Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Here is a list of the top ten reasons NOT to advertise with Glenn Beck. Complete with video goodness.

On the list of things I simply do not understand (and yes such a list exists) is how ANYBODY can take this moron seriously.

He is ignorant, he is arrogant, he is a drama queen, he is a walking bullshit factory, and yet apparently people actually tune in as if he has something worthwhile to say.

If that is not a clear indication of just how poorly our country is educating its citizens then I don't know what is.

Well anyhow take a look at the list and judge for yourselves.

And I apologize for the headache that you will surely suffer from watching this idiot. But sometimes education comes at a price.

If after visiting the site linked to the title you want to help strip this man of his advertisers just visit the Color of Change. They will help you to make a difference.


  1. Anonymous8:45 AM

    It only takes one minute to show your distaste of this anti-American clown by visiting 'Color of Change'.

  2. Anyone who could watch (or listen for that matter) this man for more than 5 min needs to visit a psych. Since he was an alcoholic at one time I am seriously wondering if he is on something again because he is far worse than he used to be.

    The scariest thing about this man though is that I seriously think he actually believes the stuff he says. In turn his 9-12ers think he is a god so they keep listening to him & buy the crap he tells them. If you ever went to his site prior to this month (for some reason you can no longer read the "vent" section) the 9-12ers are one scary bunch of gun & ammo lovers who are stock piling stuff for the coming revolution.

    I am convinced that O'Reilly & Rush laugh all the way to the bank thanking the suckers who buy into their BS.

  3. OMG, after reading Bree Palin's site Sarah has up on her facebook that she is inviting all her friends to watch Glenn Beck this week. He is going behind the scenes at 1600 Penn Ave to show who is really running the government.

    Well, it may be a good thing he is showing SP who is running the gov since she doesn't know anything about it:)

  4. Anonymous9:44 AM

    i found this gem on Glenn's wall:

    Adam Smith, Ouray, CO
    I'm a rightie, and I love Glenn, but I gotta say this - Glenn Beck is wrong on this one, and the reason he's losing his advertisers is because he's inciting violence that is actually against the law. Recent events has shown that the Pittsburgh killer, the Holocaust museum killer, and the KS abortion clinic killer was responsible because they listen to hate speech, and Glenn Beck is among those who have given hate speech, and that's drawing the line on the 1st Amendment issues. However, I will continue to listen to Beck, but I'm getting weary of the same old adage that I hear from him every other day.

  5. Anonymous10:03 AM

    I find it repugnant that Palin uses this day to encourage her facebook friends to view Beck's show tonight. Shame on you Palin, have you no decency?

  6. Watch this clown. If he ever believes he's really going to lose his job, watch what over-the-top crazytalk comes flying from his lips.

    Someone above commented Beck "was an alcoholic at one time". The fact is, once an alcoholic, always an alcoholic. He may be recovering or active, but always an alcoholic. I suspect he's permanently burnt out a lot of brain cells.

  7. glenn the cry baby is watching sarah the quitter and vice fucking CUTE!

  8. yep, good timing re Beck - scarah's BFF. From quittypants facebook today:
    "FOX News’ Glenn Beck is doing an extraordinary job this week walking America behind the scenes of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and outlining who is actually running the White House.

    Monday night he asked us to invite one friend to watch; tonight I invite all my friends to watch."
    -Sarah Palin

    I am wondering if scarah will be on Glenn Beck's show tonight. What disgusting company she keeps!

  9. SoCalWolfGal11:36 AM

    Well, I am shocked, SHOCKED I tell you that even one of Glen's followers - thanks Anonymous @9:44 am, has a modicum of common sense to question the Crybaby. Then Adam of Colorado, don't listen to him anymore! Maybe he and Palin can hype each other into a frenzy and spontaneous combust.

  10. If he isn't the perfect example of the crazy, foaming at the mouth, anti-commie, gun toting- rightie I don't know who is. Bravo.

  11. johnie2xs12:09 PM

    I watched the one interview with the Minnesota Democrat Keith Ellison, but only because I had seen that one before. I couldn't bring myself to watch any of the others. Just having to look at that picture atop the article with that chubby little Arian face scrunched up in that crying mode, he does so well, and at the drop of a hat, was almost too much to bear. I just can't stand the man. One more thing; Hey! Anon 9:44. Just go cold turkey. You'll be a better man for it.

