The number of Sarah Palin books on their way to bookshelves all over America are almost too many to count. We have "Rogue Journalist: An Even More American Life" by Joel Stein, "The Persecution of Sarah Palin" by Matthew Continetti, "Sarah From Alaska: The Sudden Rise and Brutal Education of a New Conservative Superstar" by Scott Conroy and Shushannah Walshe, "Going Rogue: An American Life" by Lynn Vincent (I don't give Sarah any more credit for writing her book than I do for authoring her Facebook notes.), "Going Rouge" by Amy Alexander, Max Blumenthal, Joe Conason, Jeanne Devon, Eve Ensler, Michelle Goldberg, Jane Hamsher, Christopher Hayes, Jim Hightower, Linda Hirshman, Naomi Klein, Dahlia Lithwick, Amanda Marcotte, Shannyn Moore, John Nichols, Tom Perrotta, Katha Pollitt, Frank Rich, Hanna Rosin, Matt Taibbi, Michael Tomasky, Rebecca Traister, Katrina vanden Heuvel, Jessica Valenti, Patricia Williams, JoAnn Wypijewski and Gary Younge (With companion coloring book "Going Rouge: The Sarah Palin Rogue coloring & activity book", and "You've Come Along Way Maybe" byLeslie Sanchez, just to name the ones with titles that are either recently published or soon will be published.
There is also the, as yet, unnamed book being written by Geoffrey Dunn and another by Joe McGinnis, as well as the much anticipated Levi Johnston tell all. (Of course there are almost ten OTHER Sarah Palin books that were put out during the 2008 campaign as well.)
I tried to count up in my head just how many Sarah Palin books were coming soon to a bookstore near you, and thought that there were at least ten or more. Here I have been able to identify eleven, but if you think of any more please pass them along.
Can you imagine what it must be like to work as a book reviewer and to find yourself having to read one or more of these Palin inspired publications? You could not pay me enough, and I actually managed to get through "Trailblazer"!
Update: Oh I forgot long time Palin aide, and central figure in "Troopergate" Frank Bailey. He has a book coming out soon as well. And that one was in my notes too, oh well. (H/T to emrysa)
She must be pissed off that all these people are ttrying to make money off her name and diluting her brand. Wow, I can just see her head spinning...lol. It's great timing to put them all out at the same time, excellent, in fact just for the right dilution...heh heh.
ReplyDeleteLOL Well Sarah Palin, like sex, sells!
ReplyDeleteI would buy Levi Johnston's book.
I would borrow or read online without paying Going Rogue (simply to see what is in it and how it is written), Going Rouge and Rogue Journalist.
I would burn (in sarcastic honor of Scarah) The Persecution of Sarah.
Gryphen, kudos for getting through "Trailblazer"! It was a long hard slog. As of this morning, there are a grand total of... 15 reviews posted at Amazon, and copies are available starting at $2.93. Betcha "Going Rogue" will make Lorenzo Benet's work seem closer to David Halberstam's, though!
ReplyDeleteMrs. Tarquin Biscuitbarrel
hey gryphen, what about that one that's being written by her former right-hand-man? can't remember his name, but she used him as a scapegoat - for troopergate, I think.
ReplyDeleteAlso, out in October 2009 (coincidentally and so timely).
ReplyDelete"O" God: A Dialogue on Truth and Oprah's Spirituality
By Josh McDowell and Dave Sterrett
"O" God: A Dialogue on Truth and Oprah's Spirituality provides an in-depth look at the controversial spiritual beliefs of one of the greatest media influences of all time: Oprah.
Between The Oprah Winfrey Show, O Magazine and her national webinars on faith, millions are being exposed to Oprah's splintered beliefs. As many exit the doors of traditional religion, the church of Oprah has become a viable alternative to a world looking for a savior—but without the strings. Christians and those of other faiths are asking the nagging question: “Where do Oprah’s teachings lead?” In "O" God, mega-bestselling Christian author and evangelist Josh McDowell teams up with Dave Sterrett, a gifted writer and popular speaker. Together, they provide a cutting-edge response to popular inquiries about Oprah's spiritual teaching and the advice of the colorful teachers she promotes.
"The danger is that while appearing to use Christian and inclusive language that at first seems similar to that of Christianity, Oprah teaches a message that is radically different and absolutely contrary to the true teaching of Scripture and historic Christianity," McDowell and Sterrett warn.
McDowell and Sterrett approach the spirituality of Oprah by means of a fictional narrative. By using stories to address the deeper issues raised through Oprah’s media empire, McDowell and Sterrett disarm and entertain their readers, while also revealing biblical truths and exposing the errant teachings and misconceptions of Oprah.
"O" God follows the conversations of two girl friends, Lindsey and Avatari – representing the multitudes of Oprah fans, who unwittingly place their faith in the hodgepodge of spirituality embedded in her popular TV talk show, magazine and webinars. In the end, a life-altering crisis helps crystallize the truth from counterfeit teachings.
In "O" God, readers will find answers to questions like:
Are there many ways to reach God, as Oprah teaches?
Who was the real historical Jesus?
Why would I worship the God of the Bible when he is described as jealous?
