Thursday, October 15, 2009

A message to Sarah Palin and her followers, DO NOT WATCH THIS CLIP! It will not, I repeat not, make you happy.

Olbermann is dead on.

She did indeed give McCain a bounce after she walked out on that RNC stage in St. Paul.

But then.......she began to speak without benefit of teleprompters. Uh oh.

Oh they tried to keep her away from the press. But on September 11, she finally had to speak to Charlie Gibson. They made sure to have it take place in Alaska hoping, I assume, that she would feel comfortable enough hold her own. Yeah not so much. (And no the irony that this took place on September 11, is not lost on me.)

Then she ran to a place of safety and did the interview with Sean Hannity, on September 18. Nailed it!

Feeling newly confident they decided she was ready to face Katie "I was the perky one on the Today Show" Couric. This took place on September 24, and the rest, as they say, is history. It simply proved the old adage, "What goes up, must come doooowwwnnnn!!!" (This is where you imagine a thunderous crash as something massive strikes the earth's surface.)

If I may take some poetic license with Carl Denham's famous line from King Kong, "No! No, don't you understand? It wasn't the economy -- it was Beauty killed the campaign!"

(Did the Sarah Palin people watch this clip? And are you happy now? Well didn't I try to warn you?)

P.S. Yes I did see Rachel's amazing smackdown with that American Prosperity douchebag. I will probably be posting that tomorrow.


  1. Nobody pulls one over on Rachel, nobody!

  2. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Wow, what a prediction from Koffinis! The GOP is over until the Palinista-types are out!

    Hey, Palin supporters, if you're reading this. Please explain to the rest of us why Sarah Palin quit her elected position in the middle of her term. Thanks.

  3. Anonymous7:08 PM

    If you want true insight into her thoughts, look at about the 1:00 mark; it tells all.

  4. Anonymous7:28 PM

    What they didnt mention is that the Mccain campaign picked a woman to try and pick up those "angry" Hillary voters. Being a woman who was a Hillary supporter i was impressed at first that Mccain picked a woman but i saw right through what they were trying to do. No true Hillary supporter would EVER have voted for a ticket with Palin on it, no matter how "angry" we were supposedly were.
    Woman were not angry that Hillary lost, disappointed yes but not angry. It would have been nice to see a strong democratic woman in the white house. I did feel this was our best shot, atleast for awhile to get a woman in the white house. Having a daughter i can proudly say that i did support a woman for president and even though she didnt win, the president gave her a job where she will still impact the world and make her mark on this country.
    Now my goal is to make sure Palin never gets anywhere near Washington, for me, for my daughter and for the good of America.


  5. I would like to add that NoBody pulls one over on Rachel or on Gryphen!!! Gryphen, pat yourself on the back,take a bow, congratulate yorself...we are. Thank you for helping to expose bumpit Barbie for what she is!

  6. I look forward to your thought on RM's discussion with the AFP guy.

    Almost no matter what President Obmam does, I am sooo happy McCain/Palin are NOT in the White House!

  7. I think the Republicans are "getting it."
    The teabaggers/Xtainists are a bigger threat to them than the Democrats. The true Conservatives are shoving them into a neat little box called "Stand Up For Our Nation," and putting a pretty bow (SP) on top. Lindsay Graham are not stupid - they have NO hope of taking back their Party until they rid themselves of the fringe - the hate and fear mongers who hijacked their Party.

  8. Anonymous9:55 PM

    The original video was taken down from YouTube so watch this one before it is taken down.

    Sneak Peek! Sarah Palin Reads "Going Rogue" - Exclusive Rehearsal Footage Revealed 10/15/09


  9. Anonymous4:40 AM

    This is why, even if nothing comes of babygate, etc., Palin will never make it further than Iowa if she runs in 2012. And that's a big IF. I think even she knows she wouldn't withstand the scrutiny of a Pres. campaign. 2 months as McCain's delicate fleur were nothing. Candidates for President don't just do interviews with Hannity or wimpy, cherry picked CNN reporters. They do interviews with EVERYONE. What happened with Katie Couric would happen many times over. She'd have to get through dozens of debates in the primary season alone, and her competitors would not play nice. She's being coy about '12 because it keeps her relevant. That's all.

  10. When McCain introduced Palin as "any woman will do" to appease women in general actually told me what his opinion of women is - mysogynistic and very poor. He insulted my intelligence by shoving someone as ignorant as Palin out there (I guess he didn't shove her because she didn't even "blink") and believing that she would actually be attractive as a vice presidential candidate to thinking women. He was wrong and Schmidt is right in that as long as she is a part of the Republican party, they will continue to be a disaster and continue to lose. My advice - hang on to her and put her on the campaign trail for as many Republicans as you can. Go for it!!

  11. Anonymous5:20 AM

    I guess there are a number of different opinions about how to best Stand Up For Our Nation.

  12. Anonymous7:00 AM

    I kept hoping for Palin to step down, though seeing her I knew she would never give up THAT particular gig. I wonder if they ever asked her to please give in her resignation stating family issues, etc.

    Once she was nominated they couldn't remove her unless she agreed unless it was obvious she was bonkers.

    It was obvious, but they didn't have the guts.

  13. Anonymous7:01 AM

    The chuck Heath french video on Palingates is a must see.

    Scary family. No wonder she is what she is.

  14. Here is a good thread from HuffPost regarding the AIP issues surrounding SP last year- and buried.

    Hey I love that almost everybody I read recognizes SP for her ignorant BS and money grubbing opportunism.

  15. See, now this is where I get confused. When Palin walked out onto the stage at the RNC, as soon as she opened her mouth, I thought it went further downhill for McClain right then and there. I don't see how it gave McCain a bounce, although it suppossedly did. For me, Palin was a huge turn off. All the condescending hate and vitirol that came from her just made me disgusted with any and all things GOP.
    If the Dems had picked anyone who would have give a hateful speech, that would have turned me off, too.
    But, I guess that's just me.


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