Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Here is more about Palin's new political group “Stand Up For Our Nation.”

Sarah Palin fans can expect to see a new Palin political organization surface as her memoir, “Going Rogue: An American Life,” hits the shelves next month.

“There will be an announcement about it coming up,” Palin associate Tim Crawfordsaid Wednesday.

The New York Post reported this week that Palin’s new group will be called “Stand Up For Our Nation.” (News Corp. owns both the Post and The Wall Street Journal as well as HarperCollins Publishers, publisher of Palin’s book.) Crawford, who is treasurer of Palin’s existing political-action committee, SarahPAC, refused to provide any details about the new organization’s purpose or structure.

But Palin supporters say the former Alaska governor and last year’s GOP vice presidential nominee is eager to keep the public’s attention, even as she rakes in big earnings. “She wants to continue to be in a position to help causes dear to her heart and help people close to her,” said Fred Malek, a former fund-raiser for Sen. John McCain. Unlike many who were at McCain’s side during the 2008 campaign, Malek remains on friendly terms with Palin.

Damn, I was kind of hoping that this thing was a joke.

I cannot believe that people are still willing to allow this charlatan her to use them like this.

First it was the Alaska Fund Trust, then SarahPAC, followed by this bullshit book "Going Rogue", and now this.

How many different ways can Sarah find to fleece the simple minded people who follow her?

People, she is NOT going to do anything important with your money! She just isn't!

She is all about getting paid. And you are all functioning as her own personal "sugar daddy".
Someday a bright therapist will start a twelve step program for weaning people off of Sarah Palin. I can see family members all across the country performing interventions to prevent their grandmothers from sending Palin their social security checks, and group therapy sessions with hollow eyed Sarah Palin fanatics sharing how many days it has been since they have sent money to SarahPAC, or visited one of the websites dedicated to Queen Ester of Wasilla.

Well it should not be too much longer before the bottom falls out from under Sarah and her crazy ass followers. I just wish I could hurry things along a little more.


  1. Anonymous12:54 PM

    I don't know you or what you know, Gryphen, but I am really counting on what you're saying. I was completely appalled by Palin during the election last year and the thought of her running for POTUS is frightening (Although I honestly can't see her being able to handle even a few months of such a campaign. If she thinks people were "mean" in AK, imagine what she'll think of down and dirty primary stuff.). Even so, I'd like to see her unmasked and, yes, humiliated. She brings out the worst in people - racism, xenophobia, jingoism, the glorification of ignorance.... Blech, blech, blech.

  2. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Well it should not be too much longer before the bottom falls out from under Sarah”

    Now you’ve got me curious, too. When the shit hits the fan, is Palin going to be
    exposed beyond all doubt as the total fraud that we all know she really is, or is her reputation merely going to be sullied?

  3. Gryphen - Get a grip and bust this open. You are the last hope.

    I've given up on Shannyn and AKM. They are not much better than the MSM in getting the truth out.

    DAMN - tell me the truth and I'll publish it under my REAL NAME.

  4. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Plus being one of Murdochs lapdogs. Not that she has much of anything going for her but being an irritant.

    Hopefully she will have some comeupance for the black hearted woman she is.

  5. Gryphen,
    The only good thing about palinistas sending Sarah her grifter dollars is that they will not be able to send those dollars to anyone that could sway any upcoming elections. Why are people so willing to send her dollars?? I have no idea, but a grifter always has a "catch" of some type to take advantage of the mentally challenged.

  6. Anonymous said... at Bree Palin

    $P and her 'Bots don't speak colloquial Spanish. That acronym, used as a word with an accent over the O, describes a woman's vagina that's especially, ah, pleasingly, ah, grippy. "Ella tiene sufon," a man might say. I learned this phrase as a teenager under circumstances sufficiently mortifying as to stay with me until the dirt is shoveled onto my coffin.

    Mrs. Tarquin Biscuitbarrel
    October 14, 2009 5:08 PM

  7. Anonymous1:19 PM

    SUFON already exists. It means Seattle UFO Network.

  8. Buttercup1:21 PM

    I agree with anonymous above. She is appalling and I bet she is paying her "staff" thru the SarahPac or the Alaska Trust Fund (I don't understand why the state allowed her to use that name). By the way, Fred Malek earned an unsavory reputation when he worked in the Nixon administration. He was a partner with Bush II in the Rangers.

  9. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Stand up for our I the only one who thinks that name is LAME!

    It does not roll off the tongue, has no good acronym, and the phrase "our nation" is clumsy and feels dated.

    Like todays Epic Fail of the new GOP website, this is already a joke.

  10. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Just what has she been doing to help special needs kids or anyone really?

    What causes are "dear to her heart?"
    Besides ending reproductive freedom?

  11. Anonymous1:27 PM

    My, One of Brees posters says that SUFON is used in a colloguel term when a females vagina is especially grippy.

    How do these ladies do it?

    They are so inept.

    LOL. See Bree Palins posts.

  12. Stand Up for Your has been taken, and standupforournation on wordpress, based on what someone at Palingates has stated and I've got the "blogger" version of Stand Up For Our Nation, so it looks like it is going to be tough for the Palinbots to grab those names for themselves ;)

  13. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Tim Crawford was the former director of finance,for the RNC.Quit in a huff. Now works for SarahPac. Boy, she knows a sucker, when she see's one.

  14. Anonymous1:44 PM

    I wont be holding my breath. Im starting to get used to all the big talk that turns into nothing. I hate Palin, and I hate that she is getting away with all this bullsh!t.

    But I'm not counting on the bloggers or anyone for that matter to finally out her.

    I do believe that the bloggers really do think in their minds that they have something big when they tease, and I dont think their intentions are bad, I just think that what they really do know when it comes to fruition, is just not as big as they thought it was. This has happened over and over again IMO.

    I'm the kind of person who learns the first time when someone doesn't really come through with what they promised. I dont believe anymore when the first, second, third etc. promises never come through.

    I am resigned to the fact that the only people that can bring Palin down are Bristol, Willow, Todd, CBJ and possibly Levi(not sure he knows anything). And that is never gonna happen.

    No one else knows anything of enough value to harm Palin and her higher ambitions. Hearsay is never going to take her down. And the only people with any kind of proof are those listed above.

    No matter what anyone else says, she will just deny it, and she will be believed, because there is no proof to convince them otherwise.

  15. Anonymous1:46 PM

    I'm just back from a conference in Florida with people from across the US. You know how it is, people find out you are from Alaska, and SP questions usually follow. There wasn't much interest in SP this trip compared to one 6 months ago. And, I didn't run into anyone who thought she was anything but a ridiculous joke and a whack job.

  16. Anonymous1:49 PM

    "How many different ways can she find to fleece the simple minded people who follow her?" Lots.

    Look at the religious far right, where the central characters have fleeced their flocks and never missed a meal or had to get a real job for 30 years. (See Dobson, James. Perkins, Tony,etc. etc.) Sarah is on the far right religious gravy train, and she won't get off until the last dollar is grabbed.

  17. Anonymous1:52 PM

    well there is an old saying .. The higher you are the harder you fall..        or something like that       Let her establish herself until she feels she has finally reached the "calling of da lawd" and then bring her on down

  18. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Perhaps this is where Mansour, et al. have scampered off to. . .?

  19. Anonymous1:54 PM

    And, Gryph, when is someone going to light a fire under that AFT thing. . .the disclosure is way overdue, nothing more about the investigation of last summer??

  20. I donno if you've seen this yet, but you can get Palin's book for FREE!!!

    Yup, all you have to do is order Newsmax for a year and you get Palin's book for free. I wonder how many they ordered to help it on its rise to number one? The book isn't even out yet and they are givng it away for free. lol

    I'm wondering if sitting in a room with Sarah Palin and Orly Taitz, and listening to their speeches back to back, if your head would explode. Who would win a debate? Taitz or Palin?

    Oh god, the thought is making me cringe.

  21. I live for the day this batsh!t crazy woman is out of sight! She's nothing but a user and a con artist. Obviously feeding on the poor ignorant suckers who are still sending her money. She's like those evangalists begging for money and living high on the hog! Gryphen, I do hope your information takes her down a bunch of notches. I hate to say it, but there are some people who absolutely won't believe the truth about her, but thankfully, their numbers are dwindling. God...she's despicable!

  22. Anonymous2:46 PM

    That Spanish Sufon find is priceless. What fools!

  23. Why shouldn't Palin continue to do what she's doing?
    The state of Alaska crumbled and is not upholding it's own ethics laws and palin benefits.
    Murdock gave her a book deal (now for 40% off at Borders and it has not been released yet...).
    And people are sending her money for what? What has she done for them?

    This is a perfect venue for her. She will continue her Face Book "appearances" where she has some one else write for her and she answers NO questions
    And now her nasty sounding group, Stand up for America. Why should we/ do we have to, stand up for America? We are not being attacked. We have better relations with the rest of the world then we have had for 8 years.
    So what are we standing up for? We are asking for better health care for all and equal rights for everyone.
    We are not "taking away" rights from religious people. They do not want affordable health care, don't buy it. Don't like gay marriage?
    Don't go to a wedding. Abortion? Don't have one, but don't prevent those in need from having one either.
    I don't understand what these religious yahoos are complaining about. They had 6 years of full republican control and their agenda did not go anywhere. So now all of a sudden they have to stand up for America?
    Maybe they should have done that after 9/11?
    But now, not so much.

