Tuesday, October 06, 2009

David Letterman continues to demonstrate class by apologizing to his staff, his wife, and Sarah Palin?

I can actually feel Letterman's pain, and hope that he is able to get past this embarrassing situation.

But really, apologizing to Sarah Palin? Dave, you are trying too hard.

Believe me, the last thing that woman deserves is for anybody to apologize to her.


  1. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Maybe because she has never apologized for HER affair...and unlike Letterman, she was legally married at the time.

    Just an observation. If Toddy is living in Palmer with the two older girls and the two babies.... that means Piper is living in Wassilla with Mom. What gives. Is Piper Brad Hansons, or is Piper Todds? This family is so nuts and dysfunctional, It would not surprise me if Piper was not Todds off spring. (as Trig is not his direct offspring).

  2. BTW I don't know what everybody else is seeing in the ad space below, but I am seeing a pro-health reform ad and that is AWESOME!

  3. Bayan7:48 AM

    I love Dave. Isn't it funny, just by mentioning the crazy ex-gov., people laugh. I think Letterman is being more than upfront and classy in the way he is handling this attempted extortion.
    Anyway, maybe a new sexual scandal is on the horizon...by tomorrow, people might be talking about Tila Tequila and Megan McCain hanging out together.

  4. Anonymous7:52 AM

    A man who has lied to probably a dozen people apologizing to a woman who has lied to millions? Seems kind of lopsided, but whatever.

    The last ad I clicked on had a fox on it. Everyone should click on the ads at least once a day to help support what Gryphen is doing here. Just sayin'.

  5. Anonymous7:55 AM

    I saw Dave last night, and didn't take his apology to SP as a real one. He was poking fun at her and her supporters like he's done for months :)

  6. Anonymous8:32 AM

    I've been trying to make a connection between his apology and why that would prompt yet another apology to Sarah Palin...can't figure it out.

  7. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Last Thursday night and last night were television history, IMHO.

    It was something like NETWORK meets OPRAH meets [Insert NYC Crime Drama Title Here).

  8. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Letterman owes no Palin an apology. Todd was the one that said "rape" and they purposely twisted Willow into the fake outrage. They owe Willow and Letterman and apology. The last I heard there has never been any sign of her at the Yanks game. Willow would know if she was there, she is silent.

    @ 7:30 AM
    I can't wait for the details to be sorted out on parentage of the various kids from the Palin household. I've also heard the trap goes way back to the elopement. What did Todd know and when did he know it? Who can be certain that Track is Todd's?

    How certain are the rumors about part of the Palin's living in Palmer now? I've heard different combinations. Bristol is in Palmer? Bristol is getting her own Nanny and a house in Wasilla?

  9. honestyinGov9:42 AM

    I'm with anon 7:55 on this one. He was clearly NOT applogizing to SP. He got all serious with the other aplologies but the SP reference was the punchline to a ' joke ' at the end to bring back some levity to the situation.Sarcasm all the way. I mean he aplogized sincerely to Sarah that first week ' twice '.. but has applogized about a dozen or more times after those two.Every one after the first two.... are always jokes.Same last night. Sarah continues to be his joke with a punch line.Half the time he doesn't even have to use the punch line. Mentions her name and gives some goofy grin or says " can't talk about THAT"....the audience laughs.

  10. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Morgan--thanks for the info, I didn't know thats how it works. I will now clink on an ad everytime in.
    But I agree with a couple of the other posters, it would be interesting to see and know the parentage of the Palin children

  11. As I saw the Letterman "apology" to palin - it seems he was making fun of the need to apologize for absolutely everything - from comments to comments-about-comments...and threw palin in the mix as she is obviously one who needs apologies for everything under the sun that pertains to her.

    Does that make sense?

    Letterman is no fool - he witnessed the hatred and vitriol spewed by palin's "Letterman protesters".

  12. Anonymous3:04 PM

    I would guess that the man trying to blackmail Letterman was probably a Sarah fan!

  13. Anonymous4:47 PM

    I think he was kidding about the SP apology.

  14. Anonymous4:57 PM

    I agree with both teri and honestyinGov.

    I really didn't interpret Dave's apology to SP as an apology to her, but rather, as a punch line.

  15. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Let me confirm for all: Sarah Palin is a punchline.


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