Sunday, November 29, 2009

Moore up North from Saturday November 28. Great Show!

Part One

Part Two

Part Three

Part Four

Part Five

Part Six


  1. indylindy5:13 PM

    "The Beverly Hillbillies got some money" LMAO!!Go Tank!! I love his personality.
    It is easy to see why he and Levi always appear to be having so much fun together.

    Can't wait for the book and the reality show!

  2. Anonymous5:46 PM


    Thank you for posting Shannon's show. I really enjoyed it! She has a lot of personality and she interacts with her guests very well and the show is informative! This show has potential!

  3. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Thanks for the post Gyphen. It made my day and I was having a terrible one.
    Shannyn is priceless. Tank ROCKS. Panel was great. I really hope the smart people get a shot at running Alaska for a while. SP & SP squared have done enough. Thanks but no thanks.
    Let's see what dipshit S'error has planned for this week.
    I hope the IRS is paying attention.
    Gotta go fix my roof, it's cold & dark, it's time.

    NYC girl

  4. Oh, man! I cannot WAIT to read Levi's book. I hope he tells us everything he knows about whack-job Sarah Palin. Heck, he should even make some stuff up... like Palin did. :-)

  5. Anonymous6:11 PM

    When is Levi's book coming out? Can you hint?

  6. Anonymous6:36 PM

    AOL has Levi on the Welcome screen again.. this time regarding his playgirl thing.. It's quite negative
    Last week it he was looped in a photo with the octomom with the title.. Who's the biggest Turkey

    Palin gets positive coverage and this kid is treated like crap.. Why.. because he said Sarah may not be who she blabs she is?

    I can't wait until he just spills it... get his credibility back. Palin is an evil viper... get her Levi :D

  7. Anonymous6:55 PM

    I hope more people see the interview with Tank, so they can understand how and why Levi was pushed into the media. It's great to know Levi is developing "swagger" -

  8. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign7:00 PM

    @ Anon 6:36

    AOL is a conservative company. I couldn't stand their home page prior to the election last year - not as bad as Fox but not balanced by any means. Forget AOL as a source of news unless you are an R. An uniformed, really lazy R!

  9. I am VERY pleased to hear Levi has a reality show (in Alaska!) lined up. Perfect! I was a bit worried that a move to Hollywood might change his values - not to mention take him far away from Tripp. Excellent choice Levi - yes, I DO believe he had many choices/offers.
    He can hang on to his true self, make lots of money and, also, too, the world will LITERALLY (lol) be his oyster.
    Take THAT scarah and meg.

  10. Anonymous7:07 PM

    James Frey, the author of A Million Little Pieces was ruined for writing a fictional work that he claimed to be an autobiography. Why is there a double standard for Palin?

  11. Anonymous7:10 PM

    wow. in a few short minutes Tank and Shannyn washed the taste of Palin out of my mouth. Thank you thank you for posting this. My man Tank is a bit raw but he's clearly loyal and genuine. Shannyn (my first time to see/hear her) is brilliant. No wonder you're smitten, Gryphen.

  12. Anonymous7:10 PM

    AOL is the worst, ever. So blatantly biased. is just about as bad.

  13. Anonymous7:26 PM

    OT: And then there were two.

    This time last year, there were -- what, like five people considered frontrunners for GOP in 2012: Mitt the Mormon Flip-Flopper, Mike Schmuckabee, Bobby Jin-Kenneth the Page, Mark "Appalachian Trail" Sanford and Sarah. Some people would add Pawlenty to that list, and, for fun Santorum, but, in my opinion, they stand no chance. Pawlenty is a weenie, and Santorum, well, google the name and you'll see what a good chunk of Americans think of him.

    For a long time it looked like Huck would do okay, maybe be a darkhorse...Now he's being "willie hortoned." He furloughed a sucker who killed some folks. Uh-oh...

    Looks like they're getting knocked off one by one...I'm sure some assface will emerge in the next two years to serve up a challenge to the prez. Looks like it'll be Obama for default. PS. I wouldn't really say Mitt or Sarah are likely nominees either...

  14. Anonymous8:11 PM

    Thanks for sharing, Gryphen. I am glad to know there will be a book and a reality show so Levi can support his son.