  24. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Bring it on, Gryphen.

    You have nothing. You never had anything. The last time you broke something that even made a splash in the blogosphere, you were thoroughly discredited and made to look the fool. Your source in that instance, either directly or indirectly, was a tabloid article penned by Mercedes Johnston. Did it ever occur to you why she only spoke to a tabloid if she had anything legitimate to say? Perhaps any decent journalist would have done some basic investigation and found out that maybe she wasn't telling the truth. Or even more likely, selling a story to the tabloids was a quick way to make a buck. But I digress. Not a single thing in your 08/01/09 post has ever been empirically proved.

    Now onto your next revelation that you have within your grasp the knowledge, the story that could finally destroy Sarah Palin forever. I doubt the veracity of your claims. First of all, you claim that your "sources" have access to this secret knowledge, but no one knows who these sources are, or what their motivations consist of. However, since they apparently possess such important information, this begs the question: Why would they share this data with you? You have mentioned that you are helping your contacts get in touch with a "media outlet," which is curiously ambiguous. Evidently, they need your help, which leads me to my next point, that being, if your sources actually have the smoking gun, why do they need your help? Why not go straight to the press themselves? There would be plenty of aspiring reporters that would run with this "iceberg" if the evidence was totally solid.

    This brings me to my penultimate point. After asking all the aforementioned questions, I have come to the conclusion that the evidence you mention so frequently, Gryphen, either does not exist or is weak, e.g., hearsay. This would make your breakout absolutely worthless, but it might drive readers to your blog, which is what you really want, isn't it?

    The end of my analysis reaches this singular judgment, which is based on your prior record, Gryphen. I strongly believe, though cannot conclusively prove, that you have caught some advance wind of a sensationalist story about Sarah Palin. I don't know the details, of course, but that's irrelevant. The fact is, you'll be given a heads up by your sources, which will circulate throughout the blogosphere. This will soften up internet readers and make them more receptive to the "big" story coming out shortly thereafter. Of course, the story itself will blow over quickly, dismissed as gossip by the mainstream media, but your sources will benefit financially from the sale of their "story," and you will move up a notch on the blogging totem pole-you will get the attention you want so badly, the controversy that will fan flames of anger among the conspiracy theorists you feed.

    How do I know this? It is simple enough to answer. You did it over two months ago, with the "Splitsville" fabrication. So go ahead, censor this comment. I don't care. But if you do such a thing, I will know I am right, because if you really are correct then you would have nothing to fear from others reading my comment.

    I stand here to tell you Gryphen that you mislead your readers. You have no story that will ever undercut Sarah Palin and bring her down, because there is none. You can wail away all you want, but the facts shall remain untainted, and the truth will be unscathed.

    You wish to talk about vindication? The only vindication here will be mine, as Sarah Palin will be standing tall a year from now, and you will be a laughingstock who failed in every attempt to destroy the Alaskan Governor. You may even become a hero among the circles you run in, but that is no title to be proud of.

    And for the record, I use my real name and don't hide in the shadows of anonymity, unlike you.

  25. Lisabeth3:02 PM

    It's amazing how many truly stupid people there are in this country. Did these people grow up so sheltered and uninformed that they can't spot a deceptive opportunist like Palin!? It's really scary. How could anyone give her money.
    Gryphen, you are right, this is just a way to get more money and it explains why the Alaska Fund Trust button is gone from the sea of pee. Blcch, blchh!!
    What is with these idiots forming these groups like they will save our country. Give me a break!!!!! Liz Cheney has a stupid group now too since only her daddy dearest was capable of keeping our country safe!

    Eye on you, good for you on the domain names! Grab the .Org and .net ones!!

    And re her being exposed, I hope so but I admit I try to not count on it because we have waited so long for it.

  26. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Why don't AKM and Shannyn talk about babygate. Is it because they don't believe in it? Or are they above talking about it because of thier personal ambitions. They are two who could really bring this to light but they don't. It appears as if they think it's dirty or below them. This is bothering some-there are some comments on Palingates. Maybe they are doing things behind the scenes-it sure would be nice to know that if so. I think they must have their reasons and I thought Gryphen might know. Once a liar, always a liar.

  27. livvy, agree 100% with you! I wont disparage either but they are part of the MSM now. TV and HuffPo have done that.

    G-Man, lets roll!

  28. Anonymous3:24 PM

    I don't think any of the people that sent their hard-earned dollars to Palin feel the least bit ripped off. They never thought she should have to pay for her legal fees herself because they think they were the result of a mean-spirited, politically-motivated witch-hunt against their paragon of virtue. They will never make the connection between the people sending in their donations to the freeing up of Palin's cash to build herself another house.

  29. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Guy on MSNBC just said he said SP would make a great president. He is just now praising her for all her good works in Alaska. On Hardball, a Patriot teabagger guy, I just got sick.

  30. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Hey Jesse, that would be the EX half term FORMER Alaskan Governor. I realize that living in Michigan leaves you a bit out of the loop on this.

  31. Jesse C - You're playing so cool obeying every rule, dig way down in your heart you're yearning, burning for somebody to tell you - to cut loose. Footloose!

  32. ginny3:45 PM

    Hey Jesse, the list of blogs that you follow says more than enough about you. Glad you are so proud to be follower of a sexist/racist white supremacist a**hole!
    Birds of a feather...

  33. Anonymous3:46 PM

    @Mr. Cornish, 2:52, sir: The fact that you are a fan of the racist blogger "The Other McCain" tells me all I need to know about you and your opinions of Gryphen.

  34. Anonymous3:48 PM

    If Shannyn and AKM do not want to get into the Babygate thing that is their business and theirs alone.

    Gryphen has chosen to delve into it and Palingates and BreePalin have picked up where PalinDeceptions left off.

    Still no answers and perhaps there may never be answers regarding the birth of Trig.

    Lots of speculation and many theories, but perhaps answers will come many years down the road. Quite frankly people keep posting photos that have convinced me that Palin truly WAS pregnant. The hysteria on the sites that still cover the babygate are not progressing the cause. Trust.

    Don't blame those that do not wish to get involved in the babygate fray. There are many other important things to focus on in national and local politics aside from what baby came from what vagina.

    Gryphen has been happy so far to be the one Alaska blogger that is willing to don the tin foil hat and pursue babygate. That's his choice and his alone and because he has done it doesn't mean that all bloggers have to jump on that bandwagon.

    If and when the truth is ever told, Gryphen will be the one that is recognized as doggedly pursuing that issue and AKM and Shannyn would never try to steal his thunder.

    Get off it people and stop pointing fingers. If you are so damned interested in babygate get off you couches and head on up here and do some first person research, but until you do, please stop speculating and pointing fingers at the REAL bloggers who don't choose to write about your fascination with babygate

  35. When Palin says "Our Nation" does she mean the USA or Alaska?

  36. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Bending over like it's no big deal...just BIRTHED a BABY out of my vagina, but I'm doing a okay. Yeah...easiest of all??? What woman could do that just after birthing a child? ANSWER: NO ONE COULD DO THIS! LIAR AND A FRAUD!

  37. jesse, the "iceberg" was promoted pretty heavily here. Then she quit. palin threatened lawsuits. then silence. Sooooooo...what are you saying with your fancy pageant writin'?

  38. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Anon 3:02 It is not that Shannyn and AKM don't believe in Babygate. I think they feel enough attention is being paid to the topic by fellow bloggers. There is enough os SP's toxic trash to go around.
    I also believe that the bloggers all have the same progress Alaska.
    Oh boy Gyp, I guess Jesse Cornish Hen outed you. All the work that you have done on this "sham" of a blog. Those are some fancy words he was using, one of her fans has an education.
    We believe in you and we know it's going to be big,also,too.

  39. I'd like to see a cage fight between Liz Cheney and Sarah Palin, over whose web site to Save America is better.

    I think Liz Cheney would suit up as soon as the invitation was issued, but you might have to lure Palin out from her undisclosed location with a hefty purse and a promise that she'd win.

  40. Jesse Cornish "...Sarah Palin will be standing tall a year from now..." Who are you kidding, Jesse? This woman is so crooked she has to screw her shoes on and off. It is immaterial whether there is or isn't a devastating story waiting somewhere. She isn't taken seriously by anyone but those, like yourself, who never open their eyes or their ears unless they are watching FOX Noise which spoon feeds them nonsense. If you simply listen to her, you realize she is so unworldly and such a lite thinker that she will be able to accomplish little on her own. Go ahead and waste your money on her as so many waste theirs on televangelists. You will be the loser.

  41. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Hey Jesse @ 2:52

    Don't see your name on the blog page so what is written here is none of your flucking business -- so like I would say to others -- Go suck eggs AH

  42. jesse said, "you will be a laughingstock who failed in every attempt to destroy the Alaskan Governor."...

    Ummm, oh fancy pageant writer, that should read "ex-Alaskan Governor", unless you think the current Gov. is the subject at hand. Ya see I done graduated the sixth grade, and she aint the Gov. no more. She quit. That makes her the former, quitter, non, was, used to be Governor.

    A year from now that will still be the case, eh?

  43. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Gryphyn: I know how hard it is to get people to put themselves at risk for saying something about a powerful person in small town. I know you will tell us what you can, when you can. AND I bet when the Book of Lies is out, some people might get a little ticked-off about her claiming credit or whatever lies , pick one!

