Monday, November 30, 2009

Is NOTHING about this woman true?

Not even the bus.

Sarah Palin even lies to her supporters, and the public, about riding the bus to her book signings. Can you believe that?

This from Joe McGinnins at the Daily Beast.

Last week I was in The Villages, the fantastical Back to the Future-style retirement enclave north of Orlando, when Palin popped out the front door of the bus to greet the thousand or so worshipers gathered outside Barnes & Noble. I thought she sure looked good for someone who had been riding a bus for a week, changing diapers—as she said—all the way. Publicist Andreadis, by contrast, had the worn and harried look of someone who had been earning an honest living by riding a bus for a week.

It seems now that Palin hasn’t been on the bus, except for short hops between local airports and hotels and book-signing sites. She’s apparently been aboard UJT750, the Gulfstream American twin-jet that she first boarded at Westchester County airport shortly after noon on November 18, bound for Grand Rapids, Michigan, and the first stop on her tour.

Often Palin makes the claim that she is different. That she would not engage in "politics as usual". But of course that is a lie.

In fact she represents the very worst kind of politician. The one that will say absolutely anything to garner support. She has become a living, breathing parody of the serious politician. Who needs Tina Fey, when Sarah herself is doing shtick?

She lied through her job as mayor. Lied through her job as governor. Lied to the Republican party. Lied to the American people. Lied through Twitter, Facebook, and now an actual autobiography (Written, of course, by somebody else). It seems that the one thing Sarah Palin will not quit at is lying!

Is this really what her followers believe America has been looking for? Do they truly believe that pretending to be someone special is the same as being someone special?

It reminds me of that old joke, "How do you know Sarah Palin is lying? You can see her lips move." Not so damn funny when it's true, now is it?

(Click the title to read the rest of Joe's great article.)


  1. Well, "Going Rouge" is English slang for unprotected Anal Sex, and that is her plan for American citizens so I guess that part could be considered "true".

  2. lilly6:53 AM

    As her mother says on tape.

    "I wouldn't put anything past her."

    And that is her mother.

  3. Midnight Cajun7:23 AM

    I'm glad to see this information is finally trickling out. All one needed to do was look at the dates and times of her signings, and it was obvious the "bus tour" was a sham. Think about how much Harper Collins is paying for all of this. I know some huge NYT best selling authors and they don't fly by chartered plane. There has never been a book tour like this, and the reason is simple: it doesn't pay. So who is footing the bill, and why?

  4. Anonymous7:31 AM

    A pathological liar, she doesn't have to lie, and she still lies. She can be honest about taking the jet, who really cares? Her followers aren't going to be dismayed, they already think she is a rock star. Yet, she conducts nationally televised interviews from the interior of the bus to give the impression that she is traveling on it. Her mental illness is getting worse, and her parents are as un-patriotic as she is, not to do an intervention. I say good for Todd! Maybe he is not taking part in the BIG LIE. I would like to read a book penned by him, or his mother.

  5. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign7:33 AM

    Gryphen, the joke has been changed to fit the special circumstances:

    Q: How do you know when Sarah Palin is lying?

    A: Her eyes are open.

    And we knew damn well she wasn't riding that bus! The poor souls trapped in the undercarriage after having been thrown there, make very scary and eerie sounds while they claw the bottom of the bus to get to her.

    What better symbol for the lying woman with ambition and revenge in her black, shriveled heart?

  6. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Is this news? Everyone knows its impossible to make some of her stops on a bus alone.

    Whats the big deal... I dont think her supporters ever thought otherwise.

    This is dumb

  7. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Yawn. Old news. Patrick wrote about this days ago.

  8. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Off Topic- I just noticed from the archives that Grypen has been running this blog since November 2004. Five years!? Wow!

  9. Anonymous8:06 AM

    If you haven't read local Anchorage writer, Julia O'Malley's article in the Anchorage Daily News, here is the link.

    "She's a different kind of politician now, telling a story that hits all the right notes for her new audience, Americans stirred up by talk radio and the Fox News Channel, mad about taxes and mistrustful of government. Their disaffection is real and widespread and I don't think it should be ignored. She means something to them that she didn't mean here. And that's why they're standing in line for 20 hours for her Sharpie scrawl.

