Friday, November 06, 2009

Coconut Don DID show up at the crazy Teabagger protest in Washington against health care reform. How did I miss that?

Dammit! I did not see Don in the crowd and gave him the benefit of the doubt figuring he was too savvy to throw his lot in with this nutty bunch.

That will teach me to NEVER give Don Young the benefit of the doubt. (Oh when will you learn Gryphen?)

Here are Congressman (you know I stole that last election don't you?) Young's own words:

"I've been a big supporter of tea parties and public interest in government," Young said of his attendance at the rally, staged by Republicans and organizations with ties to the conservative Tea Party movement. "I have quite a few Alaskans here that are interested in where we're going and which way we're headed."

Really? You have some Alaskans right there in Washington asking for direction? Maybe they are just trying to find the local McDonald's or are trying to find out when the next White House tour is to begin. I truly doubt there are too many Alaskans who believe that Don Young could find his ass with both hands and a flashlight, much less explain this health care bill to them.

"I think the elections showed Tuesday night that there should be a concern out there, because too much too soon never does the right thing. We showed this Tuesday that the (Republican) party's still got a lot of power," he said.

Which is exactly why a Republican Congressional nominee in New York was forced to step aside by a third party candidate who ultimately lost to a Democrat in a district that has remained steadfastly Republican SINCE THE CIVIL WAR! If that does not illustrate the "power" of the GOP these days, then I just don't know what does!

"They've sat back too long without participating in the government process," he said of the crowd. "And this type of thing is good, because it gets people ginned up to at least ask questions."

Yes but ask questions of who? Michelle Bachman? Glenn Beck? Rush Limbaugh? You?

These people would be better served consulting the Magic 8 ball for the answers to their health care reform questions. At least the 8 ball isn't trying to get them all thrown in jail for sedition.

"This country's in bad shape right now," Young said after the rally, a sentiment echoed by many in the crowd. "That's because we're not producing, we're buying oil from abroad, we've got these pie-in-the-sky policy changes that may work someday, but let's do it in a gradual way, but no, they want to do it right now. We have a high unemployment rate and we have this huge debt. I don't think we can continue what we're doing and survive in the long run."

Gee and how long have you felt this way Don? Did you bring up these same concerns during the eight years of the Bush administration? You know when they created Homeland Security, or when they started two wars and financed them by borrowing billions of dollars from the Chinese, or when Bush allowed the US economy to enter into a recession? Were you speaking out then?

(This is only a blog, and kind of low tech, so you will have to help me out here by pretending to hear the sounds of crickets chirping. Thanks. Update: Thanks to an anonymous commenter you CAN hear the cricket sounds here.)

You know these are just some cookie cutter quotes, typical of this new crazy ass, revolutionary minded, GOP circle jerk. But WHERE is the old Don Young, bat-shit crazy, "can you believe he just said that ", quotes?

"Unfortunately, this health care bill before us now is a bit like bobbing for apples in an outhouse," he said. "The harder you look, the more waste you find!"

Now we are talking! Now THAT is the good stuff!

It only goes to prove that before everybody else's Republican Congressman decided to check themselves into the cuckoo hotel, OUR lone Republican Congressman was already there holding the door for open them.

I will NEVER underestimate you again Congressman Young! You are now, and have always been, the "Teabagger's teabagger"!

By the way, don't you have an indictment coming up soon?

(Click the title to read the entire ADN article)


  1. Anonymous8:52 AM

    I swear, I am going to have to move south or the boarder if these wingnuts take over DC. I've had about enough of this lunacy. Brains, America, not baffoons. Brains. How did America become such a stupid country?

  2. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Here you go too! {8^D

  3. A prime example of Congressman Young's hypocrisy:
    "...we're buying oil from abroad..." He's saying this, but will most likely vote AGAINST cap and trade legislation.
    Eric Cantor stated at the rally that he guarantees that no republican will vote for hcr legislation.
    Strong words coming from a party whose alternative plan would cover only 3 million out of the 47 million that don't have health care insurance.

  4. Anonymous10:14 AM

    These are the same pathetic ignorant morons who think Earth is only 6,000 years old.

    America's education system is broken - and Don Young, et al are proof of that.

    The rest of the world is laughing at America and its morons as they pass on by.

  5. When is Don Young ever going to be indicted? I honestly think that the Alaska electorate will continue to reelect him as long as he wants to run, unless he is indicted and then convicted in a court of law. And even then, after the Ted Stevens debacle, people might keep voting him in. He is an embarrassment to all thoughtful and intelligent people, and it just baffles me why people keep voting for him. He's the best Alaska has to offer? Really?

  6. Anonymous10:25 AM

    I'd like to see William Shatner do a poem on Young quotes. That would be entertaining as well as enlightening. And importantly, verifiable.

  7. Anonymous10:58 AM

    " gets people ginned up to at least ask questions."

    "Ginned up?" That's lovely. Don, did you perhaps mean 'impassioned'?

  8. Tuesday lesson was the opposite of what the Teabaggers think.

    Moderates who told Miss Wasilla to stay away, won.
    Conservative for Palin in NY23 LOST.

    We also picked up a seat in CA that used to be GOP.

    What lesson could they be speaking of?

  9. WOW. You guys are wrong about Miss Wasilla. She took great care of Natives and Seniors, just see the description of her awesomeness from the publisher: (posting this everywhere I am so disgusted)

    As chief executive of America's largest state, she had built a record as a reformer who cast aside politics-as-usual and pushed through changes other politicians only talked about: Energy independence. Ethics reform. And the biggest private sector infrastructure project in U.S. history. And while revitalizing public school funding and ensuring the state met its responsibilities to seniors and Alaska Native populations, Palin also beat the political "good ol' boys club" at their own game and brought Big Oil to heel.

  10. SoCalWolfGal11:12 AM

    I think while Don Young is in the area he should get together with John Boehner and they could quiz each other on the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence.

  11. I would actually pay money to see the republicans in congress bob for apples in an outhouse....I would even provide the apples....they may as well have it all over their faces, because after yesterdays Boehner incident(that obviously did not register with any of them)..........they proved that they all have $hit for brains

  12. Andrew Halcro's take on Don Young is also worth reading - good article:

  13. Oh man Gryph. I was lookin hard to find a pic of Don at the teabagger rally. Now we have quotes!!! You an i know that once you buy into the teabaggers you can never go back. Don may have been goin for apples but he came up with a mouth full of something else. I will now enjoy my weekend.


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