    And there might be photos where she looks pregnant, but how does one explain the ones in the third trimester where she is FLAT!

  44. Anonymous4:22 PM

    John King from CNN 'State of the Union" mentioned on his Sunday morning show they would be in AK this week.

  45. Jesse Cornish @2:52 p.m. You sound like an intelligent person and analytical thinker.
    I find that refreshing and very unusual for a Palin supporter. I am wondering if you have put your obviously high intelligence to use in studying the various "gates" that outline the inordinate number of illegal and unethical activities of former 1/2 term Governor Palin.
    I continue to read the pro-Palin blogs, the anti-Palin blogs, and the newspaper articles from right-wing and left-wing publications. I was a Palin supporter for a short time. I did LOTS of digging for information, and quite frankly - I am appalled by Mrs. Palin.
    If you are interested in garnering more information (and learning WHY we are mortified by the thought of Palin in politics), I recommend reading about the following subjects (located at right hand side of

    Pebble mine
    Alaska Natives
    Civil rights
    Big oil
    Alaska Independence Party
    Special needs

    I am also interested to know if you find her intelligent, and if so: How do you feel about her unwillingness to answer questions or appear on news shows like "Meet the Press?"
    Thanks, Ella

  46. Anonymous4:40 PM

    So Palin's new Cause of the Week will speak for all Americans, or just the ones she deems acceptable to her beliefs and screw the rest?

  47. Jesse Cornish, you are so brave to come here to tell us that:

    "You have no story that will ever undercut Sarah Palin and bring her down, because there is none."
    "Sarah Palin will be standing tall a year from now"

    In case you haven't noticed, Palin has been doing a pretty good job bringing her own self down. I don't know if Gryphen will be the one to break the information that is the last straw for sane people, but the trend for Palin is not good. There will be no vindication for you or Sarah.

    I supposed there will always be fools who will be willing to send their money to Sarah, but that does not translate to any kind of political viability.

    You have come here to am online community where you know we don't agree with you, and are practically begging us to go see who you are. Having done so, I can see that apparently it is YOU who is hoping to get a jump in traffic to your blog, which doesn't exactly seem to be drawing a lot of traffic...

    Your profile says you are a conservative. If so, you might want to reconsider your support of Sarah Palin. As mayor, she was more than happy to rip off the taxpayers for expensive office remodel and her hugely costly sports complex boondoggles. She also hired out experts to try to get as much Federal money as possible directed to Wasilla. As Governor, she was before that Bridge to Nowhere before she was against it.

    Trying to force a particular Fundamentalist Christian morality on everybody else is also not "conservative". Trying to get elected with the backing of a group that wants to turn our country into a theocracy is not conservative. Being a serial quitter is not conservative.

    Fortunately, Palin has already done a very good job of alienating herself from a large percentage of the population.

    Let's see what happens over the course of the next year. You can come back then and admit you were wrong about Sarah Palin.

  48. blessu4:56 PM

    In the end Sarah will take Sarah down.

    Right now I am interested in housegate2. Not for taking anyone up or down. I am fascinated with the zoning around Wasilla. Both the city and the county where I am are all about zoning. It is the central issue that defines candidates. In Wasilla no one cares or wants any laws or rules. It is a place where we can see the results of that in action. I see photos of beautiful scenery. Why are there no photos of the lake that has fish no one can eat? Is it polluted and it all looks beautiful? The symbol of a politician building up a compound on a dead lake is powerful, it says everything about Sarah Palin.

    I don't go to Gryphen first thing in the morning because he is going to reveal something. It would be nice, I'd like it to be soon but I know it doesn't always go as planned, even when you know you have truth on your side.

    Over at Palingates Cathy Baldwin-Johnson, the doctor alleged to have delivered Trig, is being discussed. Her part has always been of interest. I hope she will be revealed for who she really is. After Gryphen did that griping article on STAR and the women in Alaska I started wondering if Baldwin-Johnson's position would be more noted.

    Another BS front like SUFON is typical republican waste. It is just what they do. It makes them feel useful. I don't think of the hype they spin as success but they will continue to do what they do. There will always be charlatans and suckers. It would be good if she does get her third party out of it.

    It is a disappointment that AKM and S. Moore can't stress the fact that there is no proof that Sarah is actually writing any of the material people attribute to her. I don't care that she uses ghost writers, it annoys me when people fall into the trap of acting like that she is in reality and coming up with ideas and writing and researching. Sarah is MIA until she has the cajones to answer questions and stay away the over controlled events. Hong Kong was not a satisfactory coming out. I was another fail to most of the world.

    Housegate2 is also worth watching because this may be about her church. I would like to see more activism begin to change the tax laws regarding religion. As it is now it stinks. There is no if, ands or buts that has to change. Church and state must remain separated. Too many churches are not selflessly helping the afflicted. It has all gone awry and must stop.

  49. Anonymous4:58 PM

    ""sjk from the belly of the plane said...
    jesse said, "you will be a laughingstock who failed in every attempt to destroy the Alaskan Governor."...

    Ummm, oh fancy pageant writer, that should read "ex-Alaskan Governor", unless you think the current Gov. is the subject at hand. Ya see I done graduated the sixth grade, and she aint the Gov. no more. She quit. That makes her the former, quitter, non, was, used to be Governor.

    A year from now that will still be the case, eh?""

    ""Anonymous said...
    Hey Jesse, that would be the EX half term FORMER Alaskan Governor. I realize that living in Michigan leaves you a bit out of the loop on this.""

    It is a sign of respect to call former Governors by their old titles. For example, Mike Huckabee can still be called Governor Huckabee and it would be correct. The same applies for Sarah Palin.

    ""Helen said...
    Jesse C - You're playing so cool obeying every rule, dig way down in your heart you're yearning, burning for somebody to tell you - to cut loose. Footloose!""

    Not really.

    ""ginny said...
    Hey Jesse, the list of blogs that you follow says more than enough about you. Glad you are so proud to be follower of a sexist/racist white supremacist a**hole!
    Birds of a feather...""

    ""Anonymous said...
    @Mr. Cornish, 2:52, sir: The fact that you are a fan of the racist blogger "The Other McCain" tells me all I need to know about you and your opinions of Gryphen.""

    Are aware of the logical fallacy known as ad hominem? It is an instance where instead of trying to refute a particular person's argument, you attack the person to discredit him or her. Go here for more information:

    ""sjk from the belly of the plane said...
    jesse, the "iceberg" was promoted pretty heavily here. Then she quit. palin threatened lawsuits. then silence. Sooooooo...what are you saying with your fancy pageant writin'?""

    What am I saying? Gryhpen is continuously feeding you information and making promises that inevitably lead to nowhere. That's the only way his blog stays relevant; as long as he has a new "scoop" every now and then people such as yourself will still glued to his website. He's holding the bait right above your noses, and it always comes with a hook.

    Now please tell me, what happened to this "iceberg?" I am immensely curious.

    ""Georgia Mountain Man said...
    Jesse Cornish "...Sarah Palin will be standing tall a year from now..." Who are you kidding, Jesse? This woman is so crooked she has to screw her shoes on and off. It is immaterial whether there is or isn't a devastating story waiting somewhere. She isn't taken seriously by anyone but those, like yourself, who never open their eyes or their ears unless they are watching FOX Noise which spoon feeds them nonsense. If you simply listen to her, you realize she is so unworldly and such a lite thinker that she will be able to accomplish little on her own. Go ahead and waste your money on her as so many waste theirs on televangelists. You will be the loser.""

    For such an incompetent woman, she was able to accomplish so much. The cognitive dissonance presented here is resounding. She can't both be an evil mastermind and utterly foolish at the same time!

    And it does matter whether there is an earth-shattering story, as Gryphen as promised one. I await in all eagerness, but I am afraid I will be dissapointed.

    ""Anonymous said...
    Hey Jesse @ 2:52

    Don't see your name on the blog page so what is written here is none of your flucking business -- so like I would say to others -- Go suck eggs AH

    I've heard worst, to be honest.

  50. Gryphen and Patrick are working on Babygate. Some things like fine wine can't be rushed. Hmmmmmm, I will savor both when the shyte hits the fan. Keep up the good work Gryphen and Patrick.

  51. phoebes-in-santa fe5:11 PM

    I am someone who does not believe in the Palin-didn't-birth-Trig story. I know that Gryphen and many of the bloggers here do believe the story, and more power to them.

    Okay, Sarah Palin IS an evil, thoughtless, stupid, reactionary woman. She's probably a bad mother and wife, and she was certainly a less-than-interested governor of Alaska. However, because she IS all the above, I really don't think she has the smarts - either conventionally or politically - to think up a plot to pretend to give birth to a baby.

    To what end would she do this? To protect her daughter from the "disgrace" of being a 17-year old unwed mother? To show off a Downs baby to collect sympathy? Believe me, Palin isn't smart enough to plot her "future" by doing politically-smart things that the McCain campaign staff and advisers after the campaign tried to tell her to keep her political hopes alive. She's just really stupid about these things. And, yes, she's stupid enough to travel back to Alaska after her water broke in Texas.

    We're NOT talking about a smart, contemplative person here. We're talking about someone who took six years and five schools to get a college diploma. She may have political cunning enough to get her out of Wasilla, but not to get further. She doesn't have the ability to think about long-range plans that involve a "fake baby".

