Saturday, November 14, 2009

Carie Prejean's "most embarrassing mistake" just got SEVEN times more embarrassing!

Now a investigation has uncovered that there are SEVEN more “biggest mistakes” of her life – all of them solo performances, just like the one sex tape that the religious beauty queen has admitted to. And there are 30 photos of Carrie, most topless, some showing everything, and most taken by Carrie using her reflection in a mirror.

No Carrie, not five! Eight sex tapes! You and your little Christian va-jay-jay have made eight solo-sex tapes altogether. So now the BIGGEST mistake of your life, has seven other mistakes to hang out with.

So now I have to ask, I KNOW you don't believe in "opposite" marriage, but do you even believe in opposite sex? I mean it seems that when you are having sex, you are always alone. Not that I am judging, but you do realize that traditional sex requires TWO people don't you?

Look I don't care one little bit if somebody has a sex tape or not, and I would never have said one word about it if little Carrie was not such an incredible hypocrite!

She has recently claimed she was only seventeen years old when she made the tape, and therefore underage, but now we have learned that she was nineteen or twenty. She has also said that she only made ONE tape and now it turns out there are at least eight. What next? What else are we going to learn that is fake about Carrie Prejean? Well besides those two gifts from the California pageant officials of course.

No wonder Sarah Palin is your role model, because little missy, you lie JUST like her.


  1. Anonymous7:45 PM

    Prejean is so far in the closet as a wannbe porn star. It's just so obvious.

    Carrie dear, it's ok, just let go and go for it. You can make a ton of money if you find a good adult film producer and finally put those skills you have to good use. Stop fighting it and take advantage of the opportunity.

  2. Anonymous7:49 PM

    OMG LMAO: christain va-ja-ja!!!!!

    Lynn SoCal

  3. Anonymous8:47 PM

    OT. Gryph, who sent this in? I KNOW it was NOT the Mitt Romney camp. And as far as former McCain workers (who would send it in), they all work for Pawlenty now. My guess, it either came from someone YOU know, or from the huckabee camp, as he is know for pulling dirty tricks and blaming them on others.

    Still, it's starting to swell out there, bigger than Palin's 7 month tummy.

  4. My daughter is 23, and she is a talented, bright, funny, atheletic and beautiful young woman. I can not, in my wildest imagination, conceive of her or any of her friends making the decisions that Carrie Prejean has made. She has parents, advisors, publicists, lawyers - for the love of God, one of these grown-ups needs to take this young woman in hand and get her the help she needs.

  5. MacAndCheeseWhiz8:57 PM

    Mirror Mirror On the Wall... LMAO
    Quite a page turner, I hear, what are your other talents?

    Don't fret - maybe KFC will let you endorse their product when all this blows over.

  6. Anonymous9:10 PM

    Sorry gryph. Wrong link. Here's the real one.,

  7. Anonymous9:29 PM


    Little Carrie only made one "biggest mistakes" of her life--it's just that there are eight chapters. Hey...that's three more than Palin's literary masterpiece!

  8. Anonymous9:38 PM

    How will Hannity spin this? LMAO!!!!!!!!

    His dream girl is a slut? Oh dear! It must be the "librul" media's fault. I truly can't wait to hear his next rant about this. :)

  9. So, I asked this earlier this week, and it bears asking again .. IF Sarah supports Carrie Prejean, and Carrie Prejean is a PORN STAR .. does that mean that Sarah pals around with porn stars??????????

    Carrie said this week that when she spoke to Sarah, Sarah told her that Bristol was a fan, and arranged for Bristol to talk to Carrie .. and now Carrie and Bristol are good friends .... SO ......... is Bristol hanging out with porn stars?

  10. Anonymous10:15 PM

    I think she has fallen in love with her own image, just like Narcissis...not that there is anything wrong with that. I saw a picture of her older bro. He's a biker dude with tatooes all over himself. When all these tapes surfaced he tried to use the opportunity to generate money for himself.

  11. Gasman10:19 PM

    Prejean’s sin is not her seemingly well established small format film career, but her profound arrogance and hypocrisy. With dripping condescension she self righteously condemns those who dare to differ with her holier than thou presentation of Christian morality. All the while, she knowingly lies as she dons the mantle of the virtuous maiden. With all the mocking scorn and opprobrium that she can muster and her store bought boobs, she castigates gays for not honoring the true sanctity of marriage. Then we hear about the opening of the photo and film retrospective of her earlier career. “Roll tape.”

