers. It COULDN'T have gone to roads or anything else, because there was no extra money spent. Ok? Sigh... Sarah Palin did something she has done before: She lied. R.E.A.D. something other than JUST C4Pee. There's other news sites out there. Do you really think that EVERY single thing she says is the truth?

  13. Anonymous8:47 PM

    Is it a full moon? This first person calls us all idiots ( what a kind person). Then comes juju. And juju actually believes Sarah's ratings haven't changed.

    Juju I think Gryphen knows and has stated Sarahs fake story about why she left. She said it cost the state millions and that has already been confirmed as incorrect.
    We all know the reasons she stated and they are lies. Juju grow up. You sound like a mean 5th grader and your information about polls is wrong! Did you see the biggest poll this week? Your queens ratings have definitely gone south. You are delusional or can't read.

    And to the first poster, who are the ones who get it right? The media? I don't think so. And since you are so critical yet so perfect, why don't you do it.

    This is a blog. You haven't figured that out yet. Gryphen never said he was a journalist. Instead of being a jerk and playing armchair critic, why don't you do something.

  14. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Juju comes across like an uptight old person. If she's one of Mollys she knows the truth about her auntie . She knows the truth about the two grandbabies too. The people who worked on the McCain campaign know too and it's just amazing what a piece of information sells for these days.

  15. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Anon @ 7:01

    The truth has never come out about SP, and you know it. Nothing sticks to her. Not one of your allegations have ever stuck to her. And the bloggers have been promising for months that a scandal was going to take Palin down. They said they even knew what it was. Then they got called out on it by Palins stupid attorney, and they had to admit it was just a rumor (Shannon Moore). It is all just rumors! Piling ethics complaint upon complaint on Palin whether it has merit or not has backfired. They should not have filed complaints with no proof, or filed the more ridiculous ones like wearing the jacket. It just made us look bad and gave her an excuse to quit and gain a bigger platform to spew her garbage.

    I do blame them for being stupid in their attacks. You all fall for the scandal bull, but its bull, all of it. I don't buy a word of it anymore.

    How do you think anything will even come to light now that Palin will be a private citizen? It won't.
    You brought a plastic light saber to a gun fight, and guess what. Palin had the gun.
    I'm so dissapointed, and yes I am lashing out at who I think is at fault for the mess that has been unleashed.

  16. Anonymous9:06 PM

    There were interesting comments on the Alaska Dispatch the other day. I can't remember which one. People who are Christians in $arah's church who once supported her but now see the constant lying and immoral behavior. They said as Christians they had to start doing the right thing and speak out about her. And they plan on it. They feel it's their moral duty - that they can't stand the constant lying. One of them said they made up their mind when they saw how $carah treated Levi and lied outright by saying Levi did not live in their house. Apparently everyone in Wasilla knows Levi lived there and more than once.

    In a few weeks we are going to be hearing a lot more of the truth. We have already heard more.

  17. Anonymous9:51 PM

    Palin's folks are out in force tonight...wrong as usual, though. And angry, too. No wonder they get it wrong all the time...they are too angry to hear the truth.

  18. Just_a_Mote10:25 PM

    Anon @6:10PM, what exactly do you hope to accomplish with your rants. Do you think you are impressing people with your intelligence and maturity? You come on a blog and then call everyone an idiot. That is not a very smart way to engage others.

  19. justafarmer10:49 PM

    jeez...there were several news stories not too long ago where Coale said he/his people paid $arah's legal bills so far. The defense slush fund hasn't paid anything.
    They can't keep their stories straight,

  20. I always said the fund wasn't to pay the existing bills she had but to stockpile to pay the future bills she was anticipating.

