"People are going to see more of Levi than they thought," his manager Tank Jones told Us magazine.com. "He's ready to shock the world. The hell with 15 minutes."
Someone who isn't likely to be impressed by Johnston's photos is Sarah Palin.
When the former Alaskan governor appeared on "The Oprah Winfrey Show" Monday, Palin mocked Johnston's Playgirl shoot as a "kind of heartbreaking" venture into "porn."
"I hear he goes by the name Ricky Hollywood now," Palin said. "So if that's the case, we don't want to mess up his gig he's got going."
According to Us, Johnston was none too pleased with Palin's sit-down and said he "knew that it was all fake, even the laugh."
"This young man wants to let this go, but, if she wants to keep it going then let's roll," Tank said. "We're trying to move past this, but, she keeps bringing stuff up." (You can read more of this article by clicking the title.)
Personally I hope that Sarah keeps shooting her mouth off. Levi is still our best hope for getting ALL of the story out about babies, birth dates, and Sarah's bullshit.
If she shut up today, would Levi keep her secrets? I am not too sure about that, but it really doesn't matter because, as we know, Sarah will not be told to "sit down, and shut up". So let the chips fall where they may.
By the way I am very pleased that my initial information about whether Levi would show his junk or not turned out to be accurate. Somebody had a lot of fun screwing with me, but in the end the right decision was made.
And while I am on the subject of Levi, it was pointed out several times yesterday that my assumption that he had anything to do with "Going Rogue" having 19 pages trimmed from the original number was probably incorrect. I have already posted the input I received from "Team Levi" earlier, and here is what a well known author friend of mine sent to my e-mail box the other day.
There were supposed to be 432 pages in the book (both amazon and b&n sites list that),
yet there are only 413 in the published edition. (And, no, those blank pages at the back are not counted, nor are the picture pages.)
This is highly irregular: to have 19 pages disappear between first listing, weeks ago, on amazon and b&n, and publication.
In my experience, publishers do not give out erroneous page counts to sales outlets.
Now I am not an expert, however the person who sent that e-mail is.
Now combine that with the fact that Levi is not mentioned ANYWHERE in "Going Rogue", after the National Enquirer claimed that "Sarah unleashes a blistering attack on Levi", and I think we can at least entertain the possibility that Sarah and the editors at Harper Collins decided to trim it down a few pages before they started a war of words with a guy who has a nuclear bomb at his disposal. I am just saying.
Update: I guess there WAS a mention of Levi in the book. Well sort of.
He (Track) talked about watching his sister be humiliated on national television as her former boyfriend went on his fact-free kiss-and-tell media tour. Track knew the kid was making things up. (P 375)
Okay first of all I am sure that most of you are very aware of how kind Levi has been toward Bristol. He has never said a bad word about her. He blames his difficulties on the source, Sara herself, and takes great pains to protect Bristol's reputation. And do you know what? I bet Track knows that. In other words this is undoubtedly another made up conversation that never took place anyplace but inside of Sarah's imagination.
So is Levi the sole person on the planet with this valuable information? Is he the only person with the stuff that can make Palin, er, shut up? If Levi decides to hold back, is Palin's story safe?
ReplyDeleteHow did it come to pass that one boy is the key to the Palin mystery?
Hey, you tell Levi I think he looks hot. Although it makes me feel kinda pervy to look at him that way. But hell, I like feeling pervy :)
ReplyDeleteNo Levi is NOT the only one with damaging information. There are others. But he is the one that was in the house when "interesting" things were going on.
ReplyDeleteAnd HE is the one that Palin seems to fear the most. Though the truth will come out whether he tells it or not.
And then of course we have Frank Bailey, and what he knows is also very damaging.
So no, Levi is not the "sole person on the planet with this valuable information".
I've come to the conclusion that a couple of posters on the first chapter thread were right. Sarah gives too much information and speaks wehen she shouldn't because she simply can't control herself. She will eventually undo herself. We can all watch.
ReplyDeleteWhat are they waiting for? Is it all about money? Now is the time to burst her big fat head bubble open. She's all we are going to hear about for months and everyday her ego gets bigger, if that's possible. She is going to see all her clapping fans and it gives her a distorted version of reality, which she already had. She's making millions but no one has the balls to bring her down? Why?
ReplyDeleteI don't get it. We've been hearing for a year it will all come out (I am not referring to you Gryphen), I just don't get it! How do the people who know live with themselves?