    And, I will return to my original statement that with more than one person knowing a secret, it's no longer a secret. Even with HIPPA protecting medical records, people talk. People particularly talk for money and notoriety. You can look at pictures forever, and dissect pregnant poses, but at the end of the day, I would be really surprised if Palin didn't give birth to Trig.

    Sarah Palin does enough stupid shit on her own without we Palin-haters having to make stuff up. I KNOW everyone here wants to believe the worst about Palin, but, stop and think about it, to what end would baby-gate benefit Palin and do you really think she has the smarts to pull something like this off?

    I really don't mean to rain on anyone's parade here and I think Gryphen and his compatriots have done a WONDERUL job exposing other Palin-stink. On this matter, though, I really think he sounds as nutty as those idiotic Republican "birthers".

    Okay, you can stone me!

  52. A Respectful Reply to Jesse @2:52

    Jesse, I took the time to go to your profile and read your personal statement. I did this because your comments here were passionate and well thought out. I will tell you that I value clear thinking. So I would like to point out some possible contradictions in your own thinking. You state that the government should not be permitted to engage in borrowing and deficit spending-- afterall, individuals can't-- right ? No wrong, individuals can borrow money Jesse!! Surely you know someone with a mortgage, a credit card, an educational loan ?? Secondly, you feel that we need a VERY strong national defense system. Again, for better or worse, how do we achieve that-- by huge amounts of government spending and borrowing. Now we can all debate what we think the spending should be on. In fact, I believe that these debates are very healthy for our democracy-- differences of opinion are good.
    Then you state that you prefer less government, less interference in people's lives. Well here again we have a contradiction-- Jesse, do you think that the government has a right to tell a woman what to do with her body ? Hmm.. so it's not really a blanket statement of principle, you want to pick and choose what a government can or cannot do.

    Now, as for Ms. Palin-- I have watched her closely and it is evident to me that she is extremely dishonest in many ways. She is also lacking in the basic knowledge necessary to hold any responsible position of power in government.
    It is also extrememly clear to me that she simply did not give birth to Trig. This represents a clear breach of trust. That is why we are concerned with the issue. I don't know what Gryphen has or knows, but I will close in saying that her sudden decision to quit her position as governor without any real explanation should cause folks to wonder what is going on.

  53. justafarmer5:34 PM

    poor Jesse Cornish...his blogspot blog is titled "The Melancholy Conservative".

    Jesse C...plan on continuing being melancholy until your bank account and dreams of $P run out of track.

    At that point you will really understand the definition of "melancholy".

    And we will care more about you then than you care about us now because we are caring Americans, unlike you.

    But we won't care a whole lot much more. Just this ][ much.

  54. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Sarah doesn't even realize it but the Republicans that are behind her ( if there still are any) are there only so she huffs and puffs all her fearful, hateful reteric that they really don't want coming out of their mouths. They basically are setting her up to be the spoiler for the 2010 elections. Then they will be done with her. Nobody is going to promote Sarah for any position.

  55. Anonymous5:40 PM

    To Jesse, it's fine if you want to criticize Gryphen (unlike some of your favorite blogs, he won't censor you), but it's amazing to me that you would waste your breath on a lowlife, no nothing like Sarah Palin. Are there no intelligent (and no, I don't mean "Ivy League, intellectual, Georgetown cocktail party") leaders for you to look up to and defend? Why are conservatives coming to this woman's defense? I can guess why, but I won't bother here.

  56. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Anon 3:48 are you always such a witch when somenone simply asks the question why don't Shannyn and AKM talk about babygate! Take a Valium or so
    something but CHILL! You response to the person who asked but did not cut them down in any way is rude and messed up. Who the H are you to say who a real blogger is or isn't. You come across as one angry nasty person. I read that post and thought it was a valid and interesting question! Get a grip!

    As for Jesse, you aren't worth responding to-you are a racist ignorant bully. Why even come here? Is you life that boring and desperate? And Sarah isn't standing tall now! The woman is so stupid she can't even talk in public about issues facing our country. She isn't standing tall now and won't be in a year. You seem delusional about her so I will pray for you.

  57. Anonymous5:59 PM

    Again, to Jesse, you're not thinking about this clearly. Sarah Palin accomplished nothing last Fall other than being plucked from obscurity (because she'd impressed some neocon writers on a cruise to Alaska) by McCain. McCain was the puppet of the far right wing of his party and chose her for his VP. I don't doubt that he regrets choosing her. He'll never admit it, of course. She's not extraordinary. If she were, she would've grabbed the reins and run. As it is, she's botched every opportunity that McCain gave her and will end with making a pile off a book simply because she's a national curiosity.

  58. Anonymous6:13 PM


    Look out! Here comes a pebble.....OK, I'm kidding. :)

    I'd be stunned if it turns out Sarah DID give birth to Trig!

    I think the reason most of us here think she did it is because she wanted to preserve HER image--what would people think of HER (Ms Family Values/Abstinence only/no abortion for any reason) if her 16 year old daughter was pregnant--besides that "abstinence" as birth control doesn't work for too many people? And the reason (IMO) why subsequently she so easily "outed" Bristol's second pregnancy was because it could so conveniently be used to cover for the first one, and she couldn't very well do another fake pregnancy on top of the last one, since she'd messed up and made the "birth date" April 18th instead of when it really was (surely NOT April 18th given the appearance of Trig three days later).


  59. Anonymous6:17 PM

    Hey guys, no fear. There are OSHA Violations going on with their construction. And yes, they are working on a structure/hanger building that may not be to code. I'm sure the current mayor of the mat-su borough can work a deal out for them, though. So don't worry, they'll get it done.

  60. Dr Who6:18 PM

    The person asking about AKM and Shannyn wasn't talking badly about them! I always wondered the same thing but I just assumed they wanted to stick to politics. Are you saying Gryphen and Regina and Bree aren't "real" bloggers. That is awfully rude! And absolutely NOT true!

  61. Another Palinbot Sent by The Other McCain, eh?6:21 PM

    Mr. Jesse Cornish: Sir. Please keep wasting your time here with your infantile, erroneous, magniloquent retorts. Better here than at your own blog, eh?

  62. Was the $20K fine enough? Maybe when Taitz becomes a real lawyer she will appreciate what just happened. I wonder if she is a mail order bride, just like her law degree? She is perfect reporter material for “Fake News”, where unfounded rumors and innuendo reign supreme , unlike a our US courts of law, where you need to present facts, not half baked lies (prepare for more failures). When flies get too close to the lights they get burned, Taitz just got burned, but like a fly she will continue, no end in sight. Poor Birthers they are haters not debaters.

    A lawyer, dentist, realtor and black belt, wow i must say Jack of all Trades Master of none.

  63. Anonymous7:00 PM

    I don't personally see how anyone could stick up for Palin regarding her political record. She was Mayor, BUT she hired a City Mgr. to do her job. She accomplished nothing during her tenure on the Oil and Gas Commission except to point fingers at others and state repeatedly that she "was in over her head" and had no idea what people on the commission were talking about most of the time.

    She touted a gas pipeline whose route has yet to be agreed upon and is years from being built, yet she told American voters that "she built it". As all she did was give $500 million to a Canadian company that may or may not be involved in moving the gas to it's final destination(s).

    She lied about making a profit on the sale of her jet. She lied about Todd being an AIP member. She lied about Trooper Wooten and lied about Walt Moneghan.

    The woman is plainly and simply not trustworthy and has no international policy (or even national policy) knowledge. She possesses very little curiosity thus has no incentive to undertake any task that may help her to be better prepared to run a town, state, or country. She gets by, but just barely, and if she looked like Janet Napolitano (no offense meant to Ms Napolitano) then she would not have gotten nearly as far as she has.

    Sarah Palin has coasted upon her greased sled of ignorance about as far as she can go in the political realm. Sarah, just write books and keep your facebook and twitters up to date and get a TV show. Just stay out of my politics.

    Sarah Palin, your record speaks for itself. 'Nuff said.

    (I have to run out the door and am not previewing this so hope it makes some sort of sense...)

  64. It's sorta like a political church. You pull up stakes, move to another state, then open your church and start gathering believers and passing the plate.

    SarahPAC and Alaska Fund Trust are tainted. So she has to start a new scam. Or same old scam with a different title.

    I wonder how her old PACs and their managers like her dumping them for a new shiney one? Wonder how Tim Crawford is gonna feel when he's replaced by Fred Malek.

    Anyone checked under that bus lately?

  65. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Palin is a primative sort. I think that the e-mails are crucial. I bet she thought that deleting e-mails were the end. This has to go to a court of law with some backing. If records are sought out in court rather than that wasills command post things would go better. If also, too the national media that requested records really get behind the delay and have the US justice dept. put preasure on Parnell he will break. I think that he should have underlying hate for her. Or his wife should. She didn't trust him while she was campaigning. who knowes that Maybe a protest or two will make him let the train run it's course unhinderd. Plus don.t count Levi out. The book is supposed to really roll on him. Ayy agreement would go both ways. You can't call me a liar then say that I cannot speak. It's not so much what Palin said, but I bet Bristol knows it all and she told it all to Levi. His mom is locked up already, If evrything fall right Bristol will not be hurt anymore than already. Those are his kids he can play the victom if Palin acts up. No one in the world would not believe that she didn't con both him and bristol. Time is on our side and not Palins. In the end she will lose it all. I do pray for the kids.