  12. Beck is very upset about the sponsors that have decided they don't want their ads showing during his program. He hasn't made a direct reference to it but has made Van Jones, a co-founder of CoC, his newest target. The last time Van worked with CoC was 2 years ago. Beck is using Van to gin up more racism by saying that since Van is the Green Czar and a co-founder of CoC, Obama's czars constitute a "thugocracy." Being an American who happens to be black, I wonder why Beck's targets are almost always members of minority groups. He is definitely embarrassed to have the public know that he has lost 36 sponsors as of yesterday. The CoC boycott is a protest against Beck for calling the prez a racist and for saying he hates white people.
    I was on Huffpo the other day, and the trolls were out in force praising GB for his factual and accurate reporting. I left the site in disgust. How anyone can feel that GB's style of entertainment is factual and accurate is beyond any sane person's understanding. Just the way that the republicans/conservatives follow these liars every word is pitiful. They don't realize that they're being exposed to the highest form of censorship, but they call it free speech. I'd be highly suspect of any person/network that never reports one positive thing that a politician does/has done.
    I noticed Palin sent a condolence message to Senator Kennedy's family which I think is wholly inappropriate after the way that she and her supporters have lied to the public and have an ongoing campaign against progressives. I even found John McCain's message suspect, even though he had known Sen. Kennedy for over 30 years. I no longer trust or respect republican politicians or their supporters on the extremist wing of the party. They'll praise you @7:00AM, and stab you in the back @7:00:01 AM.

  13. I know they are crazy.
    If he did not care who was running the WH when Bush was in office then he does not give a damn about America.
    The only reason he cares now is because his pockets are hurting.
    The boycott of this crazy, demented liar is having an affect.

    I want to ask all the people that listen to these raving loonies, why don't you care that Beck, Hannity Limbaugh are getting multi million dollar contracts, living the high life and then telling YOU how to live? What is wrong with these people? They are being scared, lied to about health care reform, yet many of them do not have health care or on the socialist Medicare.
    These poor deluded people. The Hannities and becks of the world keep getting richer by telling the poorer among us how to to live so they can have more and more money!

  14. Oh Look what I found - Sarah Palin opened her bit mouth and OUT CAME RACISM:

    Home » Politics

    Alaskans Speak (In A Frightened Whisper): Palin Is “Racist, Sexist, Vindictive, And Mean”
    by Charley James posted on Friday, 5 September 20080

    sarah palin 2 Alaskans Speak (In A Frightened Whisper): Palin Is “Racist, Sexist, Vindictive, And Mean”

    “So Sambo beat the bitch!”

    This is how Republican Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin described Barack Obama’s win over Hillary Clinton to political colleagues in a restaurant a few days after Obama locked up the Democratic Party presidential nomination.

    According to Lucille, the waitress serving her table at the time and who asked that her last name not be used, Gov. Palin was eating lunch with five or six people when the subject of the Democrat’s primary battle came up. The governor, seemingly not caring that people at nearby tables would likely hear her, uttered the slur and then laughed loudly as her meal mates joined in appreciatively.

    “It was kind of disgusting,” Lucille, who is part Aboriginal, said in a phone interview after admitting that she is frightened of being discovered telling folks in the “lower 48” about life near the North Pole.

    Then, almost with a sigh, she added, “But that’s just Alaska.”

  15. Anonymous1:21 PM

    And just look at the headline on McClatchy News:

    Palin supports Fox's Beck over "Obama's a racist comment"

    Racist bitch.

  16. Anonymous1:24 PM

    If I was a democrat, I wouldn't waste five minutes of my time trying to humble Rush Limbaugh, derail Glenn beck, or bury Sarah Palin.

    I'd take the long view. I'd watch this video--it's only a few minutes long--and look at who the right has on its bench.

    THIS man--perhaps in 2016--will have evangelicals in his pocket, centrists, independents, and MOST importantly, the most rapidly growing demographic in the country: hispanics and latinos.

