Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Keith Olberman talks about Levi's Vanity Fair revelations.


  1. Susie7:07 PM

    Keith even saved this for his #1 story of the day and of course, had clever and humorous comments about it. I think I'll have to treat myself to an issue of Vanity Fair next month when the magazine is out, and support this fine magazine for getting more of the truth out about Sarah Palin before she gains any more support for her political ambitions.
    (BTW, it's "Olbermann" with 2 n's on the end.)

  2. nice, it was all about "ME!!!!" no surprises there....

    gryph, when will levi (or mercede!) tell some more? this is excruciating.....

    i fully respect your drive to "do this right" but lil' miss "shoot wolves from the choppers" doesn't even know the make of her own never-used gun? i need a break to go throw up a little. i am not a gun owner, i don't like guns, but i have no problems w/people hunting (and fishing) for their own food, my old neighbor (my age, old times) in southern illinois was out shooting everything from squirrels to deer, and i was an eager participant in his quest to learn to tan his own hides and find great game (and catfish!) recipes...can SP possibly get more hypocritical?

    if her trig "pregnancy" was a hoax (and i believe audrey's complied pics don't lie) her supposed willingness to conceal the tripp pregnancy is an egg in that basket. i believe her "serious" future in any politics (heck, even the school board after this "SP's 'non-parenting=pregnant teens and grade schoolers foraging for their own dinner, grilled by the highschool-aged-dad' even rules her out for future PTA positions...) is a piece o' carbonized toast. i think she is meaningless to all but lunatics on a national level (and, as such, can continue to serve as a useful barometer of just how many right-wing, racist, magical-thinking lunatics the US still holds) forever more. and yet....i want to see her exposed for any and all ethical wrong-doings and abuses of power.

    does that make me vindictive? do i care? i want her whole house of cards to publicly fall down (and what of how her literal house really was built?!!!). i still care, and maybe that feeds her sickness, but i do not apologize.

    hugs to you and your strong daughter,
    lo, down in IL

  3. Anonymous8:13 PM

    When Levi made references to disharmony in the Palin marriage, he makes Gryphen look good. Where is the sue-happy lawyer now?

    I would like to recommend Helen's nailinpalinnow post, Big Sarah in Little China. The background of Rupert and his latest beautiful wife give you insight into why Sarah's first big speech is in Hong Kong.

    My guess is that Rupert is grooming Sarah for her big book tour, which will be raved about in Rupert's newspapers and Fox TV. He may be writing her Face Book page to advance his own political agenda. I wonder who the audience is for the book, the tour, the TV. It is going to be interesting to see the tug of war: Murdoch vs. the tinfoil covered basement bloggers and Levi-- I hope that Sarah includes Macau, the Las Vegas of China, in her visit-- just wondering how the betting is going there.

  4. Anonymous8:28 PM

    She whattttt???? She invited Levi into her bedroom to show him her gun???

    And we know already that Todd held a gun to Levi??

    And now we know that Sarah and Todd led separate lives??

    So tell us now all you cougars out there, what's this tawdry little story that's devolping here now, during the cold nights in the land of the midnight sun ladies??


  5. Anonymous8:30 PM

    Thing is luna, she does know very well the make of her gun that we've seen her wielding. I'm just wondering if she was more interested in learning the make and caliber of Levi's gun?

  6. Frankly, I think Murdock has a Henry Higgins fantasy.

  7. Anonymous9:39 PM

    The GOP couldn't remake Palin last year, and sooooo much worse has come out since then... And then she quit her governor job FOR NO REA$ON. Simply because she couldn't govern!

    So long, Rupert! This is one investment that you're going to regret. Palin is a Titanic disaster. I love that she is wasting Murdoch's dough. Love it!

  8. Moms has a point.

    As far as her knowing the make of the gun she was pictured wielding, I doubt that she does.

    I find Levi far more convincing than Sarah.

  9. anon 8:30

    and ha ha harrr.

    so i said personally have no truck w/ firearms, but do you have no problems investigating the chemistry and methods of tanning a hide? have you ever tanned your own leather? or do you just wear leather shoes and belts and coats and have no idea how they went from raw hide to supple, workable leather? talk to me again when you understand the SCIENCE of tanning an animal hide into a soft and precious bit o' that through your fingers, then come back with your arguments.

  10. Anonymous6:34 AM

    Is there anything about Sarah that isn't fake? As soon as I saw Greta's video of Sarah talking about hunting, I knew the reports of her hunting were greatly exaggerated. Normally she's a better liar. She's also not the big runner she likes to pretend she is; while I've no doubt she ran in high school and she did that marathon a few years ago, the Sarah we saw in the swimsuit at the Miss Alaska pageant was definitely not running, nor was the one we saw posed for Runners World. So she doesn't parent, and she doesn't cook (again, Greta's video showed us that) and she doesn't govern, she just takes long baths and watches reality TV? Yeah, that sounds about right.

    The sour note in all this is Levi saying he was at the hospital when she gave birth to Trig. That is obviously a lie. And when you lie about one thing, you open yourself up to your detractors saying everything is a lie.

  11. Anonymous7:06 AM

    @6:34 a.m., Levi says Palin got Trig at that time.

  12. The most telling thing about this whole thing is that Sarah, quite noted for attacking people that say anything about her or her family,....there is no response....just dead silence.
    I think this whole article in VF will destroy any ambitions she has for the future.Her supporters may or may not believe what comes out--but I think a good share of them will believe part, if not all of what Levi says.
    I hope Tank is keeping Levi safe and out of Alaska

  13. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Well, that Mr. Rex Butler is a smart man, indeed. I was just over at Mudflats reading the bits of the VF article that someone was posting.