  66. Anonymous7:35 PM

    THE msm would jump on babygate in a second. But understand friends that this a touchy subject for all. liability is the utmost concern for the networks. We cannot depend on them. What about TMZ, the Enquirer or what ever Murdoch does not owen. Her new medium will fail also because it will be one way. We need one blog that all the current alaska blogs sourse all news and that blog put s it out. That Idiot can collect money and we can to. Start it off at $5 ahead, I and others can donate more. If you want to bring down a mamoth back it up to a wall.


  67. Anonymous7:46 PM


    "What am I saying? Gryphen is continuously feeding you information and making promises that inevitably lead to nowhere..."

    You know, I had to read that twice--thought for a moment, there, that you were talking about Sarah--the Bridge to Nowhere. Remember? One of the first revelations that Sarah was, oh let's just say, "more than a little short on truth."

    Anyway, while I disagree with virtually everything you stand for and every word you wrote, I will concede that you have excellent compositional skills. Sarah could use someone with your talent to write her speeches--maybe they would, then, consist of something besides absolute gobbledygook. Or, maybe she could use your help writing her next book. Ever done any ghostwriting? Hey, send her your resume'--it's worth a shot, don't you think?

    Since you were willing to include your name, I considered it a written invitation to visit your profile. I noticed that you are proud that you pay your taxes. Well, good for you! Sarah certainly wouldn't want an income tax evader, or someone who regularly bilks money out of other people "supporting" her, now would she?

    I also noticed that you live in Michigan. Life must be good for you there, since you have taxes to pay--so tell us, how are your neighbors in Flint, Detroit and northern Indiana doing these days?

    You are proud to be a Conservative. Everyone should be comfortable with who they are. But, tell me--I forget: How many years were the Conservative Republicans in control of Congress? How many years were the neocons in charge of the White House? How many acres of brush did Dubya have to clear at his Crawford ranch during the summer of 2001. Which years did he spend in Vietnam? Which branches of service did Cheney and Limbaugh serve in? Hannity? O'Reilly? Bill Kristol? Beck? Like I say, I forget. Guess I'm just not as smart as you.

  68. Anonymous8:01 PM

    Isn't there a "liberal" magazine called The Nation? Does this mean that Sarah is suggesting to Stand up for our nation is also supporting the liberal nation?

  69. Anonymous8:44 PM

    Confirmed Sightings of VO and RAM in West Anchorage.

  70. Anonymous9:22 PM

    Where at? VO and Ram????

  71. sufon is nothing but a dirty word10:20 PM

    Don't bother feeding trolls. That's what they want.

    They're just ignorant dullards - and racists for the most part. Just ignore them and they'll go back to sucking the teet of the Iconic Saint Sarah of Wasilla.

  72. Anonymous10:42 PM

    $P can't touch the money from the Alaska Fund Trust so my guess is that she'll (via Kristan Cole) donate it to her new enterprise SUFON. This wouldn't surprise me in the least.

  73. Anonymous11:21 PM

    SUFON already stands for SUrvival FOundation Network. Maybe $P and her crew need to go back to the drawing board. I am sure Glenn Beck could be of assistance.

  74. jesse, man. yer smart and not so smart. The 'berg? I dunno but it made her quit. Bergs are big and slow and 90% hidden and invisible.

    What was it that made her quit in such a rush? I aint that smart but I am smart enuff to connect those 2 dots.

    Iceberg = resignation as far as I'm concerned. So G-Man was not so far off as you allude.

  75. Jesse, yes indeed they can still be referred to as "gov.", but not in the context you used the term. Sorry. Right term, wrong context.

  76. Anonymous4:00 AM

    I'm just saying. . .I think Sarah raided C4P and this bunch will be The New Sarah Voice on SUFON.

    Question, is, who will play the part of the geese honking in the background?

  77. Poebes...I don't think Palin needed smarts to fake the pregnancy. It's the evil and stupidity that she used. She was getting by with a lot of things in Alaska, so this was just another cover she thought. There are things she did that obviously because of her stupidity that don't make sense to the rest of us, hence all the controversy surrounding babygate. She is evil enough to try to put a stop to some discussion; however, the truth will ultimately reveal her lies and schemes.
    Her narcissism and delusional nature will soon be exposed. Sadly, some people are as stupid as she is and won't believe anything bad about her, thankfully, they aren't a majority.

  78. Anonymous5:46 AM

    Most people when they make a lot of money set up a foundation for their philanthropic efforts and spent some of their fortune.

    Not a politician, they set up an organization so that people can contribute because they only know one thing and that is to spend YOUR money. Sarah’s new organization is just another way of getting those that contribute to all of her other organizations to contribute again, again and again. She wants to spend your money, not hers. What is yours is hers!

  79. Anonymous5:51 AM

    "Shut Up For Our Nation" Sarah.

  80. Anonymous6:11 AM

    Obviously, she didn't know that the FEC tracks PAC funding, so she's doing this now, starting an organization where she can pay herself millions...As for this idea that SP will make a fine president, wasn't there a poll that found that 60 percent of the Americna voters thought she couldn't understand complex issues. Yeah, um, those are number that are never going to change. Unlike Romney, Huckabee, etc, people have formed their opinion of her. She ain't going nowhere near the White House. She'll run, because she'll make more money that way and she'll get the crowds, but, come on, for reals, she won't be president in 2012...And people who think that she will expose themselves as idiots.

  81. Anonymous6:19 AM

    Jesse, you seem to be an intelligent person. Could you please explain "The Wild Ride" to me? Why would a woman who was 8 months pregnant with a Down Syndrome baby risk that childs life by:
    1.Failing to go the nearest hospital to be checked out when amniotic fluid began leaking. Honestly, I don't know one woman who would be so cavilier about their childs life that they wouldn't be concerned about leaking amniotic fluid FIVE weeks before the birth of their child. I don't care if you are super mom and had 4 previous pregnancy's. There is NO WAY a woman knows how fast a pregnancy is going to progress. How could a woman not be worried about that premature baby? A phone call to a Dr. who is not an OBGYN doesn't cut it. If your wife was pregnant with a known handicapped baby, would you be fine with her calling her Dr. instead of going to the nearest ER?
    2. Flying cross country while LEAKING amniotic fluid (what did she do, send Todd out for some Depends before the plane ride home??) I have had a pregnancy where I "leaked" amniotic fluid before contractions began. It's messy. My Dr. told me to get to the hospital immediately. Why did Sarah feel it was OK to get on a plane and fly for HOURS then drive for another hour to get to a Wasilla hospital instead of stopping at an ER in Anchorage?

    I have asked Sarah supporters to please explain this to me on several occasions. I have yet to have any supporter explain the "Wild Ride" to me.

  82. Anonymous6:21 AM

    @ 10:42
    I think that is exactly what this is all about.

  83. I guess the thing that stuck in my mind about splitsville is that
    1. Palin threatend to sue and never did.
    2. Any other statement about palin that she did not like was Imediately and loudly denounced by the bag lady, Ms. Stapeldon(because she reminds me of the old mafiosa, all the secrets carried for all the different businesses and people that were paid off).
    No one followed through on the law suit.
    Is that a sign of weakness or stupidity ?

  84. Anonymous7:20 AM

    no she energized her nut cake following to harrass and bully Gryphon.

    A bit like King Henry and Thomas Beckett.

    She is the Queen Bee and her followers sting. Or at least threaten to sting who displeases her to death.

    Very ominous, not stupid at all.

    Its a way to shut people up. Look at Audrey.

  85. Anonymous8:16 AM

    I would like to hear an explanation of the "Wild Ride" and the photos that show Palin's stomach going up and down in size.

    Not only from Palin supporters also, too. There are those who do not support Palin and can not believe she could fake being pregnant.

    Please, tell us how you rationalize certain things. PLEASE.
    It would be so helpful and you might be able to convince me if I could understand the "Wild Ride" and photos as you do. I would guess you have really studied the matter and come to your belief from careful consideration of the facts that have surfaced.

    I find it so questionable that no one can detail good reasoning for their point of view. It is not about supporting or not supporting a person. It is about helping others to see clearly what makes you trust the Sarah Palin was pregnant in 2008 theory. HELP put this to rest if you see something we are missing.

    Jesse Cornish as a supporter of Palin.

    phoebes-in-santa fe as a non-suppoerter of Palin.

    Both do not believe the "Palin-didn't-birth-Trig story"

    If you see things as a Jesse Cornish or a phoebes-in-santa fe


  86. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Jesse was sent, dispatched to take on Gryphen for "stalking" the great mud lady's residence. There suppose to be more like him.

    Take comfort on that the flying monkeys are momentarily off the radar, waiting for the shrill that gives them wing.

    And, Jesse, now that you are stuck here you might as well enjoy the pictures, where else could you get a glimpse of what the future holds?. I'll go to your blog site to read your musings but here, enjoy the pics., learn what Lady Mud does not want you to know and S.T.F.U. or run the risk of being ignored here as well.

    Forever Anonymous.(yes, I'm not stupid)

  87. Anonymous8:24 AM

    dianedp, I have to add that the whole matter of threatening lawsuits and not carrying them out is huge.

    Palin did not sue when Track, Bristol or Willow were in print and there was money to had from the National Enquirer and others. It was reported and stands up that Track, Bristol and Willow all have drug problems. Track Palin is worse due to the serious matter that could have fatally harmed children.

    Backing down from the lawsuits is a huge indication of Palin guilt.

