Thursday, October 22, 2009

Rachel Maddow interviews Jamie Leigh Jones, the woman at the center of Al Franken's "anti-rape" amendment.

The fact that 3 out of 4 Republican Senators voted against protecting a woman from being raped and then stripped of her legal rights is an abomination.


  1. Anonymous6:38 AM

    Why is Perez Hilton reporting another book about $arah and Gryphen not? Come on! You can't let Perez scoop you. What can we expect from this book? This gang is the best for $arah info.

  2. Thank you gryphen for keeping this issue front and center. How much more anti-woman can the GOP get??!!
    Thanks to Sen Franken and to the people of Minnesota that voted him in. What a relief to have a good person back in Senator Paul Wellstones old senate seat!

  3. Anonymous6:57 AM

    The 30 idiot Senators who voted against this amendment will hear an earful from their constituents about this matter. Note: they were all Republican.

    I would think that a "public servant" that sides with a corporation over a citizen would automatically disqualify them for office. If only all of these men could be recalled. Shame on them.

  4. I have emailed both the senators from my state (who voted against Sen. Franken's amendment); I wasn't too ugly .. but I did tell them how low I perceive them to be! I wish Franken or Grayson were in my state!

  5. Anonymous6:38, Yeah that is Frank Bailey's book.

    If you want to rad more about it you can visit Mudflat or Andrew Halcrow on the Alaska blogroll.

    I am not sure where Bailey's allegiances lie. The last I heard Sarah still had him on speed dial and he was still jumping through her hoops. Of course the last time I had any dealings with Bailey was back in January of this year.

  6. Oops should be "read".

  7. Say NO to Palin in Politics7:34 AM

    Well people, the article on this blog is one reason we can be thankful for that Scarah was brought into the public eye.

    It's also a part of this rape crap. Those senators need to pay for this vote at re-election time. Creeps.

    Do, read the blog.

  8. Anonymous7:39 AM

    I have to wonder how many other women were raped while working for the contractors and didn't report it due to their contracts. Somehow I think a great great many.

  9. "The fact that 3 out of 4 Republican Senators voted against protecting a woman from being raped and then stripped of her legal rights is an abomination."

    That's because they'd rather protect the Big War Machine or any Corporation than a person. It never ceases to amaze me, how the rethugs would deny a woman birth control, regulate a woman's body, and not support equal pay for equal work but would deny a woman any kind of justice for one of the worst crimes known to man.
    This is the age old question that I can never answer for myself, How in the hell do these people get elected and keep getting re-elected? Are their constituents just totally ignorant or are they like Palin, never watching or reading the news? Or are they just so hateful that they don't care in the least about anyone except themselves, their own children included?
    If anyone can answer that question for me, you'll be saving one of the last nerves I have left.

  10. Anonymous8:00 AM

    And one of them, if I am not mistaken, was SPs "running mate" John McCain

  11. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Well we all know how McCain thinks of the fairer sex. Calling his wife unmentionable names in public, screwing anything that moved the whole time he was in the military (and beyond), and picking the most brain dead female he could find as a running mate to lure intelligent females to his party.
    Rape would be something I think he'd not lose a wink of sleep over as long as it didn't happen to one of his own females.

  12. Anonymous10:17 AM

    What we can also do is make sure this does not get swept under the rug anytime soon. We need to make sure any employee interviewing for a job with this company or other similar companies read the fine print of the contract and have this provision removed or refuse to accept employment. Make sure anyone working for this company or interviewing with this company is aware of these corporate policies and ask them if they would want their daughters, wives, or mothers working for them. Are they themselves willing to take the risk of being raped or involved in the cover-up of a rape. Let's dry up the pool of their potential employees and cost them megabucks on recruiting and salaries. Once they are hit in the pocketbooks, maybe they'll revise their policy and issue an apology to those who have been harmed.

  13. Anonymous10:57 AM

    You might want to read this article over at Huffington Post:

    "Franken's Anti-Rape Amendment May Be Stripped By Senior Dem, Sources Say"

  14. mary b

    and then they run a woman and expect all of us women to fall over ourselves voting for her, as if we are so stupid that we don't know that she doesn't stand for equal rights or women's rights in any way; that in fact, she takes women back to a time when they had to pander to men in order to be accepted at work. She is patriarchal barbie. To add insult to injury, they then dressed her up like she was a piece of meat, and overly-sexualized her in every way they could, all the while crying "sexism" if anyone asked her what she read. All of this set women back many years.

    And they were shocked that we didn't vote for her.

    I'm sure they're also shocked that Michael Steal (of campaign finance fraud investigations, aka: steele) didn't get the black vote for them, and yet they say blacks voted for Obama because of his color.

    They insult us all almost everytime they open their mouths. And they wonder why no one wants to associate with their party anymore.

  15. WOW what a powerful piece of television. Thanks for providing this as always. Just the opening showing all the newspaper op-eds denouncing these senators in their home states - that's something! Finally. It is just so devastating that it takes an unanswerable brutal gang rape to show people what these elected officials are about. We all have to thank the young woman involved for being willing to face these people down. Bravo.

    Rachel Madow handles these delicate and sometimes complex issues so incredibly well. She is truly a blessing. And look at the kind of difference Al Franken is making after the ridiculous battle he had to wage for his seat. Maybe this issue will turn the tide for so many brainwashed Republican and southern women and men.

  16. Anonymous12:27 PM

    The true colors of the Republican Party. Get raped, die without healthcare, beat gay men to death. Just be sure to do it with a Bible in one hand. Jesus must be SO proud.

  17. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Though I do not think working for a contractor is "serving your country" I do think she was brutally raped and this is inexcusable.
    Our troops are serving our country, contractors unfortunaly are more into serving themselves as Ms. Jones can testify to.


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