Friday, August 07, 2009

One of my readers reminded me of this segment on Rachel Maddow yesterday. Give it a look, it is are very informative.

Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy

The message is clear. If you dare to speak out, you WILL be attacked.

I also understand that violence is being encouraged right here in Anchorage as well.

It should not take you long to figure out which radio host is behind THAT.


  1. Anonymous8:00 AM

    I just hope that this continues to alienate all the moderates and independents that the Republicans need to survive as a viable party. Pat in Texas

  2. I am looking for a meeting around here. If I have a question I will NOT be shouted down nor interrupted. I do not believe in personal violence, but I also believe in polite discourse.

    I can yell and scream as loud as any paid hack. Our representatives need OUR support in this as well. The intimidation of legitimate questioners MUST STOP.

  3. MadCity Chick8:59 AM

    The first thing to do if and when trying to respond to the sreamers who are following a script provided by lobbyists and the GOP is to ask them if they have coverage.

    You do? What would that be?

    99% of the screamers are on Medicare or Medicaid, but are screaming they don’t want the govt. running their health care.

    Poor idgit dragons don’t even realize that IS govt insurance and it works quite well for them.

  4. Anonymous9:46 AM

    The sick, sick attitudes in a sick, sick country are not changed overnight. But the glimmer of hope is being seen by many people and the greedy hypocrites can't stop it.

    Healthcare reform will only partially succeed in a much diluted form which will be almost meaningless but that's not going to stop the groundswell. Americans are starting to understand that all other countries can do it effectively and cheaply enough if everyone shares in the burden and the big corps are put in their places.

  5. Bones AK11:09 AM

    I can NOT understand why the boss/bosses at KBYR continue to support Eddie Burk(Beck?) Sounds like he is approaching "Inciting to riot"

  6. It's becoming increasingly obvious that many of those attending town hall meetings in order to disrupt them are political operatives. The phenomenon we're seeing today is analogous to the infamous "Dockers Rebellion" in 2000 that prevented a successful recount of the votes for Prez in Florida. History seems to be repeating.

  7. I love it PLEASE keep up the disinformation you are a perfect example of the Crap that came out of the Clinton Era.... You would not know the truth if it bit you in the ASS... so keep spewing your crap and helping make my point.

  8. I'm glad that Rep. Brian Baird decided not to hold a town hall meeting in person but is holding one via telephone. Thinking out of the box is one way to stop these "protesters" from getting their way. Smart man.

  9. I think constiuents are the ones who should be holding the meetings, and inviting the legislators. Invite Patient Witness (verb) - invite medical professionals...these small meetings can be networked via the web, or phone as House of Brat referenced.
    Enigma at Watergate Summer is hearthing a good conversation about these issues.

  10. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Hey, Gryphen, would you please post the video of Rachel's interview with Schulster(sp) that was on tonight? Thanks!

  11. Anonymous11:57 AM

    I know we shouldn't feed the troll but check out bomdogs blog. HAHAHA He has his profession listed as "political assion" I wonder what that is, what do you guys thing? He says we are spreading "disinformation." What the F is that? The guy is a MORON. I don't like name calling, but he comes on here name calling. He needs to be reported to homeland security or the FBI for hate speech by the way. I am tired of it. I think we need to start being more active about reporting people who are far right wing extremists who threaten people. This includes Glenn Beck, Hannity the horrible and O'Reilly.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.