Trig was on TV today with her. No glasses and no hearing aids.
the armpit hair kinda ruined it for me :(
ReplyDeleteOn the October 28, 2009 (on the Early Show), Levi said that he knew stuff about Sarah but, he would not want to hurt her that way. When pressed, he did say that it was things that she did as Governor but would not answer whether or not if it was illegal or immoral.
ReplyDeleteWhen asked by Walters what Levi had on her, Sarah said "nothing". I think out of everyone that is/was around her, Levi is the one person that she cannot control. I think that she and Bristol has been using Tripp as bait to control him but, he has grown tired of it.
Levi, If you ever want a say in your son's life, you need to get parental custody. It is the legal and moral thing to do.
And Levi has a bodyguard.....
ReplyDeleteWonder why he needs one.
Levi is mentioned once in the book, but not by name. I wonder what he thinks about it. Page 375
ReplyDeleteAnyone out there a mental health professional? What is SP's relentless taunting of Levi all about? She knows he has the goods on her, she knows he does not want to have to go public, yet still she taunts. He has told her specifically not to go there, he has offered a truce. Yet still she taunts.
ReplyDeleteI am really trying to understand. Does she feel so special and so shielded that the truth will not ever be revealed? Or is she so delusional that she truly only believes her lies? Or does she feel like her adoring base will never turn on her? I just simply do not get the pathology here.
"Someone who isn't likely to be impressed by Johnston's photos is Sarah Palin."
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin probably got several copy of Levi in Playgirl magazine on order.
Dang, Have you seen Levi? He a hunk
Scarah is a professional liar. She knows what to do and how to say it. Did you notice on Oprah, she says kinda loud, "I was wondering", and Scarah makes her voice louder and screechier interuppting her. Made me wonder what "O" was going to ask. Then, when Barbara asks, "What about Levi?", Scarah says, "Wellll, that's good that he now is trying to be a part of his life". GGGrrrrrr, I've dealt w/my daughters ex and the things they came up with was unbelievable. Come backs that try to make you look bad. The judge saw thru the crap and she ended up with sole custody of her kids. Yeah, Scarah, we can see right through you!!!!
ReplyDeleteSorry, OT, but Colbert REALLY tore in to Palin and Going Rogue on tonight's show. Told it like it is. An absolute must see.
ReplyDeleteDid you read this article? http://www.adn.com/news/alaska/ap_alaska/story/1017096.html?mi_pluck_action=comment_submitted&qwxq=1426671#Comments_Container
ReplyDeleteAn independent bookseller in Sarah Palin's home state is donating the proceeds he makes off her book to a group that is among the biggest critics of the former Republican vice presidential candidate....Muller says he's not a fan of Palin. He tells the Daily Sitka Sentinel that donating proceeds to Defenders of Wildlife is a way to "carry the book and do something positive."
Thats if you believe Levi has anything to say. No offense Gryphen but I dont think he does.
ReplyDeleteFolks Sarah has to be stopped. I watched her on Hannity tonight andit made me sick. I heard he on Rush while she was in her hotel room reading a script. I don't care about the Palinbots anymore. Tonight I heard her talking about the Gen. Mc Crystal.(spelled wrong). She just calls people by their last names like she knows them. Then today the Idiot says if she had a job in the administration it would be cheif of staff because she could get some people in there to change things. She still has not and is not concerned with learning from her mistakes. She still thinks in someone elses administration she is still free to be a maverick. That is he total problem. She is dumb and dosen' WANT to learn anythings else.
ReplyDeletemxm @7:34
ReplyDeleteShe's a schoolyard bully, devoid of a conscience. She considers herself unstoppable.
But she's wrong--it's the ol' "give her enough rope" approach that will ultimately bring her down.
She has charisma--not unlike Jim Jones did--and preys on the weak minded. She is the Draco Malfoy to the hyper-religious Goyles of this nation.
Queenquitter said of her impending Divorce "are you kidding me? Have you SEEN Todd?"
ReplyDeleteSarugh... have you SEEN Levi? by your own standard on what is the bases of a relationship, Bristol should have hung (no pun intended) with Levi. Have YOU SEEN LEVI?
Nicole Sandler had an interview with Kathy Griffin last night. She says that Levi told her the 'secret' and she told him to keep it quiet and save it for when he needs it. Kathy won't tell it, but I wonder what it is?
ReplyDeleteIt isn't just Levi. Look at all of the people in Sarah's book who "done her wrong." It was great to hear McCain say that of the two of them, Steve Schmidt's version is correct.
ReplyDeleteThe other night, someone wondered how Sarah could ever hope to put a campaign together to run for anything. Who would work for her after she trashed all the people from the last campaign.
