Saturday, August 22, 2009

Long suppressed CIA report to be released on Monday.

A long-suppressed report by the Central Intelligence Agency's inspector general to be released next week reveals that CIA interrogators staged mock executions as part of the agency's post-9/11 program to detain and question terror suspects, NEWSWEEK has learned.

According to two sources—one who has read a draft of the paper and one who was briefed on it—the report describes how one detainee, suspected USS Cole bomber Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, was threatened with a gun and a power drill during the course of CIA interrogation. According to the sources, who like others quoted in this article asked not to be named while discussing sensitive information, Nashiri's interrogators brandished the gun in an effort to convince him that he was going to be shot. Interrogators also turned on a power drill and held it near him. "The purpose was to scare him into giving [information] up," said one of the sources. A federal law banning the use of torture expressly forbids threatening a detainee with "imminent death."

The report also says, according to the sources, that a mock execution was staged in a room next to a detainee, during which a gunshot was fired in an effort to make the suspect believe that another prisoner had been killed. The inspector general's report alludes to more than one mock execution.

Do you remember when the United States of America was the gold standard for humane treatment of its prisoners? Well if you do then you have undoubtedly received your education about America at war from John Wayne movies. We have never been quite that squeaky clean.

Don't forget we were the country that rounded up its own citizens and placed them into internment camps during World War 2 because they spoke Japanese, and since we did not understand them that was proof positive that they were spies. Okay well SOME of them did not even speak Japanese. But they LOOKED Japanese, and in a time of war that is good enough for the United States of America. Love it, or by God, leave it.

So anyhow we have not been exactly perfect. But compared to most of the other nations in the world we look pretty damn good. Until now that is.

What the Bush administration did in our name has damaged our reputation for generations to come.

Here is Rachel Maddow's take on the report:

(BTW clicking the title will take you to the Michael Isikoff Newsweek story that Rachel references.)

This is just the latest piece of evidence that demonstrates the criminality of the Bush administration and the lawlessness that prevailed during their reign.

We have already seen how they ignored good intelligence in favor of the bad to convince Americans to go into an illegal war.

We have seen how they used Terror Alerts to scare Americans into voting for George Bush.

And we now know that they used the U.S. Attorneys office to target Democrats for prosecution on trumped up voter fraud cases for their political gain.

I am sorry, what am I missing here? Is there not enough evidence to launch a full and comprehensive investigation against that criminal regime? What laws did they NOT break, or attempt to break?

I am tired of hearing how hard it will be, or how many scabs it will tear off, or how it will split the country in two. (In case you have not noticed, the country is already split in two.) Those excuses ultimately do not matter. What matters is that our country was treated like an innocent Sorority girl at her first college party. It was lied to, manipulated, verbally abused, horribly violated, stripped of its dignity, and left on the floor of some fraternity surrounded by empty bottles of Jagermiester.

In order for America to reclaim its virtue it MUST bring those that abused it to justice. If we cannot even manage to do that then we certainly do not deserve to call ourselves the greatest country in the world.


  1. "I am sorry, what am I missing here? Is there not enough evidence to launch a full and comprehensive investigation against that criminal regime? What laws did they NOT break, or attempt to break?"

    We are all most likely missing a whole lot more. It seems as though everyday there is a new revelation that comes out that disgraces our Country even worse. I think it will take years to expose it all.
    What I would love to know is why they didn't Impeach Bush/Cheney when they were still in office? Congress had to know lots more than the public. Why not appoint special prosecutors now? Is that what Cheney's man sized safe was for? To blackmail members of Congress to turn a blind eye?
    Lots and lots of questions and no answers. Just think if McCain/Palin had managed to steal the election. We may not exist anymore. The MSM needs to keep these new revelations front and center so that the repukes don't get back into power until they find some sane ones who don't break the law all the time and who don't use the Constitution and Bill of Rights as toilet paper.

  2. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Honestly I do not have a problem with this specifically. Mentally screwing with their minds is fine by me. No physical torture but if these bastards believe something is going to happen to get information out of them, it is fine by me that they are scared. Dont ever touch them but scare the living crap out them and I'm good.

    I do understand its a federal law though, and it should not be broken.

  3. Sorry Gryphen but the U.S.'s reputation was damaged long before Bush2 finished it off. One of the main problems is that you people support your own party's wars. Remember the Kosovo war? The Dems supported that one and the Repubs condemned it for the setup it really was. Now all you Dem supporters are complacently going along supporting the Iraq war and letting Obama keep the U.S. forces there to hold on to U.S. interests in Iraq. And yeah, I know all the lame excuses too.

  4. It will take a lot of hard work to bring back a golden rep to USA. I too keep asking why didn't we impeach Bush? So much was happening at once that I think as citizens we were overwhelmed and concentrating on our own families...silly me to hope my elected officials do their job as they promised me.

  5. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Well, Gryphen, what is missing is the collapse of the World Trade Center Building 7. The site below has a video of that collapse.

    WTC Building 7 was 610 feet tall, 47 stories, not hit by a plane, completely collapsed in less than 7 seconds demolition style at 5:20pm on 9/11, seven hours after the two towers collapsed. Over 700+ engineers, and other professionals have questioned the collapse and the whole 9/11 investigation by the Bush/Cheney administration.

    That building housed several government offices, including a SEC office which housed the Enron files and others. There are numerous videos on youtube that provide additional information regarding the collapse of the twin towers as well.

    Is it possible to have paid suicidal terrorists? Did I say that out loud? Yep, that's why I said before that Bush reminds me of Prince Humperdinck from The Princess Bride. The Prince was busy plotting a murder to blame another country so his subjects would insist on going to war. And Cheney reminds me of Count Rugen, who was an expert in the world of torture.

  6. I can't help but feel that this goes back even further to Nixon.
    If any a President should have been impeached, it should have been he.
    The republicans got off easy and I believe set the stage for their rise in power and arrogance. They have coerced the system when in power and we the People have let them get away with it.
    If we do not do something now about the atrocities of the bush administration i will be coming back here a few years into the future saying I told you so.

  7. Anonymous9:05 AM

    I was watching All the President's Men the other day and was reminded that Watergate wasn't just about the break in--they uncovered all kinds of nasty stuff that the Republicans had done to steal the 1972 election. Those guys keep getting worse because no one wants to go through another Watergate. So Reagan got away with Iran Contra and his dirty little deal with the Iranians to keep the hostages until Reagan won the election and his theft of Carter's debate briefing books. Instead of being prosecuted, he's remembered as a great man. If Bush and Cheney are allowed to get away with what they pulled, can you imagine what the NEXT Republican president is going to do? These people need to be sent a loud, clear message that they can not do anything they want just because they have control of the White House.

  8. Ronald Reagan and John Wayne were two pretty good examples of Hollywood actors who were part of the right-wing propaganda arm in Hollywood. John Wayne in particular was famous for his drumbeating stalwart-warrior-against-evil portrayals of real or fictional American soldiery.

    I haven't read a movie review yet -- unless it was a right-wing viewer review -- of "The Green Berets" that didn't rip that movie to shreds mercilessly for its hype and truth-stretching.

  9. Sorry but 'our country' is anything but 'an innocent girl at a sorority party' and it's time to stop pretending that it is or ever was. It was built on lies.

  10. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Right with you. Ever since Hoover, I think those in power (both Dem and Rep) actively sought blackmail materials on each other. I would like to see every bit of dirt on both sides come to light. This may take many long years, but America has needed a through house cleaning for some time.


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