  21. Charlene11:08 PM

    I am looking forward to Sarah P. the celebrity. I hope she does play her sheepel for all they have. It is a sado-masochist relationship and they ask to be fools. She is not as gifted as Amy Simple McPherson and her church members will see the light. My friends are writing a screen play about a modern day charlatan and they peaked my interest for watching Sarah P. I was not that political. The church witchcraft videos are something else. Many people have had experiences with authoritarian religions. The worst part of her is she has no clue about separation of church and state. Her husband was a member of an anti-American party and her son is like him. It makes sense she would have zero respect for public service and be a quitter again. She will be better as a celebrity. She can not show up or play Sarah games and it will work for a celebrity with the type of followers she attracts. Watching her in action fleecing her sheepel will keep her going. For me, I find the emails intriguing and can see something emerging that will devour her so rapid fire fast that it will freak everyone. Some of my friends think the Mat-Su dairy is going to explode. Idk, I am so happy she will be free to tweet to her hearts content until her celebrity butt is where the sun don't shine.

    Meanwhile, John and Greta are perfect to showcase Sarah P. in those dumb public relation stunts they do. I hope they can get Bristol to perform. I hear some people think she has a new hottie. I think it is Levi that's got it going on, not with Bristol, but a real babe. He's going to leave those losers behind and have a good life with Trigg.

  22. Anonymous12:11 AM

    What's wrong with this graphic? How can it lead to any conclusion except that she lied about Trig?

  23. Anonymous1:26 AM

    The cost of $500,000 for legal fees relating to Troopergate during the campaign doesn't compute anyway. McCain sent Texas lawyers to Alaska who launched frivolous lawsuits for the purpose of impeding the investigation. The Legal Liberty Institute, an evangelical group, and two law firms working with it shelled out $185,000 to represent six Alaskan republican legislators in an unsuccessful bid to quash the state legislature's investigation of Troopergate. The gift records showed an in-kind contribution of legal services from Gibson, Dunn, Crutcher LLP for $120,000 and $40,000 from Kevin Clarkson, an Alaskan attorney.

    Talis Colberg was an advocate for Palin who appointed him as Attorney General. He was the one that told the witnesses to ignore the subpoenas. So, Colberg provided legal advice to the witnesses and the Texas gifts paid for all the stalling tactics.

    Eight republicans and four democrats of the Alaska Legislative Council unanimously voted to release Branchflower's report that found Palin violated Alaska statute. Palin filed the ethics violation complaint with the Personnel Board to override Branchflower's report. And the $500,000 legal fee was because of that complaint before the Personnel Board?? Very sad that Palin not only got away with violating statute, she continues to ask strangers to pay for legal fees incurred because of her disrespect for the law, professional ethics and the citizens of Alaska.

  24. "Nothing sticks to her."...Ummm she just quit her job as gov of AK.....Something stuck to her.

    As for juju. he is a c4p'er and doesnt read at a very high level. the troof is invisible to them....

  25. crystalwolf aka caligrl4:18 AM

    Juju read the blog b/c she's assigned too! To keep Tabs on Gryphen's Truther blog!
    Hey Juju, What's ManSour and VO doing up in Alaska??? Why won't they tell you guys?
    How does it feel to be thrown under the bus???
    Huh? Juju you there????

  26. Guess you all didn't read my post about cost analysis, if it was allowed to go through. That is what I did for a living for 15 years so I know a little about that. I am not sure it was even posted. I am not going to do it again. But, you can say all you want, but anyone that knows how cost analysis is done for projects/reports knows that the cost of doing those has to be accounted for regardless of the employees time, etc. That is how it is done in all major business and government agencies.

    Did I miss the the ADN changing their story about the expenses?? Or were they wrong also?? Or do they know how cost analysis are done and didn't change their article?? You can say what you want but that doesn't make it so. I did it for a living in a city in California I doubt if any of you really know the true facts how it is done. I heard that argument for years, "well the employees are there working anyway"..that doesn't fly in the real world.

  27. Anonymous7:07 AM

    @juju, I am deeply disappointed to learn you are an old Californian. I thought you were one of Molly's kids. Sigh.