I find it interesting that she still loves John and Cindy. Have you seen the looks that Cindy gave Sarah? If looks could kill.
If there ever was a chance that Bristol and Levi wanted to work things out, Sarah is making sure that won't happen. There is something truly mean and destructive in her, throwing people under the bus, attacking a former brother-in-law, firing people at will. This is one very mean, unhappy woman. If God really did talk to Sarah, I think that it would be a message of Love rather than hate.
He will not spill the goods until he is certain to have full legal rights and access to his son. He would be foolish to give up that leverage too soon.
ReplyDeleteHmmm, I'll bet Scarah has seen Levi!
ReplyDeleteSomeone in my family is bipolar. The symptoms are evident in a person who is on a book tour right now. If you are not familiar with bipolar, google it. You will be shocked. This is serious and it just can't happen to have a President in office with bipolar.
ReplyDeleteIs this possibly why Cathy Baldwin Johnson felt the need to bring an attorney with her to talk to ADN?
On another note, why were Palin's two miscarriages (abortion?) not listed on her medical report that came out the night beofre the election? Which doctor used white-out? Everyone I have talked to has told me that in the last 20 years, no medical facilities are allowed to even have it on the premises.
Levi is the KEY. It is evident in him having a body guard. Very, very telling. There is a huge scandal here. Progress is made every day in revealing more and more lies.
ReplyDeletePalintology makes it to the world of academe.
Sarah is milking everyone. Lets go to the low percentage. 1,000,000 followers, they donate $1 a month she pulls in $1,000,000.00 a month, times that by 12 months =120,000,000.00 a year. 2 years is 240,000,000.00. She's using the people to make money, she has no intention of running for any political office, when 2012 comes and she's milked all she can get she'll give her quitter speach again and laugh and say I really screwed these fools didn't I.
ReplyDeletewow, i KNOW you watched it gryph (at least late, like i just did).
ReplyDeletecolbert's "the word" was brutal to her lies! and his promo promised more tomorrow! i think he may have just "shown his true hand" to those weird conservatives who believe is show persona is "a faux-faux conservative, using humor to promote christian "real american" truths in the guise of humor....".
DAMN, i loved that!
so much!
GREAT Colbert! I agree luna1580, after this even the most dim of the "he's a real conservative and using humor to get his message across" folks are going to have to conclude that he's really NOT a conservative. Or if he is, he sure doesn't think Palin is one! Must see comedy :-)
ReplyDeleteoh yeah, an levi looks hot in his revealed playgirl pics.
ReplyDeletei'm a 29 year-old mostly straight single chick who has no problems with actual porn, so why do i feel a tiny bit dirty looking at "sexy-levi"? (it might be our age difference. i disapprove of both "cougarism" and "heffism" as being emotionally and intellectually unbalanced sexual partnerships in 90% of cases.....)
hell, he should do what he wants, and this may be very calculated as press exposure, but something about it -in the context of the whole weirdness- feels, well, odd. if the whole shoot is similarly nice black and white without full-frontal than no one can call it pure "porn". but... it looks good and feels weird, to me, a total stranger to him.
shall i just write it off to "celeb culture"? heck, if johnny depp (or angelina) did a classy almost nude/nude black and white i'd eat it up. but they're at least my age (johnny's older) and were famous/infamous before any such semi-nude spreads...
i don't know, the mass marketing of "young hot levi" just feels off to me, even if he looks good.
I liked it that Stephen called her book a steaming pile of dog/pig/horse/bat shit.
ReplyDeletePalin meets the criteria for Narcissistic Personality Disorder and would be the Primary diagnosis in her case based on what is known about her. She may, of course, have a dual diagnosis; however, I wouldn't assume that the Bipolar family is included at this point.
ReplyDeleteNPD is a pattern of traits and behaviors which signify infatuation and obsession with one's self to the exclusion of all others and the egotistic and ruthless pursuit of one's gratification, dominance and ambition.
NPD is one of a "family" of personality disorders .
(Other members: Borderline PD, Antisocial PD and Histrionic PD).
NPD is often diagnosed with other mental health disorders ("co-morbidity") - or with substance abuse, or impulsive and reckless behaviors ("dual diagnosis").
There has been more research regarding narcissism in the last 4-5 years. and what there is has not demonstrated any ethnic, social, cultural, economic, genetic, or professional predilection to NPD.
Pathological narcissism was first described in detail by Freud. Other major contributors are Klein, Horney, Kohut, Kernberg, Millon, Roningstam, Gunderson, Hare.