  88. Jesse Cornish: "It is a sign of respect to call former Governors by their old titles. For example, Mike Huckabee can still be called Governor Huckabee and it would be correct. The same applies for Sarah Palin."

    A sign of respect? Okay, I think I see what's wrong with your reasoning here....

  89. Anonymous9:08 AM

    The titanic didn't pay much attention to icebergs either.

    Full steam ahead.

    Hopefully Sarah Palins Titanic dreams are sent to the bottom.

  90. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Jesse Cornish as a supporter of Palin.
    phoebes-in-santa fe as a non-suppoerter of Palin.
    Anyone who can explain. (there are more examples: )

    5 February 2008 sarah Palin at 6 months pregnant
    She is in shape and fits into the narrow jacket with the tight abs.

    At 8 months pregnant she can still show off her tight abs? How is that possible?

    I saw this April 2, 2008 of Palin on Palingates. She would be 8 months pregnant 2 months after February 2008.
    It is from capitalcityweekly:

    Can anyone explain these comparisons:
    26 March 2008 & 13 April 2008

    Palin on April 13, 2008 Andrea Gusty from KTVA can verify the date:

    Listen to Sarah and Todd tell about the "Wild Ride"
    Recall Sarah with Andrea Gusty on April 13. Also, too, no trained flight attendent noticed the stomach on April 17, 2008.
    Where was it?

    Jesse Cornish, phoebes-in-santa fe or anyone else.
    Your concern, clarity and attention to detail is appreciated.

  91. Anonymous1:15 PM

    ""conscious at last said...
    A Respectful Reply to Jesse @2:52

    Thank you for your reply. I will ask you a few questions, but first I will address the first section of your post. My profile only allows 2000 characters if I remember correctly. It is certainly not enough to expound on what I believe but I attempted to do so anyway. I will clarify a few things for you, in order to prevent confusion.

    First of all, I a big fan of Dave Ramsey and his financial philosophy. As such, I may be guilty of projection, but most Americans have to live by strict budgets. We have a set amount of money and have to use that money accordingly. Yes, we can use credit cards, but those must always be paid off. The same can be said about mortgages, one of which I have myself. However, I'll have to completely pay the bank the total amount I borrowed. The government spends and spends and does not pay it off. The national debt is enourmas and shows no signs of stopping. Now, can anyone tell me this is a good idea? If I were to do such a thing, I would be bankrupt. What happens to the people responsible for running up this nation's debt? Nothing.

    As for the military, we can properly fund it and not go into debt if the federal government works on a strict budget.

    Abortion is an issue I believe is best left to the states, as the issue will always be a divisive one, and the only true compromise I see is having the states make their own laws concerning the matter. So far as the morality of abortion, I believe that is best left to another discussion and another time, unless you truly wish to delve into such a weighty topic.

    Now, I must ask you a question. What evidence do you have that Sarah Palin did not give birth Trig? Do you have physical evidence, such as a paper trail? Do you have expert testimony, such as a group of doctors saying that Sarah Palin could not have possibly been pregnant based on visual observation of a few photographs? Do you have eyewitnesses to the attempted conspiracy? I only ask these questions because they are pertinent. The strength of the evidence supporting your claim is not something that should be regarded lightly, and so far, none of the aforementioned proof that would verify your beliefs has been provided. So it begs the question, if you have no real evidence to support your viewpoint, then why do you hold it so fervently?

    ""Anonymous said...
    To Jesse, it's fine if you want to criticize Gryphen (unlike some of your favorite blogs, he won't censor you), but it's amazing to me that you would waste your breath on a lowlife, no nothing like Sarah Palin. Are there no intelligent (and no, I don't mean "Ivy League, intellectual, Georgetown cocktail party") leaders for you to look up to and defend? Why are conservatives coming to this woman's defense? I can guess why, but I won't bother here.""

    No, but one of Gryphen's friends has.

  92. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Jesse Cornish as a supporter of Palin.
    phoebes-in-santa fe as a non-suppoerter of Palin.
    Anyone who can explain. (there are more examples: )

    5 February 2008 sarah Palin at 6 months pregnant
    She is in shape and fits into the narrow jacket with the tight abs.

    At 8 months pregnant she can still show off her tight abs? How is that possible?

    I saw this April 2, 2008 of Palin on Palingates. She would be 8 months pregnant 2 months after February 2008.
    It is from capitalcityweekly:

    Can anyone explain these comparisons:
    26 March 2008 & 13 April 2008

    Palin on April 13, 2008 Andrea Gusty from KTVA can verify the date:

    Listen to Sarah and Todd tell about the "Wild Ride"
    Recall Sarah with Andrea Gusty on April 13. Also, too, no trained flight attendent noticed the stomach on April 17, 2008.
    Where was it?

    Jesse Cornish, phoebes-in-santa fe or anyone else.
    Your concern, clarity and attention to detail is appreciated.

    """ would like to hear an explanation of the "Wild Ride" and the photos that show Palin's stomach going up and down in size.

    Not only from Palin supporters also, too. There are those who do not support Palin and can not believe she could fake being pregnant.

    Please, tell us how you rationalize certain things. PLEASE.
    It would be so helpful and you might be able to convince me if I could understand the "Wild Ride" and photos as you do. I would guess you have really studied the matter and come to your belief from careful consideration of the facts that have surfaced.

    I find it so questionable that no one can detail good reasoning for their point of view. It is not about supporting or not supporting a person. It is about helping others to see clearly what makes you trust the Sarah Palin was pregnant in 2008 theory. HELP put this to rest if you see something we are missing.

    Jesse Cornish as a supporter of Palin.

    phoebes-in-santa fe as a non-suppoerter of Palin.

    Both do not believe the "Palin-didn't-birth-Trig story"

    If you see things as a Jesse Cornish or a phoebes-in-santa fe


    I'll take on two things at once. As for the "Wild Ride," I believe Occam's Razor applies here. Now when have two or more theories about how a particular event occured, usually the simplest explantion is the correct one. In this case, you can believe Sarah Palin simply chose to have her son born in her home state, or you can believe that the woman was part of an intricate conspiracy that fooled the entire world. Tell me, which is the far simpler, and as a result, more likely story?

    As for the pictures you present as proof, if you can get a team of doctors, experts in their fields to testify on your behalf that she could not possibly be pregnant based on those photos, then you would have something. But you do not have that. You just have a few bloggers trying to act the physician. Present me with real proof from an expert, and I'll concede your claim has some merit.

  93. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Looks like once again a Palin supporter- Jesse Cornish in this case- failed to address my questions posted at 6:19 a.m. Forget who may or may not have been pregnant. Please explain why someone would put a premature Downs Syndrome child at risk like the "Wild Ride" suggests? The "simple" explanation that they wanted their child born in Alaska does not address the facts. I've spent my entire adult life working with special needs infants and children. The facts presented by the Palin's does not jive with my own professional expertise.

  94. Anonymous2:15 PM

    I think it is very encouraging that Mr. Cornish has been willing to engage in this discussion and I hope we will all treat him with courtesy.

  95. I want someone to explain to me how she is a "fraud" or "unfit".
    Seriously- I think people just throw the conspiratorial spaghetti around just to see what sticks.

  96. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Why is Cornish ruining the pages of this blog? How many lines does He need?

    Osumashi- "fraud" or "unfit". look it up and apply as necessary.

    Forever anonymous.

  97. "As for the "Wild Ride," I believe Occam's Razor applies here. Now when have two or more theories about how a particular event occured, usually the simplest explantion is the correct one. In this case, you can believe Sarah Palin simply chose to have her son born in her home state, or you can believe that the woman was part of an intricate conspiracy that fooled the entire world."

    The problem with that is the innate nature of labor and birth, and the total obliviousness of the MSM. If you believe Sarah boarded that flight while in labor, then you have to believe that she didn't care whether she or the baby lived or died. (Note: I'm pretty sure she didn't really care about the baby, but she'd certainly take care of herself.) Once you start labor, it doesn't matter what your previous experience has been- labor does what it does and the mother has no control over it at all.

    Or you can believe that sharp-eyed, non-koolade drinking people spotted lies and real photographs and were smart enough to realize that somebody was lying about being pregnant and giving birth, and other people didn't spot it because it had practically no time in the news- since mainstream "journalists" were immediately distracted by the announcement that Bristol was pregnant, which in no way verified that Sarah gave birth to Trig- but what can I say? They're MSM. They're attracted to the shiny.

  98. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Osumashi Kinyobe - please go immediately to There are links on the right hand panel about fifteen Palin actions which will explain how she is a "Fraud" and "Unfit."

    By the way, if Palin were "fit," why did she resign?

  99. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Anon@2:07- Cornish seems not to have read the premises for the allegations that palin deceived the public by claiming to be pregnant.

    Astutely, he asks the questions for which Palin has not provide an answer. His conditions to concede "some" merit to the claim of a fake pregnancy bellies his intent to obfuscate the issue.

    There is already a christian version of the hoax for conservatives, but it seems that Cornish has been left out the loop.

    Forever Anonymous.

  100. Anonymous4:57 PM

    """jesse, man. yer smart and not so smart. The 'berg? I dunno but it made her quit. Bergs are big and slow and 90% hidden and invisible.

    What was it that made her quit in such a rush? I aint that smart but I am smart enuff to connect those 2 dots.

    Iceberg = resignation as far as I'm concerned. So G-Man was not so far off as you allude."""

    Where is it? A simple question.