    In her arrogance, she believed that she could conceal the topless photos, the solo flights of fancy rendered in digital video form. I wonder, what else is she concealing? Honestly, at this point I would not be surprised to learn that she had been captured on video having straight sex, bent sex, crooked sex, lesbian sex, group sex, sex with critters, sex with whole football teams, sex in trees, and any other variety of sex imaginable, and that she had been paid to do so.

    I’m sure that Ms. Prejean will find a way to blame this on those trying to limit her freedom of speech. She will present herself as a Christian martyr who is suffering Satan’s slings and arrows. With her porn film vault inventory now up to eight, I wonder how many of the Bible thumping crowd that previously endorsed her will now recoil in horror from her? How many fundagelical groups will be interested in having this very soiled dove appear at their events?

    Maybe Ms. Prejean should take her ill begotten inflated boobs, exit stage right, go away for a very long time, and just shut the hell up.

  12. The boobs in that picture do not look real.

  13. sunnyjane11:02 PM

    I said this once and I'll say it again in reference (this time) to Carrie.

    The evangelical 'c'hristians must think Jesus said on the day of His crucifixion, "Just act stupid until I get back."

  14. Anon 9:38

    ......... yes, that's a funny turn of events, isn't it?

    Hannity wrote the intro to her book, THEN it comes out about the porny flicks? I actually did watch his interview with her this week ... blah blah blah until this part:

    Carrie .. I don't know where that video is, and when it might show up

    Sean >> PERKS UP! You mean it could show up any time?

    YES SEAN .. and now, there is a bigger chance!

    SO Sean? you palling around with porn stars now??? You wrote an intro to a book by a PORN STAR??? oh dear .... tsk tsk

  15. SME13111:35 PM

    Carrie Prejean is a young foolish girl who unfortunately considers Palin a mentor. That is her BIGGEST mistake.

    What kills me the most isn't her sex tapes or anything she has done - I find it incredibly easy to ignore this girl.

    No, what pisses me off is that Palin NEVER once reached out to an Alaskan girl in need of mentoring (not even her daughters) she NEVER once did anything for any young girl,in this state other than make empty campaign promises to the girls in the bush that under her watch they would get a better education, running water and better access to medical - NONE of which happened.

    Yet this blonde bimbo starts lying her ass off and Palin is right there johnny on the spot to help her out.

    Over all our girls in Alaska are better off without Palin's help, but it's the pricipal of the thing that annoys me.

  16. Anonymous11:37 PM

    omg, how much more of this shit do we have to hear? I wish they'd all go hide under a rock.

  17. Anonymous12:28 AM

    there's no if about it. Sarah Palin pals around with sluts, porn stars, fornicators outside of marriage, and liars.

    *all bad names come from the C'hristian right's labels, only being used here to demonstrate hypocrisy. I am NOT an advocate of calling a woman a slut.

  18. Anonymous2:57 AM

    Tin foil hat ON:

    My take on the Carrie charade? These were audition tapes to submit to porn producers. I suspect so, only because there are SO many of them coming (uh, er, sorry) to light now. Perhaps someone in the upper echelon of the Xtian Right got ahold of one of her solo performances, decided that this would be another ideal puppet/"role model" for the faithful, slathering followers, and so goes the saga from there. I'm convinced that the original gay marriage question from Perez in the audience was a rehearsed device to draw attention to her and make her a media star--JMHO. While I don't condone pageants for their T-and-A values, there are some young women who work their entire lives to make it to that level. Does CP have this kind of history, or did she just suddenly appear on the scene as a contestent in the Miss California Trump Show? I've never seen anything about her early years as a "toddler in a tiara"--please enlighten me if so.

    Jeebus, the public is being SO played.

    Tin foil hat OFF.

  19. Anonymous2:59 AM

    Oh, and it would help if she actually had some dental work that FIT her mouth correctly!

  20. Speaking of Sarah Palin lies, here's an embarrasing Palin truth, admitted in her book.

    Little Green Footballs: Palin Proudly Owns Her Creationism

    "She did her best to obfuscate the issue during the campaign, but her book completely settles the question: Sarah Palin is an “I didn’t come from no monkey!” creationist.

    'Elsewhere in this volume, she talks about creationism, saying she “didn’t believe in the theory that human beings — thinking, loving beings — originated from fish that sprouted legs and crawled out of the sea” or from “monkeys who eventually swung down from the trees.”'

  21. Prejean said she is against "same sex marriage", not that she is 'against' or 'doesn't practice' "same sex".

  22. KellyB3:45 AM

    First Octomom, and now Octoporn..