-The onset of narcissism is in infancy, childhood and early adolescence. It is commonly attributed to childhood abuse and trauma inflicted by parents, authority figures, or even peers.
-There is a whole range of narcissistic reactions - from the mild, reactive and transient to the permanent personality disorder.
-Narcissists are either "Cerebral" (derive their narcissistic supply from their intelligence or academic achievements) - or "Somatic" (derive their narcissistic supply from their physique, exercise, physical or sexual prowess and "conquests").
-Narcissists are either "Classic" or they are "Compensatory", or "Inverted".
-NPD is treated in talk therapy (psychodynamic or cognitive-behavioral). The prognosis for an adult narcissist is poor, though his adaptation to life and to others can improve with treatment. Medication is applied to side-effects and behaviors (such as mood or affect disorders and obsession-compulsion) - usually with some success.
An all-pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behaviour), need for admiration or adulation and lack of empathy, usually beginning by early adulthood and present in various contexts. Five (or more) of the following criteria must be met:
Feels grandiose and self-important (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents to the point of lying, demands to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)
Is obsessed with fantasies of unlimited success, fame, fearsome power or omnipotence, unequalled brilliance (the cerebral narcissist), bodily beauty or sexual performance (the somatic narcissist), or ideal, everlasting, all-conquering love or passion
Firmly convinced that he or she is unique and, being special, can only be understood by, should only be treated by, or associate with, other special or unique, or high-status people (or institutions)
Requires excessive admiration, adulation, attention and affirmation - or, failing that, wishes to be feared and to be notorious (narcissistic supply)
Feels entitled. Expects unreasonable or special and favorable priority treatment. Demands automatic and full compliance with his or her expectations
Is "interpersonally exploitative", i.e., uses others to achieve his or her own ends
Devoid of empathy. Is unable or unwilling to identify with or acknowledge the feelings and needs of others
Constantly envious of others or believes that they feel the same about him or her
Arrogant, haughty behaviours or attitudes coupled with rage when frustrated, contradicted, or confronted.
My concern about whatever Levi has "on her" will be only his word against hers. There had to be documented proof on ANYTHING he has to say, and I doubt he's in a position to produce such documentation.
ReplyDeleteSimply saying "I know she...whatever" will be ridiculed, much to Levi's detriment. UNLESS, of course, he can round up witnesses to back up his story.
I sure hope he's not setting himself up for her revenge.
Dear Tank ('cause I know u r reading this...),
ReplyDeletePlease have Levi write a tell all book. You have readers anxiously waiting, he'll make money & can do a "media tour" to the unreal America who was ignored by Palin (or should I say, who ignores Palin?).
Team Levi
Anon: 10:12pm
ReplyDeleteThat would be called the Palin Ponzi Scheme.
Gryphen...when Sarah goes on these right wing shows and spews her venom, you really need to think long and hard about protecting some source. This is a national security issue, now, it is no longer about Alaska. You and your sources or Levi need to put an end to this charade before someone is killed. I am serious...Sarah has said she will not sit down and shut up, so someone needs to make her.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe you and other Alaskans can just bide your time and wait for someone lese to be the first to spill the beans. Get the FBI involved if local law enforcement is corrupt.
CBJ, Parnell, the Republican party, they all were complicit in the lies, and you could be too.
1,000,000.00 a month, times that by 12 months =120,000,000.00 a year
1,000,000.00 a month, times that by 12 months =12,000,000.00 a year
that is, 1 million a month for a year is 12 million
I hate the armpit too and who is Frank Bailey?
ReplyDeleteanon @ 9:50
ReplyDeleteI am bi-polar. People who don't know that have asked my why I had such an instant negative reaction to Scarah. I mumble something, but in reality? I recognize in her everything I used to be, and at the same time hope that I never really was that bad. She doesn't seem the type that would ever take meds. That's the scarey part because it's a very short trip from mania to psychosis.
sunnyjane: if Levi said that Trig is not hers, I don't think we have to worry about "her word" against his.
ReplyDeleteIt would be so shocking and all over the news. Many would come out and talk who didn't before and the MSM would finally ask questions.
So, even if he doesn't personally have a copy of the birth certificate, his word would be enough to create a firestorm.
From the looks of Sarah's eyes, I am guessing that she is on meds. I believe, one of the reasons she quit her job was because she was going to have to be on medicine and didn't want anyone to find out. The loss of 2008 election, the pressures of having a special needs child and all of the other family pressures drove her to an emotional breaking point.