    """Jesse, yes indeed they can still be referred to as "gov.", but not in the context you used the term. Sorry. Right term, wrong context."""

    And what was wrong with context?

    """Anonymous said...
    Looks like once again a Palin supporter- Jesse Cornish in this case- failed to address my questions posted at 6:19 a.m. Forget who may or may not have been pregnant. Please explain why someone would put a premature Downs Syndrome child at risk like the "Wild Ride" suggests? The "simple" explanation that they wanted their child born in Alaska does not address the facts. I've spent my entire adult life working with special needs infants and children. The facts presented by the Palin's does not jive with my own professional expertise."""

    In this case, accoriding to the offical story, Palin's doctor gave her the clear to fly back home. So you should question the judgment of the doctor, not the patient, who is in this case Sarah Palin.

    """Why is Cornish ruining the pages of this blog? How many lines does He need?

    Osumashi- "fraud" or "unfit". look it up and apply as necessary."""

    I am merely adding to the dialoge. I have always believed that examing and arguing against opposing viewpoints is necessary, if not to stregthen your own beliefs, then to cast aside ideas that you hold that may be false.

    """Why is Cornish ruining the pages of this blog? How many lines does He need?

    Osumashi- "fraud" or "unfit". look it up and apply as necessary."""

    The mainstream media loves attention and sensational stories. If there really was solid evidence to prove that Sarah Palin did not give birth to Trig, they would be all over it.

    """Anonymous said...
    Anon@2:07- Cornish seems not to have read the premises for the allegations that palin deceived the public by claiming to be pregnant.

    Astutely, he asks the questions for which Palin has not provide an answer. His conditions to concede "some" merit to the claim of a fake pregnancy bellies his intent to obfuscate the issue.

    There is already a christian version of the hoax for conservatives, but it seems that Cornish has been left out the loop.

    Forever Anonymous."""

    In this case, the burder on proof lies on you. Can you conclusively prove your claims? If you could obtain a team of doctors to testify that Sarah Palin could not have been pregnant based on the photographs you mention, then you would have good case. But right now, you have nothing.

  101. Anonymous4:57 PM

    """dianedp said...
    I guess the thing that stuck in my mind about splitsville is that
    1. Palin threatend to sue and never did.
    2. Any other statement about palin that she did not like was Imediately and loudly denounced by the bag lady, Ms. Stapeldon(because she reminds me of the old mafiosa, all the secrets carried for all the different businesses and people that were paid off).
    No one followed through on the law suit.
    Is that a sign of weakness or stupidity ?"""

    Come on, we all know that a lawsuit would simply be bad press for Sarah Palin. It would never work in her favor. You must learn to distuinguish between a threat that is merely meant as a warning and a threat with intent to follow through. In this case, I strongly believe Sarah Palin had a back-up plan to deal with stubborn bloggers who would not back down, and you all know what it is.

    Anyway, just because a Palin did not sue does not mean she is automatically guilty. That would be a logical fallacy, of course.

    """Anonymous said...
    Jesse was sent, dispatched to take on Gryphen for "stalking" the great mud lady's residence. There suppose to be more like him.

    Take comfort on that the flying monkeys are momentarily off the radar, waiting for the shrill that gives them wing.

    And, Jesse, now that you are stuck here you might as well enjoy the pictures, where else could you get a glimpse of what the future holds?. I'll go to your blog site to read your musings but here, enjoy the pics., learn what Lady Mud does not want you to know and S.T.F.U. or run the risk of being ignored here as well.

    Forever Anonymous.(yes, I'm not stupid)

    Sent by whom, I wonder?

  102. TO jesse pt15:37 PM

    Jesse Cornish, thank you. After reading your comments to others we have area of agreement and you are likable. I just don't see how anyone who knows about the subject could believe Palin was pregnant with Trig. I'm looking for an explanation. What is your thought process when say you look at the photos and learn of the different analysis. How does that tell you she was pregnant? I feel you did not answer before. When 2 people look at the same thing sometimes they agree, sometimes they have 2 different concepts. The subject of pregnancy can greatly vary. Men and women have different experiences. I rarely look at football games and take a long time explaining certain things. You are free to answer your side when you are ready.

    I am not asking you for proof. This isn't about show me a birth certificate. This is not a medical or legal forum. For now, I would like to hear how you explain certain things to a lay person. I'm not saying you care to convince anyone of anything, however, you could act out being convincing and thorough. Would you be able to discuss the details and explain how, say that someone went from flat stomach to basketball and back down. As well as getting into the details of discussing the "Wild Ride?" Not to prove science or law at this time.

    Maybe she had a food allergy, her stomach was flat, later it went to basketball size, later again she got better and it went down. I know that is lame, but it is an example.
    You would need to observe and study the photos to be effective. There are people that are quiet good and convincing at seeing and explaining opposite sides of an issue. I'm not that good at it but I could possibly do better at explaining your position than you. I do appreciate you responding.

    I'm not saying you would be able to have a detailed thorough explanation, I was just asking for someones 1) supporter 2) non-supporter to give it a go.
    I don't know how much you've studied the photos or that you know about the information of the "Wild Ride." A casual observer wouldn't be able to defend Palin, as it looks now all her supporters are casual and can't help her at all. That includes the most passionate and blind followers. They can't show her an ounce of support in one of the most critical areas.
    Anonymous 9:26 AM

  103. TO jesse pt25:38 PM

    Jesse Cornish continued

    There are theories about the "Wild Ride" and there is what the Palin's spoke as gospel truth. We can't speak as doctors but we can know certain realities. If you never leaked fluid or moved around when pregnant you might not know certain things those with the experiences would know.

    The simplest explanation of the "Wild Ride" is that not even a family physician would knowingly allow a middle aged woman (pregnant with a DS baby and all the other claimed facts) to take the flight like they both knew was excessive (change flights, trip to Wasilla and all that). Not even a family physician would have done that. No, that is not proof. It is certainly a big red flag that says something is wrong here. Someone is lying or someone was death defying reckless towards the unborn. If you believe Palin was pregnant you know she could have killed the baby and that was something she had to know. If not, she is definitely an idiot and menace to children and others.
    Maybe you mean we both agree with the simplest explanation, that she would not have taken those flights while pregnant?

    I do have a theory that those who think Sarah Palin was pregnant with Trig have not actually paid much attention to the details of the photos or "Wild Ride." From all I can tell no one who believes Palin was pregnant can explain anything, they may have no idea and for whatever reasons want to be in the dark. It can be exhausting to learn more detail. I do like to keep an open mind and I am willing to learn what others have to say. It is alright if you just say you haven't paid enough attention to know.

    I will take your response as from the supporter Palin side. I hope someone from the not a supporter of Palin side will also respond. Thank you. Jesse.
    Anonymous 9:26 AM

  104. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Mr. Cornish only answers questions with questions; he's not here to "dialogue." Also, in terms of logical fallacies, he conflates "ad hominem" with "guilt by association." Just because he pairs a subject with a predicate does not make him a readable writer. He has yet to learn the valuable lesson of concision. No wonder he is here trolling for hits for is own blog.

  105. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Jesse--There have been quite a few articles and TV news stories discussing the results of questions that the writer asked physicians -----regarding Palin's actions flying from Texas to Alaska leaking amniotic fluid with an 8 month pregnancy with a baby with down's syndrome.

    For example, Andrew Sullivan consulted 7-8 physicians----
    "To confirm what an extraordinary decision this was, the Dish asked several distinguished OB-GYN specialists from some of the top hospitals and medical schools in the country what they would advise any woman in such a position to do. As you might expect, every doctor urged that any woman whose water has broken or whose amniotic fluid may be leaking in the eighth month of pregnancy should immediately seek medical attention. If your water breaks at 4 am, with a special needs child, you call for an ambulance. Period. This isn't a judgment call. It's an emergency. The least you should do is get the fluid tested and your potential labor checked out.
    Here is one typical expert obstetrician's response:
    "Water breaking" and "amniotic fluid leaking" are synonymous—no difference. Once the amniotic sac has broken enough to cause leakage of fluid, there are several possibilities—one is that labor could start soon, which, in someone with previous pregnancies, would be typical.
    There are several concerns about waiting—the main one is that the risk of infection, to both mother and infant, increases dramatically after 24 hours. At full term in an uncomplicated pregnancy most obstetricians would advise the patient to wait for up to 24 hours, and, if labor hadn't occurred, induce labor at that time.
    The second concern, if there was a large leak, is that the loss of fluid would increase the risk of the umbilical cord being compressed, affecting the baby's oxygen supply. In the setting of a preterm infant, especially one known to have a complication, the consequences of infection are greater. The other concern with infants less than 36 weeks, especially white infants, is that their lungs might not be ready to breathe air, in which case they would need immediate care from a neonatal specialist at delivery.
    Usually, the classic "water breaking" is unambiguous to both patient and provider. I think that the majority of obstetricians, given a 44 year old with 4 previous deliveries and a known Down syndrome pregnancy at less than term with a question of ruptured membranes, would advise her to be seen at a hospital (especially if out-of-town and the question of traveling was on the table) to have these tests performed; given the malpractice risk, very few would be comfortable making the diagnosis over the phone. "

    Another example---A nurse consulted her obgyn, showing him the pictures of Palin at 7-8 months and asking if anyone can go from flat to huge in 2-3 weeks and deliver a 6 pound baby at 8 months. The doctor's opinion is posted here.