    The rest of the panel were great! And Shannyn did an excellent job! Great topics, too. I sincerely hope that the Alaskan salmon will be protected from any potential harm. Any food source should be paramount.

  15. Just_a_Mote8:21 PM

    I really enjoyed Shannyn's show. It is good. I hope she can go national. We need voices like hers.

  16. Anonymous8:34 PM

    I can't watch videos on my old-ish computer. Can someone summarize for me what Tank said?

  17. Anonymous8:37 PM


    Correction needed. You typed Part 4 but in fact you linked Part 5.

    There is also a Part 6.

    You can see Part 4 and 6 on Shannyn's blog or on youtube.

    As we were deprived of Shannyn's radio show on Saturday night for 'College Football', we don't want to be missing parts of her 'Moore Up North' Show!!

  18. Anonymous8:37 PM

    AOL = Angry Old Luddites.

  19. Anonymous10:49 PM

    Anon @ 7:26:

    You said Huckabee "furloughed a sucker who killed some folks." Your statement was a bit callous. Because that sucker EXECUTED 4 Police Officers in my community. We are still trying to heal from another Officer murdered in cold blood on Halloween.

    I'm sorry for the anger, but they were more than just "some folks."

  20. Levi doesn't have to make up lies, the palins have more crazy mixed up shit in their lives than anyone could ever make up.

    Shannyn, you are a great voice and shining light for Alaska. You put scarah to shame!

  21. Anonymous3:46 AM

    Books by Wooten, Levi and Bailey... what a nightmare for Sarah. What a blessing for all of us.

    I hope Wooten has details on housegate, Levi on babygate and Bailey on Troopergate.

    Sarah.. I just don't think you will be able to overcome what will be detailed in these books...

  22. Anonymous6:05 AM

    Levi knows nothing about babygate.

    Let me enlighten you all to the FACTS.

    The bloggers who supposedly know about babygate know that it will not hurt Sarah, but draw her sympathy and some will see her in a new light for the sacrifices that she made to protect another. They wait to tell you because they have not yet figured out how to make it look bad on Sarah. They have not yet figured out how to use it against her without giving her a boost in public opinion. They wont be able to make her look bad with what they think they have discovered.

    You all are wasting your time if you are hoping that it will bring her down. It wont, if it comes to light. It was not done to protect her image and if the story comes out you will all realize that.

    Those that pushed it will be the ones who look bad and the media will definately spin it that way. FACT. The vendetta against this woman in this way will be viewed badly by the court of public opinion.

    I wouldnt want to be those that outed the secrets of a child who was wronged. The backlash wont be pretty.

  23. lilly6:09 AM

    Tank is a wonder.

    Well spoken, smart, funny and intellectually far Sarah Palins superior.

    A reality show in Alaska. I'de watch it.

  24. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Sounds like Sarah or Chuckie posting.

  25. Anonymous6:40 AM

    So whoever it is is actually saying there is something to Babygate, but..

    Sarah will come out of it smelling like a what?

    Moose dropping?

  26. Anonymous6:51 AM

    What more backlash than posters who threaten to kill Gryphon in the schoolyard?

    I can't see that telling the truth about Sarahs pack of moosedroppings is in any way detrimental to those pointing them out to unwary souls who might step in her c++p.

  27. Anonymous6:51 AM

    Anon at 6:05

    Please help BOOST her public opinion. Go ahead and tell the truth about babygate.

    If it will be such good news for Sarah, why not spill the beans? Like they say.. get ahead of the story and then spin it to make Sarah look like a saint.

    Guess Levi was blind and deft to what went on in the house when he was living there... is this why he knows nothing about babygate?

    He does not appear to be blind or deft to me... My money is on Levi knowing several bombshells about Sarah.

  28. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Anon @ 6:51

    Its not about boosting Sarah Palin. Its about protecting a child who does not want her suffering to be made public.

    Thats why the bloggers will be the ones to look bad.

  29. Anonymous7:21 AM

    I don't think of Levi as canny enough to make up stories. He is a truth teller, and if he says he knows some major things that could sink her. why he does.

    Now with Pinnochio nose, on the other hand, you can't believe a word that passes her lips, except if you are a cool aid drinking palin bot.

  30. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Oh 7:10 knows the poor girl?

    So why does Sarah keep dragging Trig around?

    She has used him as a prop and wants everyone to know of her good deed in claiming him?