    I'm headed Outside for the holidays and I'm already preparing for a whole new onslaught of questions from strangers. "You're from Alaska?" they'll ask. And then they'll want to know what I think about her."

  10. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Yes, who is paying for her travel on this thing? THAT'S the important question....

  11. Anonymous8:26 AM

    I think Todd figures very prominently in the BIG LIE.

  12. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Actually, anon 7:33, if you read her FB page, her fans DO think she's riding that bus all around. Thinking isn't the strong suit of the average Palinista...

    Speaking of Facebook...She posted part of a letter on her site bashing Obama, calling him son. The WHOLE letter talks about Obama not "being grateful" for what this country has given him!!!!

  13. SoCalWolfGal8:41 AM

    I took a Sarah Palin break over Thanksgiving and really enjoyed it! Yes, her sheeples wouldn't care if she chose to grace them with her presence via plane. That is just the point, why lie about it? The fact is Sarah Palin will lie when the truth would suit better. This just proves it.

    OT check out Bree's blog. Virginia Voter is going to one of Palin's stops and is taking suggestions for what her sign should say. I say VV is brave indeed. Personally, I wouldn't want to be anywhere near her.

  14. Anonymous8:51 AM

    OT but need to ramble: yes, I want Levi to write a book but I don't expect it to reveal anything about babygate. No normal 17-yr old boy pays attention to his girlfriend's mother's body or to her "pregnancy." If The Child Known as Trig did not come out of Bristol, I'll bet money Levi has no clue where that kid came from. And I believe even Todd may not know the details. Sarah perpetrated her greatest fraud with the knowledge of very very few. CBJ, a victim woman, and herself. That's it. There may have been some switcherooing going on, and the details may be tangled, but Levi's tell-all will be great, I'm sure, but not as satisfying as we all want.

    Just needed to vent.

  15. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Oh, and Gryph, next time you see Tank, remind him what happens to people who treat SP with respect. (The no-eye-4-eye comment Tank and Levi made earlier.) They end up under the bus. Somebody needs to man up and take down the rabid dog.

  16. I have to disagree here. I think the charge of 'lie' related to the chartered plane is going to far and could hurt our cause.

    One of the press releases before the book tour started said that travel means would vary...part by bus and the itinerary shows the need or air travel. Palin's early tweets exclaimed her excitement starting on her 'road trip' but, indeed, it was a road trip until leaving New York.

  17. Anonymous9:06 AM

    I am a bit surprised you did not see palingates' big story about this a couple of days ago... thought you knew about this.

  18. Is ANYTHING about this woman true? Hmmm I think she really WAS the Governor of Alaska for a while .... and her name probably IS Sarah ... other than that, I wouldn't bet the farm on anything she says!

  19. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Once again. There's no point to this lie. There's nothing to be gained. People fly on book tours all the time. Actually, most people in the world now recognize flying as a means of transport. (Except for those of us who have to drugged into oblivion before their inert body is dragged onto a plane. Not that I'm admitting anything). This was a pointless lie, a lie for the sake of lying. This is testing positive for stupid.


  20. Anonymous9:36 AM

    This reminds me of the guy in the red pickup truck who parked it around the corner. He would drive up in his limo., then switch to a little red pickup to show up at the rallies. Remember Fred Thompson?

  21. Going Rogue--the ravings of a Palinoid Schmidtzophrenic

  22. Anonymous9:49 AM

    It seems like the entire lot of them would need the intervention.

  23. Anonymous9:56 AM

    The TV actor who took a shot in 2008 used to show up in an old pick-up, waving a cowboy hat. Turned out that he drove it all of a few miles -- one of his admirers reported seeing him park at the side of a road a few minutes after leaving a rally, to climb into the back of a limo! A man in a suit got out of the front and drove off in the pick-up.

  24. kdusmdd10:01 AM

    Where did Ms Perfect have her facelift??? She looks totally wretched. I never thought that she was gorgeous anyway, but, now she has really screwed up what she DID have. She really looks as evil as the witch from the Wizard of Ozz......sounds like her, too....LOL

  25. I followed this link that was posted on The Daily Dish for more fact-checking on "Going Rogue." An interesting read:

  26. Anonymous11:04 AM

    How very satisfying to see Joe McGinniss is following her actions and has done a nice job of documenting the points he made in his article, and of asking some follow-up questions about the whole arrangement.