    I saw a TV news story on the same subject at the time of Palin's nomination. A doctor was interviewed during the story and said he would have advised Palin to get to a hospital ASAP--the condition was an emergency.

    So, there have actually been quite a few physicians and labor and delivery nurses or other type of medical professionals in the pregnancy/childbirth field that have commented on this. The information is posted at other blogs, not on this one.

  106. Anonymous7:32 PM

    No one here is going to convince Mr. Cornish of anything. He will defend Sarah Palin to the bitter end and relish all the attention in the process.

    They are birds of a feather. Both are get saved, get rich Christians. He said himself in a previous post that he is a "fan of Dave Ramsey."

    The Dave Ramsey of the Dave Ramsey's Church Programs:
    The "Teach Your Congregation to use God's money God's way," Dave Ramsey.
    The helper of soldiers to strategically and effectively remove debt and build wealth, Dave Ramsey.

    It's all about the money -- prosperity Christianity -- Dave Ramsey.

    Just like it's all about the money Sarah Palin-- who quit the governorship to pursue her "Total Money Makeover" book deal.

    Maybe a good dose of the Jefferson Bible would do these folks some good. Earth to Mr. Cornish: Jesus was a liberal and if I'm not mistaken, he had a word or two to say about the love of money.

  107. Sarah Palin will have followers for a long time to come. She's tapped into that weird population of people who send money to televangelists for fake holy water and mass-mailing blessings. I don't know why people are so gullible.

  108. Anonymous8:41 PM

    I remember Dave Ramsey when some right winger was telling parents things like no children went to bed with hunger pain in America. If their child was hungry they weren't doing enough. The answer to the problem was Dave Ramsey. When my friend went to check him out it was something that cost a grand or you buy a book. How do young parents who are having trouble buying groceries going to come up with money to buy economic advice? They can't afford a book.

    We brought it up somewhere on-line and the answer was that he gave free seminars. I'd never heard of Ramsey and don't know he was ever in the area.

    If Jesse Cornish is pumping up Ramsey it is probably because he gets something out of it. I think of him like those people that say you can buy a house for $300.00.

    People like Sarah hit on rich people but I bet they mostly nickle and dime people that need money for necessities or to feed their children.

  109. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Jesse cornish@4:57
    "I strongly believe Sarah Palin had a back-up plan to deal with stuborn bloggers who will not back down, and you all know what it is."

    Dutifully noted, SOB.

  110. Occam's Razor tells us that Jesse Cornish is a troll who is here to pump up his blog ratings. Plain and simple.

  111. I think Jesse C's mission was stated like this - "Go to Gryphen's blog and use up as many pixels as you can...waste those pixels!" It's Palin's new blogger strikeback strategy.

  112. Anonymous6:03 AM

    So Jesse's explanation for the "Wild Ride" and putting a fragile premature Downs Syndrome infant in jeaopardy is to question the Dr.'s advice and not question the common sense of the patient. This Dr. supposedly gave the go ahead for Sarah Palin to fly thousands of miles home, drive another hour by car, while 8 months pregnant with a special needs infant, while leaking amniotic fluid. If a person receieves bad advice from a Dr. that goes against basic common sense, and then follows that advice without question, at the very least this shows extremely poor judgement on Sarah's part. Do you really want someone who exhibits such blatant disreguard for common sense being the vice-president or president? Personally, I don't want someone who follows bad advice without giving any thought to the consequences. I don't want a puppet president whose strings are being jerked behind the strings by people with their own agenda. Sarah has demonstrated that she has zero common sense. That's enough for me. I don't need proof that she was or wasn't pregnant.

  113. You didn't really answer my question. You just directed me to some bogus site and then went on talking about the "baby conspiracy".
    You were aware that she had a high approval rating even as she left to pursue a book deal and possibly a bigger politcal career? Let's not forget the incessant hounding by the press and bogus lawsuits. She had never faced any of these awsuits before but once she got into the limelight she was then a target. Sure, makes perfect sense.

  114. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Osumashi K., did you READ ANYTHING at Palingates? DId you read all of the links on the right hand panel? Reading must not be your strong suit; no wonder you like Sarah Palin. By the way, did you hear how low Palin's ratings are today and that her book is being sold for $9? Since you're one of her fans, you should wait a week. It might only be $5 by then!

  115. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Osumashi Kinyobe: Please explain to us why Sarah Palin quit her elected position as governor halfway through her term. Thanks.

  116. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Osumashi Kinyobe, I think that is nice you have your own blog where you can discuss your opinions at length. The Other Side of China was graphic and disturbing. Have you read some of Sarah supporters who go off on doing people in here in the states? Sarah got rid of over 200 frail people in Alaska. Not as dramatic but just as dead.

    I don't think you have an open mind since you just paint things you don't want to examine as "bogus." There is no way for you to have discussions outside of you realm. Rupert Murdoch is a big honcho in China, you might want to check out Wendy Deng.

  117. Anonymous2:59 PM

    @ 10:23 Osomashi Kinyobe

    "You didn't really answer my question you directed me to some bogus site and then went on talking about the "baby conspiracy."

    With all due respect, OK, therein lies the problem.

    First of all, the sight ella directed J Cornish@ 2:52 to, and Anon @3:11 directed you to (pailingates) is not bogus, but is an excellent concentration of information concerning the subjects being discussed here and on other blogs.

    Secondly, to be a fully informed citizen it is required that we examine inconsistencies and take it upon ourselves to seek the answers. If you want someone to answer your questions, turn your radio dial to Rush L or your TV channel to Fox News. No doubt they will be delighted to "answer all your questions."

    On the otherhand, if you want to know and understand the truth, you are going to have to take the time to search out, read, think and decide for yourself.

    It is these differentiations that identify a blinded right winger and Sarah Palin supporter from the rest of us.

    It is a free nation. You can believe anything and everything you wish and are told by O'Reilly, Beck, Hannity, etal -- or not think at all if that's what your religious affiliation requires. Or you can learn that curiosity and the pursuit of truth is our (and your) responsibility as citizens.

    And so, I reiterate ella and anon's invitations to take a look at "palingate" and begin your journey toward selfhood and truth. After you've done the necessary homework, I presume, you'll come back to Gryph's site and give your input and express your informed, and well-thought-out, opinions.

  118. You are still making bizarre accusations and just parroting even stranger accusations.
    Am I speaking to the same anonymous or is that a patronymic?
    Palin's book is on sale at Indigo's for $23.09 (that's Canadian dollars, mind).

  119. Anonymous4:49 PM

    The smart shopper does their homework. They are not willing to pay $23.09 (Canadian)for something that they will eventually find in a bin, and purchase for $1.50 (U.S. Dollar), at their favorite grocery checkout.

    "Strange accusations?" No, "Strange accusations" are those coming from a person (or persons) who...darn, do I have to repeat myself? -- don't dispute with knowledge and facts, but whose only purpose and intent is to to throw a wrench of the wheel of truth.

    ....and do you know what? That is really, really unfortunate.

    P.S. You'd better hurry, you're missing the O'Reilly Factor--or whatever it is called.

  120. Anonymous6:32 PM

    Osumashi Kinyobe: Please explain to us why Sarah Palin quit her elected position as governor halfway through her term. Thanks.

  121. Osumashi Kinyobe - We cannot tell you all the reasons why Palin is unfit for public office, a liar, a corrupt and disabled politician because it would take so long and start to become a physically difficult task.

    However, we do have the tool of the written word, which miraculously compresses large amounts of information into a form which allows you to get the facts and come to a greater understanding of a subject at your own pace, without someone having to literally sit and deliver an oral history to you. The written word is usually contained in books, however in the modern era we also have the internet which accomplishes the same purpose - compressing large amounts of information into a form which will allow you to consume it if you so desire.

    Now we come to the real problem - your desire. You have to want to absorb information by taking the time to read - not just have someone speak personally to you. Reading does take time it is true, but it can be very rewarding and in fact, all of your questions can be answered if you will utilize the skill of reading. I suggest you start at my blog - I have taken a great deal of time over many months to compress as much information as possible into one place on just exactly why Sarah Palin is possibly the absolute worst excuse for a public servant in the history of the United States, and possibly the world.

    My website is at and you are welcome to visit anytime, day or night as it is always available to you. I suggest that you start with the very first post back in November of 2008 called "The Red Monster Self-Cannibalizes On Palin". When there are words or concepts you don't understand, you can use the internet search machine Google to look them up and further your understanding. When you see a word or phrased underlined, you can click on it and find the supporting documentation for the statement. You can also leave your comments after each article, as long as you mind your manners and are not abusive.

    You have asked for the facts about how Sarah Palin is a liar, thief, and corrupt politician, it is all there. You can skip the humor bits if you wish to simply get on with the task of informing yourself.

    Osumashi Kinyobe I wish you well on your journey of discovery.

  122. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Oh my.......We are getting close, folks. The pressure must be getting to the Half Term Quitter Queen and her goons. Jesse Cornish, what a piece of work. He is a lucky man to have never been personally squashed by this evil woman. Hundreds have been. Careers ruined, lies, manipulation, people financially ruined at Palin's hands....indeed....Jesse...consider yourself a lucky, lucky man. Your presence here shows us how close we are to revealing the truth. The day WILL come. Have a great day.

  123. Anonymous3:11 PM

    WOW - look at these trolls!!!!!!!! Something is up. Jessie is here and on Palingates taking up as much time as possible There is something happening folks!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.