    He has pretty much guaranteed (IMO) that Sarah won't be suing.

    That article covers so much ground that Sarah and Todd would be in depositions for the next 10 years.

    The amount of things they could ask for in discovery if she tries to sue over this article would be enormous and Sarah will *never* open herself up to discovery if she can help it.

    In fact, if I were a betting person, I would bet that if anyone tried to sue Palin personally (not in her capacity as Gov) that she would make haste to settle well before the discovery phase was even considered.

    Kudos Gryphen for sticking with this story.

  14. Anonymous7:51 AM

    How much money do you think the Johnston family owes Rex Butler? I don't think Levi is doing all of this for his own sake.

  15. Yikes
    this video is supposed to undo any concern S.P. isn't a loving warm mother towards Trig
    I just see a bunch of photo ops, and her snarky, jutting chin when she gets close to him
    and when she kisses him she is looking around at other people

    Just seeing these images does not make me feel warm and cuddly.. actually makes me want someone to take that baby away from her FAST!
    Let her go get all the money in the world.. live it up big girl! But this little guy deserves real love

  16. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Gryphen - you don't know how healing this is to thousands of Alaskans who knew the Governor was indeed truly a Governor In Name Only.

    And Governor Parnell - you better giddy up on the State's investigation and jump off her bus ASAP, although I think you might be caught in the wheelwell with all the other enablers.

    Alaskans deserve the whole truth and nothing but the truth. We've been under a cloud of Palin for too long now with too many people telling us we were makin' things up.

  17. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Here's my problem with thinking of this as a smoking gun. Even if you take everything Levi says at face value, at the end of the day, it still boils down to the words of a naive (at least up until recently) teenager who was dumped on big time by the Palin family, and now wants his 15 minutes, or any money he can get out of it, or revenge, or whatever. For those of us who have been following the story, most (if not all) of what Levi has said so far seems entirely plausible, and fits with what many of us suspected all along. But most people (not just the Palinbots) would have to suspend some disbelief if they were to take this kid seriously, and believe that he is only doing this to get the truth out and clear his family's name (and get a little compensation for his trouble).

    Even those who can't stand Palin and realize that Levi didn't ask for any of this, would surely have some questions about his motivations, and those of his handlers, and thus be more inclined to take the story with a grain of salt. So unless other credible people will be coming forward and corroborating at least some of what Levi is saying, I can't really see how this will have much of an impact on Sarah's future.

    While it is evident to us that suspicions about her character and dysfuntional home life were well founded, without actual evidence of criminal wrongdoing (e.g. housegate, babygate) does anyone think this story will have legs? Unless she runs for public office again, wouldn't the MSM just look like gossip mongers if they kept reporting on it beyond the obligatory story now and then when an interview is held or a book is released?

    Even if Levi has more dirt to spill, I can't see how his story will lead anyone to investigage this further, without a lead on something that goes beyond bad parenting, hypocrisy, narcissistic personality, etc. We know she's a fraud, but that is very different than fraudulent action in a legal sense.

    Grypen, are you still confident she is headed towards an iceberg that that even Rupert Murdoch (or whoever is keeping her muzzled) will have trouble navigating around?

  18. crystalwolf aka caligrl6:29 PM

    I don't care what Levi's motivations are! Sarah want to make money and palinbots are all for that...why can't Levi make money too? Her book will be lies!
    His book I hope truth! If it is truth it will blow her gig to hell and that's what needs to happen! She is a hypocrite and a liar. None of what Levi says is a shock to us...we can see how Sarah treats Trig...everybody can read the writing on the wall, except palinbots...!

  19. @Crystalwolf

    It's not about Levi's motivations. It's about the way he is perceived by people who have not been following the story, and whether or not they find him to be a credible or reliable source of information, regardless of what they think of Sarah. And even if they believe him, it's about whether stories of bad parenting and hypocrisy will amount to anything more than juicy gossip among those who would say "I told you she was nuts", vs. being a real game-changer in terms of her future and the legacy of the crazy movement she is fueling. The only thing that will change any of that is exposing illegal activities which can be proven, and I have no idea if Levi is able to do that. So far, we only have the words of one teenager with an axe to grind (no matter how justified).

  20. crystalwolf aka caligrl1:04 PM

    Ted, so far none of what Levi has said, is a shock to us who have been following her...we can see the lack of parenting, the lies, the way she treats Trig, and stuff he has said about her & Todd just confirm what others like Gryphen have said. The Bots are all Levi said he didn't kiss and tell, but in fact he said that in response to LK asking him about him and Bristol and Birth Control and personal questions. They are trying to spin that he should tell nothing, and what they can't stomach is called a lie. But they can't wait to reads Sarah's "memoirs" heh! That most certainly will be lies on top of lies, of stupid meaningless BS.
    Some of the things seem to contradict, but if you piece together the time line like PD has and most of can see we are talking about the period of time somewhere around summer 2007--to present. Trig and Trip being born during that time frame. I'm only worried for Levi is that he is not able to drop the whole story at this point in time, and I hope he can...before she becomes totally irrelevant or ends up in jail for her grifter issues. Believe me, if we didn't have this healthcare issues going on this would be a way bigger story. I can't believe how the bots are NOT ashamed and horrified about what she calls the little man Trig! What mother would do such a thing? They can call Levi a liar, but watching how she interacts with her kids and some of the faces she makes when she is holding Trig compared to say Todd, shows me indeed telling the truth.


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