Friday, November 27, 2009

A four hour power outage due to heavy snows. You gotta love Alaska!

After a morning of heavy snowfall, forecasters expect scattered snow showers tonight into Saturday morning in Anchorage. Police urged caution on city roads while Chugach Electric Association reports scattered power outages in the Hillside.

I have been going through withdrawals for the last four hours with no computer access, and nothing to do but try to get to the end of Sarah Palin's "Book of Lies".

Yeah because being without electricity was just not irritating enough.


  1. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Somebody better get Todd off the roof.

  2. Anonymous4:19 PM

    Wow Gryphen!
    Glad you're back.
    Gosh, I hope Todd made it off his roof before the storm hit.

  3. Gryphen - I recommend you proceed with a heavy-duty cleansing routine after you read that book! Burn some sage and walk through the smoke, take a long hot shower, gargle, drink cleansing tea and end with an enima!

  4. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Happens in Colorado, too!

  5. welcome back.

    check out these interesting comments where ed brayton's readers respond to a comment originally left over at andrew sullivans (on SP), the first few are especially revealing about palin and her followers:

  6. Gryphen please burn cedar boughs in a sweathouse to cleanse yourself ( my tribal way) and plus you'll smell really good for those you are around LOL!

  7. Only 4 hours?

    We're out for days sometimes here on the Oregon coast.

    I had to fire up the generator a few days ago just so I could read IM. My computer works OK on generator power.

  8. Anonymous6:11 PM

    OT - This piece is definitely worth reviewing, in light of the past two weeks - some of the back story on Palin's nomination, by Jane Mayer from the New Yorker:

    The young college grad from Colorado who started the Draft Palin website did training with Conservative Christian Morton Blackwell's Leadership Institute and the Young America's Foundation, and he currently maintains ties to the Heritage Foundation. At the time of her nomination most media presented this young man as if he had been acting strictly on his own.

  9. Anonymous6:31 PM

    Happens here in the desert of California too.

  10. Luna1580
    Thank you for the link, very interesting.

  11. Wow Gryphen!
    Glad you're back.
    Gosh, I hope Todd made it off his roof before the storm hit.


    I don't

  12. Anonymous7:25 PM

    I'm making turkey soup. Avoiding traffic - lots of shoppers on the road.
    Remember Shannyn Moore's double hitters tomorrow!

  13. MacAndCheeseWiz7:27 PM

    Torture, sheer torture! .... Adult Beverages and popcorn take the edge off!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.