  28. Yes, I am old and a long time Californian. Hopefully, you all will be granted the grace of God to become old also. I do not find that to be an insult if that was your intent, I find it a blessing. If you have been to C4P you will often see me commenting about being old enough to be "someones mother or grandmother". That is why I find some of the comments by the young'ns to be so outlandish they do not deserve a response. Experience is a great teacher and I have had a lot of that.

  29. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Juju ADN did an aricle on the cost and proved Palins spreadsheet with the 2 million was wrong. Then Palins office confirmed what ADN said so yes the two million number was an inflated made up number. They put in peoples salaries that would have been there anyhow. The real cost to the state was 286,000 ( around there).

    Palins saying she left to save money for the state is not true. Now it might have been taking up all their time- it's hard to believe that since most of the complaints, even those with merit, did not make it past the board.

    The Alaska legislature has to call a special session because Sarah is leaving and that costs at least 100,000 a day. So Sarah leaving costs the state money. She is also leaving some serious problems (a mess).

    At least your last message was civil. No one minds your posts but please treat us all with respect, as fellow human beings. Same to you who is calling us all idiots. I don't agree with you at all about nothing sticking. Look at the last large CBS or NBC poll---- her ratings are way down with Republicans. Only 1 out of 4 thought she was competent to be president. It was the reverse during the election. The reality is only the very far far right support Sarah.
    And the Alaskan bloggers have done a great job. They are not reporters-give them a break and if you don't like it, don't come here...start your own blog. But please it is rude and nasty for you to call everyone who reads here an idiot! Who talks to other people like that!

  30. Anonymous9:00 AM

    @juju, no I did not mean it as an insult (I wrote the comment at 7:07). I am an old Californian, too. It's just that I find the general intellectual level of your posts to be below what I expect from old Californians such as you and me.

    juju, what do you think of Arnold? And how did you become involved in Alaskan politics? Did you think it was right of the Mormon church to become so involved in California politics with Prop. 8?


    Does anyone recognize the young man or his father in the last picture?
    Looks like the same guy with Bristol at the 2009 Slush Cup.

  32. Anonymous9:27 AM

    juju: why so nice all of a sudden? Do you think that if you "talk pretty", we'll all immediately flip and go Pee in Sarah's Sea?

    Her popularity has tanked among individuals who are not groupies or fans. Nice, normal, reasonable people recognize her disorder as either narcissism or sociopathy.

    The ADN DID publish a story rebutting the investigation costs. Perhaps you might want to familiarize yourself with the "google" and google ADN and Palin Legal Costs. It is best when trolling to at least have one fact be accurate.

    You are entitled to your belief. You simply voluntarily choose to drink Sarah's Kool-Aid and follow her blindly, like a lemming, off of a cliff. People with an intellectual curiousity are constantly looking for facts and information - not just swallowing.

    If she has this much bad going on just since September, I can't wait for the next story. She's the gift that keeps on giving.

    What I find most irritating is how incredibly stupid she actually is. Sarah is so pathetic and sad - she's lost and she doesn't know it. It must remind her of high school, only the real world doesn't work that way.

  33. The ADN did report that the amounts were incorrect. I'm sure you can find it in their archives. So yes, you were wrong and you missed it.

    By the way, it was announced that even though $P raised $200K in her beg-athon, raised $100,000 in 24 HOURS on an anti-Palin fund-raiser. Guess that means she still has a truly loyal opposition.

    Juju it is all about the money with $P. If you choose to support her financial grab bag, then fine. But don't support her taking Alaska for a ride - it's sad.

    As long as she is a psychopathic nut, she needs to be tracked and the bloggers do an awesome job of keeping her in the headlights.

  34. I think Arnold has done a terrible job. I don't think the Mormom church should have been involved. But, what I really think was wrong is when the Calif. courts thought they should get involved once the people had spoken during an election. That is what elections are all about.

    I don't understand why you are interested in my opinion when you think the quality of my posts are not up to your standards.

