Saturday, November 14, 2009

Jimmy Kimmel has Miss South Carolina Teen USA in 2007, Caitlin Upton, ask various people "where babies come from?"

Now this is how somebody who was disgraced on national television can turn their life around and let everybody know they are a good sport. Take notes Sarah.

Part Two

Okay when Octo-mom squirted that mayonnaise on Upton I almost lost it. That was hysterical!

You know I may have to watch the Jimmy Kimmel show more often.


  1. Kudos to Miss Teen SC and Octomom (who's body looks awesome BTW). Lesson to Sarah...get a sense of humor about yourself and stop being such a wet blanket. The Sour Grapes Sarah tour should be a real treat next week.

  2. That was hilarious. I think that Katie Upton has a future in comedy.

  3. That was really good. Katie was a disaster at the pageant but she really is funny and obviously has moved on!!

  4. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Way to come back from a bad life moment! Katie shows us how it's done. She was adorable.

  5. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Octomom's laugh makes me want to stick my head in a wood chipper.

  6. Gryphen, thank you. That's the best laugh I've had in weeks! grammy

  7. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Miss South Carolina was also "redeemed" earlier on Tosh.0...

  8. MacAndCheeseWhiz8:21 PM

    Refreshingly hilarious! Now THAT'S how to rehabilitate your image!
    Gryph, I lost it also, too at the "Monica Lewinski" moment.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.