  23. Truly Madly Deeply3:57 AM

    Actually the rumor is that there are almost twice as many tapes than you mention. Frankly the number of sex tapes that she made does not matter. What really matters is that she stated that the making of that one sex tape was the biggest mistake of her life. She also tried to have the receipient lie about her age. It's all about covering up her past so that she can sell her holier than thou attitude that she presents in her book.

    Carrie Prejean, like her girlfriend Sarah Palin is a hypocrite. She attacks pornography in her book whilst masturbating to a pornographic video in the sex tape. She attacks homosexual men who want to commit to their partners by legalising and legitimising their relationships. It seems to me that anyone who sends a tape like the one mentioned to a person that she met over Myspace knows little about the values of commitment.

    Carrie should shutup, hide herself away before she denigrates the values of christianity any further.

  24. Let's not forget that Ms. Carrie is on the "Beautiful Conservative Women" calendar (and not Sarah!) On the website, students can order the calendar for free (seeings how they are all such great role models.)

    Christmas is coming. These would make some great gifts. Imagine looking at Coutler, Bachman, Malkin, Carrie P and others all year long! Think of the people who would love them....all your fundie friends? People who will want a souvineer of just how far the far right had to go before it collapsed?

    Expecting the calendar to get pulled, so order now. Know a student???? (On the sidebar there is a link for the calendar. Also links to Sex and Sensibility and Conservative Safe Places for Students in case you are feeling the need to hit your head against the wall.)

  25. I was watching TMZ the other night, and they were filming some of the porn girls outside of an adult movie awrd something or other. The girls all said no doubt Carrie will be in porn movies or Playboy within a year. They should know...many of them are former pageant queens.

    Looks like Sarah is pallin around with a masturbation addict.

    Another "Christian" hypocrite bites the dust. Wow, how in love with yourself do you have to be to film your special alone time in the mirror?

  26. Gryphen:

    I think Ms. Prejean is just trying to keep in touch with her inner self.

  27. Anonymous6:04 AM

    LOL abirato!!!

  28. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Something about that picture smells fishy

  29. themom6:52 AM

    Carrie is a Liar, Liar Pants.....oh that's right...she's not wearing any ....

  30. Anonymous7:09 AM

    10:15 Gasman

    Nice post!

  31. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Obviously she has the right to make tapes- she was of age. The problem is the dishonesty. She signed a statement swearing that she had never posed nude or participated in something that could damage the reputation of the Miss California name. How stupid is she that she thought this could never come to light? I agree: a porn career is next for her. What else can she do? It doesn't sound like she has any other marketable skills.


  32. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Please, please, please let there be photographic evidence that Carrie had a "same sex encounter"!

    -not THAT one-

  33. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Well Gryphen, you've got to give the girl SOME credit. At least she was having SAFE sex!

    @Gasman - "Soiled" dove, indeed!

  34. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Gasman said:

    "Honestly, at this point I would not be surprised to learn that she had been captured on video having straight sex, bent sex, crooked sex, lesbian sex, group sex, sex with critters, sex with whole football teams, sex in trees, and any other variety of sex imaginable, and that she had been paid to do so."

    As long as none of the above voted for Obama, I think the wingnuts will forgive her.

  35. I guess she doesn't believe she'll go blind.

  36. CrabbyPatty11:29 AM

    I saw a great quote on a bumpersticker recently: I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ. Mohandas Gandhi

    Okay, it's not as profound and deep as Palin's refrigerator magnet or coffee cup "wisdom" but it sure fits in the Prejean situation. Perhaps Prejean's favorite biblical saying is "God helps those who help themselves" ?

  37. Anonymous12:22 PM

    I think she is butt ugly. Looks in her thirties, and in a few years will look hideous, but with a nice set of implants.

  38. Parents can duct tape large oven mitts or insulated gloves onto their sons and daughters hands to stop their self gratification....Carrie, is your masturbation interfering with other aspects of you life? You may need mitts or gloves...

    (absolutely tongue-in-cheek post....)

  39. Anonymous5:05 AM

    I heard Levi asked Tank if he had Carrie's number. You guys aren't talking about LEVI!!! What is it with leaving him out of the conversation, when he's like the most important person in the whole wide world!

    And he totally thinks Carrie is hot. And they both are into the same thing, and make a living by showing off their bodies, so now Levi won't ever have to come back.

    Quit Ignoring Levi!


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It just goes directly to their thighs.