Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Shannyn Moore will be Keith Olbermann's guest on Countdown tonight!

Shannyn is currently in New York hanging with AKM, and the Countdown people called her up to invite her onto the show. They are even sending a limo to pick her up.

Pretty damn good for a girl from Homer Alaska huh?

If you have cable make sure you watch, if not then look for the embed here as I will put it up as soon as it becomes available.

Here is the embed:

By the way to learn more about the Sherry Johnston situation just mosey on down to the post below this one. It contains everything I know thus far.


  1. Anonymous1:29 PM

    A Limo -- What???

    If KO's studio is 30 Rock, the Ladies if I remember are about 1/3 mile away if they're at the WA!!!

  2. Tell her to bust this thing wide open. Hit a home run!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Janet in Texas2:31 PM

    Right here and waiting for Keith's show. I ADORE Shannyn. Can't wait to see her.

  4. Thanks Gryphen for headsup..Shannyn is going places..Look out fix noise..he he

  5. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Alaska Sisu says:

    I have to smile when I think of Shannon in New York. Talk about going from one extreme to another, the Homer Spit to New York City or bust!

  6. SoCalWolfGal3:06 PM

    Thanks for the heads up Gryphen. I almost always watch KO but when Shannyn is on I NEVER miss that!

  7. Shannyn Moore is cool in my book!
    I will be watching... Wonder who will be tonight's "Worst person"?

  8. Helen4:10 PM

    OT - Gryphen have you seen this? I love these people - what a great attitude in making their point!...perhaps you would consider doing a post on them and embedding the video?

  9. Shannyn Moore rocks and Rush Limbaugh was tonight's "Worst Person in the World" ... good stuff!

  10. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Great job shannon on KO tonight. We need more like you.

  11. Anonymous5:57 PM

    I know that Sarah has little future in politics, other than inciting riots, enflaming crowds to hadred and fund raising. But, please, let's not encourge her to seek a TV career. In looking at the parade of lightweights regularly skewered by Jon Stewart (example, last night), Sarah certainly has the same amount of empty, airhead knowledge as the Fox panel of pundits. We should not encourage Sarah. Look what she accomplished with "Death Panel" fakery and lies, and she wasn't even on TV but hiding behind the FaceBook screen. Please, please, please don't encourage her; let her stay hidden, protecting her privacy, spending more time with her family.

  12. Anonymous6:09 PM

    damn, I think shannyn is on her way to going national! intelligent and classy; the anti-palin.

  13. Good for Shannyn! I appreciate her getting out there and informing the world who the real Sarah Palin is.

  14. Helen6:22 PM

    Very polished, very pulled together.

  15. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Having a real down-to-earth everyday- but, savvy and intelligent Alaskan girl as a spokesperson on all things about Palin, I'm sure has a good effect on listeners. Shannyn's appearances on national television makes a huge difference in knocking down some of the myths about Palin. Thank you Shannyn!! You are awesome.

  16. Bones AK8:56 PM

    Shannyn is definitely one of the best

  17. Good job Shannyn.

    OT but interesting article about RAM.

  18. Anonymous12:23 AM

    Shannyn - you looked great and sounded great (meaning intelligent and well thought out and wry and witty). Thanks for making AK look good.

  19. Anonymous4:03 AM

    Shannyn doing state news, Maddow national, Lara Logan international.......a little bit of honey helps the medicine go down...
    oh yeah!.... I might even buy a tv.

  20. Shannyn is terrific. BUT, why is she so scripted? Why is she not allowed to tell the whole story? Why does KO dance around the whole issue? Why does Shannyn allow herself to be used like this?
    So many questions and no answers.
    Why do the Alaskian bloggers not take Sarah down???????????????

  21. Livvy, you're right on with your comments. I said the same thing but it must have been a little too critical of Shannyn for Gryphen's taste. She had the opportunity and pased it up. AGAIN!

  22. Livvy and The Straight goods...if I may I will try to give an answer to your questions, although I do not pretend to have all the answers, just engaging in dialogue.

    I think Shannyn is absolutely correct in presenting a sober, intelligent, wry and not shrill face to the TV viewing public - a female persona quite unlike the one the public is used to seeing represent Alaska. Give Shannyn and other bloggers time - strategic thinking along with winning hearts and minds doesn't happen by going on TV and blasting out accusations. If she has some solid evidence that you think she is holding back consider that perhaps she hasn't been given the proper forum. She doesn't control KO, she is a guest.

    Shannyn is not passing up opportunities. She is building a trusted name as a resource. That takes time. Try exercising some patience. And if you have all the evidence, or could do it better, then get yourself on radio and television and by all means do it however you see fit.

    This is not meant as some sort of slap down - simply a call for patience and a response to your questions that you may wish to consider, even if its not what you'd prefer to hear.



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