    There is nobody on the left that will be able to match strides with this
    guy when he gets a bit more experience:

  17. off topic Gryphen but listen to this episode on NPR. Eric Boehrlet who writes for Media Matters was interviewed about his book about blogging. He was dissing Palin bloggers so ridiculously I was just seething! He even brought up that phony picture of SP pregnant and huge 2 weeks after she had a perfectly flat stomach as proof that it's all conspiracy theory equivalent to right wing nut jobs! grrrrrr.....

    Somebody needs to set him straight!

    I will be posting this at all the Palin sites I know.

  18. Simply put, Glenn Beck is an idiot!

  19. TwoBlueJays2:22 PM

    When Palin was in NYC she was seen entering the Fox Studios building. It's not hard to imagine that:
    a) she met with Beck (after all she has been a guest before, with him boo-hooing about special needs kids)
    b) there were discussions, serious or not, that she would be an able co-host or host (more likely co-host so someone could bail her out of those rather frequent Stupid Moments)
    c) conversations she had with Murdoch included some recommendations to update her facade to make her more HD-friendly.
    IMHO, they are made for each other. Vain, ignorant, and self-promoting, they would each implode in an orgy of tears, ranting, and race-baiting.

  20. TwoBlueJays2:24 PM

    When Palin was in NYC she was seen entering the Fox Studios building. It's not hard to imagine that:
    a) she met with Beck (after all she has been a guest before, with him boo-hooing about special needs kids)
    b) there were discussions, serious or not, that she would be an able co-host or host (more likely co-host so someone could bail her out of those rather frequent Stupid Moments)
    c) conversations she had with Murdoch included some recommendations to update her facade to make her more HD-friendly.
    IMHO, they are made for each other. Vain, ignorant, and self-promoting, they would each implode in an orgy of tears, ranting, and race-baiting.

  21. Anonymous2:59 PM


    I can't bear to watch him even for a second. But I agree with you 100 percent. He is truly the scum that sits on the bottom of a septic tank. He, Limbaugh, and Palin are cut from the same cloth. They are all bottom feeders.

  22. Ratfish2:59 PM

    Sarah Palin supports a racist right winger.

    Why am I not surprised?

  23. I visited Color of Change early last week, signed the petition, added my comments requesting that they also stop advertising on Faux altogether but in particular Beck.

    I didn't expect any response, but actually got an email from Clorox confirming they pulled their advertising from Beck. They purchase advertising on Faux to be spread out among the programs, not program specific, but have now specified their ads are not to be shown on Beck.

    I think UPS is the only advertiser that has said they won't advertise on Faux at all. Beck's recent "vacation" was said to be a temporary suspension.

    I don't have any faith that any changes will be made to the hate speech on the network as long as Roger Ailes & Rupert Murdock are running the show. All their lies and hate mongering is beyond sickening. How ANYONE can believe it is mind blowing. But of course our Scarah will promote it as she has from the beginning. Sickness in the soul.

  24. Poor Sarah cannot stand the attention on anyone else be it Michael Jackson or Kennedy. When Kennedy died, I wondered how long it would take for her to come out with one of her gems. No disappointment. I am only disappointed that HuffPo wrote about it.

  25. Anonymous6:03 PM

    I can't bear to listen to Beck, either. It is an obvious ploy to increase Beck's ratings as sponsors keep dropping. Murdoch, of course.

  26. Anonymous6:56 PM

    For MY mental health, I can't watch Beck, or any of these wingnuts. I must be fragile and sensitive. A minute or two, and thats "Enough"-- for therapy, I feel better by signing a petition or donating. Replying via email to emails I get from a Republican acquaintance supporting Beck is stretching my patience. The Reps have a petition going around in support of keeping Beck on Fox. (yuk)

  27. gregory8:35 PM

    The ADN has put Sarah's facebook message on their front page (where she urges everyone to watch Beck). That is what the ADN chose to put on their front page (!) instead of news of Senator Kennedy's passing. WTF??

  28. I simply cannot tolerate more than a minute of crybaby. Nope--can't do it!

    I did sign the C of C petition a few days ago, and absolutely love hearing the ever-increasing number of advertisers dropping Beck!

  29. Anonymous7:57 PM

    I signed twice last week but I had one more email address left so I used it. He really is a ridiculous human being & they need to ishkabiddle him for good. I just don't know how some of these folks wake up in the morning & look at themselves in the mirror. What a wussy baby.


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