Sunday, November 08, 2009

Haley Barbour damns Sarah Palin with faint praise on Meet the Press.

On MTP Republican Governor Haley Barbour is asked about the new, more conservative, direction the Republican party is headed in, and whether Sarah Palin still has a role is in the party. Barbour is happy to defend the GOP, but the Sarah Palin question has him squirming like a schoolboy in the Principal's office.

"What role does she play in the Republican party?"

"Well she doesn't play any official role in the Republican party."

No the role she plays is the one of "spoiler". Palin does not want to join the Republican party, she wants the Republican party to join her! And if they don't she is going to continue to pull away the right wing fringe until the party collapses and she can start her OWN party.

THAT is Sarah Palin's endgame and the Republican party now knows it.

Did you see Barbour evade the two questions from Gregory about whether or not Sarah could be president? The Governor first pretended he did not hear the question, and then when it was repeated he did a verbal backflip to avoid answering it. He does not want to go on record as saying she cannot get the nomination because he knows that if he does he automatically loses the support of those in his party that adore her.

However I think that Palin is well aware that she cannot get the Republican nomination. The question that Barbour got right was that Sarah does not speak for the Republican party, she speaks for herself. And the scary thing is that there is a disaffected group of wingnuts that are listening to her. And since the election of President Obama that group is getting larger, and scarier.

That is why we saw the Republicans that we considered more reasonable, John Boehner, Don Young, Eric Cantor, and others joining Michelle Bachman for the teabagger press conference last week in Washington. They are desperately trying to keep up with their fleeing constituents. But the problem for them is they can only chase these crazy voters to the outer edges that define the Republican party. If they cannot convince them to stay within shouting distance they will be easy pickings for an even more conservative third party.

The party of Sarah Palin.

You would think that the victory of a Democrat in New York's 23rd, would have had intelligent Republicans pulling away from Bachman, Palin, and the teabagger crowd, but it has not. You now see Republicans making excuses and talking about a broken nomination process. Instead of blaming the Conservative party, and its supporters, they are providing cover for them.

They are inviting them in.

They are embracing them.

They are doomed.


  1. Anonymous4:09 PM


    I absolutely agree that Palin knows she can’t win the Republican primary and is therefore working on starting her own party. Can you imagine Miss Thin Skinned having to take all that ridicule in person from 8 other opponents during a debate? Not gonna happen. And can you imagine her having to answer debate questions all year?

    The only way Palin can run for president is if she’s the only candidate in her own party and can be like the Great and Powerful Oz and hide behind the Facebook curtain and dodge questions and accountability.

    Thanks, but no thanks.

  2. Yes Gryphen, good post-- I think it is very interesting that the GOP has reached this point.
    I believe that this situation has been "long in the making." The national rhetoric of the GOP for the last few decades has proven to be utter nonsense. For example, "large amounts of government spending is bad. " Well it is precisely the same liars who expand the gov't budget with their un-necesssary wars. Another GOP talking point- regulation of the economoy is bad. Now of course with all of their deregulation, we find ourselves in this mess with Wall Street and banking scandals. So, my point is, the national GOP is having trouble maintaining it's support from thoughtful folks who are moderate-- they have to rely more and more on the wing nuts to win elections. But this group is an unstable and unfaithful ally. As soon as they see a shinier object, they'll follow it-- of course your own dear X-GINO is the best example. Basically, the ideology that rationalizes late "free-market" capitalism can no longer explain it. Tough stuff!

  3. Anonymous4:15 PM

    And the scary thing is that there is a disaffected group of wingnuts that are listening to her. And since the election of President Obama that group is getting larger, and scarier.

    This is, indeed, scary. I hate to make this comparison .. but it reminds me so much of how Hitler became powerful in Germany. Economic problems combined with white people feeling disenfranchised and overlooked. These people are very threatened by having a black president .. and Palin feeds their fears .. makes them feel strong and righteous ... add their creepy form of religion and we've got a witch's brew of ugliness. ... yikes.


  4. the 23rd was the canary in the coal mine for s'arahs influence. it died. Even the newt at first had it right. The folks in the 23rd did not want or need any help. They voted the issues important to them, not the fringe idealogue dogma. Some smart speaker of the house dude once said, "all politics is local".

    s'arah-rush-beck-insannity forgot that key point, newt fell in line and they began the proviberial circular firing squad. The scary thing is newt was right!