Is it okay for a Christian to embrace other forms of spirituality?
Do we have the potential to discover that we are indeed God or the Supreme Being?
Sarah Palin doesn't have a clue. She is just so happy that she is so "popular." She is shallow. I was reminded of that in the previous film clips of her interviews with Gibson, Couric, etc. Her "Bush Doctrine" response, and "What is it exactly that a VP does everyday?" in her squeaky, folksy voice.
ReplyDeleteHope Bailey's book as a former Palin insider tells the truth.
Yeah, but books are for the olds. The real question now is will Oliver Stone make a movie about her?
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of someone who has overstayed their time.....Oprah....time to go.
ReplyDeleteShallow indeed. I've stepped in puddles deeper than Sarah Palin.
ReplyDeleteAny screed penned by Sarah and her fundamentalist ghost writer will be the equivalent of Literary Nails on a Chalkboard. The contents, I think, will be predictable: Sarah as Martyr and Victim.
Ugh, I'm surprised the cover shot doesn't depict her with a stigmata....
DeDe Scozzafava, has dropped out of the NY Congressional race, and endorsed the Democratic candidate, William L. Owens! Quittypants, feeling lie a real mover and shaker, couldn't resist "speaking" in one of "her" Facebook about it. Check out Bree Palin's blog>http://breepalin.blogspot.com/2009/11/little-ray-of-glee.html
ReplyDeleteThere are too many books-- how can Sarah possibily answer that famous Katy Couric gotcha question if people keep writing books about her!
ReplyDeletePersonal note to Oprah (or fans of Oprah who like to write to her): Ask Sarah Palin to name the last three books she read (not counting The Bible, The Constitution of the United States and the Consistution of the State of Alaska).
ReplyDeleteI didn't realize she had endorsed the Democratic candidate. Woo hoo. That really makes a statement, perhaps too extreme?
if you can read just one of these books, read Joel Stein's Rogue Journalist. It is hilarious.
ReplyDeleteI think if Palin's supporters find out there is a Palin coloring book, they will abandon the ones with lots of pages with lots of words. All that required reading would make their tiny heads hurt. However, a coloring book would provide them with intellectual stimulation more in keeping with their accustomed mental sloth.
ReplyDeleteRemember, 160 characters is about as much reading as most of these folks do in a single sitting. Let's be realistic about the true nature of their intellectual capabilities.
Well, I plan to purchase at least two copies of "Going Rouge" - one for me, and one for my local library.
ReplyDeleteLynn Vincent's book, "Going Rogue" I will glance at in the bookstore. Not one penny from me, thank you.
I am curious about "Sarah from Alaska" by Conroy and Walshe. I understand their focus is on the McCain/Palin presidential campaign last year. I hope they were able to get the inside scoop from some of the staff about what a pleasure it was to work with such a generous, humble, truthful person Mrs. Palin was. (Complete Sarcasm)
I will glance at the cover of Continetti's "Persecution". As time reveals more and more of SP's murky deals, I think it will become clear that she has been able to get away with everything short of murder, with barely a slap on the wrist.
I hope Levi Johnston and Frank Bailey man up and "tell the whole truth, and nothing but the truth" but they both have to live in Alaska with the fall out, so both may be tempted to pull their punches.
I look forward to Geoffrey Dunn's and Joe McGinnis books. They are both respected professionals and I expect their books to be well documented and absolutely devastating.
I did order the book on disk called "Sarah" and I actually got through the first two disks. The book was due so I asked to renew it so I could listen to the third disk. Tried but kept getting bogged down and just could not finish the book. Thought it was appropriate that I could only get 2/3rds of the book, just like Sarah serving her term as governor.
ReplyDeleteI did make a copy of the third disk and I plan to finish it someday. I am right at the point where she is running for governor, so don't spoil the story and tell if she wins the election.
I will leave the reading of Rogue to some of you folks....just tell me if she fesses up to some of her sins!
Well, I am tempted to go down the street to B&N, order a latte and sit down with the Sarah from Alaska campaign story. It is the only one, from what is out or soon to be out that I have any shred of interest in skimming.
ReplyDeleteI'm not particularly keen on your politics and weapons of choice when it comes to advancing them but I think you have a book in you. Not on Palin--that would get buried at the bottom of the pile because you heavyweights like Joel McGinnis having a tough time getting published.
You could try Lulu--almost for nothing. I don't know how many devoted readers you have but you should be able to move some books.
Why not just weigh in with your own "Profiles in Courage" or anything that gives your fan base the opportunity to learn who you became a political animal and what you would like to do on a larger scale in the future?
I think Sarah is coming unraveled. More later on that.
ReplyDeleteFor those of you who may hang around DemocraticUnderground sometimes, I just learned this morning that the coloring book, Going Rouge, was put together by DUer Symbolman and his wife.
ReplyDeletePlease don't forget the MP3 "The Sarah Palin Playlist" being hawked on Amazon for $8.99, including "I am woman", "Stars and Stripes Forever", "Barracuda" and Ronald Reagan's Inaugural address. .... Ummm..Do you think Judy Collins knows that Palin is hawking her music?