    You know who the mother and father are.


  31. Anonymous7:25 AM

    The bloggers won't look bad.

    The whole stinking wild ride story would be debunked then.

    Blunder Woman. Sarah Palin never did anything for anyone other than Sarah Palin.

  32. Anonymous7:27 AM

    @7:10 - Whoever the "child" is has NOT been protected by Sarah's bizarre and crazy charade of faking a pregnancy. The revelation of truth offers true protection, as then there is nothing to hide.

  33. emrysa8:01 AM

    great show gryphen, thanks for posting it!!

    now to the anon poster who says sarah will gain sympathy for protecting someone - BULLSHIT.

    what will happen is that there will be videos made that will go viral of sarah saying stupid shit like "I could hide it cause my abs were tight" "well if you must know... yes my water broke in texas" etc - no, she will not gain sympathy when that is in everyone's face 24/7 repeating all the lies she made up.

    all she had to do was adopt. ADOPT. but instead she decided to FAKE A PREGNANCY - she didn't need to fake a pregnancy to protect someone. that's why your story is a load.

  34. Anonymous @ 7:10 (and, I assume, @ 6:05):

    What you wrote weren't FACTS, as you put it, they were nebulous hints that look like a smokescreen to give yourself some cachet that you probably don't deserve.

    So far, Sarah Palin hasn't garnered any sympathy for the careless way she carries Trig, for the way she puts him in situations that could endanger his health, like frequent plane flights and being in crowds and under hot bright lights, for the way she dresses him in cold weather (undershirt and diaper, nothing else in 38 degree NC), and for the way (courtesy of these frequent glimpses of Trig on camera, totally unnecessary) she's neglecting his welfare and development (no hearing aids in, no glasses).

    Where's "the sacrifices she made to protect another"? She already looks bad -- at least to those of us who aren't "dazzled by the light" -- by her behavior towards Trig AFTER his birth, but even worse, by her STORY of what she says occurred BEFORE his birth.

    Most of us don't believe that story anyway, but the sheer mindless selfishness of Palin's 24-hour "pre-birth" story is the ultimate example of looking bad, not a "sacrifice to protect another".

    Our American society is sympathetic to the plights of misused and abused children -- which is what you implied in your second comment.

    Why should the sitting governor of a state make sacrifices on the order of what Sarah Palin apparently did, what she SAID she did, to protect "a child who was wronged", "a child who does not want her suffering to be made public"?

    Unless she was complicit in that child's suffering? Unless she was closely related to that child? Unless she knew the perpetrators of that child's suffering would reflect badly on her -- Sarah Palin -- for her own obliviousness or complicity?

    I don't see Sarah Palin being able to garner sympathy making some kind of "noble sacrifice" in any of the scenarios I've outlined, if I'm to take your nebulous hints literally.

  35. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Yup the evil bloggers.

    Wonderful noble Wunder Sarah. Faking a pregnancy and a trek from Texas to Alaska leaking fluids, but never showing any sort of discomfort to anyone during the amazing trek, just so it would be born in Mat Su. a small rinky dink place that won't even deliver twins.

    What a load of moose nuggets from 6.09.

  36. Anonymous12:18 PM

    personally, if I have any part in showing up this pathological liar Sarah Palin, and her exploitation of a Downs baby, I'll consider it one of the best things I can do, not something I would regret.

    That alone is not her only lie. Her entire life is a lie.

  37. Say NO to Palin in Politics3:39 PM

    To the poster thinking we will help Scarah by revealing the Trig truth, how do you figure?

    The big fat LIES Scarah said in her book about the whole Trig story will haunt her FOREVER. Yes indeed it will hurt Scarah. No one will accept a bunch of lies put in print just to cover a sordid story. Who is gong to respect that? To lie is okay to cover the sad truth? really? what the heck kind of family background do you come from.

    I'm very sorry for the child who deserves protection from embarrassment and publicity. But blame big ego Scarah, for exposing and exploiting the young mother's child, not the bloggers fact checking Scarah "stories".

    I appreciate that you seem to care for the real mother.

  38. Anonymous7:55 AM

    I love this. You can't take a picture of S.P at her book signings.

    Her photographer will, and then you can pay her by sending your money to her site and they will then send you a picture of you with the author.

    Or something like that.

    Talk about money grubbing.


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