  5. Don't worry (first commenter): Palin will NOT debate - that is the "beauty" of her third Party.
    IF she is invited to debate, she will not show.
    And her paltry sum of supporters will vote for her anyway - no threat of her winning, but a BIG threat of taking away Republican votes. The Republicans are realizing this - I predict they will turn on her en masse. Soon. Very soon! : )

  6. Sharon7:40 PM

    Palin has no intentions of following the rules. So we shouldn't expect her to. She has stated quite openly that she is going rogue and our mistake is to keep thinking of her in rational terms. She is not rational and she will do what she wants to do. She will not debate, she will not face the public, she will continue to stoke the hate and racism of her base, I could go on and on. I think that Sarah's quest for Glory has been vastly under estimated by many. We need to be very careful and watchful with this one. She is the antithesis of all that is good. Anyone would have been brought down by now. Palin is borderline intelligent, hateful, spiteful, arrogant, destructive, divisive and much more, but she is allowed to roam this country unconfronted by all the evil she does. The media, run by Murdoch, won't even touch her. Anyone else would have been a laughing stock, but Palin persists.

    We need to think long and hard about what we are witnessing in this woman and her shenanigans before it is too late.

  7. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Gawd...I hope she starts her own party for 2012. She'd be Perot on estrogen, but not as smart...she would split the votes.....please...please Sarah!

  8. The media looks like dogs in heat chasing after palin and printing her stupid comments. I'm surprised they don't report when she farts! This whole media circus is embarrassing!

  9. Hopefully, this will be a good thing. Ask Ross Perot how that worked out for him (hint: 18.9% and no electoral votes). And he wasn't a right-wing extremist.

    If Palin splits the Republicans, Obama could concievably STILL get an outright majority. I don't see that many dems getting on the Constitution Party ticket or whatever the hell she would set up for herself.

    @ella...You know, we may not have to wait for Gryph, or Levi, or whoever, to spill her secrets, the Republicans might do it for us! I just don't want Fox to get the credit...

  10. Gasman9:06 PM

    And the circular firing squad continues. Pass the ammunition.

  11. sunnyjane1:09 AM

    The “real” Republican Party gets more frenzied and more impotent every day. Sarah Palin is a political whore who has nothing to offer but her clients’ instant gratification. She is too ignorant to realize that she is being pimped by James Dobson of Focus on the Family, who is merely exploiting her for his own “divine” power trip. She does not now, nor will she ever, have anything to offer in the way of solutions to America’s problems.
    If the Republicans truly cherish a viable two-party system in this country, they will step up and save themselves instead of stumbling around like the Three Stooges rearranging the deck chairs on a sinking Titanic. Case in point: the New York 23rd district. It was here that they could have given money and on-the-ground support for their candidate. Instead, they lost that seat to a Democrat. It seems that they are too lazy and too disorganized to think straight. They obviously feel that it is easier to glory in Palin’s questionable evangelical Christian influence than to expose her for what she is and rebuild a diverse party of moderates, independents and reputable conservatives. (Not that I see any on Capitol Hill at the moment, but surely there must be SOME out there in “real” America!)
    One of the best lines I’ve ever heard about Sarah Palin came from Shannyn Moore just recently when she said, “Sarah has had her own challenges with the truth.” And that, I believe, is what will bring Palin down. She cannot hide or run from her lies much longer. They WILL catch up with her. Let’s hope it’s before she does too much more damage to our country.

  12. I'd like comment on that 23rd District race.
    11 Chair people from across the district voted for Scozzafava. She was considered a mod.- conservative republican due to her voting record!!! The only 2 areas that she deviated from the republicans was on Gay marriage and a woman's right to choose.She had been elected an as a republican from her district on several different issues.
    When those 11 Chair people voted, doug hoffman was not even the second choice. Why didn't he decide to run and force a primary?
    Nope, he decided to run as a CONSERVATIVE and look who came right out and supported him, the twitter Queen!!!
    I think her goal is a 3rd party and maybe not even in 2012, maybe 2016.
    And how will they do this? By tearing this country apart. By destroying the republican party and then starting their own, looking like heros!

  13. I am in agreement with Verbose...someone in the McCain camp knows her secrets, and at the right time will "leak" that information when the time is right. I have no doubts about that.

    The Republican Party knows Sarah is political poison, they are afraid to say it on the record. If she costs them anymore elections, she will be toast, Facebook page and all.

  14. BTW, the look on Ed Rendell's face while Barbour is dodging the Sarah Palin questions is priceless. He is trying so hard not to just bust out laughing.

  15. crystalwolf aka caligrl4:53 AM

    Don't forget about her $$$! She spreads it around to certain repubs and they don't want to lose that!!! Take Johnny Mac for example, every-time he starts to come clean about her...she donates money to him and he shuts up! That is why the repubs are not turning on her full force. When she stops donating to them they will drop her like a hot rock!!!