    I will be looking for his, and Dunn's books to be coming out in the near future, and put to bed any doubt that this woman is a complete fraud.

  27. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Kdusmdd.. I was thinking the same...wondered if i was the only one.
    sure did not improve anything....

  28. Anonymous11:11 AM

    A bit like jimmy carter who carried his own empty suitcase, and as soon as the cameras weren't there, would hand it over to his secret service guy.

    Just a regular guy.


  29. The trolls are out in force commenting on Joe's article. Main defense - slamming Al Gore & President Obama. Big surprise. Thanks Gryph.

  30. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Thanks for the info, Gryphen!

    I am quite surprised that no child advocate group has spoken out about that little baby being out in the cold, night air wearing only a red sweat shirt and diaper. I saw the photo over at Bree's, I think. It was around 11:45pm and the weather was around 40- degrees. Looked as though she woke him up for a photo-op with her fans. SHAMEFUL!!! The best interests of the child was ignored as all those adults were standing around worshiping their idol. WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE?!!!

    I watched two videos that showed Trig walking around really well. So well, I believe he has been walking for quite some time. I have a feeling that he will achieve much more than that woman would like folks to believe. And he wasn't wearing any eyeglasses or hearing aids. But considering the source, maybe that was another lie, too?!

  31. Sorry off topic: But, if you really would like a little honesty in Palin's Bus Tour...check out her schedule on C4P and you might learn something...about how anyone can say anything and you all might believe it. But, when you see the real bus schedule and flying schedule of Palin you will see....the libs on this blog, Palingate and Diva...don't know the real story. Of course, I know that will not satisfy you bloggers because your hate for her blinds you to the truth. But it is kind of interesting to see how many miles she did travel in the bus when the jet was flying to the next stop without her on it. DUH

  32. Palin is such a phony..... ....after she made such a big deal at the convention about selling that fancy Alaska state jet on e-bay..... which wasn't sold on e-bay..... just like she did NOT say thanks but no thanks to the bridge to nowhere........some of her followers are going so far as to ask others......... to feed their kids rice instead of meat so that they can afford to give more money to her...........oy vay!

    Palin supporters are now officially the "Glass Bellybuttons".............their heads are so far up their bums, they need glass bellybuttons to be able to see....... .......... .

  33. Anonymous3:03 PM

    haha Juju. It seems that the sea of urine do not know her schedule either. They claim that Sarah flew to Jacksonville whilst Harper Collins claims that she did not.

    For goodness sake, can't you guys on the same side at least keep your made up stories the same?

  34. "Never mind about the $4000/hour being spent on my plane -- please donate money to SarahPAC to help defray my legal expenses, and help me champion commonsense fiscal conservative values."

    Yep. That about sums that up.

  35. >11:04 AM Anonymous said...
    >A bit like jimmy carter who carried his own empty suitcase, and as soon as the cameras weren't there, would hand it over to his secret service guy.

    Ah, but was it a $4000/hour suitcase? :)

  36. MacAndCheeseWiz5:53 PM

    The lemmings seem to be "blinded" by the "aura of holiness" that "Sanctissima Sararh of Lake Lucille" sweats through her lips...

    What, Sarah Lie?- go read her travel itinerary on C4P .... Yeah, like "Conservatives for Palim" is THE source for the unabridged, unbiased "truth".

    Kinda like calling Fox News, News.

  37. crystalwolf aka caligrl8:50 AM

    Juju said:
    "she did travel on the bus while the jet was flying without her to the next stop."
    Juju, hey there! I have a bridge to sell you, in Alaska?
    This crap is exactly how she squeezes money out of you guys! Now people get to pose with her and buy the pic online, lololololol! Wasn't it PT Barnum who said "A sucker is born every day?"

  38. lilly5:58 AM

    Oh my, Sarah is explaining how she could not possibly make the time in the time allotted, and of course she stays in hotels, do people expect her to camp on the side of the road?

    Why Yes, Yukon Sarah, the mightly frontier woman , and fish and hunt and field dress a few rabbits, for your dinner by the side of the road too. Why not driving Conastoga Wagon with a team of Clysdales while you're at it?

    Her hypmotized and lobotomized palin bots are cheering her on.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.