ReplyDeleteShe may be facing the early stages of menopause in addition to the other factors. For some women in Sarah's age group, they are diagnosed with ADHD late in life. I had a girlfriend who began the symptoms in her late 40s...her attention span became so short she could not read a book or finish even a simple task....she started real mood swings, high anxiety and showed the signs of being bipolar. With proper medication, she has improved. My girlfriend says she may have had ADHD all her life, but it just became more pronounced as her chemical balance changed during menopause.
Levi's armpits are almost as hairy as Sarah's armpits.
ReplyDeleteGotta stand up for the armpit hair, since Levi's appeal is as an Alaskan dude, not a metrosexual clubber. If he had shaved it, that would be creepy.
ReplyDeleteJust checked Ebay: so far 197 signed copies of Going Rogue for sale!!!
ReplyDeleteSomeone mentioned that Palin did have "counseling" or a confirmed diagnosis for her mental condition. If that were true Cathy Baldwin Johnson's letter is even more bogus. A candidates medical history would include all health matters. McCain listed his medications. Where is Palin's list?
ReplyDeleteAccording to Levi nothing in any MySpace accounts was true? He speaks about the old days with Bristol. Levi's next book: Two Virgins
ReplyDeleteLevi confessions
Levi is a good looking young man. I happen to find some body hair on men attractive :)
ReplyDeleteAfter seeing what mean vindictive things Palin wrote in her book, I can see why people in Alaska are reluctant to come forward.
Armpit hair? What a horror.
ReplyDeleteI happen to like armpit hair on a man.
He's going out hunting for weeks, and he worries about armpit hair.
Common, get real.
Todd's looks always made me think he was the Alaska fisherman version of this dud.
ReplyDeleteSarah's dream stud:
"Dang, I thought. Divorce Todd? Have you SEEN Todd???"
Armpit hysteria is a hoot! Everyone should shave everything all the time? Armpit hair in the shower!! What an outrage!!!!
I knew a baseball player rather well some years ago...about body hair: this guy claimed he shaved body hair in some significant places to keep "jock itch" at bay. Yeah, sure. :P
ReplyDeleteAs for Levi and his luxurious head and 'pit hair, it's just an indication of how luxuriant body hair probably is a bit farther down (hey, I'm 65 y/o, do you think I can't put 2+2 together??? :) )
...Which might explain the seeming contradiction between Tank Jones' claims of "full frontal" and later reports of "no, it's not the full monty".
I could say more in this space, but I think you get the idea.
Right on KaJo! You nailed it.
ReplyDeleteIt's absolutely ridiculous to expect men to shave/was their body hair. Levi is hot, even the parts I don't see. I have an imagination comparable to Kajo's.
OT but tonights local news had a clip of several (they said thousands - huge grain of salt) people who waited in Michigan, got armbands er wrist bands, waited 13 hours in a coooooolllld mall floor with their two copies of paid for Palin lies- only to be turned away from the signing event.
ReplyDeleteLet's hope her tour continues this way and turns the lemmings against her a few were visibly upset and voiced their disappointment.
5:36 PM
ReplyDeleteThose fools should count their blessings. They were spared being in the presence of the nations #1 liar and dufus energy sexpert. "oh.. my spawn was in Iran so you have oil to burn this summer."
To Anon 9:50.."sigh" I am so very tired of having to go over bipolar on this blog in particular. Palin may have mental illness..it may even be bipolar, personally I think she has a personality disorder or is a narcissist.
ReplyDeleteI am bipolar...have been my entire adult life. I have a Bachelors and Masters in Social work. I was an honour student....I worked hard at my employment, and moved steadily up the chain. I was Executive Director of a Treatment Centre for 12 years. I volunteered doing street outreach...I worked in schools on non violence programming.
I do not miss a day of work unless I am physically ill. I take my medication, and I am angry that anyone would think that I should be precluded from doing anyting in my life that suited my capabilities.
I am bipolar...I am not insane. I take care of myself, and I am not erratic. I have sat on and chaired many boards..including hospitals. I was the patient care advocate in my home community.
Please folks...do not throw out terms that you do not understand. If perhaps the commenter is bipolar and does not take his or her meds...then the statement would be correct. However..if someone was diabetic and let their blood sugars fluctuate...they too would be erratic.
Sorry...but this just hit a nerve.
Palin is someone who is hungry for fame and fortune. I believe she has terribly low self esteem and from what I have gleaned about her dad...she is always having to one up everything and everyone to prove herself.