  16. crystalwolf - I understand what you are sayimg, but WHY would she quit sending McCain money?
    It is not HER $$$ - it is from sarahpac. You see, her poor dumb bots contribute to the pac. They claim to despise McCain - yet the $$$ they send for SP goes to McCain! Boggles the mind, eh?

  17. Anonymous6:17 AM

    I agree that SP fraud is known to some of McC's peeps and McC. Let's say they leak vital info and it becomes clear she committed crimes. The chances are anyone that knew after the fact and covered the crime would also be charged.

    Why would McC peeps want to leak what could make them or McC look bad and possible criminal charges?

  18. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Sarah Palin is what she is today because two boat loads of opportunity sailed into Juneau during the summer of 2007. Oddly enough, that is the same summer she got "pregnant" with little Trigg Paxson Van Palin--and--with her career in national politics.

    If she appears to be rather drunk on power, these days, it is because she is drinking the "spirits" that a few sailors(themselves, inebriated)are delivering directly to her door.

    She is the "any port" in the storm that they are trying to stir up. Clearly identify, quarantine, and throw the drunken sailors taking this voyage to power overboard, and Sarah's little dingy will be left to drift alone in the icy waters of the Bering Sea.

  19. sunnyjane7:24 AM

    Virginia Voter: I noticed Ed Rendell's face, too, and was about to burst out laughing myself! Priceless!

    By the way, I'm a "Virginia voter," too! Nice to have another Virginian to share future McDonnell stories with!

  20. Anonymous at 6:59: I love your post. I'm not sure (but I have my ideas) of what you are trying to say ... but I love this: give us more.

  21. Yes, thank you anon @ 6:59 well said! Maybe we should spell it out. Starting with the point that our host made above-- SP announced her pregnancy the day after McCain is chosen as GOP nominee in March '08. THE DAY AFTER!- So this tells us that the "pregnancy" is a political pregnancy, not an "oops"-- it was "planned"--planned to help get Ms.Palin on the GOP ticket. Let's remember what else was happening at that time--The GOP brand was in trouble, Bush was unpopular, the wars and the lies were unpopular. In March '08, the Dems were still battling it out in the primaries, but it was down to Obama or Hillary. Either one would be a strong candidate--both extremely smart and well spoken. What's more the Dems would have either a white woman or an African American man -- adding excitement and historic significance to their campaign. The GOP "leaders" know that they need some pizzazz- something to shake things up. Moreover,they know that they can't win without the religious right's support because they are losing the moderates and the independents (and anyone else with a functioning brain, but that's a separate point). Anyhow now roll back a few months to the cruise alluded to by anon @6:59 above here- The reference is to the NEO-CONs like Bill Kristol (NY based) who came "a calling" to an Alaskan port and found sweet Sarah. Wow they thought, what a sexy solution to our problem ! Let's promote this lady to get our brand back up where it belongs! Somewhere in all of this, SP also caught the attention of Scientologists like John Coale and his partner, Greta Van Sustern. In any case, these amoral power brokers must have helped SP figure out exactly what the GOP ticket needed and lo and behold-- she "produced" it and announced it- right on cue. Just as the moderate McCain was nominated, everyone knew that he needed to "balance" his ticket with someone that the religious right would accept. And-- Voila -there she is, with babe in hand- ready to serve!

    Now, while I agree that SP would be nothing without the drunken sailors, I think that our best strategy is to make SP less attractive to these guys by getting out the truth-- she faked the pregnancy folks- PERIOD.

  22. I don't think the numbers of far right whack-jobs is getting larger, I just think it's getting louder.

    If the GOP is so dependent upon a group of ignorant lower middle class white folk who fear personal freedoms, then it deserves to crumble to dust like the Whigs and other parties before it. If Sarah's numbers were as impressive as she'd like us to believe, she'd be Vice President right now instead of touring the country talking to members of the press who will toss her softball questions while promoting a self-serving "biography" she didn't write.

    My hope is that we're hearing the death rattle of the far right, which won't go quietly into that good night.

  23. Anonymous10:20 AM

    If what I've read is correct, then, there were two (2) different and important passenger ships that pulled into port that summer. As I recall--one in June and the other in August.

  24. Anonymous10:45 AM

    I've read that there were two (2) different and important cruises that sailed into Juneau that summer--one about June and the other about August.

  25. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Oops, I didn't realize that the first post had gone through. Sorry

    Signed: Anon 10:20 and 10:45

    P.S. But there were two.


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