Thursday, October 08, 2009

The Conservatives raging hate of homosexuals overcomes their love of Dick Cheney and his family.

Dick "Shot that lawyer right in the face" Cheney's lesbian daughter is pregnant (yes pregnant) with her second child, and it has caused heads all over the small sliver of the Internet reserved for conservatives and mental patients to explode in fury.

Here are some ACTUAL quotes:

This should be made a criminal act- it is selfish and does emotional violence to the child. (Having two people love and raise a child is now considered "emotional violence"? Now if they raised the child as a small minded gay-hating Republican I might be forced to agree.)

I wonder if Hallmark makes a card for this occasion? Yathink? Congratulations on your baster bastard? (You just KNOW that comment is from a person who attends church every Sunday and believes themselves to be the moral superior of everybody who does not sit next to them in the pew.)

“Queer plus queer plus artificially conceived baby equals family” is a meme the leftists are trying oh so hard to shove down our throats... (Families come in all shapes and sizes, and they always have. Perhaps somebody needs to read this book.)

There is something quite perverse about a society that allows avowed and unrepentant homosexuals to unnaturally take on children as playthings. What a tragedy it will be for these poor kids to be deprived a father figure from the day they were born. I respect Dick Cheney, but I don’t understand why he is allowing his daughter to take innocent children into her lesbianic home. Can anyone claim that these kids won’t be scarred for life? So sad. (I cannot even argue against this wingnut until somebody explains what the definition of "lesbianic" is?)

(H/T to Morgan, and if you want to read the rest of this article please click the title and visit Pandagon.)


  1. What country are you from if you are lesbianic? Ok, so I am a raging hater of gay-bashing people. Am I bad? I'm sorry but I can't help it.

  2. Anonymous2:40 PM

    I can only hope and pray that this "lesbianic" couple have 10 or 12 kids just to annoy the talibanenvangicals. If they are so concerned about parentage let them go shake the Palin tree.
    Gypen you are a smart man. What exactly does lesbianic mean ??


  3. Anonymous2:43 PM

    And another thing when is Pat Buchanan's appointment with the "Death Panel". I'm getting a little sick of him.

  4. Anonymous2:57 PM

    "I respect Dick Cheney, but I don’t understand why he is allowing his daughter" How old is she?

    What are these idiot morons basing their hatered on. Although I live in a small town, I know of three families with same sex parents. My kids are friends with two of them. To be honest, I never gave it a second thought. The third couple, I would frown on my kids hanging out there, not because they're gay, but because of their criminal behaviour. Not unlike some hetro parents I know.

    It is so sad, the assumptions of the ignorant!

  5. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Riddle..If a hetro couple raise a gay child does that mean that a gay couple will raise a hetro child ??
    BTW I do not respect Dick Cheney.


  6. ginny3:24 PM

    I love the "why he is allowing his daughter..." statement! Ummm, yeah. She's an adult. She doesn't have to do what her father wants. What effing parallel universe are these people living in?

  7. Anonymous3:27 PM

    It's ironic beyond words that so many of these right wing "Christians" thrive on hating their fellow human beings, do sit in the church pew every Sunday, and don't follow the teachings of Jesus.

    I loved the comment that assumed that Mary Cheney is a "leftist" just because she is a lesbian. Funny, but if I was to assume anything, I would assume, being Dick Cheney's daughter, that Mary Cheney is a Republican.

  8. Anonymous3:30 PM

    BTW, if I were Mary Cheney, and I had a baby boy, I might consider naming my son Sammuel Joseph.

  9. it'll be in their new "bible".

    How may I hate thee? Let me count the ways oh Lord. Pray away the gay oh Lord. Let us embrace your love and damn the bastards that love each other in different ways than your normal children. We will deny them all respect and rights in Your name oh Lord.

  10. phoebes-in-santa fe3:52 PM

    I've always used the term "lesbianistic". I think I made up the word, but I like the way it sounds!

    I really dislike all the Cheneys - particularly Liz - but bringing a child into the world who will be welcomed and loved (as I presume this child will be) is ALWAYS a good thing. No matter the gender of the parents.

  11. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Maybe someone should sent these ugly post that people made about his daughter so he can see the type of people he seems to be defending,Personally I think Cheney belongs in jail but that's just my opinion and has nothing to do with his daughter.Many children have a father figure that is not a father but an uncle , a nephew ,a male friend, ect and what makes these people so sure that anyone needs to have a male in their life,It sure didn't matter to Cheney's daughter.Bunch of low life's .And I don't even like either of Cheney's daughters

  12. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Of course they forget that Jesus had a dad (God), a mom (Mary) and a stepdad (Joseph). That's not exactly a traditional nuclear family. Although that part might have been taken out of the abridged conservative bible by now.

  13. Anonymous4:18 PM

    I find it rather offensive that anyone would referr to a child as a plaything, no matter the context.

    The GOP is really eating themselves alive.

  14. CrabbyPatty4:59 PM

    Lesbianic? What a bunch of idiots.

  15. Anonymous6:31 PM

    What a tragedy for children to be raised by these rump morons. Kids deserve more of a chance than that. Of course, I was raised by rump morons, but the political climate was much less toxic.

  16. Gasman10:05 PM

    This is a shining example of why I loathe all things Republican. They foster, condone, and even glorify such hateful bigotry as being "moral" and "Christian." These folks are ignorant bigots who fearfully lash out at anyone that differs from their own image. Sure, not all Republicans are homophobes, but how many decry such bigotry? Damn few. If you Republican and you do not denounce such hate speak, then you are tacitly endorsing it.

    I guess these geniuses think that a home with two moms will "lesbianify" the kids and make them gay. Sexuality is not a matter of preference. If it was, who would choose to be gay? What benefits accrue to those who make such a "choice?" There are no tangible benefits that I can see. There are, however, many disadvantages to such a "choice." For one thing, you get to put up with the hatred and slurs from imbecilic bigots like those mentioned above. Where do I sign up to get me some of that?

    The Republican circular firing squad just keeps blasting away at themselves. Eventually, they will finish themselves off. I just wish they'd hurry up and be done with it.

    America could do just fine without such intolerant morons.

    Wasn't the Lesbianic the sister ship to the Titanic?

  17. Anonymous11:42 PM

    These people are so quick to label babies bastards, but they never think to put that brand on Bristol Palin's out of wedlock child. Hypocrites, the lot of them!

  18. Personally I think Cheney's daughter looks lovely in the shot. Perhaps it's the glow of pregnancy, but it may just as likely be her natural lesbianosity shining through.

  19. Anonymous6:23 AM

    Funny... I thought children were "god's little gift"?? *unamused* Oh wait.. that's right, as long as it's confined to their rules.

    -ske in atx

  20. "lesbianic home"
    This child will probably grow up much more loved, happier and healthier by this couple than it would in any one of those commenters.
    Except for the fact that it's got the Cheney DNA.

  21. A little OT but if you ever want a good laugh at how ridiculous the rethug bloggers are, then check out the blog
    They take down the rethug bloggers in a funny way.

  22. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Sorry, just have to go off on that word just a little more ;-)

    "Fly Lesbianic Airlines!"

    "It's a great house and faces the Lesbianic ocean."

    "We took our vacation on the Lesbianic coast."

    hee hee...

  23. If there's anyone seeing children as "playthings" it's Jon & Kate Gosselin! Why don't the conservatives spew their hate onto them? Maybe because they're a straight, once-married couple? I don't know, but to me a loving, caring home with lesbian parents is a whole lot better than what the Gosselin children are experiencing right now!


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