    I have a gay granddaughter. She and her partner had a "marriage" which I attended. She still thinks legal marriage is between a man and a woman. She works for the State of Calif. and she had her partner on her insurance, they bought a house together, etc. She does not see why this is such a big deal for gays. They are two wonderful gals and I love both of them.

  35. anon@9:00am

    I would appreciate it if you would stop encouraging juju - it's all a game you know.

    That is what trolls do - they deflect from the topic and sure enough, you apologize and then you talk about the Mormon Church. And WTF about Arnold?????

    Stop changing the topic please? This is about the bloggers, not juju and Arnold (now there's a joke somewhere in that).

    Methinks you perhaps are either juju begging for attention, or one of the Peeing in the Sea phonies.

  36. juju: Ah, the "I have a gay granddaughter" ...

    you are not the only individual with an open mind towards gays, if what you say is true. And certainly not the only one of us with a gay family member that we love and respect.

    Frankly I'm not at all interested in your opinion - your posts are often full of half truths, lies and hero worship for a false idol.

    The topic is bloggers and $P. If the bloggers were instrumental in her resignation, then good on 'em. They deserve medals considering the hatred and vilification that has been spewed by the vitriolic douche-bags that represent the psychopaths who support her.

    I have a question for you though. You do realize that she would shoot you between the eyes without a thought, right? I mean, if it suited her, and she stood to make a buck, there is no limit to what she would do to even a supporter?

    The loyalty you suckers expend on this narcissist amazes me. Especially when she will never even notice that you breathe air. You are and never will be anything to her - she doesn't even know or care that you exist.

    How's that for a hero?

  37. Anonymous10:06 AM

    @juju, it's the old Californian writing to you again.

    I applaud your support of your gay granddaughter and her marriage!

    I am surprised that someone who so lovingly embraces a gay married granddaughter would find no conflict supporting Sarah Palin who is against gays and gay marriage.

    Perhaps you are interested in Gryphen's blog because of this issue?

  38. All I saw from the ADN was the clerical errors that were admitted to by Palin's staff. The errors were slightly over 1% of the total calculations. If there is more I missed it.

  39. Anonymous10:24 AM

    @basheert, I usually like your posts, but you are wrong about the topic on this thread. It's the Defense Fund and Ethics Charges.


  40. Anonymous10:47 AM

    @juju, does your support for Sarah Palin come between you and your granddaughter? What does she say about your support for Palin? Does she feel you've chosen Palin over her?

  41. LMAO...Show me someone that agrees with and supports everything another agrees with and supports and I will show you a real idiot. Perhaps that is why I am inclined to call some on here idiots.

    Guess you failed to read the part where I said my granddaugter and many of her gay friends support the fact that marriage is between a man and a woman. They think there is no need for gay marriages. Gay union is enough for them.
    You might be surprised how many gays feel like that.

  42. Anonymous12:30 PM

    @juju: Sarah Palin & her church hate gay people. If that's not an ideological deal-breaker for you, then I'd like to know what your priorities are.

    You can never defend Palin's policies. You never know what the current facts/news about Palin.

    You don't seem to know what is going on in CA either. I have dozens of gay friends (yes, many dozens!) who are legally married and/or fighting to overturn Prop. 8.

    You are woefully out of touch, juju. Why should anyone listen to you, as a campaigner, when you have openly and gleefully revealed yourself to be a hypocrite, basking in your own ignorance--even at the expense of your own family?

  43. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Now can we get back to her bribing tour around the state?

  44. @juju....( I know I should not respond because juju is forced to come here by her leader) you really have me confused.

    You stated that your gay granddaughter and her partner got married, and that you attended. Then you state that your granddaughter does not agree with same sex marriage and is wondering why all those "gays" are so upset.

    Does this make sense to anyone? It sounds a little contradictory to me, but then anything on a post about Palin sounds crazy to me.

    I have a gay sister who was married as well. In Canada. Where it is recognized, and we dont have people protesting, and screaming and yelling to put an end to it. My sister happens to think her marriage is important as mine was to my spouse. What is wrong with you?


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It just goes directly to their thighs.